29 research outputs found

    Maladie d'Alzheimer et environnements virtuels évocateurs évaluation de la mémoire autobiographique et des apports thérapeutiques d'une nouvelle forme de thérapie de revue de vie

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    L'objectif général de cette thèse était d'étudier la faisabilité de la mise en place d'une nouvelle intervention destinée à la prise en soin psychoaffective et cognitive de personnes atteintes de Maladie d'Azheimer (MA) à un stade débutant à modéré. Cette praxis novatrice appelée Environnement Virtuel Évocateur (EVÉ) se basait sur l'actualisation de la thérapie de revue de vie par le recours aux techniques informatiques de réalité virtuelle. Afin d'en évaluer les effets thérapeutiques potentiels, 3 variables principales étaient à l'étude, soit la mémoire autobiographique, l'humeur et le concept de soi. D'autres variables comme la cognition globale, la dépression et l'intensité des troubles psychocomportementaux ont aussi été prises en compte. Les résultats des 5 participants sélectionnés concernant les variables principales sont que l'administration régulière de l'EVÉ entraîne une amélioration sensible de la récupération des informations autobiographiques (pour 3 participants seulement), de l'humeur et des remaniements spécifiques dans la façon de se percevoir en tant que personne. Toutefois, du fait de problèmes méthodologiques et de variations interindividuelles, il n'a pas toujours été possible, d'établir des différences statistiquement significatives pour ces 3 variables. L'EVÉ démontre une influence positive sur les variables secondaires, notamment sur la cognition globale. En résumé, il fut possible de mettre en place et d'administrer une intervention utilisant les nouvelles technologies auprès de la population atteinte de MA. Malgré la démonstration de l'efficacité clinique de l'EVÉ, de futures études prenant en compte l'hétérogénéité des troubles cognitifs et affectifs ainsi que l'anosognosie devront être menées afin de raffiner les modalités d'intervention

    A multilayered coil antenna for ingestible capsule : near field magnetic induction link

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    A compact multilayered stacked ingestible coil antenna is investigated for medical systems. The inductive link, comprising a 5-layer transmitter coil antenna and a 3-turn receiver spiral coil, is modeled through a tissue-simulating liquid modeling the human body. The diameter and the thickness of the transmitter coil are respectively equal to 1 cm and 5 mm, while the dimensions of the receiver coil are equal to 7 Ă— 8 cm 2 . The variations of the position and the orientation of the capsule antenna are taken into account to evaluate the coupling response between the two magnetically coupled coils. We found that the inductive link presents an attractive option for improving the lifetime of ingestible capsules

    Magnetic loop antenna for wireless capsule endoscopy inside the human body operating at 315 MHz: Near field behavior

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    In ingestible systems, the antenna suffers from deterioration of performances due to surrounding dissipative tissues. A small circular magnetic loop antenna, whose diameter is equal to 1 cm and thickness is equal to 0.5 mm operating at the frequency of 315 MHz in the ISM band, is proposed to limit this degradation. The electric properties of the human body, having a high dielectric constant and low impedance, are considered to design and simulate the loop antenna. We found that the magnetic field is less attenuated than the electric field in the human body that improves the signal level received by near field magnetic coupling

    Detecting range and coupling coefficient tradeoff with a multiple loops reader antenna for small size RFID LF tags

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    International audienceThis paper summarizes some tests with Low Frequency (LF, 125 kHz) RFID tags of two types: Card and Token. These tests were done in order to evaluate the feasibility of an identification/traceability of tags which size is constrained and supposed to be detected inside a delimited volume of 40Ă—40Ă—10 cm 3 . As the size of the antenna tag is supposed to be very small, we improve the detection range and volume of definition by designing different reader antennas. Reader antennas presented are of two types whether they are based on single (SL) or multiple loops (ML). Detection range was evaluated for planar antennas (3 SL and one ML). Volume of definition for the detection was estimated by designing two-level prototypes of ML antennas. Results are discussed about the optimization possibility of detection range and volume thanks to ML

    Low loss Goubau Line on high-resitivity silicon in the 57–64 GHz band

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    Planar Goubau Line (PGL) structures on high resistivity silicon are simulated and measured in the 57-64GHz frequency band. It is shown that the increase of the substrate thickness permits to adapt this line, used at THz frequencies, to this frequency band. Very low losses are attained with a measured average attenuation of 0.064dB/mm on the whole band. Another advantage of the PGL consists in its very simple technological process, as just one level of metallization is necessary. A transition between the PGL and a coplanar waveguide is designed in order to perform on-wafer measurements, and very good agreement is obtained with simulation results for the attenuation of PGL

    A Twisted Loop Antenna to enhance HF RFID detection for different tag positioning

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    In this paper, a new LF/HF RFID reader loop antenna design is proposed and tested, in order to increase detection areas of the tags. The studied structure is a Twisted Loop Antenna (TLA) which is based on a modified distribution and orientation of the magnetic field lines. Our structure fruitfully uses the complementary antenna principle in a co-planar configuration. This offers more possibilities of tag detection whatever the tag position and orientation. The antenna performances are evaluated by optimizing the equivalent mutual inductance between reader antenna and tag antenna. Results are presented firstly in simulation (MATLAB and HFSS electromagnetic calculator) and secondly by experimental tests at different distances and misalignments, for the two possible tag orientations: parallel and perpendicular

    BAN antenna design using ferrite polymer composite

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    Wearable antennas are an integral part of body area networks (BAN). Antenna design for BAN applications is a challenging task since the antennas have to be small, efficient and must not be affected by the wearer's body. This makes isolation of antenna a matter of importance. Ferrites form an opaque media for microwave at the ISM frequencies and hence it could be used for the isolation of antenna from surroundings. Thin polymeric ferrite sheets are used to reduce body influence in BAN perspective

    Coaxially distributed diameter sub-coil twisted loop antenna in HF RFID

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    This paper proposes an HF (High Frequency) transmitting coil less sensitive to the angular and position misalignments of the small receiving coil. The DDC (Distributed Diameter Coil) shape and TLA (Twisted Loop Antenna) allow respectively minimizing the disturbance of the magnetic link due to the lateral misalignment and the relative tilting direction of the transmitting coil to the receiving coil. The magnetic coupling link obtained from DDC TLA coils is illustrated by comparison with conventional TLA in the case of HF RFID

    Festival du nouveau cinéma : Morceaux choisis

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    UHF RFID Tags for electrical cables

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    International audienc