1,018 research outputs found

    Assessment of carotenoid production by Dunaliella salina in different culture systems and operation regimes

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    The effect of operation regime and culture system on carotenoid productivity by the halotolerant alga Dunaliella salina has been analyzed. Operation strategies tested included batch and semi continuous regime, as well as a two-stage approach run simultaneously in both, open tanks and closed reactor. The best results were obtained with the closed tubular photobioreactor. The highest carotenoid production (328.8 mg carotenoid l−1 culture per month) was achieved with this culture system operated following the two-stage strategy. Also, closed tubular photobioreactor provided the highest carotenoid contents (10% of dry weight) in Dunaliella biomass and β-carotene abundance (90% of total carotenoids) as well as the highest 9-cis to all-trans β-carotene isomer ratio (1.5 at sunrise).Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología IFD 1997-1780IFAPA CO3-125Plan Andaluz de Investigación CVI13

    The healthy heart score, a potential primordial prevention tool for cardiovascular prevention

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    VIII Congreso Iberoamericano de Nutrición. ¿Nutrición basada en la videncia o en la evidencia?. Resumen de ponencia. Ponencia 3. Conferencias Cortas. Temática Libre IIOhio University, Start-up funds, and Interdisciplinary Gran

    Measuring inequality and dependences between income sources with administrative data and survey data

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    Producción CientíficaThis paper aims at analyzing the effects of changing from survey to administrative data on inequality and its structure. Taking advantage of the Spanish Survey on Income and Living Conditions (ECV) that continued asking households for their income despite assigning them the income data provided by the Tax Agency and the Social Security administration, different analyses are carried out. By using copula functions we pay special attention to the effect on the dependences between income sources. We find a significant growth in the disposable income of households when using administrative data. The incomes of both tails of the distribution increase considerably more than middle incomes, and administrative data produce significantly lower levels of inequality. Using administrative instead of survey data also gives rise to changes in the structure of inequality by income sources, rising the contribution of capital income. Both methods of data collection also produce significant differences in the observed dependences between income sources.Economía Aplicad

    Nuevos Horizontes en el estudio de la Alta Habilidad: Superdotación y Talento

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    The following piece of work serve as introduction to the monographic issue about giftedness and talented in the Annals of Psychology Journal. In it, the reasons to tackle this monographic are explained, and the contributions of authors are summarized. such contributions are diverse and swing from the identification process using different procedures, the assessment of domain specific creativity in sciences, the study of the heterogeneity within the group of high ability students, the educational measures available, and lastly and study about these students' academic motivations. The work concludes extracting some general conclusions about what this monographic has contribute and it's meaning.El siguiente trabajo sirve de introducción al número monográfico sobre superdotación y talento en la revista anales de psicología. En él se detalla el por qué de este número especial y se resumen las aportaciones de los distintos autores que tratan diversos temas. Desde la identificación, utilizando distintos procedimientos, la evaluación de la creatividad de dominio específico en ciencias, el estudio de la heterogeneidad de la población de altas habilidades, las medidas educativas de las que disponemos, y por último un estudio sobre las motivaciones académicas de estos alumnos. El trabajo concluye extrayendo unas conclusiones generales sobre lo que ha supuesto este monográfico y su aportación

    Robust principal component analysis-based prediction of protein-protein interaction hot spots.

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    AbstractProteins often exert their function by binding to other cellular partners. The hot spots are key residues for protein‐protein binding. Their identification may shed light on the impact of disease associated mutations on protein complexes and help design protein‐protein interaction inhibitors for therapy. Unfortunately, current machine learning methods to predict hot spots, suffer from limitations caused by gross errors in the data matrices. Here, we present a novel data pre‐processing pipeline that overcomes this problem by recovering a low rank matrix with reduced noise using Robust Principal Component Analysis. Application to existing databases shows the predictive power of the method

    Danza tradicional na escola: Relato de duas experiencias de inclusión da danza tradicional no programa curricular do ensino básico

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    It’s a central concern of our government to provide the arts on schools. In this way, it’s important to take some data from this kind of practices that can improve the decisions token by our local and national governors. In this article, we present two artistic education experiences, particularly, through international traditional dance classes, implemented on all Évora basic schools: The JOGAR program, and the MUS-E project. The first one offers traditional dance classes, in general on curricular time, with groups that choose this modality, over three month. The other one presents different artistic activities from the beginning of the academic year, included on curriculum, applied to every groups weekly, during 45 minutes. Both consider dance as a discipline, with learning objectives, on a space where children can get fun, but, fundamentally, they can learn. Traditional dance is here considered as an important way to promote social competences, to valorise culture, improving the harmonious psychosocial development of children. The project’s development, formal and informal evaluation results are here presented

    La inscripción de la vivienda indígena en el Programa Indigenista Andino: civilización y disputas (Debates)

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    The present article examines the inclusion of housing into the field of development and the actions of the Andean Indigenist Program (AIP) in the mid-twentieth century in Ecuador’s central sierra. It focuses on three stages: integration of social life into the material aspects of housing; its transformation into a movable asset for the purpose of reform; and its relocation to the rural sector to alter household interactions. These actions were aimed at bringing civilization and creating a patriarchal order, targeting women for confinement to their homes to raise future generations and recognizing men as heads of household and breadwinners.Este artículo examina la inclusión de la vivienda en el campo del desarrollo y las acciones del Programa Indigenista Andino (PIA), a mediados del siglo XX, en la sierra central del Ecuador. Este examen se efectúa en tres momentos: la inscripción de la vida social en la materialidad de la vivienda; su transformación en un bien móvil con fines de reforma, y su reinstalación en el medio rural para modificar las interacciones en el hogar. Estos movimientos tuvieron un carácter civilizador y crearon un orden patriarcal que individualizó y empujó a las mujeres a la reclusión en las viviendas para preparar a las futuras generaciones, y reconoció a los hombres el rol de proveedores del hogar