48 research outputs found

    Regulación temporal y sensorial de la ingesta en la dorada (Sparus aurata)

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    [ES] La acuicultura es una de las principales actividades en el ámbito de la producción animal. Su progreso está delimitado por la dependencia de materias primas de origen tanto marino como terrestre, ambas necesarias para la elaboración de piensos destinados a la alimentación de las especies en cultivo. La introducción de nuevas materias primas o sustancias destinadas a la mejora de la fisiología de la especie (piensos funcionales) puede comprometer la palatabilidad de los piensos, su consumo y por extensión el crecimiento de los animales. El objetivo principal de esta tesis fue encontrar aditivos sensoriales (saborizantes) que puedan sobrepasar los efectos negativos sobre la palatabilidad de los piensos inducidos por la inclusión de materias vegetales en la elaboración de los piensos para cultivo de la dorada (Sparus aurata). Para ello, evaluamos la funcionalidad de los sistemas de auto-demanda en el estudio del comportamiento alimenticio de esta especie, profundizando en su posible utilidad en la discriminación sensorial/gustativa de los piensos. Evaluamos el efecto de estrógenos y andrógenos no aromatizables sobre la ingesta como posibles factores anti-nutricionales presentes en los piensos de sustitución. Estudiamos el efecto de dos saborizantes sobre la ingesta y dinámica de crecimiento de la dorada y finalmente estudiamos el posible efecto de estos sobre la anorexia inducida por el estrés. Los resultados demuestran que la dorada se adapta bien a los sistemas de auto-demanda y estos pueden ser utilizados para el estudio de su comportamiento alimenticio. Utilizando estos sistemas hemos demostrado que la dorada puede discriminar entre diferentes piensos en función de la presencia de elementos fuertemente amargos o de elementos saborizantes que pueden además ayudar a sobrepasar los efectos negativos del estrés sobre la ingesta. Finalmente, demostramos que esta especie es especialmente sensible a la presencia de estrógenos o andrógenos no aromatizables en la composición del pienso sugiriendo que los elementos estrogénicos o androgénicos pueden actuar como elementos anti-nutricionales.[CA] L'aqüicultura és una de les principals activitats en l'àmbit de la producció animal. El seu progrés està delimitat per la dependència de matèries primeres d'origen tant marí com terrestre, totes dues necessàries per a l'elaboració de pinsos destinats a l'alimentació de les espècies en cultiu. La introducció de noves matèries primeres o substàncies destinades a la millora de la fisiologia de l'espècie (pinsos funcionals) pot comprometre la palatabilitat dels pinsos, el seu consum i per extensió el creixement dels animals. L'objectiu principal d'aquesta tesi va ser trobar additius sensorials (saboritzants) que puguen sobrepassar els efectes negatius sobre la palatabilitat dels pinsos induïts per la inclusió de matèries vegetals en l'elaboració dels pinsos per a cultiu de l'orada (Sparus aurata). Per això, avaluem la funcionalitat dels sistemes d'auto-demanda en l'estudi del comportament alimentari d'aquesta espècie, aprofundint en la seua possible utilitat en la discriminació sensorial/gustativa dels pinsos. Avaluem l'efecte d'estrògens i andrògens no aromatizables sobre la ingesta com a possibles factors anti-nutricionals presents en els pinsos de substitució. Estudiem l'efecte de dos saboritzants sobre la ingesta i dinàmica de creixement de l'orada i finalment estudiem el possible efecte d'aquests sobre l'anorèxia induïda per l'estrés. Els resultats demostren que l'orada s'adapta bé als sistemes d'auto-demanda i aquests poden ser utilitzats per a l'estudi del seu comportament alimentari. Utilitzant aquests sistemes hem demostrat que l'orada pot discriminar entre diferents pinsos en funció de la presència d'elements fortament amargs o d'elements saboritzants que poden a més ajudar a sobrepassar els efectes negatius de l'estrés sobre la ingesta. Finalment, vam demostrar que aquesta espècie és especialment sensible a la presència d'estrògens o andrògens no aromatizables en la composició del pinso suggerint que els elements estrogènics o androgènics poden actuar com a elements anti-nutricionals.[EN] Aquaculture is one of the main activities within the animal production. Its progress is constricted by the dependency raw materials with marine and terrestrial origin both critical for the production of feed diets for cultured species. The incorporation of new raw materials or functional substances driven to the improvement of animal physiology (functional feed) can compromise the palatability of diets, consumption and by extension animal growth. The main issue of this thesis was to find sensorial enhancers that can overcome the negative effects on diet palatability induced by the inclusion of vegetal rows in the elaboration of feed for seabream culture (Sparus aurata). To that end we test the functionality of self-feeding systems in the study of feeding behaviour of this species deepening in the study of sensory/gustatory feed discrimination. We also evaluate the effect of both oestrogens and no-aromatized androgen on food intake as potential anti-nutritionals included in the substitution diets. In addition, we studied the effect of flavourings on seabream feeding behaviour and growth performance and finally we studied the potential effect on stress-induced anorexia. Results demonstrated that seabream adapts perfectly to self-feeding systems that can be used for the study its feeding behaviour. Using self-feeding systems, we have also demonstrated that seabream can discriminate between different diets by association to potent sour deterrents of flavourings that can help to overcome the negative effects of stress on feeding behaviour. Finally, we demonstrate that seabream is especially sensible to the presence of oestrogen or androgens in the diet compositing suggesting its potential role as anti-nutritional elements.Puchol Soriano, S. (2022). Regulación temporal y sensorial de la ingesta en la dorada (Sparus aurata) [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/181576TESI

    La Competència social i la conducta prosocial, en estudiants de secundària

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    At this work two fundamental elements in relationships with peers, social competence and prosocial behavior, are analyzed in 193 teenagers from secondary studies.. Results shows how scales of Prosocial Behaviour influences in a significative way on Social Competence sub-scales. High levels of Prosocial Behavior are significantly related in a positive way with Appropriate Social Skills dimension of social competence, while high levels of Antisocial Behavior are positively related to Inappropriate Assertiveness, Pride and Solitude scales. There is also a positive significance between Antisocial Behavior subscale and Inappropriate Assertiveness scale of Social Competence

    Pooled Time Series Modeling Reveals Smoking Habit Memory Pattern

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    Smoking is a habit that is hard to break because nicotine is highly addictive and smoking behavior is strongly linked to multiple daily activities and routines. Here, we explored the effect of gender, age, day of the week, and previous smoking on the number of cigarettes smoked on any given day. Data consisted of daily records of the number of cigarettes participants smoked over an average period of 84 days. The sample included smokers (36 men and 26 women), aged between 18 and 26 years, who smoked at least five cigarettes a day and had smoked for at least 2 years. A panel data analysis was performed by way of multilevel pooled time series modeling. Smoking on any given day was a function of the number of cigarettes smoked on the previous day, and 2, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, and 56 days previously, and the day of the week. Neither gender nor age influenced this pattern, with no multilevel effects being detected, thus the behavior of all participants fitted the same smoking model. These novel findings show empirically that smoking behavior is governed by firmly established temporal dependence patterns and inform temporal parameters for the rational design of smoking cessation programs

    Incidence of early onset puberty in two-year-old female sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax L.

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    The incidence of early onset puberty in female aquaculture fish species is less well known than in males and, it merits to be taken into account in order to properly address its outcomes. The goal of this study was to compare the growth performance and reproductive physiology between 2-year-old female sea bass with early or late onset puberty. Fish from seven fertilized egg cohorts of sea bass were considered. Animals were individually tagged and histologically identified when terminally sampled over the first and second year of life. Ovaries from 1-year-old females were in the chromatin nucleolus (CN) or perinucleolar stage (PN), whereas 2-year-old females showed oocytes in the PN stage and early vitellogenesis (EV) (GSI < 0.7%) or late vitellogenesis (LV) (GSI of 4.45 ± 0.55%). Accordingly, 2-year-old females with less advanced reproductive development were considered as fish with late onset puberty (PN, EV), in contrast to their counterparts that were considered to be fish with early onset puberty (LV). Non-spawning females with early onset puberty were observed. The early onset puberty occurred in 18.1 ± 6.4% of fish in the population, although it was variable among the cohorts. Body size of early pubertal females was usually larger than that of fish with late onset puberty (28.7% heavier in weight and 7.9% greater in fork length). Differences in circulating levels of the insulin-like growth factor-1 (Igf-1) and those of 17-beta estradiol (E2), follicle-stimulating hormone (Fsh) and vitellogenin (Vtg) one year before spawning, significantly contributed to explaining the total variance associated with the early onset puberty in this species. This study provides valuable information on the interplay that these factors might have at the onset of early puberty in fish and, in turn, its potential use as key indicators of this trait in the female sea bass.We would like to thank X. Simó for technical assistance with fish sampling, L. Rodríguez and J. Monfort for their assistance with histological procedures and A. Gil for his assistance in the laboratory. This research was financially supported by Spanish grants AGL2016–75400-R (PUBERTRAIT) and PID2019–109548RB-I00 (REPROBOOST) funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and ERDF A way of making Europe and by a grant from the Valencian Regional Government CIAICO/2022/002. L.S. was supported by an FPI fellowship (PRE2020–094920) from MICIN. The authors thank two anonymous reviewers for your suggestions to improve the manuscript

    Intensive longitudinal modelling predicts diurnal activity of salivary alpha-amylase

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    Salivary alpha-amylase (sAA) activity has been widely used in psychological and medical research as a surrogate marker of sympathetic nervous system activation, though its utility remains controversial. The aim of this work was to compare alternative intensive longitudinal models of sAA data: (a) a traditional model, where sAA is a function of hour (hr) and hr squared (sAAj,t = f(hr, hr2 ), and (b) an autoregressive model, where values of sAA are a function of previous values (sAAj,t = f(sAA j,t-1, sAA j,t-2, . . ., sAA j,t-p). Nineteen normal subjects (9 males and 10 females) participated in the experiments and measurements were performed every hr between 9:00 and 21:00 hr. Thus, a total of 13 measurements were obtained per participant. The Napierian logarithm of the enzymatic activity of sAA was analysed. Data showed that a second-order autoregressive (AR(2)) model was more parsimonious and fitted better than the traditional multilevel quadratic model. Therefore, sAA follows a process whereby, to forecast its value at any given time, sAA values one and two hr prior to that time (sAA j,t = f(SAAj,t-1, SAAj,t-2) are most predictive, thus indicating that sAA has its own inertia, with a “memory” of the two previous hr. These novel findings highlight the relevance of intensive longitudinal models in physiological data analysis and have considerable implications for physiological and biobehavioural research involving sAA measurements and other stress-related biomarkers

    Caso Clínico: Complicación en la canalización de vena yugular izquierda

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    Presentamos el caso de una paciente de 77 años y 35 kg de peso con antecedentes personales, entre otros de insuficiencia renal crónica terminal, en programa de diálisis peritoneal, anemia secundaria e hidronefrosis bilateral. Acude a urgencias por cuadro de dolor abdominal de cinco días de evolución, acompañado de astenia, anorexia y sensación distérmica. Ingresa a cargo del servicio de Nefrología, diagnosticándose de peritonitis bacteriana secundaria a infección de catéter de diálisis. En espera de la retirada del catéter de diálisis peritoneal se indica la colocación de catéter venoso central para iniciar hemodiálisis motivo por el cual se traslada a nuestra unidad de Reanimación. Se monitoriza a la paciente con pulsioximetría (muestra Sat O2 del 92%) PANI (muestra TAS de 108 y TAD de 63) y frecuencia cardiaca (muestra 102 lpm). Colocamos gafas nasales a 3 l y procedemos a canalizar la vena yugular interna izquierda guiada ecográficamente. Se comprueba reflujo de sangre a través de aguja, la guía metálica en "J" progresa sin dificultades, se introduce unos 15 cm y se inserta el catéter venoso central de dos luces a través de la misma sin incidencias. Al aspirar a través de ambas luces refluye un líquido claro, similar a suero. Ante la duda sobre la posible ubicación de la punta de catéter se envía a laboratorio muestra del líquido obtenido y se realiza radiografía de tórax portátil. El análisis de laboratorio puso de manifiesto colesterol &lt;50 mg/dl, proteínas totales&lt;2 g/dl, LDH 163 U/L, pH 7,52 y glucosa 122 g/dl