37 research outputs found

    A Topological Reconstruction Theorem for D∞D^{\infty}-Modules

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    In this paper, we prove that any perfect complex of D∞D^{\infty}-modules may be reconstructed from its holomorphic solution complex provided that we keep track of the natural topology of this last complex. This is to be compared with the reconstruction theorem for regular holonomic DD-modules which follows from the well-known Riemann-Hilbert correspondence. To obtain our result, we consider sheaves of holomorphic functions as sheaves with values in the category of ind-Banach spaces and study some of their homological properties. In particular, we prove that a K\"{u}nneth formula holds for them and we compute their Poincar\'{e}-Verdier duals. As a corollary, we obtain the form of the kernels of ``continuous'' cohomological correspondences between sheaves of holomorphic forms. This allows us to prove a kind of holomorphic Schwartz' kernel theorem and to show that D∞=RHomtop(O,O)D^{\infty}=RHomtop(O,O). Our reconstruction theorem is a direct consequence of this last isomorphism. Note that the main problem is the vanishing of the topological Ext's and that this vanishing is a consequence of the acyclicity theorems for DFN spaces which are established in the paper.Comment: 36 pages, LaTeX + AMS and Xy-pic macros. To appear in Duke Math. Journa

    Changing tools, changing habits, changing workflows: Recent evolutions of the interlibrary loan service at ULiège Library

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    Over the last few years, the interlibrary loan (ILL) service of the University of Liège Library has evolved considerably, both in terms of habits and workflows. In this article, we will explain the main stages of this evolution: (1) first reduction in the number of ILL units (from eight to five) and involved operators (from 15 to 10) within the homemade ILL solution (2015); (2) use of the resource sharing (RS) functionality in the new Alma library management system (2015); (3) second reduction in the number of ILL units (from five to only one) and in involved operators (from 10 to six) (2018); (4) subscription to an international broker ILL system (RapidILL) for electronic and digital materials and its integration with Alma (2020); (5) project of peer-to-peer resource sharing for print materials between Alma instances of university and research libraries in Belgium (2022), and (temporary) free ILL service to all University users (2020–2022). The aim of these changes is to harmonise the practices of ILL operators, reduce the quantity of manual and administrative operations and tasks devoted to ILL and supply materials that do not belong to the library collections in a fairer, faster and more fluid way. While all of these changes have been implemented gradually over the years, not all of them have been deployed in a concerted manner among all stakeholders

    Beyond the Library Collections: Proceedings of the 2022 Erasmus Staff Training Week at ULiège Library

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    No library can buy or hold everything its patrons need. At a certain point, librarians need to pool their resources and collaborate to provide access to what they don’t have: Collaboration and partnership, centralized and shared collection storage, digitization projects, interlibrary loan and resource sharing, purchase on demand, PDA and EBA are notably key to success.The 2022 edition of the Erasmus Mobility Staff Training week organized at the University of Liège Library focused on services, projects and policies that libraries can deploy and promote to increase and ease access to materials that do not belong to their print or electronic holdings. More than 20 librarians, managers, and researchers in library science share their experiences and visions in this book

    Functional analysis of the LibStaffer staff scheduling tool

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    editorial reviewedLibStaffer est un outil de gestion de planning de service pour les bibliothèques proposé par Springshare. Dans cet article, nous exposons l’analyse que nous avons mise en œuvre pour déterminer le potentiel de LibStaffer en matière de simplification de la gestion de planning d’accueil, sur des implantations de configurations diverses, ainsi que d’activités transversales de service au public. Nous nous sommes fondés sur les questions établies par Philippe Lenepveu et Marc Maisonneuve, dans leur ouvrage consacré aux logiciels de gestion de planning pour les bibliothèques, et les avons enrichies par les interrogations de plusieurs collègues. Bénéficier d’un test de LibStaffer, de près de deux mois, nous a permis de répondre à ces questions et nous a convaincus de prendre une souscription à l’outil.LibStaffer is a staff scheduling tool for libraries provided by Springshare. In this article, we present the analysis that we implemented to determine the potential of LibStaffer in order to simplify staff scheduling in library branches with various configurations, as well as in transversal units with a focus on public services. As a starting point, we focused on the questions available in Philippe Lenepveu and Marc Maisonneuve’s work on scheduling tools for libraries. We then enriched the initial list with questions that emerged among several colleagues. After a two-month LibStaffer trial period, we were able to answer those questions and were convinced to take out a subscription to the tool.LibStaffer, ontwikkeld door Springshare, is een planningstool om de dienstverleningen binnen bibliotheken te organiseren. Na een testperiode van twee maanden maakten we een analyse. We gingen na in welke mate LibStaffer bruikbaar is voor het vereenvoudigen van het beheer van de ontvangstplanning, in verschillende bibliotheekinrichtingen en voor transversale activiteiten m.b.t. de publieke dienstverlening. We baseerden ons hiervoor op de vragen die Philippe Lenepveu en Marc Maisonneuve in hun boek over planningssoftware voor bibliotheken, verrijkt met vragen van verschillende collega’s. De antwoorden hierop, samen met de testresultaten, overtuigden ons om de tool in te tekenen

    Analyse fonctionnelle de l\u27outil de gestion de planning LibStaffer

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    LibStaffer est un outil de gestion de planning de service pour les bibliothèques proposé par Springshare. Dans cet article, nous exposons l’analyse que nous avons mise en œuvre pour déterminer le potentiel de LibStaffer en matière de simplification de la gestion de planning d’accueil, sur des implantations de configurations diverses, ainsi que d’activités transversales de service au public. Nous nous sommes fondés sur les questions établies par Philippe Lenepveu et Marc Maisonneuve, dans leur ouvrage consacré aux logiciels de gestion de planning pour les bibliothèques, et les avons enrichies par les interrogations de plusieurs collègues. Bénéficier d’un test de LibStaffer, de près de deux mois, nous a permis de répondre à ces questions et nous a convaincus de prendre une souscription à l’outil

    Thomason cohomology of categories

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    We introduce cohomology and homology theories for small categories with general coefficient systems from simplex categories first studied by Thomason. These theories generalize at once Baues-Wirsching cohomology and homology and other more classical theories. We analyze naturality and functoriality properties of these theories and construct associated spectral sequences for functors between small categories.Comment: 22 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1112.399

    A K-theoretic interpretation of real Deligne cohomology

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    We show that real Deligne cohomology of a complex manifold arises locally as a topological vector space completion of the analytic Lie groupoid of holomorphic vector bundles. Thus Beilinson's regulator arises naturally as a comparison map between KK-theory groups of different types.Comment: 24 pages; v5 even more small changes and corrections, final version to appear in Adv. Mat

    Derived Categories for Functional Analysis

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    peer reviewedWe study the homological algebra of the category of locally convex topological vector spaces from the point of view of derived categories

    Derived Projective Limits of Topological Abelian Groups

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    We prove that the category of topological Abelian groups is quasi-Abelian. Using results about derived projective limits in quasi-Abelian categories, we study exactness properties of the projective limit functor in the category of topological Abelian groups