37 research outputs found

    Better Teaching and Learning (Btl) Untuk Meningkatkan Pengajaran Profesional Dan Pembelajaran Bermakna Mahasiswa

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    This study is conducted to describe the quality of improvement process in course designed by Better Teaching and Learning (BTL) in the course of learning process to speak on student's university participants in Learning Speaking, decrypt improving the quality of student's learning outcomes after learning speak courses to Better Teaching and Learning (BTL), and express the student's respone as feedback of learning outcomes assessment that designed to reveal the performance of the Better Teaching and learning (BTL) which can provide significant feedback to positive student's response. The subjects of this study are the students of Indonesian Language and Literature Education. Learning is implemented using Better Teaching and Learning (BTL). Method of collecting the data is by using observation, assessment rubrics, interviews, journals, and photos. The process and the students' learning outcomes were analyzed with qualitative and quantitative techniques. The results show that the process, learning outcomes, and student's responses can be enhanced through implementation of Better Teaching and Learning (BTL) which are arranged in fourteen steps

    Strategi Dua-dua-empat Untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Kepewaraan Mahasiswa

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    The purpose of this research is to improve the quality of the lecture that is designed based on the strategy two-two-four students in the kepewaraan lecturing on kepewaraan course participants, and also to describe the amount of increase in the quality of students learning outcomes after attending kepewaraan strategy with two-two-four and uncover students\u27s responses as feedback learning outcomes assessment designed to reveal the strategy performance in two-twofour can provide significant feedback to the positive response of students. the subject of the study were students of Education Studies Language and Literature Indonesia. Learning strategy implemented using two journals and document images. Processes and students learning outcomes were analyzed with qualitative and quantitative techniques. the results showed the process, learning outcomes, and students responses can be enhanced through the application of strategy of two-two-four, arranged in twelve steps

    Kohesi Gramatikal Dalam Teks Laporan Penelitian Dosen Fakultas Bahasa Dan Seni Universitas Negeri Semarang

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    The purpose of this study is to prove the existence of grammatical cohesion in the research report text of the lectures of Faculty of Languages and Arts, Semarang State University and to identify the various devices used in the text of the research report, from the lecturer of Faculty of Languages and Arts, Semarang State University. The research was conducted with qualitative and descriptive approach. The source of research data is the lecturer's text of the research report that there are seven research report. Research data in the form of text snippets of the Semarang State University's lecurer's research report that allegedly contain grammatical cohesion. The findings of this study is the presence of grammatical cohesion in the Faculty of Language and Art Semarang State University ‘lecturer's text of the research report on the use of words or phrases. Grammatical cohesion devices in the Faculty of Language and Art Semarang State University ‘lecture's text research report, which covers (1) reference (reference), (2) substitution, (3) ellipsis, and (4) conjunction. Based on these findings, it can be put forward suggestions that language users should be able to make use of grammatical cohesion in an effort to speak effectively and efficiently, both verbal and written. Excavations of various grammatical cohesion devices in the Faculty of Language and Art Semarang State University ‘lecture's text research report should continue to be given the possibility of using other devices than those found in this study


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    Metafora tidak hanya untuk keindahan pengungkapan dalam bidang prosa. Ternyata metafora juga memiliki daya kreatif dalam bahasa sehingga dapat mewakili pesan yang disampaikan politikus dengan tepat dan menarik pada wacana kampanye. Makalah ini bertujuan menganalisis makna ungkapan metaforis dalam berkampanye yang terkandung dalam wacana kampanye. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif dan deskriptif. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode padan referensial dan metode refleksif introspektif. Dari analisis data penelitian ini diperoleh temuan bahwa makna ungkapan metaforis dalam wacana kampanye berdasarkan makna interaksi meliputi makna ungkapan metaforis berubah artinya ke dalam makna langsung yang dimaksud atau sebaliknya. KataKunci: metafora, makna, wacana kampanye. Abstract:Metaphors are not only to beautify language in terms of prose. Actually metaphor is also embodiment of applicable creative language power representing delivered messages by politicians accurately and attractively in campaign discourse as ornaments.The has purposes to analyze metaphorical utterance meanings utterances contained in campaign discourse. The approach used is qualitative descriptive. The data analysis is done through matching referential method and introspective reflective method. The data analysis of the research gains these findings. The metaphorical meaning based on interactional theory covers metaphorical utterance meaning changes the meanings metaphorical meanings or vice-versa. Keywords: metaphors, meaning, campaign discourse


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    This study aims to examine the various roles of metaphor in the oral literature of Pepali Babad Banyumasan. This study was qualitative and descriptive by its nature, meaning that all data are not in the form of numbers. It instead focused on the quality of verbal forms or utterances All data were retrieved from written excerpts of the prose. All data were retrieved from written excerpts of the prose. These data were further analyzed using a referential identity method and a reflective introspective method. The study found four functions of metaphor in Pepali Babad Banyumasan, such as to mention unique characteristics, to describe the place of origin, to substitute, and to concretize human experience. Oral literature of Banyumasan Javanese, especially the one discussed in the present study, is worth investigating. Pepaliis originated from Raden Baribin, Wira Utama, Yudanegara II, Yudanegara III, and others. Behind the fact that literary work is something inanimate, lies within Pepali is enigma and meaning to look at. The findings in this study are belief in magical and occult things as a way of life for taking attitudes for the ancient Javanese people, particularly the Banyumasan people that was used as a form of expression to concretize the representation of experiences in the past, then make it a message so that people are more vigilant and break bad luck in the present by reflecting on past experiences. In this study, it is clear that the ancient Javanese people believed in magical things as a form of human communication to get blessing in managing government. The ancient Javanese people of Banyumasan also believed that the name was also a sign to represent the image of the community group. In this case the name that appears to represent the aristocratic class of society (people who are destined to become leaders) by giving him a family name taken from the name of an animal, namely goose


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    As prospective educators, students must have the competence to write good teaching materials. One indicator of good teaching materials is readability in accordance with the level of education of students. This study aims to determine the legibility of teaching materials by students using the Flesch Formula. The research method used is descriptive quantitative with instruments in the form of performance tests as a data collection tool. The results of this study indicate: (1) based on measurements using the Flesch Formula, 24% of teaching materials are in accordance with the specified readability level and 76% of teaching materials are not in accordance with the specified readability level; (2) A total of 17% of teaching materials are included in the category of moderately easy, 4% easy, 31% moderate, 24% quite difficult, 21% difficult, and 3% very difficult; and (3) other factors that cause incompatibility of teaching materials made by students are sentences that are too complex with the number only ranging from 2-7 sentences every 100 words. Therefore, prospective teachers should develop the skills of writing teaching materials well by practicing independently or under the guidance of the lecturer. Institutions can also make policies to deepen the writing of teaching materials for students in existing courses or insert new courses in the curriculum structure

    Peran Perpustakaan Waca dalam Meningkatkan Minat Baca Siswa melalui Gerakan Literasi Sekolah di SMAN 1 Astanajapura

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    Menumbuhkan minat baca sejak dini sangat penting agar masyarakat memiliki sifat budaya membaca. Ada beberapa kegiatan yang bisa dilakukan untuk penumbuhan minat baca, seperti program Gerakan Literasi Sekolah yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk untuk mengetahui peran perpustakaan waca dalam meningkatkan minat baca siswa melalui Gerakan Literasi Sekolah di SMA Negeri 1 Astanajapura. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan studi kasus dengan desain penelitian kualitatif dan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data meliputi observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa program Gerakan Literasi Sekolah di untuk mengetahui peran perpustakaan waca dalam meningkatkan minat baca siswa melalui Gerakan Literasi Sekolah di SMA Negeri 1 Astanajapura dilaksanakan dalam tiga tahap, yaitu pembiasaan, pengembangan, dan pembelajaran. Tahap pembiasaan meliputi kegiatan membaca selama 15 menit sebelum pelajaran dimulai dan penataan lingkungan yang kaya akan literasi. Tahap pengembangan meliputi pengembangan literasi melalui kegiatan Jumat Bahasa, sementara tahap pembelajaran meliputi pemanfaatan buku pengayaan dalam pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia yang disertai tugas menulis

    Penerapan Pembelajaran Berdiferensiasi pada Materi Pewara Mahasiswa Semester III Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia Universitas PGRI Palembang

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat analisis hasil dari penerapan pembelajaran berdiferensiasi pada materi pewara mahasiswa semester III Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia Universitas PGRI Palembang. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Penelitian ini menggunakan sumber data sekunder karena menggunakan sumber berupa dokumen, buku, internet dan media masa. Hasil penelitian adalah penerapan pembelajaran berdiferensiasai pada materi pewara mahasiswa semester III Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia sudah diterapakan dengan baik sesuai dengan kesiapan belajar mahasiswa, minat mahasiswa dan profil belajar mahasiswa. Gaya belajar pada mata kuliah pewara yaitu visual, auditori dan kinestetik. Terdapat empat prinsip pembelajaran berdiferensiasi yaitu lingkungan belajar, kurikulum yang berkualitas, penilaian yang menunjukkan hasil belajar dan instruktur yang menjawab kebutuhan mahasiswa. Komponen pembelajaran berdiferensiasi yang diterapkan adalah konten, proses dan produk

    Analisis Wacana Kritis Model Foucault: Upaya Menggugah Daya Kritis Mahasiswa Melalui Pembelajaran Teknik Menulis Karangan Ilmiah

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pandangan mahasiswa terhadap Analisis Wacana Kritis (AWK) dan tokoh-tokohnya. Fokus penelitian mencakup evaluasi terhadap pemahaman mahasiswa terhadap konsep AWK dengan menggunakan Model Foucault. Dengan begitu, penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi pada pemahaman mahasiswa mengenai AWK, khususnya pada model Foucault, serta meningkatkan kemampuan mereka untuk mengaplikasikan konsep tersebut dalam menganalisis teks dan wacana. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan teori AWK Foucault. Subjek penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa semester 5 pada Program Studi Sastra Indonesia Universitas Diponegoro. Sampel yang terlibat sebanyak 57 mahasiswa. Data dikumpulkan dengan metode observasi angket dan dokumen. Metode analisis data menggunakan analisis isi dan hasil analisisnya disajikan dengan metode informal. Hasil survei menunjukkan meningkatnya rasa keingintahuan yang signifikan mahasiswa terkait konsep-konsep AWK, tokoh-tokoh AWK, dan teori Foucault. Penyampaian materi AWK dapat memicu munculnya sikap berpikir kritis pada mahasiswa Kemudian, berdasarkan analisis teks, penelitian ini masih berfokus pada kesalahan diksi, seperti kata yang bersinonim, kata umum atau khusus, kata denotatif atau konotatif, dan lain-lain.

    Analisis Keselarasan Antar Komponen RPP pada Materi Teks Prosedur Kelas VII SMP

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis keselarasan antar komponen RPP pada materi teks prosedur kelas VII SMP. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan kajian kepustakaan. Dalam penelitian ini, pendekatan kualitatif sebagai pendekatan untuk menganalisis keselarasan antar komponen RPP pada materi teks prosedur. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan pengumpulan data sekunder. Adapun data sekunder melalui RPP, telaah pustaka dari jurnal ilmiah internasional, nasional, artikel ilmiah, dan buku-buku terkait dengan topik karya ilmiah. Analisis data dilakukan dengan model analisis interaktif yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan/verifikasi. Reduksi data diartikan sebagai proses pemilihan membatasi suatu penyajian. Penyajian data sebagai sekumpulan informasi tersusun yang memberi kemungkinan adanya penarikan kesimpulan dan pengambilan tindakan. Kesimpulan-kesimpulan juga diverifikasi selama penelitian berlangsung. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu terdapat keselarasan antar komponen RPP. Pertama, keselarasan antara SKL, KI, KD, IPK, dan Tujuan Pembelajaran. Kedua, Keselarasan KD-IPK dengan Materi Pembelajaran. Ketiga, keselarasan KD-IPK-Tujuan Pembelajaran dengan proses KBM. Keempat, keselarasan KD-IPK-Tujuan Pembelajaran dengan Penilaian