128 research outputs found

    Local Approach of the Charpy Test at Low Temperature

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    Charpy V-notch impact testing is widely used in the toughness assessment of large forged components, e.g. the pressure vessel for pressurised water reactors (PWR). At low temperature, A508 Cl.3 nuclear pressure vessel steel fails by cleavage fracture. The results reported here are part of both an experimental program and numerical investigations which aim at the establishment of a non-empirical relationship between the lower shelf Charpy V-notch energy, CVN, and the fracture toughness, KIc, of this material. Here, the applicability of the Beremin cleavage fracture model to the Charpy specimen is demonstrated

    Photosynthetic adaptation and acclimation to exploit seasonal periods of direct irradiance in three temperate, deciduous-forest herbs

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    1.  We evaluated the potential for three species of deciduous-forest herbs to exploit seasonal periods of direct irradiance. In particular, we investigated the importance of photosynthetic acclimation as a mechanism for shade-tolerant herbs to utilize direct light reaching the forest floor before canopy expansion in the spring and after canopy leaf drop in the autumn. 2.  We measured the photosynthetic and growth characteristics of three co-occurring herbs of a northern hardwood forest: the spring ephemeral Allium tricoccum Ait., the summer-green Viola pubescens Ait., and the semi-evergreen Tiarella cordifolia L. 3.  Leaf CO 2 exchange, leaf mass per area, and leaf biochemistry differed among species and seasonally within species to match the changing light environment below the forest canopy. From spring to summer, as irradiance dropped with the expansion of the overstorey canopy, Viola leaves exhibited reduction of both photosynthetic capacity and light compensation point. Weaker acclimation of less magnitude occurred in Tiarella leaves over the spring–summer light transition; this was followed by further acclimation to the stronger autumn irradiance. 4.   Viola ’s greater range of photosynthetic acclimation was associated with shifts in allocation between Rubisco and chlorophyll, as well as changes in total leaf nitrogen (N) concentration and leaf mass per area (LMA). In contrast, Tiarella ’s narrow range of acclimation was associated solely with changes in allocation to Rubisco versus chlorophyll, with no changes in total leaf N or LMA. 5.  Seasonal changes in leaf chemistry and structure in Viola suggest a stepwise ontogeny whereby individual leaves are able to function as ‘sun leaves’ for 3–5 weeks in the spring, and then as ‘shade leaves’ for up to 3 months in the summer. 6.  Whole-plant biomass accumulation showed that all three species accumulated most of their annual biomass increment during periods of direct irradiance. These results demonstrate the importance of brief seasonal periods of strong irradiance to the growth of deciduous forest herbs, even shade-tolerant, summer and evergreen species.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/75494/1/j.0269-8463.2001.00584.x.pd

    A glycosyl transferase family 43 protein involved in xylan biosynthesis is associated with straw digestibility in Brachypodium distachyon

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    The recalcitrance of secondary plant cell walls to digestion constrains biomass use for the production of sustainable bioproducts and for animal feed. We screened a population of Brachypodium recombinant inbred lines (RILs) for cell wall digestibility using commercial cellulases and detected a quantitative trait locus (QTL) associated with this trait. Examination of the chromosomal region associated with this QTL revealed a candidate gene that encodes a putative glycosyl transferase family (GT) 43 protein, orthologue of IRX14 in Arabidopsis, and hence predicted to be involved in the biosynthesis of xylan. Arabinoxylans form the major matrix polysaccharides in cell walls of grasses, such as Brachypodium. The parental lines of the RIL population carry alternative nonsynonymous polymorphisms in the BdGT43A gene, which were inherited in the RIL progeny in a manner compatible with a causative role in the variation in straw digestibility. In order to validate the implied role of our candidate gene in affecting straw digestibility, we used RNA interference to lower the expression levels of the BdGT43A gene in Brachypodium. The biomass of the silenced lines showed higher digestibility supporting a causative role of the BdGT43A gene, suggesting that it might form a good target for improving straw digestibility in crops

    Identification of genes differentially expressed in a resistant reaction to Mycosphaerella pinodes in pea using microarray technology

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Ascochyta blight, caused by <it>Mycosphaerella pinodes </it>is one of the most important pea pathogens. However, little is known about the genes and mechanisms of resistance acting against <it>M. pinodes </it>in pea. Resistance identified so far to this pathogen is incomplete, polygenic and scarce in pea, being most common in <it>Pisum </it>relatives. The identification of the genes underlying resistance would increase our knowledge about <it>M. pinodes-</it>pea interaction and would facilitate the introgression of resistance into pea varieties. In the present study differentially expressed genes in the resistant <it>P. sativum </it>ssp. <it>syriacum </it>accession P665 comparing to the susceptible pea cv. Messire after inoculation with <it>M. pinodes </it>have been identified using a <it>M. truncatula </it>microarray.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of the 16,470 sequences analysed, 346 were differentially regulated. Differentially regulated genes belonged to almost all functional categories and included genes involved in defense such as genes involved in cell wall reinforcement, phenylpropanoid and phytoalexins metabolism, pathogenesis- related (PR) proteins and detoxification processes. Genes associated with jasmonic acid (JA) and ethylene signal transduction pathways were induced suggesting that the response to <it>M. pinodes </it>in pea is regulated via JA and ET pathways. Expression levels of ten differentially regulated genes were validated in inoculated and control plants using qRT-PCR showing that the P665 accession shows constitutively an increased expression of the defense related genes as peroxidases, disease resistance response protein 39 (DRR230-b), glutathione S-transferase (GST) and 6a-hydroxymaackiain methyltransferase.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Through this study a global view of genes expressed during resistance to <it>M. pinodes </it>has been obtained, giving relevant information about the mechanisms and pathways conferring resistance to this important disease. In addition, the <it>M. truncatula </it>microarray represents an efficient tool to identify candidate genes controlling resistance to <it>M. pinodes </it>in pea.</p

    Reservoir stress path and induced seismic anisotropy: Results from linking coupled fluid-flow/geomechanical simulation with seismic modelling

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    We present a workflow linking coupled fluid-flow and geomechanical simulation with seismic modelling to predict seismic anisotropy induced by nonhydrostatic stress changes. We generate seismic models from coupled simulations to examine the relationship between reservoir geometry, stress path and seismic anisotropy. The results indicate that geometry influences the evolution of stress, which leads to stress-induced seismic anisotropy. Although stress anisotropy is high for the small reservoir, the effect of stress arching and the ability of the side-burden to support the excess load limit the overall change in effective stress and hence seismic anisotropy. For the extensive reservoir, stress anisotropy and induced seismic anisotropy are high. The extensive and elongate reservoirs experience significant compaction, where the inefficiency of the developed stress arching in the side-burden cannot support the excess load. The elongate reservoir displays significant stress asymmetry, with seismic anisotropy developing predominantly along the long-edge of the reservoir. We show that the link between stress path parameters and seismic anisotropy is complex, where the anisotropic symmetry is controlled not only by model geometry but also the nonlinear rock physics model used. Nevertheless, a workflow has been developed to model seismic anisotropy induced by non-hydrostatic stress changes, allowing field observations of anisotropy to be linked with geomechanical models

    Genomics-assisted breeding in four major pulse crops of developing countries: present status and prospects

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    The global population is continuously increasing and is expected to reach nine billion by 2050. This huge population pressure will lead to severe shortage of food, natural resources and arable land. Such an alarming situation is most likely to arise in developing countries due to increase in the proportion of people suffering from protein and micronutrient malnutrition. Pulses being a primary and affordable source of proteins and minerals play a key role in alleviating the protein calorie malnutrition, micronutrient deficiencies and other undernourishment-related issues. Additionally, pulses are a vital source of livelihood generation for millions of resource-poor farmers practising agriculture in the semi-arid and sub-tropical regions. Limited success achieved through conventional breeding so far in most of the pulse crops will not be enough to feed the ever increasing population. In this context, genomics-assisted breeding (GAB) holds promise in enhancing the genetic gains. Though pulses have long been considered as orphan crops, recent advances in the area of pulse genomics are noteworthy, e.g. discovery of genome-wide genetic markers, high-throughput genotyping and sequencing platforms, high-density genetic linkage/QTL maps and, more importantly, the availability of whole-genome sequence. With genome sequence in hand, there is a great scope to apply genome-wide methods for trait mapping using association studies and to choose desirable genotypes via genomic selection. It is anticipated that GAB will speed up the progress of genetic improvement of pulses, leading to the rapid development of cultivars with higher yield, enhanced stress tolerance and wider adaptability

    Development of a photosynthesis model with an emphasis on ecological applications

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    A theoretical description of the simultaneous processes of photosynthesis and photorespiration in a single leaf is developed, based on the hypothesis that carbon dioxide and oxygen compete for the active site of ribulose diphosphate carboxylase. Michaelis-Menten kinetics and competitive inhibition at the end of a diffusion path provide the basic structure of the model. Data of Ludwig (1972) from sunflower are analyzed according to the formulation. This description is part of a more general physiological-ecological model of photosynthesis presented previously (Tenhunen et al., 1976a, b) and continues to elaborate sub-processes in terms of physiologically meaningful parameters. The description is considered a working hypothesis. Data on photorespiration from the literature are reviewed as they relate to this working hypothesis. Several lines of investigation are thereby suggested that will help clarify the role of photorespiration in whole leaf photosynthesis and determine the over-all utility of this modeling approach.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/47718/1/442_2005_Article_BF01833627.pd
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