62 research outputs found

    Fathers’ emotional involvement with the neonate: impact of the umbilical cord cutting experience

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    Aims. This paper is a report on a study analysing the effect of the umbilical cord cutting experience on fathers’ emotional involvement with their infants. Background. Participation in childbirth offers an opportunity for father and mother to share the childbirth experience, so it is vital that midwives improve the fathers’ participation in this event. Design. A quasi-experimental study with a quantitative methodology was implemented. Methods. One hundred and five fathers were recruited as part of a convenience sample in a Maternity Public Hospital in a Metropolitan City in Portugal, between January and May of 2008. The Bonding Scale, the Portuguese version of the ‘Mother-to-Infant Bonding Scale’ was used to evaluate the fathers’ emotional involvement with the neonate at different moments: before childbirth, first day after childbirth and first month after childbirth. After childbirth, the fathers were divided into three separate groups depending on their umbilical cord cutting experience. Results. The results demonstrate that the emotional involvement between father and child tends to increase during the first days after childbirth and to decrease when evaluated 1 month after birth, for fathers who did not cut the umbilical cord. However, fathers who cut the umbilical cord demonstrate an improvement in emotional involvement 1 month later. Conclusion. Results suggest that the umbilical cord cutting experience benefits the father’s emotional involvement with the neonate, supporting the benefits of his participation and empowerment in childbirth

    Participant experiences of mindfulness-based childbirth education: a qualitative study

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    Background: Childbirth is an important transitional life event, but one in which many women are dissatisfied stemming in part from a sense that labour is something that happens to them rather than with them. Promoting maternal satisfaction with childbirth means equipping women with communication and decision making skills that will enhance their ability to feel involved in their labour. Additionally, traditional antenatal education does not necessarily prepare expectant mothers and their birth support partner adequately for birth. Mindfulness-based interventions appear to hold promise in addressing these issues. Mindfulness-based Child Birth Education (MBCE) was a pilot intervention combining skills-based antenatal education and Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction. Participant experiences of MBCE, both of expectant mothers and their birth support partners are the focus of this article. Methods: A generic qualitative approach was utilised for this study. Pregnant women between 18 and 28 weeks gestation, over 18 years of age, nulliparous with singleton pregnancies and not taking medication for a diagnosed mental illness or taking illicit drugs were eligible to undertake the MBCE program which was run in a metropolitan city in Australia. Focus groups with 12 mothers and seven birth support partners were undertaken approximately four months after the completion of MBCE. Audio recordings of the groups were transcribed verbatim and analysed thematically using the method of constant comparison by all four authors independently and consensus on analysis and interpretation arrived at through team meetings.Results: A sense of both ‘empowerment’ and ‘community’ were the essences of the experiences of MBCE both for mothers and their birth support partner and permeated the themes of ‘awakening my existing potential’ and ‘being in a community of like-minded parents’. Participants suggested that mindfulness techniques learned during MBCE facilitated their sense of control during birth, and the content and pedagogical approach of MBCE enabled them to be involved in decision making during the birth. The pedagogical approach also fostered a sense of community among participants which extended into the postnatal period. Conclusions: MBCE has the potential to empower women to become active participants in the birthing process, thus addressing common concerns regarding lack of control and satisfaction with labour and facilitate peer support into the postnatal period. Further education of health professionals may be needed to ensure that they respond positively to those women and birth support partners who remain active in decision making during birth

    Designriktlinjer för andrasprÄksinlÀrningsapplikationer : Kinesiskaundervisning via seriösa datorspel i smarta mobiltelefoner

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    I och med det enorma anvÀndningsomrÄdet av datorsystem i dagens samhÀlle finns mÄnga typer av anvÀndare och uppgifter att designa för. Genom designriktlinjer kan utvecklare fÄ referenser och guidning för att skapa anvÀndbara applikationer frÄn början. PÄ sÄ vis kan tid sparas i utvecklingsprocessen. FrÄn och med puberteten dÄ mÀnniskan kan anses vara vuxen Àndras förmÄga till andrasprÄksinlÀrning, trots detta finns det mÀnniskor som lÀr sig andrasprÄk i vuxen Älder. Kunskap kring vad dessa skillnader beror pÄ mÄste anvÀndas i designen av en andrasprÄksinlÀrningsapplikation för att tillgodose mÀnniskans kognitiva förmÄgor. De tvÄ huvudsakliga kognitiva aspekterna vid sprÄkproduktion Àr grammatisk kodning och fonetisk kodning. De 10 framtagna designriktlinjerna syftar till att stödja dessa processer. Ett av de största problemen i all form av undervisning Àr motivation, seriösa datorspel Àr ett forskningsomrÄde som syftar till att ta till vara pÄ traditionella datorspels motiverande egenskaper. Denna studie leder fram till designriktlinjer kring hur seriösa datorspel kan designas för att utbilda i kinesiska som andrasprÄk via smarta mobiltelefoner.

    Professionalitet - en social konstruktion : en kvalitativ studie i hur socialarbetare konstruerar sin egen professionalitet

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    Jag har gjort en kvalitativ undersökning bland personal pĂ„ en öppenvĂ„rdsmottagning för missbrukande ungdomar. Jag vill med denna uppsats undersöka socialarbetarens syn pĂ„ den egna professionen, hur han/hon definierar begreppet professionalitet och hur han/hon omsĂ€tter dessa tankar och vĂ€rderingar i sin yrkesutövning. Den centrala forskningsfrĂ„gan Ă€r ”Hur konstruerar personal pĂ„ en öppenvĂ„rdsmottagning sin professionalitet?”. Jag kommer att utgĂ„ frĂ„n ett socialkonstruktivistiskt perspektiv för att belysa hur socialarbetaren, tillsammans med sitt sammanhang, skapar sitt sĂ€tt att tĂ€nka, och hur han/hon sedan handlar utifrĂ„n det. Jag har intagit en fenomenologisk position dĂ€r jag anvĂ€nder mig av sex kvalitativa intervjuer för att studera det valda fenomenet. För att analysera mina insamlade data har jag anvĂ€nt mig av meningskoncentrering. Mina litteratursökningar har visat att forskning kring mitt specifika Ă€mne inte Ă€r sĂ„ omfattande, varför jag har valt att koncentrera mig pĂ„ forskning som knyter an till de teman jag utkristalliserat i mina intervjuer. Till exempel har jag valt att titta nĂ€rmare pĂ„ frĂ„gan om vilka kompetenskrav som finns inom det sociala arbetet. Jag tar Ă€ven upp forskning kring kvalitetstĂ€nkande i socialt arbete. Resultatet av min studie visar att socialarbetarna anser sig fĂ„ sina kunskaper i första hand genom erfarenheter. Intervjupersonerna definierar kunskap som förmĂ„ga att arbeta eklektiskt med teorier och metoder och förmĂ„ga till distans, reflektion och objektivitet i arbetet. Intervjupersonerna talar om begreppet professionalitet som en förmĂ„ga att tĂ€nka kritiskt, anvĂ€nda sig av sin kunskap och sina erfarenheter i arbetet samt en tanke kring att inte utöva makt över klienten

    Ett leende pÄ lÀpparna - stöd och strategier i bakfickan, En arbetsmiljöstudie pÄ DSB First Sverige AB

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    Abstract Author: Emilie Premberg Title: “A smiling face – support and strategies up one`s sleeve” A work environment study at DSB First Sverige AB. Supervisor: Charlotta Zettervall Assessor: Hans SwĂ€rd The aim of this study has been to find different “healthy-factors” that helps trainmanagers at DSB First to handle their situation at work with threat, violence and other negative stressors. A further purpose was to explain possible functions of these factors. The fact that many workplaces today invest a lot of resources in promoting health in the category of personnel without really having the knowledge of which factors that brings good effects makes this question interesting. It may be considered valuable to find out the staffs own opinion about effective “healthy-factors” that helps them to handle and feel good in their sometimes destructive workcondition. The empiric results have been analyzed from the theories of different coping strategies and the human resource management theory. The choice of theories was based on the idea that the coping strategies theory could help to explain the function of the more personal strategies, and that the human resource management theory could help to explain the function and need of different “healthy-factors” that more are related to the relationship between the human individual and organization. The method that I have used in this study is quantitatively, based to make a statistic comparison possible. The quantitative approach has been completed with qualitative methods in order to make the work up of the data possible, and to receive a deeper understanding for the results. The outcome of the study shows that colleagues are very important for the trainmanagers. This can be understood as a need of social support in times of negative stressors. Other important “healthy-factors” were well being on the workplace for example in appreciating social interaction with the passengers, an understanding management and the strategy of not taking conflicts and critic personal. Key words: healthy-factors, threat and violence, coping strategies, human resource management, trainmanager

    The Historical Odyssey of Boat Refugees

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