640 research outputs found

    Independence of the courts and judicial independence from the European Union law perspective

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    Niezależność sądów i niezawisłość sędziów stanowią jedną z podstaw państwa prawnego, należącego do podstawowych wartości Unii Europejskiej. Do zasad państwa prawnego należy zasada trójpodziału władz, stanowiąca równocześnie istotną gwarancję niezależności władzy sądowniczej. Zasada podziału władz oznacza, że do wyłącznej kompetencji władzy sądowniczej należy sprawowanie wymiaru sprawiedliwości i organy innych władz nie mogą ingerować w wykonywanie funkcji orzeczniczych przez sądy. W państwach demokratycznych istnieje potrzeba gwarancji niezależności władzy sądowniczej na poziomie norm konstytucyjnych. Podstawową funkcją niezależności sądów i niezawisłości sędziów jest zapewnienie obywatelom prawa do sądu w rozumieniu art. 6 Konwencji o ochronie praw człowieka i podstawowych wolności oraz art. 45 Konstytucji RP. Z punktu widzenia prawa do sądu ważne jest istnienie związku między niezależnością sądów i niezawisłością sędziów a gwarancją bezstronności sądu oraz gwarancją do sprawiedliwego rozpoznania sprawy przez sąd. Niezależność sądów i niezawisłość sędziów są ściśle powiązane z zasadą odpowiedzialności władzy sądowniczej.The independence of the courts and the judiciary constitutes one of the foundations of the rule of law and is one of the basic values of the European Union. Judicial independence is also guaranteed by the principle of the separation of powers. According to this principle courts are the only competent body to execute judiciary powers and no other organs may be permitted to interfere in judicial decisions or their making. Democratic states must have the independence of the courts ensured in their constitutions. The basic function of judicial independence is ensuring citizens the right to a fair trial as provided in Article 6 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and Article 45 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland. From the point of view of the right to a fair trial the relationship between the independence of the courts and judicial independence on the one hand and the guarantee of the impartiality of the courts and of a fair trial on the other, is important. The independence of the courts and the judiciary is closely related to the principle of the responsibility of judicial authority

    Modeling of forms and technologies of achievement of tops of professionalism of pedagogical activity

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    In this article we discuss the experience of developing the concept of modeling forms and technologies of achievement of tops of professionalism of pedagogical activity on the basis of competence approachВ представленной работе обсуждается опыт разработки концепции моделирования форм и технологий достижения вершин профессионализма педагогической деятельности на основе компетентностного подход

    Modern methods of organization of educational process in the conditions of real inclusion

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    In this article we discuss the experience in a differentiated way, the group forms of organization of educational process at school on the basis of the discipline “Technology”Обсуждается опыт реализации дифференцированно-групповой формы организации образовательного процесса в общеобразовательной школе на примере учебной дисциплины «Технология

    Large Dog Relinquishment to Two Municipal Facilities in New York City and Washington, D.C.: Identifying Targets for Intervention

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    While the overall trend in euthanasia has been decreasing nationally, large dogs are at a higher risk of euthanasia than other sized dogs in most animal shelters in the United States. We hypothesized one way to increase the lives saved with respect to these large dogs is to keep them home when possible. In order to develop solutions to decrease relinquishment, a survey was developed to learn more about the reasons owners relinquish large dogs. The survey was administered to owners relinquishing their dogs at two large municipal facilities, one in New York City and one in Washington, D.C. There were 157 responses between the two facilities. We found both significant similarities and differences between respondents and their dogs from the two cities. We identified opportunities to potentially support future relinquishers and found that targets for interventions are likely different in each community

    FRB Email from Len Zawistowski to John T McCormick re Mortgage Fruad discussion with FBI

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    Zatrudnienie w Polsce 2006: Produktywnosc dla pracy

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    This book constitutes a follow-up and extension of Employment in Poland 2005. In this issue we analyse the influence of demand-side factors on Polish labour market and especially so from the macroeconomic and regional perspectives. We begin with macroeconomic look at the labour markets in eight – out of ten – states which joined the EU in 2004. We focus on identifying aggregate disturbances which had a crucial influence on the economic fluctuations within the CEE region in the period 1994-2005, and we assess to what extent these disturbances are responsible for different dynamics of unemployment and employment trends in the examined countries and to what extent different fiscal and monetary approaches adopted at that time contributed to remedy these disturbances. The key finding resulting is that the relatively most significant decrease in employment and increase in unemployment levels in Europe, which came about in Poland after the year 2000, are due to the idiosyncratic decrease in return on capital and total factor productivity [TFP] dynamics. We also find that, although the policy-mix adopted in the above period was not the direct cause for the slowdown, its role in accommodating the shock was probably moderately negative. Then we study regional differences in the labour market in Poland in the period 2000-2005. We analyse aggregate data and identify microeconomic factors affecting trends in job creation and destruction. We group the NUTS4 regions in Poland in six homogenous clusters and find that in the period 2000-2005 no significant changes in the labour market indicators occurred either between clusters or between voivodeships (NUTS2 regions). This is so because the direction and depth of fluctuations on the regional scale were generally shaped by aggregate shocks which affected the economy as a whole. Moreover, the above period saw a greater differentiation in terms of productivity and thus, in most parts of Poland, increasing employment and unemployment rates are due to the development of labour-intensive manufacturing. We argue that only the largest urban conglomerations in Poland have adopted the development model which supports high economic growth in medium and long term. In third part of the study we focus on spatial mobility of Polish workers. In case of both internal and international migrations we demonstrate that economic factors determine significantly decisions about changing place of residence and that the key incentive to migrate is higher wages in the destination location and a relatively worse situation in the labour market in the region of origin. We also estimate the scale of international migration from Poland, which indicate that the number of people who stayed abroad for more than two months in the year 2005 was higher by approximately 165,000-379,000 people than before EU accession, due to one-time increase in migration flows. Moreover, we point out that international migration is mostly seasonal and that emigrants retain strong ties with their homeland. As for internal migration, we argue that its aggregate intensity is relatively modest and we emphasise that although in general the population moves from smaller to larger conglomerates, the limited scale of these movements makes the progress in urbanisation being slow and agglomerations less numerous than in other EU member states. In the long run, this may constitute an obstacle for real convergence to the most developed EU countries. Finally we scrutinize work in the non-observed economy (NOE) in Poland. According to various methodologies we asses the NOE output at 15-30 per cent of the GDP, and we find that the main reasons behind the existence of the grey economy in Poland are overly burdensome fiscal policy and excessively restrictive economic regulations. We close the report with demonstrating links between areas we studied and implications for labour market and economic policy in Poland.Poland; unemployment; employment; transition countries; labour market shocks; unemployment persistance; regional disparities; labour migration; informal employment

    Employment in Poland 2007: Security on flexible labour market

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    This Report is a third in the series Employment in Poland. It consists of four Parts, devoted to empirical analysis of the impact of macroeconomic shocks on EU New Member States labour markets‘ in 1996-2006; utilization of flexible forms of employment on Polish labor market, determinants of wages and wage inequalities in Poland; effectiveness of ALMP in Poland, respectively. In Part I, we present how the cyclical upturn propagated on Polish labour market in 2003-2007 and how the performance of that market evolved relatively to other EU countries. Then we apply a panel SVECM to study propagation of macroeconomic shocks in eight CEE countries which joined the EU in 2004. We show that demand side shocks (foreign demand and labour demand shocks) were of foremost importance to unemployment and employment fluctuations in the region. At the same time, we argue that the wage shocks, thought of as wage rigidities, were important internal disturbances affecting the developments on the labour markets in the region. Part II is devoted to atypical forms of labour employment. We show that in all CEE countries the incidence of nonstandard employment arrangements is much lower than in Western Europe. Although Poland stands out in the whole EU with its dynamic spread of temporary employment and integration of temporary work agencies in the functioning of the labour market, in general the potential of atypical employment in Poland and other CEE is largely unfulfilled when it comes to work- life balance or supporting the economic activity of people who find it difficult to work full-time due to age or health reasons. In case of Poland, we study in more detailed way the legal, infrastructural and tax-related factors affecting the utilisation of nonstandard forms of employment. In Part III, we study wage developments in Poland from macro- and micro-perspective alike. We argue that wage growth in Poland exhibited a significant inertia during the transition period. We find that the concurrent rise of wage inequalities in Poland was due to the fact that rapid technological progress favoured some professional and social groups more than others. The increasing return on formal education and rising premiums on work in managerial positions as well as increasingly diverse individual and market characteristics of Polish workers seem to play the key role. The public sector stands out with higher wage compression than private sector. We show also that, in international comparison, the gender wage gap in Poland is relatively small. Notwithstanding the above, even if differences in individual and employer characteristics as well as working time are taken into consideration, women still earn about ten percent less than men. Part IV focuses active labour market policies (ALMP). We assess the ALMP spending and structure in Poland and we use the survey, conducted for the purposes of this Report, to study to effectiveness of ALMP. To our knowledge, it is the first attempt at producing a rigorous and comprehensive evaluation of ALMP effectiveness in Poland in the recent years. Applying Propensity Score Matching, we find that intervention and public works turn out to be completely inefficient when it comes to enhancing employment chances of the unemployed. At the same time, even for those programs that are characterised by positive net efficiency, such as internships and traineeships, the deadweight loss is also high, i.e. support is extended to groups whose situation is relatively good, whereas more difficult cases are neglected. Thus, the placement of ALMP participants in Poland is sub-optimal, which partly reflects very poor job broking and counseling done by PES. We complete the report with policy implications

    Bibliografia historii gospodarczej Polski w latach 1944-1989

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    S\u142owa kluczowe: historia gospodarcza Polski Ludowej; bibliografia prac z lat 1944-2002; biografie i pami\u119tniki; informatory; prasa gospodarcz