19 research outputs found

    Wild edible plants as potential antioxidants in vegetables oils

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    The effect of the addition of fruits of Rosa canina and Quercus ballota and leaves of Sanguisorba minor to sunflower, seed, and olive oils on lipid oxidation during the frying process was analyzed.The three underutilised edible plants increased the oxidative stability of the sunflower oil, since the malondialdehyde (MDA) content was significantly decreased with respect to values of the control sunflower oil after the heating process. However, in olive oil, the effect of these edible plants on decreasing the lipid peroxidation was only evident for the highest concentration, while in seed oil the addition of the edible plant showed a prooxidant effect.Thus, these wild edible plants could be used to enrich vegetable oils with low content of natural antioxidant, such as sunflower oil, and avoid or decrease the use of synthetic antioxidant

    Wild edible plants as potential antioxidant or nutritional supplements for beverages minimally processed

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    Wild edible plants (WEP) with high antioxidant capacity, Rosa canina fruits, Quercus ballota acorns and Sanguisorba minor (young leaves and stems), were added to orange and kiwifruit juices for increase the nutritional properties. The addition of WEP to orange juice (OJ) and kiwifruit cremogenate (KC) does not affect, or it can even improve, some parameters of consumer's acceptance, although the mixtures increasing sweetness and intensifying the matrix colour without changing the tone are the best valued. The beverages minimally processed with higher TSS were the matrices fortified with Q. ballota, the same that were considered sweetest by the judges. The addition of WEP to OJ did not significantly change the levels of vitamin C (ascorbic acid plus dehydroascorbic acid). The addition of R. canina and S. minor increased the content of phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity in both matrices (OJ and KC) in more than 30%. Beverages with a high interest for consumers and with high antioxidant properties have been obtained

    Conservante para flor ornamental cortada

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    Referencia OEPM: P200000402.-- Fecha de solicitud: 21/02/2000.-- Titulares: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV), Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC).La invención consiste en un conservante para flor ornamental cortada, diseñado como una mezcla de compuestos a base de azúcar comercial, ácido cítrico, citrato de sodio, germicida, inhibidor de la síntesis de etileno y humectante, que se prepara para disolver en un litro de agua y mantener en él los claveles cortados. De esta forma la vida comercial útil de la flor cortada se verá considerablemente incrementada. La principal ventaja que presenta esta composición sobre las ya existentes en el mercado es su mayor efectividad, retardando la senescencia o envejecimiento de la flor cortada y el no contener compuestos que puedan ser contaminantes para el medio ambiente o nocivos para la salud humana o de animales.Peer reviewe

    Effects of Climate Change on the Production of Polysaccharides and Phycobiliproteins by Nostoc commune Vaucher ex Bornet et Flahault

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    Nostoc commune synthesizes polysaccharides and phycobiliproteins under natural conditions, but little is known about how environmental changes could affect their production. In this study, colonies of N. commune were subjected to increases in ultraviolet radiation, ammonium concentration, electrical conductivity, and temperature, to assess the potential changes in the concentrations of polysaccharides and phycobiliproteins. The results indicate that UVB radiation significantly increased the synthesis of polysaccharides (F = 62.691; p < 0.01), while UVA radiation caused a significant increase in the production of total phycobiliproteins (F = 22.472, p < 0.01) phycocyanin (F = 8.546, p < 0.01), phycoerythrin (F = 12.876, p < 0.01), and allophycocyanin (F = 58.143, p < 0.001). Also, 50 μM NH4Cl significantly increased the synthesis of polysaccharides (F = 45.706; p < 0.01) while increased near significant total phycobiliproteins (F = 5.043, p < 0.1), phycoerythrins (F = 4.57, p < 0.1), allophycocyanin (F = 4.892, p < 0.1), and phycocyanin (F = 4.921, p < 0.1). Furthermore, a conductivity value of 4 mScm− 1 enhanced near significant the production of polysaccharides (F = 4.816; p < 0.1) and phycocyanin (F = 9.728, p < 0.1). Nevertheless, a significant effect of total phycobiliproteins was observed (F = 23.686, p < 0.01), as well as allophycocyanin (F = 57.092, p < 0.001), and phycoerythrin (F = 13.928, p < 0.01). Finally, the optimal temperature for the synthesis of polysaccharides was 30 °C. Also, 30 ºC significantly increased the synthesis of total phycobiliproteins (F = 292.211, p < 0.001), as well as on phycocyanin (F = 126.433, p < 0.001) and allophycocyanin (F = 7.991, p < 0.05). These data indicate the ability of N. commune to modify its synthesis of polysaccharides and phycobiliproteins in response to extreme environmental conditions related to climate change, underscoring the interest in N. commune for future applied research on the biotechnological and pharmaceutical production of both types of compounds

    Uso de plantas comestibles silvestres como ingredientes funcionales en la dieta moderna

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    Se han evaluado trece especies de plantas silvestres comestibles pertenecientes a once familias botánicas consumidas en la dieta mediterránea tradicional. Sanguisorba minor, Quercus ballota y Sedum sediforme mostraron la mayor actividad antioxidante total hidrofílica (H‐AAT), así como el mayor contenido en fenoles totales. El análisis sensorial indicó que los frutos de Q. ballota podrían considerarse muy dulces y que las plantas de Crithmum maritimum y Oxalis pes‐caprae son muy ácidas. Además, los catadores destacaron el sabor salado de C. maritimum, Mesembryanthemum nodiflorum y Mesembryanthemum cristalinum, el sabor picante de A. ampeloprasum, y el aroma de F. vulgare. Nuestros resultados indican que debido a sus propiedades funcionales y sensoriales, podrían utilizarse como nuevos ingredientes para aumentar la variedad en la dieta moderna y en la alta cocina creativa

    Aplicación de la atmósfera modificada a la conservación de frutas y hortalizas / Mª Teresa Pretel Pretel ; directores Félix Romajaro Almelo, Fernando Riquelme Ballesteros.

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    Tesis-Universidad de Murcia.Consulte la tesis en: BCA. GENERAL. ARCHIVO UNIVERSITARIO. D 360.Consulte la tesis en: BCA. GENERAL. ARCHIVO UNIVERSITARIO. T.M.-862

    Nuevos usos comerciales para variedades tradicionales de cítricos del sureste español

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    Los autores agradecen a la Conselleria de Cultura. Educacio i Ciencia de la Generalitat Valenciana la financiación de este trabajo con el Proyecto GV00-136-13, "Utilización de nuevas tecnologías post-recolección paro la recuperación de variedades tradicionales de cítricos en la Vega Baja del Segura

    Aptitudes para el pelado enzimático de cuatro variedades tradicionales de naranja

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    Los autores agradecen a la Conselleria de Cultura Educacio i Ciencia de la Generalitat Valenciana Ja financiación de este trabajo con el Proyecro GV00-136-13, "Utilización de nue­vas tecnologías post-recolección para la récu­peración de variedades uadicionalcs de cítrí­cos en la Vega Baja del Segura"