27 research outputs found


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    Abstract. This paper focuses on the issue of how the local media persist under the conditions of the modest media market in Serbia, especially those that protect the public interest and what they should expect since new media laws were adopted in August 2014. In this respect, the following questions will be asked: how the local public interest will be protected, what is the project co-financing of media and how will it be implemented? Will there be new buyers of the local media owned by the state or will they be extinguished? So far, some models of sustainable local media have been developed. One of the models is a partnership with the civil sector, the second working and conducting business on multiple media platforms, and the third, project financing from donors. On the other hand, the Law on Public Information and Media defines the withdrawal of the state from the media ownership until July 1 2015, and it is considered to what extent and how local governments will continue to allocate money for the media. Some early experiences are mentioned that may be examples of good practice when negotiating funds. Specifically, in the four municipalities of Vojvodina the representatives of the Independent Journalistsā€™ Association of Vojvodina and the representatives of OSCE are talking with the representatives of the local authorities on action plans for information development.Key words:Ā Ā  local media, media policy, public, media privatization, Serbia, the media market

    Sex-dependent differences in patients treated with regular hemodialysis

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    Introduction. The aims of the study were to find out sex differences among patients starting regular hemodialysis (HD) in 2014 and to check whether these differences change over a five-year period. Methods. The retrospective five-year study included 35 patients (24 men; 11 women) starting HD in HD centers in Leskovac and Pirot in 2014. Demographic data, clinical data, laboratory findings, and medication used for examined patients were taken from medical records. Results. A comparison of patients of different sexes at the beginning of the study showed that women were significantly older (70.55 ± 13.27 vs. 58.88 ± 15.27 years), but diabetes and hypertension were more frequent causes of chronic kidney disease in men. Women had significantly lower body mass index and serum creatinine level than men in the first year of the study. During all five years, the HD adequacy index spKt/V was higher in women than in men, but the difference reached statistical significance only in the third year (1.4 ± 0.2 vs. 1.2 ± 0.2). Serum iPTH level was higher in women than in men in almost the entire study period. There was no significant sex difference in blood pressure, type of vascular access, number of HD hours per week, in the percentage of patients who used erythropoiesis-stimulating agents or phosphate binders. During the study period 10 (42.7%) men and five (45.5%) women died and the most frequent causes of death were cerebrovascular and cardiovascular diseases. Conclusion. The study revealed several differences between men and women on regular HD, but no treatment inequality was found.&nbsp

    Trial Work of the Long Way in Thin Lignite Layer

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    Sprovedeno je probno otkopavanje Å”irokim čelom u tankom sloju lignita. Primijenjen je polumehanizirani rad s podsijecanjem ugljenog sloja. Probni rad trajao je 6 mjeseci. Proizvodni efekti nisu postignuti i likvidacijom probnog otkopnog polja odustalo se od daljnjih proba. Stečena iskustva radom prvog Å”irokog ćela u konkretnim i složenim otkopnim uvjetima su značajna. Ukazuje se na mogućnost primjene kompleksne mehanizacije i to u najlakÅ”oj izvedbi ukoliko to cijena opreme i konkurentna sposobnost ugljena dozvole i opravdaju.Trial excavation road head in the lignite seam was carried out by the application of semimechanized operation with coal seam undercutting. After 6 months of trial work no production effects were attained, so the trial mining field was liquidated and any further trials were given up. The experiences from the first road head work in concrete and complex mining conditions are considerable. They indicate the possibility of application of the complex mechanization with the lightest equipment if its price and the coal competitiveness will allow and adjust it

    Superoxide dismutases in radioresistant PC-3 human prostate carcinoma cells

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    The molecular mechanism of gamma-ionizing radiation (IR) resistance of human prostate cancer cells PC-3 is not known. Since low-LET-IR effects are primarily achieved through generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), IR-induced expression of ROSmetabolizing antioxidant enzymes, Mn- and CuZn-superoxide dismutase (Mn- and CuZnSOD) and catalase (CAT), and their upstream regulator transcription factor NFĪŗB was followed. Significant elevation of both SODs was found in cells irradiated with 10- and 20 Gy, while CAT and NFkB expression was unchanged. Since, such conditions lead to accumulation of H2O2, it is concluded that radioresistance of PC-3 cells may emerge from positive feed-forward vicious circle established between H2O2 activation of NFĪŗB and elevated MnSOD activity.Physical chemistry 2006 : 8th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 26-29 September 200

    Biodegradation-resistant multilayers coated with gold nanoparticles. Toward a tailor-made artificial extracellular matrix

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    Polymer multicomponent coatings such as multilayers mimic extracellular matrix (ECM) that attracts significant attention for their use as functional supports for advanced cell culture and tissue engineering. Herein, biodegradation and molecular transport in hyaluronan/polylysine multilayers coated with gold nanoparticles was described. Nanoparticle coating acts as semipermeable barrier that governs molecular transport into/from the multilayers and makes them biodegradation resistant. Model protein lysozyme (mimics of ECM soluble signals) diffuses in the multilayers as fast and slow diffusing populations existing in an equilibrium. Such composite system may have high potential to be exploited as degradation-resistant drug delivery platforms suitable for cell-based applications. The extracellular matrix (ECM) provides not only a structural support for cell-based applications

    Achieve competitive advantages of vertical mergers and diversification

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    Achieving competitive advantage is a primary goal for the most companies. The logic of the market has been changed and has caused that the most important sources of competitive advantage (even at the level of a country) must be actively and permanently seek and use as opposed to 'playing the card of' low-cost on the basis of cheap labor or raw materials. Creating and maintaining a competitive advantage means that the company achieves favorable operating results in relation to other participants in the economic operations. If a company wants to grow, it must inevitably seek new opportunities for growth. Diversification, however, on the other hand, as an alternative strategy aimed at expanding production program and, as the 'entry' of the company into new industry and new market, represents the subject of attention in the economic theory and practice

    Temperature effect on the build-up of exponentially growing polyelectrolyte multilayers. An exponential-to-linear transition point

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    In this study, the effect of temperature on the build-up of exponentially growing polyelectrolyte multilayer films was investigated. It aims at understanding the multilayer growth mechanism as crucially important for the fabrication of tailor-made multilayer films. Model poly(L-lysine)/hyaluronic acid (PLL/HA) multilayers were assembled in the temperature range of 25ā€“85 1C by layer-by-layer deposition using a dipping method. The film growth switches from the exponential to the linear regime at the transition point as a result of limited polymer diffusion into the film. With the increase of the build-up temperature the film growth rate is enhanced in both regimes; the position of the transition point shifts to a higher number of deposition steps confirming the diffusion-mediated growth mechanism. Not only the faster polymer diffusion into the film but also more porous/permeable film structure are responsible for faster film growth at higher preparation temperature. The latter mechanism is assumed from analysis of the film growth rate upon switching of the preparation temperature during the film growth. Interestingly, the as-prepared films are equilibrated and remain intact (no swelling or shrinking) during temperature variation in the range of 25ā€“45 1C. The average activation energy for complexation between PLL and HA in the multilayers calculated from the Arrhenius plot has been found to be about 0.3 kJ mol 1 for monomers of PLL. Finally, the following processes known to be dependent on temperature are discussed with respect to the multilayer growth: (i) polymer diffusion, (ii) polymer conformational changes, and (iii) inter-polymer interactions

    A ā€œcell-friendlyā€ window for the interaction of cells with hyaluronic acid/poly-L-lysine multilayers

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    Polyelectrolyte multilayers assembled from hyaluronic acid (HA) and poly-L-lysine (PLL) are most widely studied showing excellent reservoir characteristics to host molecules of diverse nature; however, thick (HA/PLL)n films were often found cell-repellent. By a systematic study of the adhesion and proliferation of various cells as a function of bilayer number ā€˜nā€™ a correlation with the mechanical and chemical properties of films is developed. The following cell lines have been studied: mouse 3T3 and L929 fibroblasts, human foreskin primary fibroblasts VH-Fib, human embryonic kidney HEK-293, human bone cell line U-2-OS, Chinese hamster ovary CHO-K and mouse embryonic stem cells. All cells adhere and spread well in a narrow ā€˜cell-friendlyā€™ window, identified in the range of n=12-15. At n15, the film is cell-repellent for all cell lines. Cellular adhesion correlates with the mechanical properties of the films showing that softer films at higher ā€˜nā€™ number exhibiting a significant decrease of the Youngā€™s modulus below 100 kPa are weakly adherent to cells. This trend cannot be reversed even by coating a strong cell-adhesive protein fibronectin onto the film. This indicates that mechanical cues plays a major role for cell behaviour, also in respect to biochemical ones

    Intervencije medicinskog tehničara u prevenciji i tretmanu kroničnih komplikacija Å”ećerne bolesti

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    Ovaj rad opisuje anatomiju i fiziologiju guÅ”terače, žlijezde s unutarnjim i vanjskim izlučivanjem. Posebna pažnja u ovome radu biti će posvećena njenoj endokrinoj funkciji u organizmu. Osim anatomije i fiziologije guÅ”terače opisana je patologija i patofiziologija jer su ti procesi bitni kako bi se razumjelo o kakvim se oÅ”tećenjima guÅ”terače radi kada je u pitanju nastanak Å”ećerne bolesti, ali i njenih komplikacija. Za nastanak Å”ećerne bolesti važan je dio sa endokrinim, odnosno unutarnjim izlučivanjem, Langerhansovi otočići. Ukoliko se dogodi oÅ”tećenje Langerhansovih otočića dolazi do razvoja diabetesa mellitusa. Å ećerna bolest ovisi o samom stupnju oÅ”tećenja funkcije guÅ”terače pa ovisno o tome razlikujemo tri vrste Å”ećerne bolesti. Kako bi se otkrilo radi li se o dijabetesu tipa 1, tipa 2 ili gestacijskom dijabetesu potrebno je učiniti i dijagnostičke pretrage o čemu će biti viÅ”e riječi u daljnjem tekstu. Nakon Å”to je otkrivena vrsta Å”ećerne bolesti određuje se i način liječenja pacijenta. Liječenje se može provoditi dijetoterapijom, fizičkom aktivnoŔću, primjenom oralnih antidijabetika te u krajnjoj mjeri, a kod tipa 1 dijabetesa jedinim mogućim načinom, primjenom inzulina. Osim liječenja, u radu će biti opisane akutne i kronične komplikacije dijabetesa koje nastaju kao posljedica neliječenja ili loÅ”eg nadzora nad Å”ećernom bolesti. Akutne komplikacije koje se mogu javiti su: dijabetička ketacidoza, neketotički hiperosmolarni sindrom, laktična acidoza i hipoglikemija. Uz akutne, veća pažnja u ovome radu biti će posvećena kroničnim komplikacijama dijabetesa te intervencijama medicinske sestre koje se provode kod njih. Kronične komplikacije se mogu podijeliti na mikrovaskularne i makrovaskularne. Odnosno one nastale zbog oÅ”tećenja malih (mikrovaskularne) i one nastale kao posljedica oÅ”tećenja velikih krvnih žila (makrovaskularne). Mikrovaskularne komplikacije koje nastaju kao kronična komplikacija uz njima pripadajuće intervencije medicinske sestre opisane su u ovome radu. Te komplikacije su retinopatija, nefropatija, neuropatija te dijabetičko stopalo

    Sleeping habits of nursing students of the Faculty of health studies in Rijeka

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    Spavanje je osnovna ljudska fizioloÅ”ka potreba koja utječe na cijelokupnu kvalitetu života. LoÅ”e navike spavanja utječu na svakodnevno psihofizičko funkcioniranje osobe. Kvaliteta i navike spavanja mjenjaju se tijekom života i u specifičnoj su vezi sa cjelokupnim životnim stilom osobe. Zdravstveni djelatnici trebaju biti educirani da nedostatkom sna i umorom ugrožavaju vlastitu sigurnost te povećavaju rizik od pogreÅ”aka u svakodnevnom i profesionalnom životu. Cilj ovog istraživanja je ispitati navike i kvalitetu spavanja studenata Sestrinstva Fakulteta zdravstvenih studija u Rijeci kako bi studenti osvijestili razinu kvalitete spavanja te bili viÅ”e upoznati sa samom tematikom spavanja, koja je vrlo važna u okviru rada prvostupnika Sestrinstva, obzirom da spada u kategoriju zadovoljenja osnovnih fizioloÅ”kih potreba. Istraživanje se provelo na Fakultetu zdravstvenih studija SveučiliÅ”ta u Rijeci tijekom 2023. godine. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 106 studenata preddiplomskog stručnog studija sestrinstva prve, druge i treće godine. Uključeni su studenti oba spola, različite dobi, godine studiranja i statusa studiranja (redovni, izvanredni). Upitnik koriÅ”te za istraživanje sastojao se od tri dijela, te je bio izrađen pomoću Google formsa. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da su hipoteze 1 i 3 prihvaćene jer nije bilo značajne razlike u rezlutatima. Hipoteza 2 je odbačena zbog nepostojanja značajne razlike u kvaliteti spavanja između redovnih i izvandrenih studenata sestrinstva, dok je hipoteza 4 djelomično prihvaćena zbog toga Å”to se studenti bude kasnije vikendom, ali ne odlaze kasnije spavati u odnosu na radne dane kao Å”to je to bilo pretpostavljeno u hipotezi 4.Sleep is a basic human physiological need that affects the overall quality of life. Bad sleeping habits affect a person's daily psychophysical functioning. Sleep quality and habits change throughout life and are specifically related to a person's overall lifestyle. Healthcare professionals should be educated that lack of sleep and fatigue endanger their own safety and increase the risk of mistakes in everyday and professional life. The aim of this research is to examine the habits and quality of sleep of Nursing students at the Faculty of Health Studies in Rijeka in order to make students aware of the level of sleep quality and to become more familiar with the topic of sleep itself, which is very important in the work of Bachelor of Nursing, considering that it belongs to the category of satisfaction basic physiological needs. The research was conducted at the Faculty of Health Studies of the University of Rijeka during 2023. 106 first-, second- and third-year undergraduate nursing students participated in the research. Students of both genders, different ages, years of study and study status (full-time, part-time) are included. The questionnaire used for the research consisted of three parts and was created using Google forms. The research results showed that hypotheses 1 and 3 were accepted because there were no significant differences in the results. Hypothesis 2 was rejected due to the absence of a significant difference in the quality of sleep between full-time and part-time nursing students, while hypothesis 4 was partially accepted due to the fact that students take a weekend later, but do not go to sleep later compared to weekdays, as was assumed in the hypotheses 4