44 research outputs found

    Analisis Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan, Orientasi Pasar, dan Kepuasan Konsumen terhadap Kinerja Pemasaran PT. Wisang Utama Mandiri Surabaya

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    Company competition surrounding today is colored with the fast changes and full of uncertainties. And, the problem faced by companies in present is the decrease of job volume, in which this matter takes place due to the impact of the decline of demands for the electric installation construction service to PT. Wisang Utama Mandiri. The job volume decline, perhaps, there any factors causing it, they are, among others, the poorly service quality, the market demands that not accommodated by the company, even the consumer satisfaction that not yet maximal, these cases, of course, so impacted on company incomes.From the result of testing on model in this research, by using random sampling, structural equation model (SEM) analysis, and the assistance of software Amos 22, on 100 respondents, that it was able to explain the Analysis of the Effects of Service Quality, Market Orientation, and Consumer Satisfaction on the Marketing Performance of PT. Wisang Utama Mandiri of Surabaya.The research result indicated that: 1) Service quality has effect on consumer satisfaction. 2) Service quality has effect marketing performace. 3) Market orientation has effect on consumer satisfaction. 4) Market orientation has effect on marketing performance. 5) Employee job satisfaction has significant effect on marketing performance.Of the three variables hypothesized as influential in this research, whose value largest is the direct relevance between market orientation and marketing performance


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    This research aims to estimate the effect of trade liberalization on total factor productivity (TFP) in Indonesian textiles and garment industry 1999 – 2009. Trade liberalization is measured by tariffs of the final goods and the quota policy. Lower tariffs on final goods is expected to increase TFP by inducing level of competition, whereas the elimination of the quota in 2005 will raise the average of TFP through economies of scale mechanism. This research uses the medium and large manufacturing data based on 5-digit level of international standard industrial classification (ISIC).To calculate the TFP, this research adopts the method proposed by Levinsohn-Petrin, while the effect of trade liberalization on TFP is estimated using least square dummy variable (LSDV) method. The results show that the reduction of tariff on final goods has negative effect on TFP in TPT industry. The estimation results also indicate the differences of the TFP before and after the quota-elimination policy implemented in 2005. It is proved by the significant of the dummy-quota variable. In addition, foreign ownership in TPT industry shows a positive effect on TFP

    From “Hot Mommies” to Differently Abled Mothers: Diverse Portrayals of Mothering in an Indonesian Women’s Magazine

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    Mothering and motherhood are among two key components of the construction of femininity. This study examined how mothering is embodied and performed by various women in Femina, Indonesia’s most popular women’s magazine, which targets primarily middle- or upper-middle-class women in their twenties and thirties. The sample set consisted of 17 portrayals of women as mothers in Femina during the years 2015 and 2016. We found that Femina depicts various ways in which women can function as mothers while remaining contented and balancing their different roles; in doing so, the magazine encourages a feminine and feminist celebration of mothering. Femina’s representations allow for the bridging and embracing of differences while at the same time constructing an ideal notion of femininity that highlights women’s ability to be successful in each of the multiple domains they enter, including their role as a mother


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    Al-Qur’an menyebut nafs dengan berbagai kata jadiannya dan pengulangannya sebanyak 303 kali. Nafs yang mengandung kata jiwa di sebut dalam al-Qur’an sebagai ruh, fithrah, qalb, fu`ad, aql dan bashirah, yang kesemuanya ini lalu menjadi sub sistem dan komponen tersendiri dari nafs. Interaksi dari semua sub sistem ini lalu diikat dengan perasaan dan pikiran sehingga nafs menjadi satu kesatuan  yang menjadi penggerak tingkah lakuBagi seorang muslim, ia harus berupaya menggapai masalah tazkiyatun nafs dari serangkaian ibadah yang dikerjakannya. Artinya, ibadah yang dilakukan jangan hanya menjadi gerak-gerak fisik yang kosong dari ruh keimanan dan taqarrub kepada Allah . Sebaliknya, ibadah apapun yang kita kerjakan hendaknya juga bernuansa pembersihan jiwa

    Reinterpretation and Reconstruction of the Folktale Jaka Tarub into Akhudiat’s Play Jaka Tarub: A New Historicist Reading

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    The article examines the transformation of ‘Jaka Tarub’, a folktale contained in Babad Tanah Jawi, into the play Jaka Tarub by Akhudiat. Jaka Tarub by Akhudiat is a two-act play that is parodic in style. The play won the 1974 Jakarta Arts Council Playwriting Competition. The aim of the article is to study how the tale is interpreted and reconstructed into Indonesian contemporary literature. The transformation of the tale is analyzed from a new historicist perspective. The analysis suggests that the history of a nation can be read through its literature since New Historicism sees that texts and history are always, inevitably, interrelated. Based on such a perspective, there is no longer such a thing as a single absolute ‘historical reality’. Instead, there are always different versions and perspectives of history. Akhudiat’s reinterpretation and reconstruction of the folktale represent Indonesia in the 1970s. Seen in this light, an Indonesian literary text that reflects history can be regarded as another version of history. Thus, New Historicism offers an appropriate approach to study such a literary text because it is through a New Historicist approach to reading that realities unwritten in mainstream texts of history become accessible to the reader or audience.     Keywords: folktale, reconstruction, reinterpretation, transformatio

    Place of Worship as Capital Space: The Relationship between Masjid Raya Bandung and Shopping Centers

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    The mosque is generally known as a place of worship for Muslims.  Besides being seen as a physical and spiritual space, a mosque is also a cultural space.  The culture is manifested through the everyday life of people who are connected to the mosque.  The economy is part of the everyday life that will connect the mosque with other economic sectors such as shopping centers.  This research will show the relationship between the mosque and shopping centers that contribute to the development or production of capital space in the city.  Masjid Raya Bandung (MRB) is the focus of research to uncover the formation of capital space and its relationship with shopping centers around the MRB.  The method used is observation and in-depth interviews with people visiting the mosque and shopping centers.  The theory used to look at this case is the production of space from Henri Lefebvre.  The results showed that the mosque was not only seen as a place of worship, but also a capital space.  The formation of this capital space can be seen from the relation of MRB with the shopping places around it and the relations of the activities of visitors who presuppose these two spaces: the mosque and the shopping centers.  That way, the mosque is used as a means of perpetuating the economic process or consumerism in the surrounding spaces, including in shopping centers

    Gambaran Anemia Gizi Dan Kaitannya Dengan Asupan Serta Pola Makan Pada Tenaga Kerja Wanita Di Tangerang, Banteng

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    Health and nutritional status of female workers are factors determining the quality of human resources in the future. A cross sectional study was done in shoes factory on cutting and trimming department in Tangerang district, Banten. This study was conducted to observe the nutritional enemia profile in this group employing questionaire, anthropometricmeasurement, physical and laboratory examination. The population was female workers. Subjects were chossen using inclusion criteria. A total of 125 persons were admitted in this study. Overall the prevalence of undernutrition was 23 (18.4%). Anemia was found in 78 (62.4%), consisted of 55 (44%) nutritional anemia and 23 (18.4%) unknown caused. Nutritional anemia were separated to iron deficiency anemia 44 (35.2%),B12 deficiency anemia 2 (1.6%), iron + B12 deficiency anemia 4 (3.2%), iron + folic acid deficiency anemia 2 (1.6%), B12 + folic acid deficiency anemia 2 (1.6%), iron + B12 + folic acid deficiency anemia 1 (0.8%). This study concluded that the nutritional anemia was related significantly (p<0.05) to inadequacy protein and iron intake was well as unpair food pattern. In the future, effort should be done to give adequate nutrients intake especially sources of protein, iron, folic acid and B12 vitamin

    Bioskop di Mal: Konsumsi dan Komodifikasi dalam Budaya Urban

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    Di kota Bandung, hampir semua mal memiliki bioskop, dan sebaliknya, tidak ada bioskop di luar mal. Artikel ini akan memaparkan konsekuensi dari keberadaan bioskop di mal. Artikel ini disusun berdasarkan observasi lapangan dan studi pustaka, yang kemudian ditafsirkan secara hermeneutika dengan pendekatan teori kritis. Observasi lapangan dilakukan di dua bioskop terbesar di Kota Bandung yakni CGV Cinemas mal Paris van Java dan Ciwalk XXI mal Cihampelas Walk. Fenomena bioskop di mal menunjukkan bahwa kehidupan urban menyebabkan komodifikasi ruang dan pengalaman. Berbelanja di mal dan menonton film di bioskop mal mengarahkan warga urban untuk melakukan konsumsi, serta memaksimalkan keuntungan yang didapat oleh mal dan bioskop. In Bandung city, virtually all shopping malls list movie theaters among their venue. Conversely, there is no movie theater located out of shopping mall. This article explains consequences of movie theater in shopping malls. This article is written based on field observation and literature study, which then was interpreted hermeneutically, using critical theory approach. Field observations were conducted at two biggest movie theaters in Bandung's shopping malls, which are CGV Cinemas in Paris van Java Mall and Ciwalk XXI in Cihampelas Walk Mall. This phenomenon indicates that urban life causes commodification on space and experience. Both the act of shopping and watching movies in shopping malls lead urban people to a consumptive lifestyle while maximizing the revenues of both shopping malls and movie theaters