708 research outputs found

    Seguimiento del contorno externo de la boca en imágenes de vídeo

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    El seguimiento preciso de la boca de una persona, cuando está hablando, es un desafío importante en varias aplicaciones, como la identificación de la cara o la interacción con el computador. La complejidad de forma, textura y color de la boca, y los cambios de iluminación y fondos de los posibles escenarios hacen que este sea aún un problema abierto. En este artículo se propone un algoritmo para el seguimiento del contorno externo de la boca, sin utilizar marcadores o alguna clase de maquillaje para resaltar los labios, basado en apariencia y en restricciones morfológicas definidas en el estándar MPEG-4. El algoritmo es robusto ante la presencia de barba, tono de piel y calidad de la imagen

    Calculation of fire risk and firefighting inside community pharmacies. Gustav Purt’s method

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    Fire is a chemical combustion reaction based on strongly exothermic oxidation-reduction phenomena that result in the emission of a significant amount of light and heat. Its effects are generally detrimental, causing harm to individuals through smoke inhalation, exposure to toxic gases, and extreme temperatures. Fires also cause extensive damage to infrastructure and property. A fire occurs when three factors are present simultaneously in the same location and at the same time: fuel, an oxidizing agent (typically oxygen from the air), and heat, which supplies the necessary energy for the reaction to occur. Furthermore, the existence of chain reactions is essential to produce the flame. The objective of this work is to describe Gustav Purt’s method, estimate the potential fire risk in community pharmacies, and identify the firefighting measures that should be implemented. After calculating various factors, we reached the conclusion that fire risk in a pharmacy is high. Therefore, strict inspections by health authorities are necessary to prevent fire hazards.   Keywords: Fuel; Fire; Heat; Smoke; Pharmacy

    Avaluació del Paradigma del Govern obert i Transparència administrativa en la Inspecció farmacèutica en frontera

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    La Inspecció farmacèutica en frontera de la Unió Europea realitza les funcions de control i vigilància dels gèneres medicinals amb la finalitat d’impedir l’entrada en territori europeu dels productes procedents de països no comunitaris que suposen un risc per a la salut pública. La Inspecció farmacèutica es realitza per les Àrees funcionals de Sanitat de les Delegacions de Govern de les diferents Comunitats autònomes. Actuen com a Administració perifèrica de l'Estat, depenent funcionalment del Ministeri de Sanitat i orgànicament del Ministeri de Política Territorial. Els productes farmacèutics sotmesos a inspecció són els medicaments d'ús humà, incloent-hi les matèries primeres farmacèutiques destinades a la seua fabricació, els productes sanitaris, els cosmètics i productes d'higiene personal i els biocides d'ús clínic i personal. Han d’aprovar els controls de documentació, d'identitat i físic. El Sistema Informàtic d'Inspecció Farmacèutica de Sanitat Exterior (SIFAEX) permet la tramitació electrònica de les sol·licituds i comunicacions relatives al procediment de control sanitari del trànsit internacional dels productes farmacèutics. Aquest procediment consisteix en la verificació, control de qualitat i, si és el cas, intervenció sanitària a la importació o exportació dels productes sotmesos a control. D’altra banda, el paradigma de Govern obert és sinònim de canvi en la gestió dels assumptes públics. El president Obama, en el seu primer dia en la presidència, va presentar un memoràndum executiu a través del qual es comprometia a crear un nivell d'obertura en l'administració americana mai vist fins aleshores, atorgant gran importància a la transparència, la col·laboració i la participació de la societat per a enfortir la Democràcia i aconseguir uns serveis públics eficaços i eficients. Aquest memoràndum, no cal dir-ho, anava dirigit a les agències i ciutadans nord-americans, però va ser tal l'èxit dels seus enunciats que nombrosos països, entre ells Espanya, el van adoptar com a propi. Fins i tot van formar una organització internacional Open Government Partnership (OGP), Espanya és membre actiu d’aquesta organització. La Transparència en l'Administració pública no és una opció, és una obligació, per a tots els empleats públics. El seu valor és constituir un instrument de participació i control per mitjà del qual la ciutadania passe a formar part activa de les accions administratives, a escrutar-les, controlar-les i, a partir de la informació rebuda, poder influir en la seua resolució. Des d'aquest punt de vista, la Transparència no sols suposa un incentiu perquè les administracions siguen acurades en la seua acció, en saber-se fiscalitzades, sinó que de manera mediata siga un element essencial per a la transformació administrativa. Per a constituir una administració més transparent cal desenvolupar mecanismes d’obertura de dades, publicitat activa, accés a la informació i participació i col·laboració ciutadana, s’estudien aquestes eines i la seua relació amb la Inspecció farmacèutica en frontera.The Pharmaceutical Border Inspection of the European Union performs the functions of control and surveillance of medicinal products in order to prevent the entry into European territory of products from non-EU countries that pose a risk to public health. Pharmaceutical inspection is carried out by the functional Health Areas of the Government Delegations of the different Autonomous Communities. They act as a peripheral Administration of the State, depending functionally on the Ministry of Health and organically on the Ministry of Territorial Policy. The pharmaceutical products subject to inspection are medicines for human use, including the pharmaceutical raw materials used in their manufacture, medical devices, cosmetics and personal hygiene products and biocides for clinical and personal use. They have to pass documentation, identity and physical controls. Sistema Informático de Inspección Farmacéutica de Sanidad Exterior (SIFAEX) allows the electronic processing of requests and communications related to the procedure of sanitary control of the international traffic of pharmaceutical products. This procedure consists of the verification, quality control and, if necessary, sanitary intervention on the import or export of products subject to control. On the other hand, the open government paradigm is synonymous with change in the management of public affairs. President Obama, on his first day in office, presented an executive memorandum through which he committed himself to create a level of openness in the American administration never seen before, giving great importance to transparency, collaboration and participation of society to strengthen democracy and achieve effective and efficient public services. This memorandum was addressed to American agencies and citizens, but such was the success of its statements that many countries, including Spain, adopted it as their own. They even formed an international organization Open Government Partnership (OGP), and Spain is an active member of this organization. Transparency in public administration is not an option, it is an obligation for all public employees. Its value is to constitute an instrument of participation and control by means of which citizens become an active part of administrative actions, to scrutinize and control them and, based on the information received, to be able to influence their resolution. From this point of view, Transparency is not only an incentive for administrations to be careful in their actions, knowing that they are being supervised, but it is also an essential element for administrative transformation. In order to constitute a more transparent administration, it is necessary to develop mechanisms for the opening of data, active publicity, access to information and citizen participation and collaboration; these tools and their relationship with the Pharmaceutical Inspection at the border are studied

    The infinity in an experiment with confronted mirrorcs

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    Se realiza un experimento de enseñanza con espejos enfrentados para comprobar la hipótesis de que los conjuntos infinitos discretos en relación de inclusión y cuyos elementos aparecen alineados, tal y como aparecen en los espejos enfrentados, son idóneos para introducir el criterio de correspondencia, tomando como agente mediador la biyección con N, como criterio de comparación de los cardinales transfinitos.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Surgery for bronchiectasis

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    OBJECTIVE: The incidence of bronchiectasis has declined markedly in developed countries. However, a reasonable number of patients still need surgery, despite aggressive physiotherapy and antibiotic therapy. We have reviewed our patients to clarify the benefits from surgery and to analyse the complications. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Between 1988 and 1999, we have operated on 119 patients with bronchiectasis, 71 female and 48 male, with a mean age of 42.2 years (range 11--77 years). Surgery was indicated because of unsuccessful medical therapy in 66 patients (55%), 31 (26%) had haemoptysis, 11 (9.2%) had lung abscess, 10 (8.4%) had lung masses, and three (2.5%) had pneumothorax. The most common manifestations were cough with sputum in 90 patients (76%), haemoptysis in 45 (38%) and recurrent infections in 57 (48%). The mean duration of the symptoms was 4 years (range 1--40 years). The lower lobes were diseased in 61 patients and bilateral disease was found in ten. The mean number of involved pulmonary segments was five (range 1-15). A lobectomy was performed in 75 patients (62%), a segmentectomy in 12 (10%), a pneumonectomy in nine (7.4%) and a bilobectomy in four (3.3%). Complete resection of the disease was achieved in 108 cases (91%). RESULTS: There was no operative mortality and perioperative morbidity occurred in 15 patients (15%), including temporary broncho-pleural fistulae in 7 (5.8%), and post-operative haemorrhage and atrial arrhythmias in four (3.3%) each. After a mean follow-up was 4.5 years, 73 patients (68%) of this group were asymptomatic, and 31 (29%) had meaningful clinical improvement, while only four (3.7%) maintained or worsened prior symptoms. The best clinical improvement occurred in patients with complete resection of the disease (P=0.008). There were no differences in the respiratory function, comparing pre- and post-operative data, with a 2-year of minimum interval. The VC was 91 and 89% and the FEV1 was 83% and 81% of expected, respectively before and after surgery, (P=NS). CONCLUSION: Surgery of pulmonary bronchiectasis has few complications and markedly improves symptoms in the great majority of patients, especially when complete resection of the disease is achieved. Pulmonary resection of bronchiectasis does not alter respiratory function

    Fortalecimiento de las competencias en expresión oral en estudiantes de Derecho de la Institución Universitaria de Villavicencio, desde una perspectiva educomunicativa.

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    Esta investigación está basada en el Fortalecimiento de las competencias en expresión oral en estudiantes de Derecho de la institución universitaria de Villavicencio, desde una perspectiva educomunicativa., a raíz de la aplicación del nuevo sistema penal acusatorio en Colombia, como es la implementación de la oralidad en las audiencias públicas judiciales. Con la entrada en funcionamiento del nuevo sistema penal, lo que se busca es darle agilidad a los procesos judiciales que cursan en los juzgados del país, donde el abogado a través de la oralidad pueda ejercer su libre actuación con habilidades y destreza en el proceso, y en menos tiempo.This research is based on the strengthening of skills in oral expression in law students of the university institution of Villavicencio, from an educommunicative perspective., Following the application of new accusatory criminal system in Colombia, as is the implementation of the orality in judicial public hearings. With the entry into operation of the new criminal system, what is sought is to give agility to the judicial processes that take place in the courts of the country, where the lawyer Through orality you can exercise your free acting with skills and dexterity in the process, and in less time

    Excision of pulmonary metastases of osteogenic sarcoma of the limbs

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    OBJECTIVE: The combination of surgery and chemotherapy improves the prognosis of patients with osteogenic sarcoma of the limbs without detectable metastases at presentation. However, lung metastases are a frequent complication. To evaluate the role of the resection of pulmonary metastases of osteogenic sarcoma of the limbs, we have reviewed our experience with this type of surgery, combined with a multidrug chemotherapy protocol. PATIENTS AND METHODS: From January 89 to December 97, 198 patients operated on for osteogenic sarcomas of the limbs were followed in our centre. Of these, 31 patients (15.7%), with a mean age of 25 years (range 10-54 years), developed lung metastases and had undergone 45 thoracotomies. All patients received chemotherapy, followed by resection of metastatic lesions and additional chemotherapy. The mean time interval between resection of the primary tumour and the diagnosis of lung metastases was 22 months (4-122 months). Eight patients (25.8%) needed more than one (2-4) thoracotomy. The mean time interval between the first and second thoracic surgeries was 9.2 months (2-14 months). RESULTS: There was no operative mortality or major morbidity. During the 45 thoracotomies, five lobectomies and 40 wedge resections were necessary. The mean number of metastases resected per thoracotomy was 3.4 (range 1-10). The degree of necrosis was evaluated by seriated sections for a histologic study. In the end the mean necrotic volume was calculated. A strong correlation was found between the degree of necrosis of the metastases and the need for reoperation for new metastatic lesions, because all the patients who needed more than one operation had less than 80% of necrosis of metastases. The patients were followed for a mean period of 28 months (6-72 months). Ten patients (32.2%) died of related causes at a mean of 19.4 months after thoracic surgery, three of whom had more than one operation. The 3-year survival after metastasectomy was 61%. Patients without pulmonary metastases had a 3-year survival of 79%. CONCLUSIONS: In patients with lung metastases of an osteogenic sarcoma, the combination of chemotherapy and surgery improves the outcome. In our series the mortality was not influenced by the number or thoracotomies required

    Effects of ripening time and combination of ovine and caprine milks on proteolysis of Picante cheese

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    Proteolysis in Picante cheese was characterized by assaying for breakdown products throughout a 180 day ripening period using different combinations of ewe's and goat's milks. Parameters analysed were total nitrogen (TN), water-soluble nitrogen (WSN) and non-protein nitrogen (NPN) using Kjeldahl and spectro-photometric methods, and casein profile by electrophoresis. WSN at 180 days of ripening was 25–29% TN. The maximum NPN values were attained by 180 days of ripening and corresponded to 87% and 92% of the WSN in 0C and 100C, respectively (where iC denotes a cheese manufactured with i% caprine milk). Statistically significant correlations were obtained between the various analytical methods of assay for nitrogen and ripening time. The spectrophotometric methods using either trinitrobenzenesulphonic acid or cadmium-ninhydrin proved satisfactory in assessing the ripening index (instead of the Kjeldahl method). Degradation of β-caseins at 180 days was 18.8, 26.4, 40.2, 55.6 and 36.5% for 0C, 25C, 50C, 75C and 100C, respectively. Degradation of αs-caseins by 180 days was 35.9, 40.2, 81.8, 93.0 and 68.7% for 0C, 25C, 50C, 75C and 100C, respectively. In general, a higher cheesemaking milk fraction of caprine milk was associated with higher amounts of γ-caseins

    Seguimiento del contorno externo de la boca en imágenes de vídeo

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    El seguimiento preciso de la boca de una persona, cuando está hablando, es un desafío importante en varias aplicaciones, como la identificación de la cara o la interacción con el computador. La complejidad de forma, textura y color de la boca, y los cambios de iluminación y fondos de los posibles escenarios hacen que este sea aún un problema abierto. En este artículo se propone un algoritmo para el seguimiento del contorno externo de la boca, sin utilizar marcadores o alguna clase de maquillaje para resaltar los labios, basado en apariencia y en restricciones morfológicas definidas en el estándar MPEG-4. El algoritmo es robusto ante la presencia de barba, tono de piel y calidad de la imagen