34 research outputs found

    Motion planning in tori

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    Let X be a subcomplex of the standard CW-decomposition of the n-dimensional torus. We exhibit an explicit optimal motion planning algorithm for X. This construction is used to calculate the topological complexity of complements of general position arrangements and Eilenberg-Mac Lane spaces associated to right-angled Artin groups.Comment: Results extended to arbitrary subcomplexes of tori. Results on products of even spheres adde

    Plants and Microorganisms for Phytoremediation of Soils Polluted with Organochlorine Pesticides

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    The goal of presented work is the development phytoremediation method targeted to cleaning environment polluted with organochlorine pesticides, based on joint application of plants and microorganisms. For this aim the selection of plants and microorganisms with corresponding capabilities towards three organochlorine pesticides (Lindane, DDT and PCP) has been carried out. The tolerance of plants to tested pesticides and induction degree of plant detoxification enzymes by these compounds have been used as main criteria for estimating the applicability of plants in proposed technology. Obtained results show that alfalfa, maize and soybean among tested six plant species have highest tolerance to pesticides. As a result of screening, more than 30 strains from genera Pseudomonas have been selected. As a result of GC analysis of incubation area, 11 active cultures for investigated pesticides are carefully chosen

    Remedial Approaches against Arsenic Pollution

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    The study is devoted to a very urgent and acute problem for Georgia ā€“ remediation/restoration of the arsenic (As) mining and storage sites. The approach of a given work is based on using capabilities of nature itself, which has a great adaptive potential to chemical environmental pollution. The aim of the study is to identify the bacterial strains from the endemic soil microbiota, characteristic to a specific localization of arsenic contaminated sites and able to resist to the toxicant. To determine the level of arsenic contamination, soil samples have been analyzed using Inductively Coupled Plasma - Optical Emission Spectrometry method. The distribution of arsenic in soil samples splits them into categories according to the degree of contamination, ranging from 50Ā ppm to 13000Ā ppm. The local bacteria community has been studied using conventional cultivation method along with modern method of bioindication ā€“ a biochip. The low density biochip contains the relevant probes for the identification of the bacterial consortium in soil microbiota. Chemical and microbiological analysis was based on the standards and methodologies developed by International Standards Organizations ā€“ ISO and Environmental Protection Agency ā€“ EPA. It is prospected that bioremediation can become essential part of remediation against arsenic pollution in the context of circular economy

    Usage of food supplements containing vitamins and minerals in case of oncology sickness

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    FarmācijaVeselÄ«bas aprÅ«pePharmacyHealth CareVēzis ir sabiedrÄ«bas lielā veselÄ«bas problēma. Neskatoties uz zinātnes, tehnikas un farmācijas progressu, vel nav izdevies novērst, ar vēzi saistÄ«tu, paaugstinātu mirstÄ«bu. Protams, pateicotiea jaunām vēža ārstÄ“Å”anas metodēm (Ä·irurÄ£ija, Ä·Ä«mijterapija, staru terapija) ārsti var bÅ«tiski pagarināt pacientu dzÄ«vildzi, mazināt audzēja apjomu un pacienta cieÅ”anas. Tomēr, standarta vēža terapija izraisa vairākās blakusparadÄ«bas (piemēram sāpes, iekaisumu, svara zudumu, muskuļu vājumu, caurēju, vemÅ”anu, matu izkriÅ”anu u.c.) kas bÅ«tiski ietekmē pacientu fizisko un emocionālo stāvokli. Pēc manām domām, vajag pētÄ«t jaunas efektÄ«vas un droÅ”as metodes, lai atvieglotu vēža pacientu cieÅ”anās. Kā varients, tie varētu bÅ«t vitamÄ«ni un minerālvielas kā potenciāli papildterapijas lÄ«dzekļi. No onkologu viedokļa pastāv pamatotas bažas, ka uztura bagātinātāji samazina Ä·Ä«mijterapijas un staru terapijas efektivitāti. Tomēr nesenie pētÄ«jumi ir devuÅ”i arvien vairāk pierādÄ«jumu tam, ka ārstÄ“Å”ana tiek labāk panesama, kad pacienta medikamentiem, pēc vajadzÄ«bas, pievieno vitamÄ«nus un/vai minerālvielas. PētÄ«juma darba mērÄ·is: sniegt parlicinoÅ”u, uz pierādÄ«jumiem balstÄ«tu, informāciju ārstiem, farmaceitiem un pacientiem par vitamÄ«nu un minerālvielu ietekmi uz vēža attistÄ«bu, vēža ārstÄ“Å”anas terapijas blakņu samazināŔanu un mijiedarbÄ«bu ar to. Atslēgvārdi: vēzis, onkoloÄ£ija, uztura bagātinātāji, vitamÄ«ni, minerālvielas, vēža profilakse.Abstract ā€œUsage of food supplements containig vitamins and minerals in case of oncology sicknessā€ Cancer is a big health problem for society. Despite the science, technology and pharmaceutical progress there is no prevention of high mortality numbers because of the cancer. Certainly, thanks for the new cancer treatment methods (surgery, chemotherapy, actinotherapy) doctors can significantly extend patient life, reduce the tumor size and patient suffering. However standard cancer treatment occur lots of side effects (for example pain, irritation, weight loss, muscle weakness, diarrhea, nausea, hair loss etc.) what significantly affect patient physical and emotional health. On my opinion there is need to investigate new effective and safe methods to reduce cancer sick patient suffering. As a variant it can be vitamins and minerals as potential additional therapy recourses. From an oncologistsā€™ point of view there are a reasonable apprehension that food supplements reduce chemotherapy and actinotherapy effectivity. However, recent researches show more and more evidences that treatment is handling better when the patient receives their medication together with vitamins and/or minerals, if it is necessary. Research main target : give convincing, based on the doctors , pharmacist and patient evidences about vitamins and minerals influence on cancer progress, cancer treatment side effects reduction and cooperationwith it. Keywords: cancer, oncology, food supplements, vitamins, minerals, cancer prophylaxy

    Morphological basis of the aging erythrocytes deformability

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    Red blood cells are flexible and oval biconcave disks, they lack a cell nucleus and their disk diameter is 7ā€“10 Ī¼m. Approximately 2.4 million new erythrocytes are produced per second and circulate for about 100ā€“120 days in the body. Red blood cells are cells present in blood in order to transport oxygen, the aging red blood cell undergoes changes making it susceptible to selective recognition by macrophages and subsequent phagocytosis. The cytoplasm of erythrocytes is rich in hemoglobin, an iron-containing biomolecule that can bind oxygen and is responsible for the red colour of the cells. Immature red blood cells are lacking the red hemoglobin pigment so these cells are often shades of grayish blue, only mature cells are red.A glycophorin is a sialoglycoprotein of the membrane of a red blood cell, that contains N-acetylneuraminic acid. Ions such as Na+ and Ca2+ can diffuse rapidly through it and can be for 60% it`s negative charge of the plasma membrane. Typical human red blood cell has a diameter of approximately 6.2ā€“8.2 Ī¼m, a thickness - 2 Ī¼m, circumference ā€“ 76-110 Ī¼m, speed no more than 2 cm/ sec that is enough to transport oxygen from hemoglobin toward myoglobin. Listed features are changed depending on the lifespan of red blood cells: 1. Decreases the percentage of hemoglobin content, within the part of it is broken down. 2. Changes occurs in the activities electronic change in oxidation and restoration of Fe. 3. As erythrocyte ages, it undergoes changes in its plasma membrane, in particular sialic acid activity. 4. Erythrocyte membrane becomes inflexible, less elastic and rough. 5. Worn-out red blood cells (100-120 day) have a limited functional significance.As a result of this research, both functional and physical indicators are strictly differentiated regarding to human age: 1. The length of erythrocyte life in the elderly (70-75) is twice longer than in younger people (25-30). 2. Red blood cells are remarkably deformable in younger than in elderly people. 3. Because of decreased deformability of the red blood cell, they have trouble to squeeze through capillaries which is the reason of hemodynamics local violations

    Brillouin scattering spectroscopy for studying human anatomy: Towards

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    Brillouin light scattering (BLS) spectroscopy is a label-free method of measuring the GHz-frequency viscoelastic properties. The measured longitudinal modulus is acutely sensitive to the degree of hydration, crosslinking, and temperature, which can be indicative of tissue health. As such, performing in situ measurements on humans is particularly desirable for exploring potential clinical translation, however, is not possible with existing designs which are coupled to bench-top microscopes. Here we introduce a robust fiber coupled hand-held BLS probe and demonstrate its reliability for measuring excised human tissue. We verify its accuracy using confocal BLS microscopy and further show that it is possible to distinguish veins, arteries, nerves and muscles based on their BLS-measured viscoelasticity. This provides a necessary first step towards in situ clinical BLS viscoelasticity studies of human tissue