143 research outputs found

    Spectator detection for the measurement of proton neutron interactions at ANKE

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    A telescope of three silicon detectors has been installed close to the internal target position of the ANKE spectrometer, which is situated inside the ultra-high vacuum of the COSY-Juelich light-ion storage ring. The detection and identification of slow protons and deuterons emerging from a deuterium cluster-jet target thus becomes feasible. A good measurement of the energy and angle of such a spectator proton (p_sp) allows one to identify a reaction as having taken place on the neutron in the target and then to determine the kinematical variables of the ion-neutron system on an event-by-event basis over a range of c.m. energies. The system has been successfully tested under laboratory conditions. By measuring the spectator proton in the p d to p_sp d pi^0 reaction in coincidence with a fast deuteron in the ANKE Forward Detector, values of the p n to d pi^0 total cross-section have been deduced. Further applications of the telescope include the determination of the luminosity and beam polarisation which are required for several experiments.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figure

    A 2D position sensitive germanium detector for spectroscopy and polarimetry of high-energetic x-rays

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    We report on a first prototype 2D μ-strip germanium detector, developed at IKP-Jülich, and its performance test at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) in Grenoble, France. Beside an accurate determination of the detector response function, the polarization sensitivity has been addressed in this study. For this purpose photon beams at energies of 60 keV and 210 keV have been used

    Meson Production in p+d Reactions

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    The production of neutral and charged pions as well as eta mesons is studied in the Delta and N* resonance region, respectively. Heavy A=3 recoils were measured with the GEM detector. The differential cross sections covering the full angular range are compared with model calculations.Comment: 4 pages, latex, 4 figures, talk presented at the XVIIth European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics, Evora, Portugal, September 2000; to be published in Nucl. Phys.

    Relativistic quantum dynamics in strong fields: Photon emission from heavy, few-electron ions

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    Recent progress in the study of the photon emission from highly-charged heavy ions is reviewed. These investigations show that high-ZZ ions provide a unique tool for improving the understanding of the electron-electron and electron-photon interaction in the presence of strong fields. Apart from the bound-state transitions, which are accurately described in the framework of Quantum Electrodynamics, much information has been obtained also from the radiative capture of (quasi-) free electrons by high-ZZ ions. Many features in the observed spectra hereby confirm the inherently relativistic behavior of even the simplest compound quantum systems in Nature.Comment: Version 18/11/0

    Forward K+ production in subthreshold pA collisions at 1.0 GeV

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    K+ meson production in pA (A = C, Cu, Au) collisions has been studied using the ANKE spectrometer at an internal target position of the COSY-Juelich accelerator. The complete momentum spectrum of kaons emitted at forward angles, theta < 12 degrees, has been measured for a beam energy of T(p)=1.0 GeV, far below the free NN threshold of 1.58 GeV. The spectrum does not follow a thermal distribution at low kaon momenta and the larger momenta reflect a high degree of collectivity in the target nucleus.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Decreased transcription-coupled nucleotide excision repair capacity is associated with increased p53- and MLH1-independent apoptosis in response to cisplatin

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    Abstract Background One of the most commonly used classes of anti-cancer drugs presently in clinical practice is the platinum-based drugs, including cisplatin. The efficacy of cisplatin therapy is often limited by the emergence of resistant tumours following treatment. Cisplatin resistance is multi-factorial but can be associated with increased DNA repair capacity, mutations in p53 or loss of DNA mismatch repair capacity. Methods RNA interference (RNAi) was used to reduce the transcription-coupled nucleotide excision repair (TC-NER) capacity of several prostate and colorectal carcinoma cell lines with specific defects in p53 and/or DNA mismatch repair. The effect of small inhibitory RNAs designed to target the CSB (Cockayne syndrome group B) transcript on TC-NER and the sensitivity of cells to cisplatin-induced apoptosis was determined. Results These prostate and colon cancer cell lines were initially TC-NER proficient and RNAi against CSB significantly reduced their DNA repair capacity. Decreased TC-NER capacity was associated with an increase in the sensitivity of tumour cells to cisplatin-induced apoptosis, even in p53 null and DNA mismatch repair-deficient cell lines. Conclusion The present work indicates that CSB and TC-NER play a prominent role in determining the sensitivity of tumour cells to cisplatin even in the absence of p53 and DNA mismatch repair. These results further suggest that CSB represents a potential target for cancer therapy that may be important to overcome resistance to cisplatin in the clinic