828 research outputs found

    Classical String in Curved Backgrounds

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    The Mathisson-Papapetrou method is originally used for derivation of the particle world line equation from the covariant conservation of its stress-energy tensor. We generalize this method to extended objects, such as a string. Without specifying the type of matter the string is made of, we obtain both the equations of motion and boundary conditions of the string. The world sheet equations turn out to be more general than the familiar minimal surface equations. In particular, they depend on the internal structure of the string. The relevant cases are classified by examining canonical forms of the effective 2-dimensional stress-energy tensor. The case of homogeneously distributed matter with the tension that equals its mass density is shown to define the familiar Nambu-Goto dynamics. The other three cases include physically relevant massive and massless strings, and unphysical tahyonic strings.Comment: 12 pages, REVTeX 4. Added a note and one referenc

    Housing prices and multiple employment nodes: is the relationship nonmonotonic?

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    Standard urban economic theory predicts that house prices will decline with distance from the central business district. Empirical results have been equivocal, however. Disjoints between theory and empirics may be due to a nonmonotonic relationship between house prices and access to employment arising from the negative externalities associated with proximity to multiple centres of employment. Based on data from Glasgow (Scotland), we use gravity-based measures of accessibility estimated using a flexible functional form that allows for nonmonotonicity. The results are thoroughly tested using recent advances in spatial econometrics. We find compelling evidence of a nonmonotonic effect in the accessibility measure and discuss the implications for planning and housing policy

    The Kepler equation for inspiralling compact binaries

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    Compact binaries consisting of neutron stars / black holes on eccentric orbit undergo a perturbed Keplerian motion. The perturbations are either of relativistic origin or are related to the spin, mass quadrupole and magnetic dipole moments of the binary components. The post-Newtonian motion of such systems decouples into radial and angular parts. We present here for the first time the radial motion of such a binary encoded in a generalized Kepler equation, with the inclusion of all above-mentioned contributions, up to linear order in the perturbations. Together with suitably introduced parametrizations, the radial motion is solved completely

    Non-Commutative Geometry and Measurements of Polarized Two Photon Coincidence Counts

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    Employing Maxwell's equations as the field theory of the photon, quantum mechanical operators for spin, chirality, helicity, velocity, momentum, energy and position are derived. The photon ``Zitterbewegung'' along helical paths is explored. The resulting non-commutative geometry of photon position and the quantum version of the Pythagorean theorem is discussed. The distance between two photons in a polarized beam of given helicity is shown to have a discrete spectrum. Such a spectrum should become manifest in measurements of two photon coincidence counts. The proposed experiment is briefly described.Comment: Latex, 13 pages, 3 figure

    Controlling for transactions bias in regional house price indices

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    Transactions bias arises when properties that trade are not a random sample of the total housing stock. Price indices are susceptible because they are typically based on transactions data. Existing approaches to this problem rely on Heckman-type correction methods, where a probit regression is used to capture the differences between properties that sell and those that do not sell in a given period. However, this approach can only be applied where there is reliable data on the whole housing stock. In many countries—the UK included—no such data exist and there is little prospect of correcting for transactions bias in any of the regularly updated mainstream house price indices. Thispaper suggests a possible alternative approach, using information at postcode sector level and Fractional Probit Regression to correct for transactions bias in hedonic price indices based on one and a half million house sales from 1996 to 2004, distributed across 1200 postcode sectors in the South East of England

    Bayes-optimal inverse halftoning and statistical mechanics of the Q-Ising model

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    On the basis of statistical mechanics of the Q-Ising model, we formulate the Bayesian inference to the problem of inverse halftoning, which is the inverse process of representing gray-scales in images by means of black and white dots. Using Monte Carlo simulations, we investigate statistical properties of the inverse process, especially, we reveal the condition of the Bayes-optimal solution for which the mean-square error takes its minimum. The numerical result is qualitatively confirmed by analysis of the infinite-range model. As demonstrations of our approach, we apply the method to retrieve a grayscale image, such as standard image `Lenna', from the halftoned version. We find that the Bayes-optimal solution gives a fine restored grayscale image which is very close to the original.Comment: 13pages, 12figures, using elsart.cl

    Farm Performance From Holstein-Friesian Cows of Three Genetic Strains on Grazed Pasture

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    Dairy selection objectives and farm production systems in USA and Europe are different from those in New Zealand (NZ). The use of overseas semen in NZ in the last 20 years has changed the genetics of the former NZ Holstein-Friesian (HF) strain. This trial was designed to demonstrate the genetic progress in the NZ HF dairy herd in the last 25 years and how high production potential North American HF cows perform under pasture-based feeding systems

    Changing social contracts in climate-change adaptation

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    Risks from extreme weather events are mediated through state, civil society and individual action 1 , 2 . We propose evolving social contracts as a primary mechanism by which adaptation to climate change proceeds. We use a natural experiment of policy and social contexts of the UK and Ireland affected by the same meteorological event and resultant flooding in November 2009. We analyse data from policy documents and from household surveys of 356 residents in western Ireland and northwest England. We find significant differences between perceptions of individual responsibility for protection across the jurisdictions and between perceptions of future risk from populations directly affected by flooding events. These explain differences in stated willingness to take individual adaptive actions when state support retrenches. We therefore show that expectations for state protection are critical in mediating impacts and promoting longer-term adaptation. We argue that making social contracts explicit may smooth pathways to effective and legitimate adaptation

    Developing a locally adaptive spatial multilevel logistic model to analyze ecological effects on health using individual census records

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    Geographical variable distributions often exhibit both macroscale geographic smoothness and microscale discontinuities or local step changes. Nonetheless, accounting for both effects in a unified statistical model is challenging, especially when the data under study involve a multiscale structure and non-Gaussian response variables. This study develops a locally adaptive spatial multilevel logistic model to examine binomial response variables that integrates an innovative locally adaptive spatial econometric model with a multilevel model. It takes into account global spatial autocorrelation, local step changes, and vertical dependence effects arising from the multiscale data structure. Another appealing feature is that the spatial correlation structure, implied by a spatial weights matrix, is learned along with other model parameters via an iterative estimation algorithm, rather than being presumed to be invariant. Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) samplers are derived to implement this new spatial multilevel logistic model. A data augmentation approach, drawing on recently devised Pólya-gamma distributions, is adopted to reduce computational burdens of calculating binomial likelihoods with a logit link function. The validity of the developed model is evaluated by a set of simulation experiments, before being applied to analyze self-rated health for the elderly in Shijiazhuang, the capital city of Hebei Province, China. Model estimation results highlight a nuanced geography of self-rated health and identify a range of individual- and area-level correlates of health for the elderly

    Between overt and covert research: concealment and disclosure in an ethnographic study of commercial hospitality

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    This article examines the ways in which problems of concealment emerged in an ethnographic study of a suburban bar and considers how disclosure of the research aims, the recruitment of informants, and elicitation of information was negotiated throughout the fieldwork. The case study demonstrates how the social context and the relationships with specific informants determined overtness or covertness in the research. It is argued that the existing literature on covert research and covert methods provides an inappropriate frame of reference with which to understand concealment in fieldwork. The article illustrates why concealment is sometimes necessary, and often unavoidable, and concludes that the criticisms leveled against covert methods should not stop the fieldworker from engaging in research that involves covertness