117 research outputs found

    Towards an ecological network for the Carpathians

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    The Carpathian Biodiversity Information System (CBIS) and the proposal for an ecological network for the eastern part of the Carpathians are the two main outcomes of the project funded by the BBI Matra program of the Dutch government. This brochure presents information on how the CBIS was designed, and how the data stored can be retrieved and used. It also clarifies how the CBIS data were used to design the ecological network and, last but not least, it offers recommendations for the use of the proposed ecological network in supporting sustainable developmentin the Carpathians. Due to funding restrictions, the project focused on three east Carpathian countries: Romania, Serbia and Ukraine, which together host the largest area of the Carpathians (Fig. 2). Geographically, the Eastern Carpathians also include parts of the Carpathians located in Poland and Slovakia. Data collection in the Western Carpathians (Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary) will be completed by 2010 and is funded by a parallel project

    Сучасні підходи до хірургічного лікування хворих на генералізова- ний пародонтит із використанням дентальних імплантатів

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    The main postulate of periodontal treatment is the elimination of factors injuring periodontal disease, creating conditions for the normalization of its properties. Structures with additional supports on the intraosseous implants are optimal for orthopaedic treatment. The possibilities and conditions for surgical intervention on periodontal tissues and implantation in patients with varying severity of chronic GP were generally poorly understood.The aim of the study – to improve the treatment of patients with partial edentia and chronic generalized periodontitis by including dental implantation to the complex of therapeutic measures.Materials and Methods. There are presented the results of 360 patients with varying severity degrees of generalized periodontitis who underwent surgery on periodontal tissues with dental implantation.Results and Discussion. Our research showed that implantation in patients with mild generalized periodontitis can achieve consistently good results regardless the method of treatment. Simultaneous surgery on periodontal tissues and the dental implantation shortens treatment duration in 1.5–2 times without compromising its quality. It is shown that in patients with moderate and severe degrees of generalized periodontitis it is appropriate to perform periodontal surgery separately followed by dental implantation to prevent postoperative complications and implant loss. When planning for dental implants and periodontal surgical intervention it is necessary to determine the quality of bone remodeling to assess the structural and functional state of bone tissue and differentiated destination osteotropic drugs that promote positive postoperative period.Conclusions. Therefore, in order to increase the effectiveness of dental implantation and surgical periodontal intervention, bone remodelling markers should be determined to assess the structural and functional status of bone tissue and for the differentiated use of osteotropic drugs, which will contribute to the positive development of the postoperative period. Simultaneous surgical intervention on periodontal tissues and dental implantation in 1.5–2 times reduces the duration of treatment without reducing its quality. In patients with moderate to severe degrees, it is expedient to carry out surgical interventions with subsequent dental implantation in order to prevent postoperative complications and loss of implants.Главным постулатом пародонтологического лечения является устранение факторов, травмирующих пародонт, создание условий для нормализации его свойств. Оптимальными для ортопедического лечения являются конструкции с дополнительными опорами на внутрикостные имплантаты. Возможности и условия для выполнения хирургического вмешательства на тканях пародонта и имплантации у пациентов с хроническим генерализованным пародонтитом (ГП) разной степени тяжести мало изучены.Цель исследования – повысить эффективность лечения больных с частичной адентией зубного ряда при хроническом генерализованном пародонтите путем включения в комплекс лечебных мероприятий метода дентальной имплантации.Материалы и методы. Представлено результаты обследования 360 больных генерализованным пародонтитом с разными степенями сложности, которым проводилось хирургическое вмешательство на тканях пародонта с использованием дентальных имплантатов. Для повышения эффективности дентальной имплантации и хирургических пародонтологических вмешательств необходимо определять качество костного ремоделирования для оценки структурно-функционального состояния костной ткани и для дифференцированного назначения остеотропных препаратов, что будет влиять на положительное течение послеоперационного периода.Результаты исследований и их обсуждение. У 40,81 % больных результаты исследований маркеров костного ремоделирования, которые мы получили, свидетельствовали о высоких темпах костеобразования (25,12±2,23) нг/мл и незначительных процессах рассасывания костной ткани (8,54±1,23) н/моль, что разрешило этим больным не назначать остеотропных препаратов. У 50,83 % пациентов наблюдали повышение рассасывания кости (10,82±1,34) н/моль, что способствовало показаниям к назначению антирезорбентов. А 8,36 % больным, в которых отмечали угнетение процесов костеобразования (18,05±2,08) нг/мл и увеличении показателей резорбции (15,34±1,87) н/моль, назначалипрепараты, стимулирующие костеобразование и препятствующие резорбции костной ткани.Выводы. Для повышения эффективности дентальной имплантации и хирургического пародонтологического вмешательства необходимо определять маркеры костного ремоделирования для оценки структурно-функционального состояния костной ткани и для дифференцированного назначать остеотропные препараты, способствовать позитивному протеканию послеоперационного периода. Одномоментное выполнение хирургического вмешательства на тканях пародонта и проведения дентальной имплантации в 1,5–2 раза сокращает продолжительность лечения без снижения его качества. У больных ГП средней и тяжелой степеней целесообразным является поэтапное проведение хирургических вмешательств с последующей дентальной имплантацией для предотвращения послеоперационных осложнений и потери имплантатов.Основним постулатом пародонтологічного лікування є усунення факторів, що травмують пародонт, створення умов для нормалізації його властивостей. Оптимальними для ортопедичного лікування є конструкції з додатковими опорами на внутрішньокісткові імпланти. Можливості та умови для виконання хірургічного втручання на тканинах пародонта та імплантації у пацієнтів із хронічним генералізованим пародонтитом (ГП) різного ступеня тяжкості мало вивчені.Мета дослідження – підвищити ефективність лікування хворих з частковою адентією зубного ряду при хронічному генералізованому пародонтиті шляхом включення в комплекс лікувальних заходів методу дентальної імплантації.Матеріали і методи. Подано результати обстеження 360 хворих на генералізований пародонтит різного ступеня тяжкості, яким виконували хірургічне втручання на тканинах пародонта з використанням дентальних імплантів. Для підвищення ефективності дентальної імплантації і хірургічного пародонтологічного втручання визначали якість кісткового ремоделювання для оцінки структурнофункціонального стану кісткової тканини і для диференційованого призначення остеотропних препаратів, що сприяло позитивному перебігу післяопераційного періоду.Результати досліджень та їх обговорення. У 40,81 % хворих результати досліджень маркерів кісткового ремоделювання, які ми отримали, свідчили про високі темпи кісткоутворення (25,12±2,23) нг/мл, та незначні процеси розсмоктування кісткової тканини – (8,54±1,23) н/моль, що дозволило цим хворим не призначати остеотропні препарати. У 50,83 % пацієнтів спостерігали підвищення розсмоктування кістки (10,82±1,34) н/моль, що було показанням до призначення антирезорбентів. А 8,36 % хворим, в яких відмічали пригнічення процесів кісткоутворення (18,05±2,08) нг/мл та збільшення показників резорбції (15,34±1,87) н/моль, призначали препарати, що стимулюють кісткоутворення і запобігають резорбції кісткової тканини.Висновки. Для підвищення ефективності дентальної імплантації та хірургічного пародонтологічного втручання необхідно визначати маркери кісткового ремоделювання для оцінки структурно-функціонального стану кісткової тканини і для диференційованого призначати остеотропні препарати, що сприятиме позитивному перебігу післяопераційного періоду. Одномоментне виконання хірургічного втручання на тканинах пародонта і проведення дентальної імплантації у 1,5–2 рази скорочує тривалість лікування без зниження його якості. У хворих на ГП середнього та тяжкого ступенів доцільне поетапне проведення хірургічних втручань із наступною дентальною імплантацією для запобігання післяопераційних ускладнень і втрати імплантів

    Electronic structure and magnetic properties of the spin-1/2 Heisenberg system CuSe2O5

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    A microscopic magnetic model for the spin-1/2 Heisenberg chain compound CuSe2O5 is developed based on the results of a joint experimental and theoretical study. Magnetic susceptibility and specific heat data give evidence for quasi-1D magnetism with leading antiferromagnetic (AFM) couplings and an AFM ordering temperature of 17 K. For microscopic insight, full-potential DFT calculations within the local density approximation (LDA) were performed. Using the resulting band structure, a consistent set of transfer integrals for an effective one-band tight-binding model was obtained. Electronic correlations were treated on a mean-field level starting from LDA (LSDA+U method) and on a model level (Hubbard model). In excellent agreement of experiment and theory, we find that only two couplings in CuSe2O5 are relevant: the nearest-neighbour intra-chain interaction of 165 K and a non-frustrated inter-chain coupling of 20 K. From a comparison with structurally related systems (Sr2Cu(PO4)2, Bi2CuO4), general implications for a magnetic ordering in presence of inter-chain frustration are made.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, 3 table

    Tangled banks: A landscape genomic evaluation of Wallace's Riverine barrier hypothesis for three Amazon plant species

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    Wallace's Riverine Barrier hypothesis is one of the earliest biogeographic explanations for Amazon speciation, but it has rarely been tested in plants. In this study, we used three woody Amazonian plant species to evaluate Wallace's Hypothesis using tools of landscape genomics. We generated unlinked single‐nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data from the nuclear genomes of 234 individuals (78 for each plant species) across 13 sampling sites along the Rio Branco, Brazil, for Amphirrhox longifolia (8,075 SNPs), Psychotria lupulina (9,501 SNPs) and Passiflora spinosa (14,536 SNPs). Although significantly different migration rates were estimated between species, the population structure data do not support the hypothesis that the Rio Branco—an allopatric barrier for primates and birds—is a significant genetic barrier for Amphirrhox longifolia, Passiflora spinosa or Psychotria lupulina. Overall, we demonstrated that medium‐ sized rivers in the Amazon Basin, such as the Rio Branco, are permeable barriers to gene flow for animal‐dispersed and animal‐pollinated plant species.National Science Foundation, NASAFundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo, Grant/Award Number: 2013/12633‐8, 2015/07141‐4, 2017/02302‐5 and 2012/50260‐6; Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, Grant/Award Number: 310871/2017‐4; Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, Grant/Award Number: 88881.064974/2014‐01; National Science Foundation, Grant/Award Number: FESD 1338694 and DEB 1240869; Universidade de São PauloPeer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/148338/1/Nazareno2019.pdf85Description of Nazareno2019.pdf : Main articl

    Features of compensatory angiogenesis of periodontal tissues in eldery patients with generalised periodontitis influenced tunnel revaskularization and quercetin

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    This article submissions examination and treatment of 30 persons aged 60-74 years with no signs of periodontal pathology and patients with chronic generalized periodontitis of II-III severity. For the purpose of comparative characteristics of treatments performed using X-rays, reoparodontohrafiy, ultrasound osteometry bone jaws, carried out the analysis of the functional state of the endothelium of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), levels of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and kapilyaryzation of periodontal tissues to treat and dynamics . All patients were conducted generally accepted treatment of chronic generalized periodontitis , including closed curettage of periodontal pockets. 3 groups of patients on the background of basic therapy of periodontal handled tunnel revascularization with combined use of quercetin per os. It was established that with age in healthy elderly decrease in the number of functioning capillaries per unit area of fabric. The important role of the endothelium in providing adequate compensatory angiogenesis in aging shows the relationship of vascular endothelial growth factor levels of endothelium vazodylatation. Clinical determined that the combined use of revascularization tunnel and quercetin kapilar stabilization drug in treatment of elderly patients with generalized periodontitis stimulates metabolism in periodontal tissues, stabilizes the clinical and radiological picture considerably prolongs remission

    Alpha-synuclein prevents the formation of spherical mitochondria and apoptosis under oxidative stress

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    Oxidative stress (OS), mitochondrial dysfunction, and dysregulation of alpha-synuclein (aSyn) homeostasis are key pathogenic factors in Parkinson’s disease. Nevertheless, the role of aSyn in mitochondrial physiology remains elusive. Thus, we addressed the impact of aSyn specifically on mitochondrial response to OS in neural cells. We characterize a distinct type of mitochondrial fragmentation, following H(2)O(2) or 6-OHDA-induced OS, defined by spherically-shaped and hyperpolarized mitochondria, termed “mitospheres”. Mitosphere formation mechanistically depended on the fission factor Drp1, and was paralleled by reduced mitochondrial fusion. Furthermore, mitospheres were linked to a decrease in mitochondrial activity, and preceded Caspase3 activation. Even though fragmentation of dysfunctional mitochondria is considered to be a prerequisite for mitochondrial degradation, mitospheres were not degraded via Parkin-mediated mitophagy. Importantly, we provide compelling evidence that aSyn prevents mitosphere formation and reduces apoptosis under OS. In contrast, aSyn did not protect against Rotenone, which led to a different, previously described donut-shaped mitochondrial morphology. Our findings reveal a dichotomic role of aSyn in mitochondrial biology, which is linked to distinct types of stress-induced mitochondrial fragmentation. Specifically, aSyn may be part of a cellular defense mechanism preserving neural mitochondrial homeostasis in the presence of increased OS levels, while not protecting against stressors directly affecting mitochondrial function

    Synthesis of Alkaline Earth Diazenides MAEN2 (MAE = Ca, Sr, Ba) by Controlled Thermal Decomposition of Azides under High Pressure

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    The alkaline earth diazenides MAEN2 with MAE = Ca, Sr and Ba were synthesized by a novel synthetic approach, namely, a controlled decomposition of the corresponding azides in a multianvil press at highpressure/ high-temperature conditions. The crystal structure of hitherto unknown calcium diazenide (space group I4/mmm (no. 139), a = 3.5747(6) Å, c = 5.9844(9) Å, Z = 2, wRp = 0.078) was solved and refined on the basis of powder X-ray diffraction data as well as that of SrN2 and BaN2. Accordingly, CaN2 is isotypic with SrN2 (space group I4/mmm (no. 139), a = 3.8054(2) Å, c = 6.8961(4) Å, Z = 2, wRp = 0.057) and the corresponding alkaline earth acetylenides (MAEC2) crystallizing in a tetragonally distorted NaCl structure type. In accordance with literature data, BaN2 adopts a more distorted structure in space group C2/c (no. 15) with a = 7.1608(4) Å, b = 4.3776(3) Å, c = 7.2188(4) Å, β = 104.9679(33)°, Z = 4 and wRp = 0.049). The N−N bond lengths of 1.202(4) Å in CaN2 (SrN2 1.239(4) Å, BaN2 1.23(2) Å) correspond well with a double-bonded dinitrogen unit confirming a diazenide ion [N2]2−. Temperature-dependent in situ powder X-ray diffractometry of the three alkaline earth diazenides resulted in formation of the corresponding subnitrides MAE2N (MAE = Ca, Sr, Ba) at higher temperatures. FTIR spectroscopy revealed a band at about 1380 cm−1 assigned to the N−N stretching vibration of the diazenide unit. Electronic structure calculations support the metallic character of alkaline earth diazenides

    The crystal growth and properties of novel magnetic double molybdate RbFe5_{5}(MoO4_{4})7_{7} with mixed Fe3+^{3+}/Fe2+^{2+}states and 1D negative thermal expansion

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    Single crystals of new compound RbFe5_5(MoO4_4)7_7 were successfully grown by the flux method, and their crystal structure was determined using the X-ray single-crystal diffraction technique. The XRD analysis showed that the compound crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P21/m, with unit cell parameters a = 6.8987(4), b = 21.2912(12) and c = 8.6833(5) Å, β = 102.1896(18)°, V = 1246.66(12) Å3^3, Z (molecule number in the unit cell) = 2, R-factor (reliability factor) = 0.0166, and T = 293(2) K. Raman spectra were collected on the single crystal to show the local symmetry of MoO4_4 tetrahedra, after the confirmation of crystal composition using energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). The polycrystalline samples were synthesized by a solid-state reaction in the Ar atmosphere; the particle size and thermal stability were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) analyses. The compound decomposes above 1073 K in an Ar atmosphere with the formation of Fe(III) molybdate. The thermal expansion coefficient along the c direction has the value α = −1.3 ppm K1^{−1} over the temperature range of 298–473 K. Magnetic measurements revealed two maxima in the magnetization below 20 K, and paramagnetic behavior above 50 K with the calculated paramagnetic moment of 12.7 μB per formula unit is in good agreement with the presence of 3_3Fe3+^{3+} and 2_2Fe3+^{3+} in the high-spin (HS) state. The electronic structure of RbFe5(MoO4)7 is comparatively evaluated using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and density functional theory (DFT) calculations

    Association of IL4R single-nucleotide polymorphisms with rheumatoid nodules in African Americans with rheumatoid arthritis

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    Abstract Introduction To determine whether IL4R single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) rs1805010 (I50V) and rs1801275 (Q551R), which have been associated with disease severity in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients of European ancestry, relate to the presence of rheumatoid nodules and radiographic erosions in African Americans. Methods Two IL4R SNPs, rs1805010 and rs1801275, were genotyped in 749 patients from the Consortium for Longitudinal Evaluation of African-Americans with Early Rheumatoid Arthritis (CLEAR) registries. End points were rheumatoid nodules defined as present either by physical examination or by chest radiography and radiographic erosions (radiographs of hands/wrists and feet were scored using the modified Sharp/van der Heijde system). Statistical analyses were performed by using logistic regression modeling adjusted for confounding factors. Results Of the 749 patients with RA, 156 (20.8%) had rheumatoid nodules, with a mean age of 47.0 years, 84.6% female gender, and median disease duration of 1.9 years. Of the 461 patients with available radiographic data, 185 (40.1%) had erosions (score >0); their mean age was 46.7 years; 83.3% were women; and median disease duration was 1.5 years. Patients positive for HLA-DRB1 shared epitope (SE) and autoantibodies (rheumatoid factor (RF) or anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide (CCP)) had a higher risk of developing rheumatoid nodules in the presence of the AA and AG alleles of rs1801275 (odds ratio (OR)adj = 8.08 (95% confidence interval (CI): 1.60-40.89), P = 0.01 and ORadj = 2.97 (95% CI, 1.08 to 8.17), P = 0.04, respectively). Likewise, patients positive for the HLA-DRB1 SE and RF alone had a higher risk of developing rheumatoid nodules in presence of the AA and AG alleles of rs1801275 (ORadj = 8.45 (95% CI, 1.57 to 45.44), P = 0.01, and ORadj = 3.57 (95% CI, 1.18 to 10.76), P = 0.02, respectively) and in the presence of AA allele of rs1805010 (ORadj = 4.52 (95% CI, 1.20 to 17.03), P = 0.03). No significant association was found between IL4R and radiographic erosions or disease susceptibility, although our statistical power was limited by relatively small numbers of cases and controls. Conclusions We found that IL4R SNPs, rs1801275 and rs1805010, are associated with rheumatoid nodules in autoantibody-positive African-American RA patients with at least one HLA-DRB1 allele encoding the SE. These findings highlight the need for analysis of genetic factors associated with clinical RA phenotypes in different racial/ethnic populations