371 research outputs found

    Rarity in Astragalus: a California Perspective

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    Astragalus (Fabaceae), the largest genus of plants in the world with an estimated 3270 species, is known for large numbers of rare endemic species. An inventory of patterns of climatic, topographic, and edaphic diversity of Astragalus taxa in California (98 native species and 144 named taxa) provides a means to understand the occurrence of rarity in relation to climatic equitability and regional species richness of congeneric taxa. Most taxa in the genus have relatively small ranges of distribution, with 50% restricted geographically to a single Jepson Bioregion. The California Native Plant Society lists 51 Astragalus taxa (35% of the native Astragalus taxa) as rare, threatened, or endangered (RTE). Climate characteristics of geographic regions such as rainfall and temperature extremes show no obvious relationship to species richness or the proportion of listed taxa. Species richness is highest in the arid Great Basin (35 species and 53 taxa) combining both its components, followed by 29 species and 39 taxa in the Sierra Nevada East region that includes the White and Inyo Mountains. The Mojave Desert is also high in diversity with 32 species and 39 taxa, but in contrast the Sonoran Desert region is low with only 12 species and 14 taxa. Despite ranking highest in the number of Astragalus taxa present, the Great Basin regions are low in their proportion of RTE taxa (17%) compared to the South Coast Region (39.5%) and Mojave Desert (32%). Strong edaphic specialization is associated with the majority but not all RTE taxa. While no single ecophysiological adaptation can explain this pattern, it is significant that Astragalus taxa have the potential ability to develop symbiotic nitrogen fixation, and this trait is key to success in soils not conducive to growth of many potential competitors. Land use changes, alien grass invasion and grazing, among other threats, are increasing fragmentation of habitats for many rare taxa with consequent impacts on gene flow. The continued survival of rare and locally endemic taxa will require improved knowledge of their individual demographic traits and long-term population dynamics

    Bottom-up Effects of Substrate on Two Adjacent Shrub Communities and the Distribution of a Rare and Endangered Plant Species, Astragalus jaegerianus Munz.

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    Edaphic habitats are botanically interesting because of differences in vegetation with neighboring sites and because they tend to harbor rare species. In the central Mojave Desert, there are granite colluvial substrates where creosote bush, the dominant shrub in the area, is sparser and generally smaller than in the neighboring creosote bush communities. It is on these sites that the Lane Mountain milkvetch, a rare and federally endangered species, is restricted. The milkvetch is a nitrogen-fixer and grows under and within the canopy of host shrubs. Our previous studies have demonstrated that the milkvetch has no preference for species of host shrub, except Larrea tridentata, which appears to be an unsuitable host plant for the milkvetch. In this study, we surveyed three transects within milkvetch habitats and three transects in adjacent creosote bush habitats in the year 2000 and again in 2010, a period coincident with long-term drought conditions in the Mojave Desert. Our results show that adjacent milkvetch and creosote bush shrub communities differ significantly in shrub height, shrub volume, and shrub density in the year 2000: the shrubs in milkvetch communities were more numerous but smaller compared to adjacent creosote bush scrub. Species richness also differed between communities in the year 2000: milkvetch communities contained 19 different shrub species and creosote bush communities had only 9 species. Surveys in 2010 show that the drought had significant negative effects on both shrub communities. Total shrub mortality (166 shrubs) was high compared to shrub recruitment (16 shrubs), and the majority of mortality and recruitment occurred in milkvetch communities (131 deaths and 16 recruits). Shrub densities decreased significantly in milkvetch communities in 2010, but were still considerably higher than in creosote bush communities. These results suggest that the restricted distribution of the Lane Mountain milkvetch may be the result of higher shrub densities in milkvetch shrub communities; increased shrub densities increases the proximity of suitable host shrubs, which in turn increase the probability of successful seed dispersal and establishment

    Comparison of Two Low-Input Cow/Calf Production Systems on Temperate Grassland

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    Two systems of grass farming were compared in an eight-year experiment in West Virginia, USA. The grassland consisted primarily of cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerara L.), Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.), tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.), and red (Trifolium pretense L.) and white clover (T. repens L.). The objective was to compare two systems of beef cow calf production. The experiment was a randomized complete block with two replicated treatments. The grassland of treatment 1 (system 1) was overseeded with legumes, grazing started 1 wk earlier and continued 1 wk later than treatment 2 (system 2) and calves were allowed to forward creep graze. The hay land of treatment 2 received 56 kg N ha-1, at the start of the growing season. Response was measured as calf weaning weight, hay production, and pre-grazing herbage accumulation. Each treatment/replicate (experimental unit) was assigned 6.5 ha divided into three grassland managements units: pasture, buffer and meadow. Pasture was grazed and not cut for hay. First growth of buffer and meadow was harvested as hay. Subsequently, buffer was grazed, meadow was again harvested, followed by late season grazing. Management units were divided into four paddocks. Animals occupied a paddock for 7 days resulting in 4-week grazing cycles from May to mid-November. Eight cow/calf pairs grazed each treatment/replicate (stocking rate 1.23 cow calves ha-1 ). Calves, born in March, were weaned in late September. System 1 calves gained 1.18 kg dy-1 (P \u3c 0.04 SE=0.01) compared with those on System 2 which gained 1.14 kg dy-1. Annual hay production on System 2 was 5784 kg ha-1, significantly more than on System 1 (P \u3c 0.01 SE=107). However, in System 1 extending the grazing season reduced the amount of hay required annually by 1680 kg ha-1. System 1 hay had a greater proportion of legume (9 vs. 3%, P \u3c 0.01 SE=0.5) and a lesser proportion of grass (75 vs. 85%, P \u3c 0.01 SE=0.7) than those of system 2

    Influence of Sward Height, Concentrate Supplementation and Season on Grazing Activity of Beef Cows

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    The influence of sward height, concentrate supplementation and season on daily pattern of forage consumption of lactating beef cows grazing cool season pastures was determined. Cows (n=24; BW=535±10.8 kg) were randomly assigned to eight plots maintained at sward heights (SH) of either 4-8 cm or 8-12 cm and fed three levels of concentrate supplement: none = 0 kg/day, low = 3.12 kg/day or high = 6.24 kg/day. Cows on lower SH had greater (P \u3c .08) forage dry matter intake and spent an additional 1.2 hours/day (P \u3c .01) grazing compared to the higher SH. Cows on lower SH consumed 7.7 kg/day of forage dry matter and grazed 9.4 hours/day whereas those on higher SH consumed 7.1 kg/day and grazed 8.2 hours/day. Cows on lower SH grazed 0.7 hours/day (P \u3c .06) and 0.4 hours/day (P \u3c .08) longer at 06:00-10:00 hour and 11:00-13:00 hour, respectively, compared to the higher SH. Grazing efficiency (kg of forage consumed/hour of grazing) decreased (P \u3c .01) as season progressed. Season influenced duration of grazing activity (P \u3c .01). Cows grazed 0.5 hours longer (P \u3c .01) at 06:00-10:00 hour late in summer (August) compared to spring (May) and mid summer (June/July). Cows grazed 0.3 hours longer (P \u3c .08) at 11:00-13:00 hour during spring compared to late summer

    Sward Height; Visual Estimate Compared with Plate Meter Height

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    Sward height (SH) is widely used in pasture research and farm practice to evaluate pasture conditions. Visual estimates can take less time than actual measurements. This study compared visually estimated SH, of continuously grazed cool-season permanent pasture with plate meter height. Weekly estimates, by five people, were made on 12, 0.75 to 1 ha fields, grazed at two intensities. Paired data (visual estimate and plate meter height) were subjected to variance and covariance analyses and prediction equations were developed. Average visual height accounted for 86% of the variability in plate meter height. Inclusion of other sources of variability in the model (treatment, date and interactions) accounted for only a further 8% of the variability in plate meter height. On the basis of the strong linear relationships found between visual and plate meter heights, a procedure combining both methods is proposed that would reduce by 25% the time required to make weekly SH measurements of 12, 0.75 to 1 ha fields

    Recruitment collapse and population structure of the European eel shaped by local ocean current dynamics

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    Highlights: • We combine high-resolution ocean models with population genetics • Variation in wind-driven ocean currents mediates the collapse of A. anguilla • Female eels are philopatric within the Sargasso Sea, while males maintain gene flow • We present first evidence of the role of ocean currents in shaping species’ evolution Summary: Worldwide, exploited marine fish stocks are under threat of collapse [1]. Although the drivers behind such collapses are diverse, it is becoming evident that failure to consider evolutionary processes in fisheries management can have drastic consequences on a species’ long-term viability [2]. The European eel (Anguilla anguilla; Linnaeus, 1758) is no exception: not only does the steep decline in recruitment observed in the 1980s [ 3 and 4] remain largely unexplained, the punctual detection of genetic structure also raises questions regarding the existence of a single panmictic population [ 5, 6 and 7]. With its extended Transatlantic dispersal, pinpointing the role of ocean dynamics is crucial to understand both the population structure and the widespread decline of this species. Hence, we combined dispersal simulations using a half century of high-resolution ocean model data with population genetics tools. We show that regional atmospherically driven ocean current variations in the Sargasso Sea were the major driver of the onset of the sharp decline in eel recruitment in the beginning of the 1980s. The simulations combined with genotyping of natural coastal eel populations furthermore suggest that unexpected evidence of coastal genetic differentiation is consistent with cryptic female philopatric behavior within the Sargasso Sea. Such results demonstrate the key constraint of the variable oceanic environment on the European eel population

    Domestic cat larynges can produce purring frequencies without neural input

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    Most mammals produce vocal sounds according to the myoelastic-aerodynamic (MEAD) principle, through self-sustaining oscillation of laryngeal tissues.1,2 In contrast, cats have long been believed to produce their low-frequency purr vocalizations through a radically different mechanism involving active muscle contractions (AMC), where neurally driven electromyographic burst patterns (typically at 20–30 Hz) cause the intrinsic laryngeal muscles to actively modulate the respiratory airflow. Direct empirical evidence for this AMC mechanism is sparse.3 Here, the fundamental frequency (fo) ranges of eight domestic cats (Felis silvestris catus) were investigated in an excised larynx setup, to test the prediction of the AMC hypothesis that vibration should be impossible without neuromuscular activity, and thus unattainable in excised larynx setups, which are based on MEAD principles. Surprisingly, all eight excised larynges produced self-sustained oscillations at typical cat purring rates. Histological analysis of cat larynges revealed the presence of connective tissue masses, up to 4 mm in diameter, embedded in the vocal fold.4 This vocal fold specialization appears to allow the unusually low fo values observed in purring. While our data do not fully reject the AMC hypothesis for purring, they show that cat larynges can easily produce sounds in the purr regime with fundamental frequencies of 25 to 30 Hz without neural input or muscular contraction. This strongly suggests that the physical and physiological basis of cat purring involves the same MEAD-based mechanisms as other cat vocalizations (e.g., meows) and most other vertebrate vocalizations but is potentially augmented by AMC

    Development of a triclosan scaffold which allows for adaptations on both the A- and B-ring for transport peptides

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    The enoyl acyl-carrier protein reductase (ENR) enzyme is harbored within the apicoplast of apicomplexan parasites providing a significant challenge for drug delivery, which may be overcome through the addition of transductive peptides, which facilitates crossing the apicoplast membranes. The binding site of triclosan, a potent ENR inhibitor, is occluded from the solvent making the attachment of these linkers challenging. Herein, we have produced 3 new triclosan analogs with bulky A- and B-ring motifs, which protrude into the solvent allowing for the future attachment of molecular transporters for delivery

    The SERRATE protein is involved in alternative splicing in <em>Arabidopsis thaliana</em>

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    Howalternative splicing (AS) is regulated in plants has not yet been elucidated. Previously, we have shown that the nuclear cap-binding protein complex (AtCBC) is involved in AS in Arabidopsis thaliana. Here we show that both subunits of AtCBC (AtCBP20 and AtCBP80) interact with SERRATE (AtSE), a protein involved in the microRNA biogenesis pathway. Moreover, using a high-resolution reverse transcript-ase-polymerase chain reaction AS system we have found that AtSE influences AS in a similar way to the cap-binding complex (CBC), preferentially affecting selection of 50 splice site of first introns. The AtSE protein acts in cooperation with AtCBC: many changes observed in the mutant lacking the correct SERRATE activity were common to those observed in the cbp mutants. Interestingly, significant changes in AS of some genes were also observed in other mutants of plant microRNA biogenesis pathway, hyl1-2 and dcl1-7, but a majority of them did not cor-respond to the changes observed in the se-1mutant. Thus, the role of SERRATE in AS regulation is distinct from that of HYL1andDCL1, and is similar to the regu-lation of AS in which CBC is involved

    Current warming will reduce yields unless maize breeding and seed systems adapt immediately

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    The development of crop varieties that are better suited to new climatic conditions is vital for future food production1, 2. Increases in mean temperature accelerate crop development, resulting in shorter crop durations and reduced time to accumulate biomass and yield3, 4. The process of breeding, delivery and adoption (BDA) of new maize varieties can take up to 30 years. Here, we assess for the first time the implications of warming during the BDA process by using five bias-corrected global climate models and four representative concentration pathways with realistic scenarios of maize BDA times in Africa. The results show that the projected difference in temperature between the start and end of the maize BDA cycle results in shorter crop durations that are outside current variability. Both adaptation and mitigation can reduce duration loss. In particular, climate projections have the potential to provide target elevated temperatures for breeding. Whilst options for reducing BDA time are highly context dependent, common threads include improved recording and sharing of data across regions for the whole BDA cycle, streamlining of regulation, and capacity building. Finally, we show that the results have implications for maize across the tropics, where similar shortening of duration is projected