1,551 research outputs found

    La cuestión de la verdad teológica en el marco de la pluralidad de teologías hoy

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    La pluralidad se ha constituido en el rasgo distintivo del mundo. Las comprensiones son complejas y conflictivas para objetivizar. Al interior de la teología, surgen nuevos desafíos, producto de la confrontación con el entorno plural, el florecimiento de nuevas sensibilidades, y las mismas exigencias internas de apertura a lo diverso. La efervescencia de opciones teológicas, suscitan múltiples interrogantes con respecto a su propia identidad. La problemática que se plantea es la siguiente: ¿en qué consiste la verdad de la teología, en el marco de la pluralidad de teologías de hoy? Su respuesta es el objeto del presente trabajo de investigación. El primer capítulo, describe el paso del pluralismo de hecho al pluralismo de derecho, y las problemáticas que allí se establecen, especialmente en lo que respecta a las categorías, como la identidad, la verdad y la universalidad. El segundo capítulo, desarrolla la forma como la teología cristiana ha reaccionado frente al pluralismo. La valoración, el temor, y la aceptación, son un camino recurrente. El capítulo final, confronta los paradigmas unívocos de la teología tradicional, y los principios equívocos de la teología contemporánea. Se busca así, rescatar de cada uno de estos horizontes de comprensión aquello que permita respetar el pluralismo y su diversidad, pero de igual modo la vocación integradora de la teología, se concluye que el principio del lógos del Amor/caridad, está en la frontera de lo uno y lo diverso, y que se constituye en referencia ontológica indispensable para comprender la verdad del discurso teológico frente a lo plural.The plurality has been constituted in the distinctive feature of the world. The comprehensions are complex and troubled for objectify. To the interior of the theology, there arise new challenges, product of the confrontation with the plural environment, the bloom of new sensibilities, and the same internal requirements of opening to the diverse thing. The effervescence of theological options, they provoke multiple questions with regard to his own identity. The problematics that appears is the following one: of what the truth of the theology consists, in the frame of the plurality of today theologies? His response is the object of the present work of investigation. The first chapter, it describes the step of the pluralism of fact to the pluralism of right, and the problematic ones that there are established, specially in regarding the categories, as the identity, the truth and the universality. The second chapter, it develops the form as the Christian theology has reacted opposite to the pluralism. The valuation, the dread, and the acceptance, they are a way appellant. The final chapter, it confronts the univocal paradigms of the traditional theology, and the equivocal beginning of the contemporary theology. It is sought this way, to rescue of each of these horizons of comprehension that one who allows to respect the pluralism and his diversity, but of equal way the of integration vocation of the theology, one concludes that the beginning of the lógos of the Love / charity, one and the diverse thing is in the border of, and that is constituted in ontological indispensable reference to understand the truth of the theological speech opposite to the plural.Teólogo (a)Pregrad

    3D Reconstruction with Uncalibrated Cameras Using the Six-Line Conic Variety

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    We present new algorithms for the recovery of the Euclidean structure from a projective calibration of a set of cameras with square pixels but otherwise arbitrarily varying intrinsic and extrinsic parameters. Our results, based on a novel geometric approach, include a closed-form solution for the case of three cameras and two known vanishing points and an efficient one-dimensional search algorithm for the case of four cameras and one known vanishing point. In addition, an algorithm for a reliable automatic detection of vanishing points on the images is presented. These techniques fit in a 3D reconstruction scheme oriented to urban scenes reconstruction. The satisfactory performance of the techniques is demonstrated with tests on synthetic and real data

    Directional Geodesic Active Contours

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    We present a non-conformal metric that generalizes the geodesic active contours approach for image segmentation. The new metric is obtained by adding to the Euclidean metric an additional term that penalizes the misalignment of the curve with the image gradient and multiplying the resulting metric by a conformal factor that depends on the edge intensity. In this way, a closer fitting to the edge direction results. The provided experimental results address the computation of the geodesics of the new metric by applying a gradient descent to externally provided curves. The good performance of the proposed techniques is demonstrated in comparison with other active contours methods

    Generic Battery Model based on a Parametric Implementation

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    Batteries are a common element used in many electronic applications. Therefore, the analysis and simulation of these applications requires a battery model in order to validate the behavior of the whole system. Since batteries are based on different technologies, a modeling approach valid for any technology is a potential good alternative. Since there are similarities among the different technologies, it is possible to address the modeling of batteries as generic energy storage elements with particular differences. This work presents a battery model valid for different technologies based on a parametric implementation

    Aplicación de las TIG para la optimización de los servicios de recogida y gestión de los residuos sólidos urbanos del municipio de Aspe (Alicante)

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    El nuevo contexto de la planificación espacial o geográfica, requiere identificar, comparar y elegir alternativas de actuación de manera óptima y precisa, lo que genera una necesidad de asentar sólidamente la toma de decisiones. Tareas como localización óptima de instalaciones u optimización de rutas de transporte están consideradas de gran importancia para la mejora de la calidad de vida de la población, por ello ha sido fruto de estudio de numerosas disciplinas sociales. En la sociedad actual, surge como necesidad básica e indispensable la gestión de residuos. La principal tarea de cualquier servicio de limpieza municipal es la recogida de residuos. En la actualidad, el servicio municipal de Aspe se realiza mediante rutas establecidas hace años que no atienden a las necesidades de la población y del propio servicio; de ahí la oportunidad de llevar a cabo un estudio para obtener el trazado óptimo en la planificación de rutas de recogida de residuos en el municipio de Aspe, atendiendo a los diferentes formatos: bolseo diario puerta a puerta para residuos domésticos, recogida semanal de contenedores para selectiva (papel/cartón, envases ligeros), contenedores en viviendas en diseminados. En este sentido, hay que destacar que uno de los principales costes en la recogida de los residuos sólidos urbanos es el transporte, por lo que este proyecto pretende minimizar el recorrido de todas las rutas de recogida de residuos de cada vehículo, optimizando recorrido, horarios y personal. Para ello, los SIG, son un instrumento fundamental. Su constante evolución, los ha convertido en herramientas informáticas indispensables a la hora de llevar a cabo cualquier estudio relacionado con temas de localización geográfica y gestión de flotas. Principalmente, gracias al sistema de referencia que utiliza. Las coordenadas geográficas, posibilitan estimar distancias entre diferentes elementos. En los SIG tenemos al alcance de nuestra mano numerosos datos que pueden ser gestionados con una extraordinaria agilidad haciendo cálculos matemáticos complejos imprescindibles para resolver problemas de localización u optimización de rutas

    Performing Objects and Interpretive Techniques: Textual Rewriting and Other Methods to Raise a Set of Landscape Designs for a Rural Community

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    Based on the concept of ‘interpretive community’, it is possible to trace how humans can become interpreters (or decoders) of their own reality through, say, written excerpts and architectural works. This chapter is intended, therefore, to report on an interpretive-community workshop where students of three different disciplines (namely, Architecture, Sociology and English Studies) were assigned specific chapters of literary works with the goal of making a collective interpretation through a process of rewriting and restoring architecture. These projects allow students (or any participant, in fact) in their recognition of salient concepts that are not necessarily ascribed to a specific domain; for instance, the understanding of architecture not solely as a construction process, but as a mechanism intended to protect traces of life that are naturally perceived through narration and the use of metaphors

    Prevalence of psychomotor retardation and its relation to the sensory profi le in preschool children

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    The psychological and motor development of typically developing preschool children is usually not tracked in the educational environment. The aim of the study is to determine the prevalence of psychomotor retardation and the relationship between psychomotor development and sensory integration processes. The sample included 66 children from preschool, with a mean age of 4.2 years. It applied the Observational Scale of Development in its short version (EOD-B as its Spanish original term) and the Sensory Pro file (SP). The ANOVA revealed a strong association between the presence of psychomotor and sensory processing disorders (p = 0.001). In addition, the data revealed a high prevalence of regulatory disorders in the sensory pro fi le (30%) and psychomotor retardation (20%). The results open new lines of research and intervention in psychomotor development within the educational environment

    Smooth non linear high gain observers for a class of dynamical systems

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    High-gain observers are powerful tools for estimating the state of nonlinear systems. However, their design poses several challenges due to the need of dealing with phenomena such as peaking and chattering. To address these issues, we propose a differentiator operator design based on a non linear second order high-gain observer, which is suited to a class of dynamical systems. Our method includes a procedure to determine high gains in order to avoid chattering in the case of noise-free models, and cut-off frequency based gain design in the case of noisy measurements. Complementary, we suggest performing observability analyses to ensure a priori the feasibility of the estimation. The main strengths of our approach are its simplicity and robustness. We demonstrate the performance of the proposed method by applying it to two processes (chemical and biological).Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431F 2021/003MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 | Ref. RYC-2019-027537-

    La Concentración Parcelaria en la Provincia de Zamora

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2009-201