168 research outputs found

    Eesti tervishoiu esmatasandini jõudis kliiniliste otsuste tugisüsteem

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    Eesti Arst 2020; 99(11):665–666 &nbsp

    Hatton-Rockall geophysical survey RRS discovery cruise D273 BGS project 03/01 operations report

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    This report describes the operation of Discovery Cruise D273, BGS Project 03/01, a regional geophysical survey of the UK Continental Shelf in the Hatton–Rockall area, carried out from 13th to 28th August 2003. Due to ongoing difficulties with the Discovery winch replacement programme, the duration of the cruise was cut, initially from 21 to 17 days and then by a further two days shortly before the start. Since the programme was planned for 21 days operations it was always going to be impossible to complete it. The vessel proved to be excellent for the work and the survey was very successful, with the above caveat. A total of 1677km of good quality data were collected. The survey was a part of the BGS Offshore Mapping and Modelling Project (E1281S73) and was allocated Discovery Station Number 15232


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    Análise do impacto da lei de cotas de 2012 no desempenho e nos índices de evasão dos cursos da UFF

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    Em agosto de 2012, foi outorgada a Lei de Cotas, que obriga todas as unidades de ensino vinculadas ao Ministério da Educação à reserva de metade das vagas ofertadas para alunos que cursaram o ensino médio em colégios públicos. Os mais diversos palpites e reações foram externados, mas poucos estudos foram feitos com o intuito de observar o impacto dessa política, em especial, nos cursos da Universidade Federal Fluminense. Mesmo tendo passado apenas seis anos após sua implantação, é possível analisar alguns dos efeitos que esta lei causou nos desempenhos e índices de evasão dos cursos da universidade. Após comparar os resultados com experiências semelhantes em nove universidades do país, a conclusão é de que os cotistas da Universidade Federal Fluminense têm obtido ótimos desempenhos e baixas taxas de evasão, principalmente em cursos de maior prestígio socialAugust 2012, was promulgated the Quotas Act, which forces all institutes subjected to the Ministério da Educação to reserve half of the admissions to students which course at a public high school. A lot of kind of opinions were found but was did a low number of studies to check how these new enrollments were behaving, especially in Universidade Federal Fluminense. although this police just have six years, it is possible to analyze its effect on courses performances and theirs evasion indices. After to compare the results with the same experiences at nine brazilian universities, the conclusion is that quotes on this university have guaranteed good performances and low evasion indices, especially at most popular courses66 p