14 research outputs found

    Antimicrobial and anti-biofilm activities of Alpinia zerumbet (Pers.) B.L. Burtt & R.M. Sm. essential oil against Corynebacterium ulcerans

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    Cepas multirresistentes de Corynebacterium ulcerans destacam a necessidade de pesquisas em novos medicamentos e o uso farmacológico de óleos essenciais (OE) pode ser uma alternativa terapêutica. Assim, este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a atividade antibacteriana e o efeito da concentração subinibidora de AZEO na morfologia bacteriana e na formação de biofilme na superfície do poliestireno por C. ulcerans utilizados em cães. O AZEO foi usado por destilação a vapor das folhas da planta. Os testes de inibição de fosfomolibdênio e hemólise foram realizados para analisar, respectivamente, uma atividade antioxidante e toxicidade. Foram selecionados como inibidores e bactericidas mínimos (MIC e MBC) do AZEO emC. ulcerans e a partir desses resultados foram testados subinibidos dos testes do AZEO. A inatividade do complexo fosfomolibdênio pelo AZEO foi menor que 1% e a capacidade hemolítica foi baixa. Os resultados do estudo antimicrobiano mostram que o AZEO inibiu o crescimento de fundos como cepas microbianas testadas. Os filamentos bacterianos foram observados na presença do AZEO , bem como uma bactéria de controle automático. Houve diferença significativa na inibição do biofilme. Sugerimos que A. zerumbet pode usar uma terapia alternativa para controlar infecções bacterianas induzidas por C. ulcerans

    Comparative analysis of two complete Corynebacterium ulcerans genomes and detection of candidate virulence factors

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    Trost E, Al-Dilaimi A, Papavasiliou P, et al. Comparative analysis of two complete Corynebacterium ulcerans genomes and detection of candidate virulence factors. BMC Genomics. 2011;12(1): 383.ABSTRACT: Corynebacterium ulcerans has been detected as a commensal in domestic and wild animals that may serve as reservoirs for zoonotic infections. During the last decade, the frequency and severity of human infections associated with C. ulcerans appear to be increasing in various countries. As the knowledge of genes contributing to the virulence of this bacterium was very limited, the complete genome sequences of two C. ulcerans strains detected in the metropolitan area of Rio de Janeiro were determined and characterized by comparative genomics: C. ulcerans 809 was initially isolated from an elderly woman with fatal pulmonary infection and C. ulcerans BR-AD22 was recovered from a nasal sample of an asymptomatic dog. The circular chromosome of C. ulcerans 809 has a total size of 2,502,095 bp and encodes 2,182 predicted proteins, whereas the genome of C. ulcerans BR-AD22 is 104,279 bp larger and comprises 2,338 protein-coding regions. The minor difference in size of the two genomes is mainly caused by additional prophage-like elements in the C. ulcerans BR-AD22 chromosome. Both genomes show a highly similar order of orthologous coding regions; and both strains share a common set of 2,076 genes, demonstrating their very close relationship. A screening for prominent virulence factors revealed the presence of phospholipase D (Pld), neuraminidase H (NanH), endoglycosidase E (EndoE), and subunits of adhesive pili of the SpaDEF type that are encoded in both C. ulcerans genomes. The rbp gene coding for a putative ribosome-binding protein with striking structural similarity to Shiga-like toxins was additionally detected in the genome of the human isolate C. ulcerans 809. The molecular data deduced from the complete genome sequences provides considerable knowledge of virulence factors in C. ulcerans that is increasingly recognized as an emerging pathogen. This bacterium is apparently equipped with a broad and varying set of virulence factors, including a novel type of a ribosome-binding protein. Whether the respective protein contributes to the severity of human infections (and a fatal outcome) remains to be elucidated by genetic experiments with defined bacterial mutants and host model systems

    Participation of hemagglutinin 67-72p of corynebacterium diphtheriae in binding to plasma proteins, cells surfaces, invasion and induction of apoptosis

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    Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível SuperiorCorynebacterium diphtheriae pode ser isolado tanto de quadros de difteria clássica, quanto de infecções sistêmicas, como endocardite. O fibrinogênio (Fbn) e a fibronectina (Fn) são glicoproteínas presentes na matriz extracelular de tecidos conjuntivos. A influência destas proteínas na patogênese das infecções locais e invasivas causadas por C. diphtheriae é objeto de estudo devido ao fato do bacilo diftérico poder ser encontrado em lesões nas quais o Fbn e a Fn são predominantes, incluindo a pseudomembrana diftérica e vegetações cardíacas presentes na endocardite infecciosa. São crescentes as evidências de que o C. diphtheriae pode, além de aderir, ser internalizado por células em cultura. No presente estudo, investigou-se a participação de C. diphtheriae e das proteínas de superfície 67-72p na aderência à Fn e ao Fbn de plasma humano e a eritrócitos. A aderência às células HEp-2 e internalização também foram analisadas. A participação de 67-72p nos mecanismos de morte celular foi avaliada através das colorações por Azul de Tripan e 46-diamidino-2-fenil indol (DAPI), pelo ensaio de redução utilizando dimetil-tiazol-difenil tetrazólio (MTT) e por citometria de fluxo. As 67-72p foram extraídas da superfície da amostra toxigênica C. diphtheriae subsp. mitis CDC-E8392 através de processos mecânicos e precipitação com sulfato de amônio saturado. Análises por SDS-PAGE e immunoblotting detectaram a presença das bandas protéicas de 67 e 72kDa nas amostras toxinogênicas e atoxinogênicas analisadas, as quais pertenciam aos biotipos fermentador e não fermentador de sacarose. C. diphtheriae foi capazes não só de formar agregados na presença de plasma de coelho, mas também de converter Fbn em fibrina independentemente da presença do gene tox. No entanto, a amostra atoxinogênica ATCC 27010 (tox-) foi menos aderente ao Fbn do que a homóloga ATCC 27012 (tox+). A interação bacteriana com eritrócitos foi inibida somente pela Fn. Ligações entre Fn e/ou Fbn com 67-72p foram demonstradas por dot blotting, ELISA e/ou ensaios utilizando fluorescência. As 67-72p foram capazes de inibir as interações bacterianas com o Fbn, indicando que 67-72p podem participar do processo de aderência do patógeno aos tecidos do hospedeiro. Através da microscopia óptica, demonstrou-se a ligação de 67-72p adsorvidas em microesferas de látex com células HEp-2. Anticorpos de coelho do tipo IgG anti 67-72p interferiram somente com a expressão do padrão de aderência do tipo difuso, normalmente apresentado pela amostra CDC-E8392. A Microscopia Eletrônica de Transmissão (MET) e a inibição da internalização bacteriana pela IgG anti 67-72p ou por 67-72p indicaram o papel de 67-72p como invasina. Alterações do citoesqueleto de células HEp-2 com acumulação de actina polimerizada, induzida por microesferas sensibilizadas com 67-72p, foi observada pelo fluorescent actin staining (FAS) test. Foi visualizado um aumento no número de bactérias viáveis no compartimento intracelular após tratamento de células HEp-2 ou dos microrganismos com Fn. A presença de partículas de látex adsorvidas com 67-72p no interior de vacúolos frouxos em células HEp-2 sugeriu que estas proteínas podem causar efeito citotóxico. A avaliação através das colorações com Azul de Tripan, DAPI e os ensaios de redução utilizando MTT demonstraram um decréscimo na viabilidade de células tratadas com 67-72p. As mudanças morfológicas observadas 3 horas após o início do tratamento com 67-72p incluíram vacuolização, fragmentação nuclear e formação de corpúsculos apoptóticos. A citometria de fluxo revelou um decréscimo de 15,13% no volume/tamanho de células tratadas com 67-72p. Além disso, o ensaio utilizando Iodeto de Propídio (IP) e Anexina V (AV)-FITIC demonstrou que havia 66,1% de células vivas (IP-/AV-), 16,6% de células em apoptose inicial (IP-/AV+) e 13,8% de células em apoptose tardia ou necrose secundária. Em conclusão, as 67-72p estão diretamente envolvidas na interação com Fn e Fbn. As proteínas não fimbriais 67-72p são hemaglutininas implicadas na aderência a células respiratórias e na internalização. Além disso, estas proteínas podem atuar como fatores de virulência em potencial para induzir apoptose de células epiteliais nos estágios iniciais da difteria e nas infecções invasivas causadas pelo C. diphtheriaeCorynebacterium diphtheriae have been isolated from classical diphtheria and systemic infections such as endocarditis. Fibrinogen (Fbn) and fibronectin (Fn) are high molecular-weight glycoproteins that may be found in extracellular matrix of connective tissues. Their influence in the pathogenesis of local and in invasive C. diphtheriae infection is object of interest due to the fact that diphtheria bacilli is recovered from lesions where such proteins are predominant, including pharyngeal pseudomembrane and valve heart vegetations in infectious endocarditis. There is growing evidence that C. diphtheriae may adhere to and be internalized by cells in culture. The present study investigated the participation of C. diphtheriae strains and 67-72p, a surface protein, in adherence to human plasma Fn, Fbn, erythrocytes, adherence to and internalization by HEp-2 cells. The participation of 67-72p in promoting cell death was evaluated by the Trypan blue, DAPI staining methods, methylthiazole tetrazolium (MTT) reduction assay and flow cytometry. The 67-72p was extracted from C. diphtheriae subsp. mitis CDC-E8392 toxigenic strain, by mechanical process and ammonium sulfate fractionation. SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting analysis detected the polypeptide bands of 67 and 72 kDa in all toxigenic and nontoxigenic strains from both sucrose-fermenting and non-fermenting biotypes. Diphtheria bacilli were capable to both form bacterial aggregates in rabbit plasma and to convert Fbn to fibrin independently to the presence of tox gene, albeit the ATCC 27010 (tox-) strain was less adherent to Fbn than the parental strain ATCC 27012 (tox+). Bacteria-erythrocytes interaction was inhibited only by Fn. Interactions of Fn and/or Fbn with 67-72p were demonstrated by dot blotting, ELISA and/or fluorescence assays. Bacteria-Fbn interaction was inhibited by 67-72p, indicating that 67-72p may participate in the adhesion of the pathogen to host tissues. The interaction of HEp-2 cells with 67-72p-adsorbed latex microspheres was demonstrated by light microscopy. Rabbit IgG anti 67-72p was shown to interfere with diffuse adherence phenotype to HEp-2 cells displayed by CDC-E8392, but not by other phenotypes. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and the inhibition of bacterial internalization by anti 67-72p IgG and 67-72p indicated the role of 67-72p as invasin. Cytoskeletal accumulation of polymerized actin in HEp-2 cells induced by 67-72p-microspheres was observed by the fluorescent actin staining (FAS) test. Fn enhanced the intracellular viability of all strains tested. The presence of 67-72p-latex particles inside spacious vacuoles (SV) in HEp-2 cells, suggested a citotoxic effect of these proteins. Evaluation by the Trypan blue staining method, 4,6-Diamidine-2-phenylindole dihydrochloride DAPI and the 3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) reduction assay showed a significant decrease in viability of HEp-2 cells treated with 0.2 mg/ml 67-72p. Morphological changes in HEp-2 cells (vacuolization, nuclear fragmentation, and the formation of apoptotic bodies) was observed after 3 h post-treatment with 67-72p. Flow cytometry revealed a 15.13% reduction apoptotic volume of HEp-2 cells treated with 0.2 mg/ml 67-72p. Moreover, a double-staining assay using Propidium Iodide (PI)/Annexin V (AV) demonstrated the numbers of vital (PI-/AV-) (66.1%) vs. early apoptotic (PI-/AV+) (16.6%) cells and late apoptotic or secondary necrotic cells (PI+/AV+) (13.8%). In conclusion, the 67-72p are directly implicated in C. diphtheriae interaction with Fn and Fbn. The non-fimbrial Fn/Fbn binding 67-72p are hemagglutinins directly implicated in adherence to and internalization by respiratory epithelial cells. Moreover, 67-72p may act as a potential virulence factor to induce apoptosis of epithelial cells in the early stages of diphtheria and C. diphtheriae invasive infectio


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    O presente trabalho teve como objetivo a realização de uma prospecção tecnológica sobre plantas medicinais com atividade antibacteriana. Foram utilizadas as bases de artigos científicos Science Direct, Web of Science e SCOPUS. Para teses e dissertações, o banco de Teses da CAPES, e para patentes, as bases do INPI, WIPO e EPO. A pesquisa foi realizada em julho de 2014, caracterizando um estudo documental. Foi possível observar um quantitativo superior de artigos científicos em relação as patentes sobre o tema abordado. Na base da WIPO, os descritores que mais almejaram o objetivo da pesquisa, foram encontrados 38 patentes, o país com maior número de depósito de patentes foi República da Coreia com 27, onde 32 estão classificadas na Seção A (necessidades humanas) e o ano que ocorreu mais depósito foi 2005, com 7 patentes. Há necessidade de mais investimentos em pesquisas e incentivos na elaboração de produtos terapêuticos.</em

    Difteria pelo Corynebacterium ulcerans: uma zoonose emergente no Brasil e no mundo

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    The article is a literature review on the emergence of human infections caused by Corynebacterium ulcerans in many countries including Brazil. Articles in Medline/PubMed and SciELO databases published between 1926 and 2011 were reviewed, as well as articles and reports of the Brazilian Ministry of Health. It is presented a fast, cost-effective and easy to perform screening test for the presumptive diagnosis of C. ulcerans and C. diphtheriae infections in most Brazilian public and private laboratories. C. ulcerans spread in many countries and recent isolation of this pathogen in Rio de Janeiro, southeastern Brazil, is a warning to clinicians, veterinarians, and microbiologists on the occurrence of zoonotic diphtheria and C. ulcerans dissemination in urban and rural areas of Brazil and/or Latin America.El articulo revisa la literatura sobre la emergencia de infecciones humanas causadas por Corynebacterium ulcerans en diversos países, incluyendo Brasil. Se realizó análisis de artículos publicados entre 1926 y 2011 en las bases Medline/Pubmed y SciELO, así como artículos e informes del Ministerio Brasileño de la Salud. Se presenta un esquema de selección, rápido, económico y de fácil ejecución, capaz de permitir la realización del diagnóstico presuntivo de C. ulcerans y C. diphtheriae en la mayoría de los laboratorios brasileños públicos y privados. La circulación de C. ulcerans en varios países, aliada a los recientes casos de aislamiento del patógeno en Rio de Janeiro (Sureste de Brasil), es un alerta a clínicos, veterinarios y microbiólogos sobre la ocurrencia de difteria zoológica y la circulación de C. ulcerans en regiones urbanas y rurales del territorio nacional y/o de América LatinaO artigo revisa a literatura sobre a emergência de infecções humanas causadas por Corynebacterium ulcerans em diversos países, incluindo o Brasil. Foi realizada análise de artigos publicados entre 1926 e 2011 nas bases Medline/PubMed e SciELO, bem como artigos e informes do Ministério da Saúde. Apresenta-se um esquema de triagem, rápido, econômico e de fácil execução, capaz de permitir a realização do diagnóstico presuntivo de C. ulcerans e C. diphtheriae na maioria dos laboratórios brasileiros públicos e privados. A circulação de C. ulcerans em vários países, aliada aos recentes casos de isolamento do patógeno no Rio de Janeiro, é um alerta a clínicos, veterinários e microbiologistas sobre a ocorrência de difteria zoonótica e a circulação do C. ulcerans em regiões urbanas e rurais do território nacional e/ou da América Latina

    Fibrinogen binds to nontoxigenic and toxigenic Corynebacterium diphtheriae strains

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    The production of fibrinous exudates may play an important role in determining the outcome of bacterial infection. Although pseudomembrane formation is a characteristic feature of diphtheria, little is known about the fibrinogen (Fbn)-binding properties of Corynebacterium diphtheriae strains and the influence of the gene that codes for diphtheria toxin (tox gene) in this process. In this study we demonstrated the ability of C. diphtheriae strains to bind to Fbn and to convert Fbn to fibrin. Bacterial interaction with rabbit plasma was evaluated by both slide and tube tests. Interaction of microorganisms with human Fbn was evaluated by both enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and fluorescein isothiocyanate-conjugated (FITC) Fbn binding assays. Nontoxigenic and toxigenic strains formed bacterial aggregates in the presence of plasma in the slide tests. The ability to convert Fbn to a loose web of fibrin in the plasma solution in the tube tests appeared to be a common characteristic of the species, including strains that do not carry the tox gene. Fbn binding to C. diphtheriae strains occurred at varying intensities, as demonstrated by the FITC-Fbn and ELISA binding assays. Our data suggest that the capacity to bind to Fbn and to convert Fbn to fibrin may play a role in pseudomembrane formation and act as virulence determinants of both nontoxigenic and toxigenic strains

    Corynebacterium diphtheriae 67-72p hemagglutinin, characterized as the protein DIP0733, contributes to invasion and induction of apoptosis in HEp-2 cells

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    Sabbadini PS, Assis MC, Trost E, et al. Corynebacterium diphtheriae 67-72p hemagglutinin, characterized as the protein DIP0733, contributes to invasion and induction of apoptosis in HEp-2 cells. Microbial Pathogenesis. 2012;52(3):165-176.Although Corynebacterium diphtheriae has been classically described as an exclusively extracellular pathogen, there is growing evidence that it may be internalized by epithelial cells. The aim of the present report was to investigate the nature and involvement of the surface-exposed non-fimbrial 67-72kDa proteins (67-72p), previously characterized as adhesin/hemagglutinin, in C.diphtheriae internalization by HEp-2 cells. Transmission electron microscopy and bacterial internalization inhibition assays indicated the role of 67-72p as invasin for strains of varied sources. Cytoskeletal changes with accumulation of polymerized actin in HEp-2 cells beneath adherent 67-72p-adsorbed microspheres were observed by the Fluorescent actin staining test. Trypan blue staining method and Methylthiazole tetrazolium reduction assay showed a significant decrease in viability of HEp-2 cells treated with 67-72p. Morphological changes in HEp-2 cells observed after treatment with 67-72p included vacuolization, nuclear fragmentation and the formation of apoptotic bodies. Flow cytometry revealed an apoptotic volume decrease in HEp-2 cells treated with 67-72p. Moreover, a double-staining assay using Propidium Iodide/Annexin V gave information about the numbers of vital vs. early apoptotic cells and late apoptotic or secondary necrotic cells. The comparative analysis of MALDI-TOF MS experiments with the probes provided for 67-72p CDC-E8392 with an in silico proteome deduced from the complete genome sequence of C.diphtheriae identified with significant scores 67-72p as the protein DIP0733. In conclusion, DIP0733 (67-72p) may be directly implicated in bacterial invasion and apoptosis of epithelial cells in the early stages of diphtheria and C.diphtheriae invasive infection. Copyright 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved