97 research outputs found

    Red nucleus and rubrospinal tract disorganization in the absence of Pou4f1

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    The red nucleus (RN) is a neuronal population that plays an important role in forelimb motor control and locomotion. Histologically it is subdivided into two subpopulations, the parvocellular RN (pRN) located in the diencephalon and the magnocellular RN (mRN) in the mesencephalon. The RN integrates signals from motor cortex and cerebellum and projects to spinal cord interneurons and motor neurons through the rubrospinal tract (RST). Pou4f1 is a transcription factor highly expressed in this nucleus that has been related to its specification. Here we profoundly analyzed consequences of Pou4f1 loss-of-function in development, maturation and axonal projection of the RN. Surprisingly, RN neurons are specified and maintained in the mutant, no cell death was detected. Nevertheless, the nucleus appeared disorganized with a strong delay in radial migration and with a wider neuronal distribution; the neurons did not form a compacted population as they do in controls, Robo1 and Slit2 were miss-expressed. Cplx1 and Npas1, expressed in the RN, are transcription factors involved in neurotransmitter release, neuronal maturation and motor function processes among others. In our mutant mice, both transcription factors are lost, suggesting an abnormal maturation of the RN. The resulting altered nucleus occupied a wider territory. Finally, we examined RST development and found that the RN neurons were able to project to the spinal cord but their axons appeared defasciculated. These data suggest that Pou4f1 is necessary for the maturation of RN neurons but not for their specification and maintenance.Peer reviewedPeer Reviewe

    Exploración de la domótica emocional: una propuesta sensorial en la relación hombre-espacio

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    Architecture reflects designer’s intentionality to transform space and contribute to user’s comfort perception. Thus, it embraces information and communication technologies—domotics—to intensify its interactionwith diverse enviromental elements. Hitherto, domotics implementation has allowed unidirectional communication from users to space. However, when incorporating intelligent emotion recognition systems, communications becomes bidirectional, enabling an adaptative response from space. This article explores such radical change within user–space relationship and proposes a conceptualmodel based on comfort as a starting point for further study.La arquitectura refleja la intencionalidad del diseñador por transformar el espacio y contribuir a la percepción de confort del usuario. En este proceso integra tecnologías de la información y comunicación —domótica— intensificando su interacción con diversos elementos del entorno. Su aplicación ha permitido hasta ahora la comunicación unidireccional del usuario con el espacio, pero al incorporar el reconocimiento inteligente de emociones se transforma en bidireccional posibilitando la respuesta del espacio, adaptándose. El presente artículo explora este cambio radical en la relación usuario-espacio y propone un modelo conceptual basado en elconfort como punto de partida para profundizar en su estudio


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    La presente tesis “Propuesta de un Plan de valorización de residuos sólidos inorgánicos municipales del distrito de Chirinos–Provincia de San Ignacio-departamento de Cajamarca“, se basó en la necesidad de un manejo de los residuos sólidos inorgánicos de forma económica, sanitaria y ambientalmente adecuada, siendo los principales problemas; la ausencia de cultura ambiental de los pobladores, contaminación de fuentes hídricas, así como la pérdida de la belleza paisajística generada por los residuos , dañando seriamente al ambiente y ocasionando daño a la salud. El problema de investigación ¿Se podrá realizar una propuesta de un plan de valorización de residuos sólidos inorgánicos municipales en el distrito de Chirinos – provincia de San Ignacio – departamento de Cajamarca año 2019?, da como objetivo general proponer un plan de valorización de residuos sólidos inorgánicos municipales del distrito de Chirinos. El diseño y tipo de investigación es descriptiva propositiva con hipótesis implícita. Se hizo la caracterización de los residuos sólidos, obteniendo su generación per cápita (Gpc) tipo y composición, según los resultados; en el distrito de Chirinos la Gpc es de 0.53 kg/día y los residuos inorgánicos que más se generan son: Papel 0.93%, plástico duro 2.60%, plástico Pet 1.89%, cartón 1.03% y Tetrapack 0.32%. Dichos resultados permitieron elaborar un plan de valorización de residuos sólidos inorgánicos incluyendo plan de rutas, equipamiento y formalización de recicladores, además se propuso mejorar el nivel de educación ambiental de los pobladores a través de un programa de sensibilización promoviendo el uso de la regla de las 3R.Tesi

    La fabricación digital en la educación inclusiva para estudiantes con discapacidad visual. Análisis literario y bibliométrico

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    Technology integration in teaching people with disabilities is essential and has generated the so-called assistive technologies. Among them, digital manufacturing technologies, considered transformative, have made personalization faster and access easier and more affordable, mainly for the visually impaired. This research combines a literature review with bibliometrics to evaluate the application of digital fabrication technologies in the learning process of students with visual disabilities. Likewise, it analyzes its contribution to implementing explicit instruction, a fundamental and transversal methodology for teaching people with and without visual disabilities. It offers a multisensory educational experience and can potentially increase the number of inclusive educational spaces.La integración de la tecnología en los procesos de enseñanza de las personas con discapacidad es primordial y ha generado las denominadas tecnologías de asistencia. Entre ellas, las tecnologías de fabricación digital, consideradas transformadoras, vienen acelerando su personalización, facilitando el acceso y asequibilidad principalmente para la población con discapacidad visual. La presente investigación combina la técnica de revisión de literatura con la bibliométrica para evaluar la aplicación de las tecnologías de fabricación digital en el proceso de aprendizaje de estudiantes con discapacidad visual. Asimismo, analiza su aporte en la implementación de la instrucción explícita, una metodología de enseñanza fundamental y transversal a la enseñanza de personas con y sin discapacidad visual, que ofrece una experiencia educativa multisensorial, teniendo potencial para fungir de catalizadora en el incremento de espacios educativos inclusivos

    Planeamiento estratégico de Misticom

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    GLG Perú Sociedad Anónima Cerrada, que opera comercialmente como Misticom, fue fundada en 2010 como proveedora de servicios de Internet (ISP) con el objetivo de proporcionar servicios de Internet de banda ancha. La compañía opera desde la ciudad de Arequipa, en la cual ha desplegado una red de fibra óptica. Misticom se ha consolidado como un competidor en el mercado de las telecomunicaciones en Arequipa. Sin embargo, el sector de telecomunicaciones peruano es competitivo, mientras que Misticom es relativamente pequeño, y es probable que el nivel de competencia continúe aumentando. La organización tiene que prepararse para ser sostenible a largo plazo y aumentar su competitividad hoy; para lo cual se plantea implementar el presente plan estratégico con proyección hasta el 2025. Este plan estratégico fue elaborado para que en el año 2025 Misticom mantenga su liderazgo y aumente el tamaño de sus ventas en cada segmento de actividad. Para alcanzar esta visión, hemos establecido los principales lineamientos y objetivos a lograr en el plazo mencionado. Hemos establecido una nueva misión y visión, así como un código ético para la empresa. La nueva visión al año 2025, es estar entre los tres mayores distribuidores de servicios de Internet corporativos en términos de clientes en Arequipa, con una línea competitiva de soluciones de telecomunicaciones, siendo reconocido por la calidad de los productos al tiempo que contribuye al desarrollo de la productividad empresarial peruana. La nueva misión es proporcionar productos de telecomunicaciones del mayor nivel internacional, mientras se superan continuamente las exigencias de los clientes y se crea valor para ellos. Para completar el nuevo plan, se han identificado cinco objetivos a largo plazo, cada uno de los cuales produce tres objetivos a corto plazo, o sea quince en total. El éxito de este último debe medirse dinámicamente a través del uso de la herramienta balanced score card (BSC).GLG Peru Closed Company, which operates commercially as Misticom, was founded in 2010 as an Internet service provider (ISP) with the aim of providing broadband Internet services. The company operates from the city of Arequipa, where it has deployed a fiber optic network. Misticom has established itself as a competitor in the telecommunications market in Arequipa. However, the telecommunications sector is competitive, while Misticom is relatively small, and it is likely that the level of competition will continue to increase. The organization must prepare to be sustainable in the long term and increase its competitiveness today; for which it is proposed to implement this strategic plan with projection until 2025. This strategic plan was elaborated so that for the year 2025 Misticom maintains its leadership and increases its size of sales in every segment of activity. To achieve this vision, we have established the main guidelines and objectives to be achieved within the mentioned period. We have established a new mission and vision, as well as an ethical code for the company. The new vision to the year 2025 is to be among the three largest distributors of corporate Internet services in terms of customers in Arequipa, with a competitive line of telecommunications solutions, being recognized the quality of products in the time they contribute to development of Peruvian business productivity. The new mission is to provide telecommunications products of the highest international level, while continually exceeding the demands of the customers and creating value for them. In order to complete with the new plan there have been identified five long term objectives, each of which producing three short term objectives or fifteen in total. The success of the latter is to be measured dynamically through the use of the tool Balanced score card (BSC).Tesi

    Temporal dynamics and neuronal specificity of Grin3a expression in the mouse forebrain

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    GluN3A subunits endow N-Methyl-D-Aspartate receptors (NMDARs) with unique biophysical, trafficking, and signaling properties. GluN3A-NMDARs are typically expressed during postnatal development, when they are thought to gate the refinement of neural circuits by inhibiting synapse maturation, and stabilization. Recent work suggests that GluN3A also operates in adult brains to control a variety of behaviors, yet a full spatiotemporal characterization of GluN3A expression is lacking. Here, we conducted a systematic analysis of Grin3a (gene encoding mouse GluN3A) mRNA expression in the mouse brain by combining high-sensitivity colorimetric and fluorescence in situ hybridization with labeling for neuronal subtypes. We find that, while Grin3a mRNA expression peaks postnatally, significant levels are retained into adulthood in specific brain regions such as the amygdala, medial habenula, association cortices, and high-order thalamic nuclei. The time-course of emergence and down-regulation of Grin3a expression varies across brain region, cortical layer of residence, and sensory modality, in a pattern that correlates with previously reported hierarchical gradients of brain maturation and functional specialization. Grin3a is expressed in both excitatory and inhibitory neurons, with strong mRNA levels being a distinguishing feature of somatostatin interneurons. Our study provides a comprehensive map of Grin3a distribution across the murine lifespan and paves the way for dissecting the diverse functions of GluN3A in health and disease. circuit refinement, excitatory glycine receptors, high-order thalamus, neocortical maturation, somatostatin interneuron

    Overview of the History of the Cranial Nerves: From Galen to the 21st Century

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    Throughout history the description and classification of the cranial nerves has been linked to the development and characteristics of anatomy and the role that it played as a tool in providing rationality to medicine, together with social, cultural, religious, and philosophical factors. Anatomists were interested in the cranial nerves, but they disagreed on their number and their paths. We can divide the history of the cranial nerves into three different periods: the first, early or macroscopic period; the second or microscopic period; and the third period or ontogenesis and genoarchitecture. The main aim of this article is to show how the description and knowledge of the cranial nerves were developed in the course of these three periods, and to highlight the main changes produced and the factors related to these changes. We describe how the first period was mainly focused on establishing the definition, number and paths of the cranial nerves, through contributions ranging from Galen’s studies in the second century to Sömmerring’s Doctoral Dissertation in 1778 that described 12 cranial nerves for the first time. Then, the microscopic period was concentrated on the identification of the real nuclei of origin of the different cranial nerves located in the brain stem. Finally came the third period, or ontogenesis and genoarchitecture of the rhombecephalic and mesencephalic cranial nerve nuclei

    Neuronal tangential migration from Nkx2.1-positive hypothalamus

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    During the development of the central nervous system, the immature neurons suffer different migration processes. It is well known that Nkx2.1-positive ventricular layer give rise to critical tangential migrations into different regions of the developing forebrain. Our aim was to study this phenomenon in the hypothalamic region. With this purpose, we used a transgenic mouse line that expresses the tdTomato reporter driven by the promotor of Nkx2.1. Analysing the Nkx2.1-positive derivatives at E18.5, we found neural contributions to the prethalamic region, mainly in the zona incerta and in the mes-diencephalic tegmental region. We studied the developing hypothalamus along the embryonic period. From E10.5 we detected that the Nkx2.1 expression domain was narrower than the reporter distribution. Therefore, the Nkx2.1 expression fades in a great number of the early-born neurons from the Nkx2.1-positive territory. At the most caudal positive part, we detected a thin stream of positive neurons migrating caudally into the mes-diencephalic tegmental region using time-lapse experiments on open neural tube explants. Late in development, we found a second migratory stream into the prethalamic territory. All these tangentially migrated neurons developed a gabaergic phenotype. In summary, we have described the contribution of interneurons from the Nkx2.1-positive hypothalamic territory into two different rostrocaudal territories: the mes-diencephalic reticular formation through a caudal tangential migration and the prethalamic zona incerta complex through a dorsocaudal tangential migratio

    Carbon and nitrogen limitation increase chitosan antifungal activity in Neurospora crassa and fungal human pathogens

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    Chitosan permeabilizes plasma membrane and kills sensitive filamentous fungi and yeast. Membrane fluidity and cell energy determine chitosan sensitivity in fungi. A five-fold reduction of both glucose (main carbon (C) source) and nitrogen (N) increased 2-fold Neurospora crassa sensitivity to chitosan. We linked this increase with production of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) and plasma membrane permeabilization. Releasing N. crassa from nutrient limitation reduced chitosan antifungal activity in spite of high ROS intracellular levels. With lactate instead of glucose, C and N limitation increased N. crassa sensitivity to chitosan further (4-fold) than what glucose did. Nutrient limitation also increased sensitivity of filamentous fungi and yeast human pathogens to chitosan. For Fusarium proliferatum, lowering 100-fold C and N content in the growth medium, increased 16-fold chitosan sensitivity. Similar results were found for Candida spp. (including fluconazole resistant strains) and Cryptococcus spp. Severe C and N limitation increased chitosan antifungal activity for all pathogens tested. Chitosan at 100 μg ml-1 was lethal for most fungal human pathogens tested but non-toxic to HEK293 and COS7 mammalian cell lines. Besides, chitosan increased 90% survival of Galleria mellonella larvae infected with C. albicans. These results are of paramount for developing chitosan as antifungal.This work was supported by Grants from the Spanish Ministries of Economy and Competitiveness (AGL 2011-29297/AGR) and (BFU 2010-16548)