87 research outputs found

    Empleo en nutrición y fitoterapia de aceites de semillas ricos en ácidos grasos esenciales omega-3. Evidencias científicas

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    Introducción: El aporte de los ácidos grasos omega-6 (ácido linoleico) y omega-3 (ácido linolénico) en la dieta es esencial para el desarrollo de determinadas funciones biológicas, sin embargo, en la actualidad hay un desequilibrio en la relación de omega-6/omega-3 hasta valores mayores de 20/1, en comparación con la recomendación menor a 5/1. Estudios recientes indican que el omega-3 es importante en la prevención de enfermedades no contagiosas, contribuyendo este mal balance a la producción de eicosanoides proinflamatorios y el desarrollo de enfermedades inflamatorias, cardiovasculares o cáncer. Las especies marinas son la forma más eficiente de obtener los ácidos grasos poliinsaturados de cadena larga, pero el aumento de la población mundial y la sobreexplotación pesquera, pueden limitar estos suministros, por ello, se están buscando alternativas más sostenibles que sean fuentes de omega-3 como microalgas, plantas y semillas. Objetivos: Identificar las semillas y aceites derivados más comunes que contienen omega-3 y evidencias que avalen su uso, así como otras especies con posible potencial para su utilización como fuentes de omega-3 y propuestas de recursos sostenibles. Metodología: Para la elaboración de esta revisión se emplearon bases de datos como PubMed, Scholar Google, Scielo y ScienceDirect, así como sitios web, monografías y textos científicos. Resultados: Entre las especies encontradas con mejor ratio omega-6/omega-3 y evidencias científicas en relación con sus beneficios terapéuticos, destacan las semillas de Cannabis sativa, Linum usitatissimum, Salvia hispanica, Glycine max y Juglans regia. Además, algunos estudios recogen el potencial de otras especies como Buglossoides arvensis y Echium plantagineum por contener ácido estearidónico, con mejor conversión a los ácidos grasos poliinsaturados de cadena larga que el ácido linolénico. Conclusiones: Las semillas y aceites de semillas se pueden considerar una buena fuente de omega-3 con efectos beneficiosos sobre la salud, destacando el potencial del ácido estearidónico presente en algunas especies, siendo necesarios más estudios y ensayos clínicos que apoyen su utilización en Fitoterapia y Nutrición.Universidad de Sevilla. Doble Grado en Farmacia Y Óptica Y Optometrí

    Intestinal inflammation-associated hypersensitivity is attenuated in a DSS model of colitis in Sigma-1 knockout C57BL/6 mice

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    Altres ajuts: Acord transformatiu CRUE-CSICAjuts: The present work was funded by Laboratories ESTEVE, Barcelona, SpainSigma-1 receptors (σ1R) have been implicated in several pain pathways. We assessed the implication of σ1Rs in the development of intestinal inflammation and inflammation-associated referred hypersensitivity in a model of colitis in σ1R knockout (KO) mice. Colitis was induced with dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) in wild type (WT) and σ1R KO mice. The development of referred mechanical hypersensitivity (von Frey test) was assessed. Colonic and spinal changes in expression of immune- and sensory-related markers were also investigated (RT-qPCR/Western blot). Absence of σ1Rs had little impact in colitis generation and progression, although during the chronic phase a reduction in edema and a down-regulation of iNOS gene expression was observed. In σ1R KO mice, inflammation-associated hypersensitivity was significantly attenuated (paw) or completely prevented (abdomen). During colitis, in WT mice, changes in the colonic expression of nociceptive markers were observed during the acute and chronic phases of inflammation. Although σ1R KO mice showed similar regulation in the acute phase, an attenuated response was observed during the chronic phase of colitis. These differences were especially relevant for CB2 and TRPV1 receptors, which could play an important role in σ1-mediated regulation of sensitivity. No changes were detected on ERK phosphorylation at the level of the lumbosacral spinal cord. In summary, intestinal inflammation-associated referred hyperalgesia was reduced (paw) or absent (abdomen) in σ1R KO mice, thus confirming an important role for σ1R in the development of colitis-associated hypersensitivity. These results identify σ1Rs as a possible therapeutic target for the treatment of hypersensitivity associated to intestinal inflammation

    In support of extending the Ravenscar profile

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    This paper discusses different approaches for implementing an EEPROM memory driver which is part of the UPMSat2 satellite on-board computer software. The Ravenscar profile restrictions are to be observed in order to ensure the analysability of the system, and therefore the approaches are evaluated against the profile. Results of this evaluation as well as considerations on a possible extension of the Ravenscar profile with respect protected entries are presented

    Genetic and Pharmacological Blockade of Sigma-1 Receptors Attenuates Inflammation-Associated Hypersensitivity during Acute Colitis in CD1 Mice

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    Sigma-1 receptors (σRs) are implicated in nociception, including pain sensitization, and inflammation. We assessed the role of σRs on acute colitis-associated hypersensitivity using both genetic (constitutive knockout) and pharmacological blockade of the receptor. Colitis was induced in CD1 wild-type (WT) and σR KO mice (exposure to dextran sodium sulfate, 3%). A von Frey test was used to assess referred mechanosensitivity (abdominal and plantar withdrawal responses). The effects of the selective σR antagonists BD1063 and E-52862 were also assessed in WT animals. The expression of immune and sensory-related markers (RT-qPCR, Western blot) was assessed in the colon and lumbosacral spinal cord. The genetic ablation or pharmacological blockade of σRs attenuated acute colonic inflammation in a similar manner. Mechanosensitivity was similar in WT and σR KO mice before colitis. In WT mice, but not in σR KO, colitis was associated with the development of referred mechanical hypersensitivity, manifested as a reduction in the withdrawal thresholds to mechanical probing (paw and abdominal wall). In WT mice, BD1063 and E-52862 blocked colitis-associated hypersensitivity. A genotype- and treatment-related differential regulation of sensory-related markers was detected locally (colon) and within the spinal cord. σRs are involved in the development of acute intestinal inflammation and its associated referred mechanical hypersensitivity. The selective modulation of sensory-related pathways within the colon and spinal cord might be part of the underlying mechanisms. These observations support the pharmacological use of σR antagonists for the treatment of intestinal inflammation-induced hypersensitivity

    Kanhiua: nova alternativa alimentar para prevenir a desnutrição e as doenças cardiovasculares

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    Existen diversos cereales andinos, como la quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) y el amaranto (Amaranthus spp.), que en la actualidad están siendo revalorizados por su elevado valor nutritivo, representando también la Kañiwa (Chenopodium pallidicaule Aellen), una nueva alternativa alimentaria debido a su riqueza en nutrientes. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar el contenido en macro y micronutrientes de la Kañiwa, a los fi nes de su utilización como alimento funcional. Para ello se determinó el contenido en macro y micronutrientes según normas AOAC-IRAM. Resultados: Es rica en proteínas, hierro, fósforo, calcio, zinc, tiamina, niacina, ribofl avina, ácido ascórbico, ácido oleico, ácido linoleico, ácido linolénico y no contiene grasas trans. Conclusiones: Contribuiría a mejorar el hambre oculta, a prevenir el desarrollo de la defi ciencia de hierro, a optimizar el funcionamiento del sistema inmunológico y a evitar el desarrollo de enfermedades cardiovasculares por su contenido en grasas saludables.There are different Andean cereals, such as quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) and amaranth (Amaranthus spp.) which are currently being appreciated because of their high nutritional value. Kañiwa (Chenopodium pallidicaule Aellen) represents a new food alternative due to its richness in nutrients.The objective of this research is to analyze the content of macro and micro nutrients present in the Kañiwa, so as to use it as functional food.The content of macro and micro nutrients was determined using AOAC-IRAM standards. Results: It is rich in proteins, iron, phosphorous, calcium, zinc, thiamine, niacin, ribofl avin, ascorbic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid, linolenic acid and it does not have trans fats.Conclusions: Kañiwa would contribute to improve hidden hunger, prevent the development of iron defi ciency, optimize the functioning of the immune system and avoid the development of cardivascular diseases thanks to its content of healthy fats.Existem vários cereais andinos, como a Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) e o amaranto (Amaranthus spp.), que está sendo revalorizado pelo seu alto valor nutritivo, representando também a Kanhiua (Chenopodium pallidicaule Aellen), uma nova alternativa de alimentos, pela sua riqueza em nutrientes. O objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar o conteúdo de macro e micronutrientes na Kanhiua, aos efeitos da sua utilização como alimento funcional. Para isso, o conteúdo de macro e micronutrientes foi apurado de acordo com a AOAC-IRAM. Resultados: É rica em proteína, ferro, fósforo, cálcio, zinco, tiamina, niacina, ribofl avina, ácido ascórbico, ácido oleico, ácido linoleico, ácido linolênico e não contém gorduras trans. Conclusões: Seria útil para melhorar a fome oculta, impedir o desenvolvimento de defi ciência de ferro, para otimizar o funcionamento do sistema imunológico e prevenir o desenvolvimento da doença cardiovascular, pelo seu conteúdo de gorduras saudáveis.Fil: Torrejón, Irma del Rosario. Universidad Nacional de Jujuy. Instituto de Biología de la Altura; ArgentinaFil: Martin, Beatriz Lilia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Jujuy. Instituto de Biología de la Altura; ArgentinaFil: de la Puente, Teresita Beatriz. Universidad Nacional de Jujuy. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; ArgentinaFil: Nasser, Julio Rubén. Universidad Nacional de Salta. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales; ArgentinaFil: Rizzi, Ricardo Glauco. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Medicina. Escuela de Salud Pública; Argentin

    Influence of the actions observed on cervical motion in patients with chronic neck pain: a pilot study

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    The aim of the present pilot study was to prove if the action-observation (AOb) improved the cervical range of motion (CROM) in patients with nonspecific chronic neck pain (CNP). Double blind pilot study. A total of 28 subjects were randomly assigned to an effective-movement group (n= 14) and an ineffective-movement group (n= 14). The follow-up consisted of: pretreatment, posttreatment and 10 min after second measurement (motor imagery). Outcome measures were CROM, and pressure pain detection thresholds (PPDTs). No statistical differences were found in baseline on CROM and on the PPDT. Test for independent groups revealed significant changes in cervical rotation movement. Both groups in posttreatment (P= 0.042; Cohen d= 0.81) and after 10 min (P= 0.019; Cohen d= 0.9). For intragroup PPDT, the Wilcoxon test revealed significant effects in the effective movement at C2 of the pre to 10-min post (P= 0.040). However, the ineffective movement revealed a significant reduction in PPDT in zygapophyseal joint of C5-C6 as the pre to post (P= 0.010) as the pre to 10-min post (P= 0.041) periods. In conclusions this pilot study demonstrated that the effective AOb produced significant changes versus ineffective AOb in the CROM and it could influences in PPT in subject with CNP immediately

    Kanhiua: nova alternativa alimentar para prevenir a desnutrição e as doenças cardiovasculares

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    Existen diversos cereales andinos, como la quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) y el amaranto (Amaranthus spp.), que en la actualidad están siendo revalorizados por su elevado valor nutritivo, representando también la Kañiwa (Chenopodium pallidicaule Aellen), una nueva alternativa alimentaria debido a su riqueza en nutrientes. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar el contenido en macro y micronutrientes de la Kañiwa, a los fi nes de su utilización como alimento funcional. Para ello se determinó el contenido en macro y micronutrientes según normas AOAC-IRAM. Resultados: Es rica en proteínas, hierro, fósforo, calcio, zinc, tiamina, niacina, ribofl avina, ácido ascórbico, ácido oleico, ácido linoleico, ácido linolénico y no contiene grasas trans. Conclusiones: Contribuiría a mejorar el hambre oculta, a prevenir el desarrollo de la defi ciencia de hierro, a optimizar el funcionamiento del sistema inmunológico y a evitar el desarrollo de enfermedades cardiovasculares por su contenido en grasas saludables.There are different Andean cereals, such as quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) and amaranth (Amaranthus spp.) which are currently being appreciated because of their high nutritional value. Kañiwa (Chenopodium pallidicaule Aellen) represents a new food alternative due to its richness in nutrients.The objective of this research is to analyze the content of macro and micro nutrients present in the Kañiwa, so as to use it as functional food.The content of macro and micro nutrients was determined using AOAC-IRAM standards. Results: It is rich in proteins, iron, phosphorous, calcium, zinc, thiamine, niacin, ribofl avin, ascorbic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid, linolenic acid and it does not have trans fats.Conclusions: Kañiwa would contribute to improve hidden hunger, prevent the development of iron defi ciency, optimize the functioning of the immune system and avoid the development of cardivascular diseases thanks to its content of healthy fats.Existem vários cereais andinos, como a Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) e o amaranto (Amaranthus spp.), que está sendo revalorizado pelo seu alto valor nutritivo, representando também a Kanhiua (Chenopodium pallidicaule Aellen), uma nova alternativa de alimentos, pela sua riqueza em nutrientes. O objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar o conteúdo de macro e micronutrientes na Kanhiua, aos efeitos da sua utilização como alimento funcional. Para isso, o conteúdo de macro e micronutrientes foi apurado de acordo com a AOAC-IRAM. Resultados: É rica em proteína, ferro, fósforo, cálcio, zinco, tiamina, niacina, ribofl avina, ácido ascórbico, ácido oleico, ácido linoleico, ácido linolênico e não contém gorduras trans. Conclusões: Seria útil para melhorar a fome oculta, impedir o desenvolvimento de defi ciência de ferro, para otimizar o funcionamento do sistema imunológico e prevenir o desenvolvimento da doença cardiovascular, pelo seu conteúdo de gorduras saudáveis.Fil: Torrejón, Irma del Rosario. Universidad Nacional de Jujuy. Instituto de Biología de la Altura; ArgentinaFil: Martin, Beatriz Lilia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Jujuy. Instituto de Biología de la Altura; ArgentinaFil: de la Puente, Teresita Beatriz. Universidad Nacional de Jujuy. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; ArgentinaFil: Nasser, Julio Rubén. Universidad Nacional de Salta. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales; ArgentinaFil: Rizzi, Ricardo Glauco. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Medicina. Escuela de Salud Pública; Argentin

    Microwave heating processes involving carbon materials

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    [EN] Carbon materials are, in general, very good absorbents of microwaves, i.e., they are easily heated by microwave radiation. This characteristic allows them to be transformed by microwave heating, giving rise to new carbons with tailored properties, to be used as microwave receptors, in order to heat other materials indirectly, or to act as a catalyst and microwave receptor in different heterogeneous reactions. In recent years, the number of processes that combine the use of carbons and microwave heating instead of other methods based on conventional heating has increased. In this paper some of the microwave-assisted processes in which carbon materials are produced, transformed or used in thermal treatments (generally, as microwave absorbers and catalysts) are reviewed and the main achievements of this technique are compared with those obtained by means of conventional (non microwave-assisted) methods in similar conditions.B.F., Y.F and L.Z. are grateful to CSIC of Spain and the European Social Fund (ESF) for financial support under thesis grant I3P-BDP-2006. Financial support from the PCTI-Asturias (Project PEST08-03) is also acknowledgedPeer reviewe

    Drug prescription pattern in exotic pet and wildlife animal practice: a retrospective study in a Spanish veterinary teaching hospital from 2018 to 2022

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    [EN] Exotic companion animals have had an important role in our society since ancient times. Preserving animal health is necessary to do a responsible use of veterinary medicines. This study aimed to describe the prescription patterns of drugs in exotic pets and wildlife animals attending the Veterinary Teaching Hospital of the University of León (HVULE). A retrospective study was carried out between 2018 and 2022. Birds were the largest group of exotic animals attending the HVULE. Visits were related to emergency reasons and for musculoskeletal disorders. One-third of the animals were eventually euthanised. Regarding pharmacological treatments, the most frequently active ingredients used were pentobarbital, isoflurane, meloxicam, and within antibiotics, marbofloxacin (category B in the classification of European Medicines Agency).S

    Enhanced thermoelectricity in metal−[60]fullerene−graphene molecular junctions

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    The thermoelectric properties of molecular junctions consisting of a metal Pt electrode contacting [60]fullerene derivatives covalently bound to a graphene electrode have been studied by using a conducting-probe atomic force microscope (c-AFM). The [60]fullerene derivatives are covalently linked to the graphene via two meta-connected phenyl rings, two para-connected phenyl rings, or a single phenyl ring. We find that the magnitude of the Seebeck coefficient is up to nine times larger than that of Au-C60-Pt molecular junctions. Moreover, the sign of the thermopower can be either positive or negative depending on the details of the binding geometry and on the local value of the Fermi energy. Our results demonstrate the potential of using graphene electrodes for controlling and enhancing the thermoelectric properties of molecular junctions and confirm the outstanding performance of [60]fullerene derivativesThis work has been supported by the European Commission through FP7 ITN MOLESCO (Project Number 606728), the (MAD2D-CM)-UCM1-MRR project and through the EC H2020 FET Open Project Grant Agreement Number 767187 “QuIET”. The authors acknowledge support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation MCIN (Projects PID2020-114653RB-I00, PID2020-115120GB-I00, Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa SEV-2016-0686). L.R.-G. acknowledges support from Spanish MECD (Grant No. FPU14/03368) and, with N.A., funding from the Education and Research Council of the Comunidad de Madrid and the European Social Fund (ref. PEJD-2019-POST/IND-16353