96 research outputs found

    Incorporation and localisation of ganglioside GM3 in human intimal atherosclerotic lesions

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    AbstractImmunohistochemical examination showed that sections of intimal atherosclerotic plaques contained cells and cell clusters as well as areas of extracellular matrix specifically stained with antibodies against ganglioside GM3. No immunohistochemical staining was observed in areas bordering the plaques where there was no histological evidence of atherosclerosis. To determine whether the ganglioside GM3 deposits in the intimal plaques derived directly from plasma or were synthesised by intimal cells, intimal plaque and plasma LDL were assayed for ganglioside GM3 fatty acid composition. This assay showed that more than 50% of the fatty acids of GM3 isolated from both atherosclerotic and normal intima are either minor fatty acids or those absent from LDL GM3. We conclude that the GM3 deposits present in intimal plaque arise in intimal cells and do not derive from plasma LDL

    Economic sanctions in the context of globalization

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    The aim of the study - to highlight the key changes in the Russian economy that occurred under the influence of sanctions in 2014 and 2022.Цель исследования - выделить ключевые изменения российской экономики, которые произошли под влиянием санкций в 2014 и 2022 года

    Monoclonal antibody B2, a marker of neuroendocrine sympathoadrenal precursors, recognizes the Luke (LKE) antigen

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    Blood group antigens are physiologically important differentiation markers in embryogenesis and development. Monoclonal antibody (MoAb) B2 recognizes a transient antigen expressed on late sympathoadrenal neuroendocrine precursors and early sympathetic neuroblasts. It has been suggested that MoAb B2 may recognize a globo-series glycosphingolipid (GSL) related to the P blood group family. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: MoAb B2 and two anti-LKE MoAbs, MC813-70 and RM1, were screened against a panel of GSL standards and isolated red blood cell (RBC) GSLs by high-performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC) immunostaining. The ability of all three MoAbs to bind intact RBCs and two LKE+ renal cell carcinoma cell lines (A498, ACHN) were examined by flow cytometry and hemagglutination. RESULTS: MoAbs B2, MC813-70, and RM1 all specifically recognized monosialogalactosylgloboside (MSGG) on HPTLC immunostaining. Only MoAb MC813-70 bound intact RBC by flow cytometry and hemagglutination. Differential staining was observed between the three antibodies and two renal cell carcinoma cell lines. CONCLUSION: MoAb B2 recognizes MSGG or LKE antigen, suggesting that LKE may play a role in neuroendocrine differentiation from neural crest cells. Although MoAb B2 is not suitable for RBC phenotyping, it may be a useful immunologic reagent for the identification of human embryonic stem cells and renal cell and embryonic carcinoma.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/72345/1/j.1537-2995.2005.04338.x.pd

    Space and Globalization: Overcoming the Global/Local Opposition

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    Vairākās filozofijas tradīcijās telpa tika konceptualizēta kā nemainīgs dotums, kā vispārīga un pasīva, kā absolūts. Sociālie procesi tika priekšstatīti kā notiekoši tajā vai uz tās fonā. Tas ir ietekmējis arī iztēli par sociālo izmaiņu absolūto un neizbēgamo raksturu. Darbā tiek apskatītas globalizācijas konceptualizācijas atkarībā no ģeogrāfiskās iztēles un izvērtētas to politiskās implikācijas. Pirmkārt, tiek sniegta relatīvās telpas konceptualizācija un paskaidrota tās politiskā nozīme. Otrkārt, caur telpiskajām perspektīvām tiek kritiski izvērtētas atšķirīgas pieejas globalizācijas raksturojam. Kā arī tiek ieviesti mēroga un vietas jēdzieni un to atšķirīgas interpretācijas kā domāšanas rīki, kas ļauj izvairīties no paralizējošās idejas par globalizācijas producētā netaisnīguma neizbēgamību.In several traditions of philosophy, space was conceptualized as pre-given, as universal and passive, as an absolute. Social processes were seen as happening in it or on its background. It has also affected the imagination of the absolute and inevitable nature of the social changes. The work examines conceptualisation of globalisation according to different geographical imaginations and assesses their political implication. Firstly, the conceptualisation of the relative space is provided, and its political significance is explained. Secondly, different approaches to the characterisation of globalisation are critically challenged through spatial perspectives. Furthermore, the concepts of scale and place and their different interpretations are introduced as thinking tools that help to avoid the paralyzing idea of the inevitability of unfairness produced by globalization

    Inhibition of glycosphingolipid synthesis by threo-1-phenyl-2-decanoylamino-3-morpholino-1-propanol (PDMP) and the modulation of IL-1β-stimulated expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase in rat aortic smooth muscle cells

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    1. The composition of glycosphingolipids is altered in atherosclerotic tissue. In order to study the possible modulation of interleukin-1β (IL-1β)-induced expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) by endogenously synthesized glycosphingolipids, we investigated rat aortic vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) grown in the presence of the inhibitor of glycosphingolipid synthesis, threo-1-phenyl-2-decanoylamino-3-morpholino-1-propanol (PDMP). . 2. Depletion of glycosphingolipids by PDMP (20–30 μM) was demonstrated by thin-layer chromatography of D-[1-(14)C]-galactose- or L-[-U(14)C]-serine-labelled glycosphingolipids. Nitrite generation was measured by the diaminonaphthalene assay, nitric oxide was determined by the oxyhaemoglobin technique and iNOS protein was detected by immunocytochemistry. . 3. In VSMC grown in the presence of PDMP, the glycosphingolipid content was reduced by 30–50%. In PDMP-treated VSMC, IL-1β (3 u ml(−1))-stimulated release of nitrite (135±4 nmol mg(−1) protein 48 h(−1)) was significantly increased as compared to IL-1β-stimulated control cells (40±3 nmol mg(−1) protein 48 h(−1); n=6, P<0.001). Similarly, IL-1β (3 u ml(−1), 36 h)-stimulated release of nitric oxide was higher in PDMP-treated VSMC (6.1±0.5 nmol mg(−1) protein h(−1)) as compared to untreated cells (2.0±0.6 nmol mg(−1) protein h(−1); n=3, P<0.01). These findings were confirmed by the demonstration of increased expression of iNOS protein (14.9±1.2% vs 6.4±0.2%; n=4, P<0.001), as shown by immunocytochemistry. . 4. Evidence is presented that endogenous glycosphingolipids are important modulators of cytokine-induced iNOS expression. In view of an altered glycosphingolipid profile in atherosclerotic arteries, these mechanisms might be of relevance for the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and restenosis subsequent to vessel injury