28 research outputs found

    Microevolution during the emergence of a monophasic Salmonella Typhimurium epidemic in the United Kingdom

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    Microevolutionary events associated with the emergence and clonal expansion of new 27 epidemic clones of bacterial pathogens hold the key to understanding the drivers of 28 epidemiological success. We describe a comparative whole genome sequence and 29 phylogenomic analysis of monophasic Salmonella Typhimurium isolates from the UK 30 and Italy from 2005-2012. Monophasic isolates from this time formed a single clade 31 distinct from recent monophasic epidemic clones described previously from North 32 America and Spain. The current UK monophasic epidemic clones encode a novel 33 genomic island encoding resistance to heavy metals (SGI-3), and composite transposon 34 encoding antibiotic resistance genes not present in other Typhimurium isolates, that 35 may have contributed to the epidemiological success. We also report a remarkable 36 degree of genotypic variation that accumulated during clonal expansion of a UK 37 epidemic including multiple independent acquisitions of a novel prophage carrying the 38 sopE gene and multiple deletion events affecting the phase II flagellin locus

    Ecological niche adaptation of Salmonella Typhimurium U288 is associated with altered pathogenicity and reduced zoonotic potential

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    The emergence of new bacterial pathogens is a continuing challenge for agriculture and food safety. Salmonella Typhimurium is a major cause of foodborne illness worldwide, with pigs a major zoonotic reservoir. Two phylogenetically distinct variants, U288 and ST34, emerged in UK pigs around the same time but present different risk to food safety. Here we show using genomic epidemiology that ST34 accounts for over half of all S. Typhimurium infections in people while U288 less than 2%. That the U288 clade evolved in the recent past by acquiring AMR genes, indels in the virulence plasmid pU288-1, and accumulation of loss-of-function polymorphisms in coding sequences. U288 replicates more slowly and is more sensitive to desiccation than ST34 isolates and exhibited distinct pathogenicity in the murine model of colitis and in pigs. U288 infection was more disseminated in the lymph nodes while ST34 were recovered in greater numbers in the intestinal contents. These data are consistent with the evolution of S. Typhimurium U288 adaptation to pigs that may determine their reduced zoonotic potential

    Pathogenicity of enterohemorrhagic E. coli : identification of regulatory pathways controlling motility, biofilm formation and the locus of enterocyte effacement

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    Les Escherichia coli entérohémorragiques (EHEC) sont responsables de toxi-infections alimentaires conduisant à des colites hémorragiques pouvant se compliquer d’un syndrome hémolytique et urémique. Une fois arrivés dans l’intestin, les EHEC adhèrent aux cellules épithéliales en causant des lésions d’attachement-effacement. Le système de sécrétion de type III et les protéines effectrices requis pour ce phénotype sont codés majoritairement par le locus d’effacement des entérocytes (LEE), constitué de plusieurs opérons (LEE1-5). Notre étude a permis de clarifier une des cascades de régulation contrôlant l’expression du LEE. Par des analyses en qRT-PCR et des immuno précipitations de la chromatine, nous avons déterminé que les régulateurs GadE et GadX sont des répresseurs indirects de l’expression du LEE. GadE active l’expression de gadX, et GadX réprime l’expression de ler, codant pour le principal activateur des opérons LEE2-5. De plus, GadE réprime aussi l’expression des opérons LEE4 et LEE5 indépendamment de Ler. En retour, Ler réprime l’expression de gadE et de gadX. Le monoxyde d’azote (NO) est un effecteur majeur de la réponse immune innée, produit en particulier par les cellules épithéliales intestinales. Il avait été montré que le NO réprime l’expression du LEE et active celle de gadE et de gadX. Notre étude a permis d’identifier le régulateur clé responsable de ces régulations, NsrR. NsrR réprime indirectement l’expression de gadE et gadX et active l’expression des opérons LEE1, LEE4 et LEE5 en se fixant sur leurs promoteurs respectifs. En présence de NO, NsrR devient inactif. Ainsi, le NO réprime directement l’expression du LEE en supprimant la fixation de NsrR aux promoteurs du LEE1, LEE4 et LEE5, et indirectement en activant l’expression de gadE et donc de gadX. Un modèle de régulation intégrant l’ensemble de ces résultats est proposé. D’autre part, nous avons identifié et caractérisé une nouvelle phosphodiestérase spécifique des EHEC les plus pathogènes, VmpA. Par son activité d’hydrolyse du di-GMPc, VmpA contrôle la mobilité bactérienne, la formation de biofilm, et probablement l’expression du LEE, mais aurait aussi un rôle plus général dans la physiologie des EHEC.Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) is a foodborne pathogen causing hemorrhagic colitis and Hemolytic and Uremic Syndrome (HUS). After reaching the gut, EHEC adhere to the epithelial intestinal cells causing attachment/effacement lesions (A/E lesions). The locus of enterocyte effacement (LEE) encodes for a type three secretion system and several effector proteins required for A/E lesions. The LEE is composed of five main operons (LEE1-5). In this work we identified the molecular mechanisms of one of the regulatory cascades controlling LEE expression. Using qRT-PCR and chromatin immunoprécipitation we determined that GadE and GadX are two indirect repressors of LEE expression. GadE activates gadX expression, and GadX represses ler expression, the latter encoding the main activator of LEE2-5 operons. Moreover, GadE also represses LEE4 and LEE5 expression independently of Ler. In turn, Ler represses gadE and gadX expression. Nitric oxide (NO) is a crucial effector of the innate immune response, in part produced by intestinal epithelial cells. It has been shown previously that NO represses LEE and activates gadE and gadX expression. In this study we identified the key regulator responsible for these regulations: NsrR. NsrR represses indirectly gadE and gadX expression and activates LEE1, LEE4 and LEE5 expression by binding to their respective promoter. In the presence of NO, NsrR is inactivated. Thus, NO directly represses LEE expression by relieving NsrR binding to the LEE1, LEE4 and LEE5 promoters, and indirectly by activating gadE and gadX expression. A regulatory model is proposed based on these results.In addition, we identified and characterized a new phosphodiesterase which is specific for the most virulent EHEC strains: VmpA. By degrading c-di-GMPc, VmpA controls motility, biofilms formation, and probably LEE expression. It would also have a global effect on EHEC physiology

    Pathogénicité des Escherichia coli entérohémorragiques: identification de voies de régulation contrôlant la mobilité, la formation de biofilm et le locus d'effacement des entérocytes

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    Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) is a foodborne pathogen causing hemorrhagic colitis and Hemolytic and Uremic Syndrome (HUS). After reaching the gut, EHEC adhere to the epithelial intestinal cells causing attachment/effacement lesions (A/E lesions). The locus of enterocyte effacement (LEE) encodes for a type three secretion system and several effector proteins required for A/E lesions. The LEE is composed of five main operons (LEE1-5). In this work we identified the molecular mechanisms of one of the regulatory cascades controlling LEE expression. Using qRT-PCR and chromatin immunoprécipitation we determined that GadE and GadX are two indirect repressors of LEE expression. GadE activates gadX expression, and GadX represses ler expression, the latter encoding the main activator of LEE2-5 operons. Moreover, GadE also represses LEE4 and LEE5 expression independently of Ler. In turn, Ler represses gadE and gadX expression. Nitric oxide (NO) is a crucial effector of the innate immune response, in part produced by intestinal epithelial cells. It has been shown previously that NO represses LEE and activates gadE and gadX expression. In this study we identified the key regulator responsible for these regulations: NsrR. NsrR represses indirectly gadE and gadX expression and activates LEE1, LEE4 and LEE5 expression by binding to their respective promoter. In the presence of NO, NsrR is inactivated. Thus, NO directly represses LEE expression by relieving NsrR binding to the LEE1, LEE4 and LEE5 promoters, and indirectly by activating gadE and gadX expression. A regulatory model is proposed based on these results.In addition, we identified and characterized a new phosphodiesterase which is specific for the most virulent EHEC strains: VmpA. By degrading c-di-GMPc, VmpA controls motility, biofilms formation, and probably LEE expression. It would also have a global effect on EHEC physiology.Les Escherichia coli entérohémorragiques (EHEC) sont responsables de toxi-infections alimentaires conduisant à des colites hémorragiques pouvant se compliquer d’un syndrome hémolytique et urémique. Une fois arrivés dans l’intestin, les EHEC adhèrent aux cellules épithéliales en causant des lésions d’attachement-effacement. Le système de sécrétion de type III et les protéines effectrices requis pour ce phénotype sont codés majoritairement par le locus d’effacement des entérocytes (LEE), constitué de plusieurs opérons (LEE1-5). Notre étude a permis de clarifier une des cascades de régulation contrôlant l’expression du LEE. Par des analyses en qRT-PCR et des immuno précipitations de la chromatine, nous avons déterminé que les régulateurs GadE et GadX sont des répresseurs indirects de l’expression du LEE. GadE active l’expression de gadX, et GadX réprime l’expression de ler, codant pour le principal activateur des opérons LEE2-5. De plus, GadE réprime aussi l’expression des opérons LEE4 et LEE5 indépendamment de Ler. En retour, Ler réprime l’expression de gadE et de gadX. Le monoxyde d’azote (NO) est un effecteur majeur de la réponse immune innée, produit en particulier par les cellules épithéliales intestinales. Il avait été montré que le NO réprime l’expression du LEE et active celle de gadE et de gadX. Notre étude a permis d’identifier le régulateur clé responsable de ces régulations, NsrR. NsrR réprime indirectement l’expression de gadE et gadX et active l’expression des opérons LEE1, LEE4 et LEE5 en se fixant sur leurs promoteurs respectifs. En présence de NO, NsrR devient inactif. Ainsi, le NO réprime directement l’expression du LEE en supprimant la fixation de NsrR aux promoteurs du LEE1, LEE4 et LEE5, et indirectement en activant l’expression de gadE et donc de gadX. Un modèle de régulation intégrant l’ensemble de ces résultats est proposé. D’autre part, nous avons identifié et caractérisé une nouvelle phosphodiestérase spécifique des EHEC les plus pathogènes, VmpA. Par son activité d’hydrolyse du di-GMPc, VmpA contrôle la mobilité bactérienne, la formation de biofilm, et probablement l’expression du LEE, mais aurait aussi un rôle plus général dans la physiologie des EHEC

    Pathogénicité des Escherichia coli entérohémorragiques (identification de voies de régulation contrôlant la mobilité, la formation de biofilm et le locus d'effacement des entérocytes)

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    Les Escherichia coli entérohémorragiques (EHEC) sont responsables de toxi-infections alimentaires conduisant à des colites hémorragiques pouvant se compliquer d un syndrome hémolytique et urémique. Une fois arrivés dans l intestin, les EHEC adhèrent aux cellules épithéliales en causant des lésions d attachement-effacement. Le système de sécrétion de type III et les protéines effectrices requis pour ce phénotype sont codés majoritairement par le locus d effacement des entérocytes (LEE), constitué de plusieurs opérons (LEE1-5). Notre étude a permis de clarifier une des cascades de régulation contrôlant l expression du LEE. Par des analyses en qRT-PCR et des immuno précipitations de la chromatine, nous avons déterminé que les régulateurs GadE et GadX sont des répresseurs indirects de l expression du LEE. GadE active l expression de gadX, et GadX réprime l expression de ler, codant pour le principal activateur des opérons LEE2-5. De plus, GadE réprime aussi l expression des opérons LEE4 et LEE5 indépendamment de Ler. En retour, Ler réprime l expression de gadE et de gadX. Le monoxyde d azote (NO) est un effecteur majeur de la réponse immune innée, produit en particulier par les cellules épithéliales intestinales. Il avait été montré que le NO réprime l expression du LEE et active celle de gadE et de gadX. Notre étude a permis d identifier le régulateur clé responsable de ces régulations, NsrR. NsrR réprime indirectement l expression de gadE et gadX et active l expression des opérons LEE1, LEE4 et LEE5 en se fixant sur leurs promoteurs respectifs. En présence de NO, NsrR devient inactif. Ainsi, le NO réprime directement l expression du LEE en supprimant la fixation de NsrR aux promoteurs du LEE1, LEE4 et LEE5, et indirectement en activant l expression de gadE et donc de gadX. Un modèle de régulation intégrant l ensemble de ces résultats est proposé. D autre part, nous avons identifié et caractérisé une nouvelle phosphodiestérase spécifique des EHEC les plus pathogènes, VmpA. Par son activité d hydrolyse du di-GMPc, VmpA contrôle la mobilité bactérienne, la formation de biofilm, et probablement l expression du LEE, mais aurait aussi un rôle plus général dans la physiologie des EHEC.Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) is a foodborne pathogen causing hemorrhagic colitis and Hemolytic and Uremic Syndrome (HUS). After reaching the gut, EHEC adhere to the epithelial intestinal cells causing attachment/effacement lesions (A/E lesions). The locus of enterocyte effacement (LEE) encodes for a type three secretion system and several effector proteins required for A/E lesions. The LEE is composed of five main operons (LEE1-5). In this work we identified the molecular mechanisms of one of the regulatory cascades controlling LEE expression. Using qRT-PCR and chromatin immunoprécipitation we determined that GadE and GadX are two indirect repressors of LEE expression. GadE activates gadX expression, and GadX represses ler expression, the latter encoding the main activator of LEE2-5 operons. Moreover, GadE also represses LEE4 and LEE5 expression independently of Ler. In turn, Ler represses gadE and gadX expression. Nitric oxide (NO) is a crucial effector of the innate immune response, in part produced by intestinal epithelial cells. It has been shown previously that NO represses LEE and activates gadE and gadX expression. In this study we identified the key regulator responsible for these regulations: NsrR. NsrR represses indirectly gadE and gadX expression and activates LEE1, LEE4 and LEE5 expression by binding to their respective promoter. In the presence of NO, NsrR is inactivated. Thus, NO directly represses LEE expression by relieving NsrR binding to the LEE1, LEE4 and LEE5 promoters, and indirectly by activating gadE and gadX expression. A regulatory model is proposed based on these results.In addition, we identified and characterized a new phosphodiesterase which is specific for the most virulent EHEC strains: VmpA. By degrading c-di-GMPc, VmpA controls motility, biofilms formation, and probably LEE expression. It would also have a global effect on EHEC physiology.CLERMONT FD-Bib.électronique (631139902) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Imaging bacterial cells and biofilms adhering to hydrophobic organic compounds-water interfaces

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    International audienceAssimilation of Hydrophobic Organic Compound (HOC) entails frequently the formation of biofilm at the HOC-water interface. Knowledge on the behavior of cells at the oil-water interface and within the structured biofilm is therefore important to understand the degradation of the HOC in ecosystems. The adhesion and biofilm formation on oil-water interface is best documented by microscopic observations. In this chapter we thus describe two methods for observation of bacterial cells and biofilms growing at the HOC-water interface. The first method uses CLSM (confocal laser scanning microscopy) to obtain in situ images of biofilm developing on thin paraffin strip which offers a flat transparent surface allowing imaging directly through the bottom of the culture dish without sampling. Alternatively, the biofilm can be grown on a paraffin strip deposited on a glass microscope slide and then imaged from the top when high resolution is needed. The second method addresses the problematic of the ultrastructure of biofilm developing on HOC. It enables to obtain by TEM (transmission electron microscopy) images of cross sections of biofilms with identification of the side in contact with the HOC

    Tackling the Threat of Cancer Due to Pathobionts Producing Colibactin: Is Mesalamine the Magic Bullet?

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    International audienceColibactin is a genotoxin produced primarily by Escherichia coli harboring the genomic pks island (pks+ E. coli). Pks+ E. coli cause host cell DNA damage, leading to chromosomal instability and gene mutations. The signature of colibactin-induced mutations has been described and found in human colorectal cancer (CRC) genomes. An inflamed intestinal environment drives the expansion of pks+ E. coli and promotes tumorigenesis. Mesalamine (i.e., 5-aminosalycilic acid), an effective anti-inflammatory drug, is an inhibitor of the bacterial polyphosphate kinase (PPK). This drug not only inhibits the production of intestinal inflammatory mediators and the proliferation of CRC cells, but also limits the abundance of E. coli in the gut microbiota and diminishes the production of colibactin. Here, we describe the link between intestinal inflammation and colorectal cancer induced by pks+ E. coli. We discuss the potential mechanisms of the pleiotropic role of mesalamine in treating both inflammatory bowel diseases and reducing the risk of CRC due to pks+ E. coli

    AupA and AupB Are Outer and Inner Membrane Proteins Involved in Alkane Uptake in Marinobacter hydrocarbonoclasticus SP17

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    This study describes the functional characterization of two proteins, AupA and AupB, which are required for growth on alkanes in the marine hydrocarbonoclastic bacterium Marinobacter hydrocarbonoclasticus. The aupA and aupB genes form an operon whose expression was increased upon adhesion to and biofilm formation on n-hexadecane. AupA and AupB are outer and inner membrane proteins, respectively, which are able to interact physically. Mutations in aupA or/and aupB reduced growth on solid paraffin and liquid n-hexadecane, while growth on nonalkane substrates was not affected. In contrast, growth of aup mutants on n-hexadecane solubilized in Brij 58 micelles was completely abolished. Mutant cells had also lost the ability to bind to n-hexadecane solubilized in Brij 58 micelles. These results support the involvement of AupA and AupB in the uptake of micelle-solubilized alkanes and provide the first evidence for a cellular process involved in the micellar uptake pathway. The phylogenetic distribution of the aupAB operon revealed that it is widespread in marine hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria of the orders Oceanospirillales and Alteromonadales and that it is present in high copy number (up to six) in some Alcanivorax strains. These features suggest that Aup proteins probably confer a selective advantage in alkane-contaminated seawater

    The Polyphosphate Kinase of Escherichia coli Is Required for Full Production of the Genotoxin Colibactin

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    International audienceColibactin induces DNA damage in mammalian cells and has been linked to the virulence of Escherichia coli and the promotion of colorectal cancer (CRC). By looking for mutants attenuated in the promoter activity of clbB encoding one of the key enzymes for the production of colibactin, we found that a mutant of the gene coding for the polyphosphate kinase (PPK) produced less colibactin than the parental strain. We observed this phenotype in different strains ranging from pathogens responsible for meningitis, urinary tract infection, or mouse colon carcinogenesis to the probiotic Nissle 1917. We confirmed the role of PPK by using an inhibitor of PPK enzymatic activity, mesalamine (also known as 5-aminosalicylic acid). Interestingly, mesalamine has a local anti-inflammatory effect on the epithelial cells of the colon and is used to treat inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Upon treatment with mesalamine, a decreased genotoxicity of colibactin-producing E. coli was observed both on epithelial cells and directly on purified DNA. This demonstrates the direct effect of mesalamine on bacteria independently from its anti-inflammatory effect on eukaryotic cells. Our results suggest that the mechanisms of action of mesalamine in treating IBD and preventing CRC could also lie in the inhibition of colibactin production. All in all, we demonstrate that PPK is required for the promoter activity of clbB and the production of colibactin, which suggests that PPK is a promising target for the development of anticolibactin and antivirulence strategies.IMPORTANCE Colibactin-producing E. coli induces DNA damage in eukaryotic cells and promotes tumor formation in mouse models of intestinal inflammation. Recent studies have provided strong evidence supporting the causative role of colibactin in human colorectal cancer (CRC) progression. Therefore, it is important to understand the regulation of the production of this genotoxin. Here, we demonstrate that polyphosphate kinase (PPK) is required for the promoter activity of clbB and the production of colibactin. Interestingly, PPK is a multifunctional player in bacterial virulence and stress responses and has been proposed as a new target for developing antimicrobial medicine. We observed inhibition of colibactin production by using a previously identified PPK inhibitor (i.e., mesalamine, an anti-inflammatory drug commonly prescribed for inflammatory bowel diseases). These data brought us a new perspective on the regulatory network of colibactin production and provided us a clue for the development of anticolibactin strategies for CRC treatment/prophylaxis