131 research outputs found

    Agrupaciones demersales y bentónicas de los fondos arrastrables del mar de alborán (mediterráneo occidental)

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    The composition and abundance of megabenthic fauna caught by the commercial trawl fleet in the Alboran Sea were studied. A total of 28 hauls were carried out at depths ranging from 50 to 640 m. As a result of a hierarchical classification analysis four assemblages were detected: (1) the outer shelf group (50-150 m), characterised by Octopus vulgaris and Cepola macrophthalma; (2) the upper slope group (151-350 m), characterised by Micromesistius poutassou, with Plesionika heterocarpus and Parapenaeus longirostris as secondary species; (3) the middle slope group (351-640 m), characterised by M. poutassou, Nephrops norvegicus and Caelorhincus caelorhincus, and (4) the small seamount Seco de los Olivos (310-360 m), characterised by M. poutassou, Helicolenus dactylopterus and Gadiculus argenteus, together with Chlorophthalmus agassizi, Stichopus regalis and Palinurus mauritanicus. The results also revealed significantly higher abundances in the Seco de los Olivos seamount, probably related to a higher food availability caused by strong localised currents and upwellings that enhanced primary production. Although depth proved to be the main structuring factor, others such as sediment type and food availability also appeared to be important. Differences between shelf and slope assemblages could be in part related to a greater dependence on benthic resources in the former and a higher use of planktonic resources in the latter.Se estudia la composición y abundancia de la fauna capturada por barcos comerciales de arrastre en el mar de Alborán. Se llevaron a cabo 28 lances a profundidades comprendidas entre los 50 y los 640 m. El análisis de clasificación jerárquica dio como resultado cuatro agrupaciones: (1) plataforma externa (50-150 m) caracterizada por las especies Octopus vulgaris y Cepola macrophthalma, (2) talud superior (151-350 m), caracterizada por Micromesistius poutassou, con Plesionika heterocarpus y Parapenaeus longirostris como especies secundarias, (3) talud medio (351-640 m) caracterizada por M. poutassou, Nephrops norvegicus y Caelorhincus caelorhincus, y (4) el monte submarino Seco de los Olivos (310- 360 m), donde M. poutassou, Helicolenus dactylopterus y Gadiculus argenteus son las especies más características, junto a otras como Chlorophthalmus agassizii, Stichopus regalis y Palinurus mauritanicus. Los resultados revelan una abundancia de megafauna significativamente mayor en Seco de los Olivos, probablemente relacionada con una mayor disponibilidad de alimento provocada por las fuertes corrientes y afloramientos que tienen lugar en la zona, y que generan un aumento en la producción primaria. Aunque la profundidad constituye el principal factor estructurante de las comunidades, también son importantes el tipo de sedimento y la disponibilidad de alimento. Las diferencias encontradas entre las comunidades de plataforma y de talud podrían estar en parte relacionadas con una mayor dependencia de los recursos bentónicos en la primera, y un mayor aprovechamiento de los recursos planctónicos en la segunda.

    Jerarquización del territorio bilbilitano (siglos II-I a. C.)

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    Estableciendo al Jalón como eje vertebrador y delimitado por los afluentes Jiloca, Perejiles y Ribota, este enclave se caracterizó durante los siglos III al I a. C. por su elevada concentración de asentamientos que tuvieron gran relevancia en la jerarquía territorial al mismo tiempo que jugaron un papel esencial en los acontecimientos bélicos que la conquista y romanización de la Celtiberia reportaron y los cambios socio- económicos y administrativos que dejaron huella en el paisaje. Desde el siglo XVI estudiosos e investigadores han mostrado especial interés en develar la entidad y transformación urbanística de estas poblaciones celtibéricas. A través del análisis de las fuentes clásicas, testimonios epigráficos, numismáticos y materiales recuperados de forma sistemática por los respectivos proyectos arqueológicos, se corroboran o desmienten las hipótesis planteadas hasta la fecha. Bilbilis, Sekeiza y Valdeherrera son las tres ciudades celtibéricas que ejercerán alternativamente el control en el territorio bilbilitano, puerta de influencias, pueblos y culturas que llegan desde Levante hacia el interior de la Meseta

    Food web functioning of the benthopelagic community in a deep-sea seamount based on diet and stable isotope analyses

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    14th Deep-Sea Biology Symposium (DSBS), 31 August 2015 - 04 September 2015, AveiroPeer Reviewe

    To what extent is fishing effort affecting the trophic level of the demersal communities at small scale? Preliminary results of a new food web indicator

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    Due to the complexity of benthic and demersal ecosystems, to be really helpful, a food web indicator should summarize, in a single number, a variety of complex processes that are otherwise hard to apprehend. The present work assesses the direct impact of bottom fishing gears on the trophic level (TL) of benthic and demersal communities dwelling in the continental shelf of the southern Bay of Biscay. Using a spatio-temporal approach at small scale, we tackle two main objectives: 1) to evaluate temporal trends in mean TL at community scale per sampling rectangle (5 x 5 miles grid resolution), and 2) to assess to what extent these trends are related to fishing effort. Two types of data are involved in the analyses: 1) TL data (mean trophic level by sampling rectangle), and 2) VMS data (number of fishing days by sampling rectangle). TL data were calculated using stomach contents sampled for demersal fish species during the Demersales surveys (IBTS), carried out every autumn in the southern Bay of Biscay since 1983, and combined with data from Fishbase and local references for those species which lacked empirical data. We only considered species that appeared in a minimum of 5 years and were consistently well identified along the whole historical series, in order to keep consistency in the community spatiotemporal sampling. Preliminary results point to a significant increase in TL in most of the sampling rectangles, suggesting that the trend observed globally is spatially homogeneous. A clear relationship between fishing effort and TL was also identified, particularly in those areas where fishing effort (mainly otter trawl fisheries) has been decreasing in recent years

    Aspects of University Life and Burnout Syndrome

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    El propósito del presente estudio fue la adaptación y validación de la Escala de Estrés Laboral Organizacional, basada en el modelo de “esfuerzo-recompensa” a trabajadores mexicanos, mediante el análisis factorial confirmatorio. Los resultados muestran que la escala con 25 ítems se constituye en dos dimensiones: condiciones organizacionales y procesos administrativos, como medición del estrés. Se reportó el 64% de validez relevante, con 43.55% de varianza explicada y 0.92 de confiabilidad Alpha de Cronbach. Se calificó a los participantes, y el 8.3% se ubica en el nivel alto de estrés. Se encontró diferencias significativas en los niveles de estrés reportados por sexo, siendo mayor el nivel para las mujeres. Se concluyó que esta escala puede ser un instrumento válido y fiable para medir el estrés organizacional.Palabras clave: Estrés organizacional, Esfuerzo-recompensa, análisis factorial, condiciones organizacionales.Organizational stress, Effort-reward, Factorial analysis, Organizational condition

    Psoas abscess. Percutaneous resolution

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    Se hace descripción del caso de un paciente que acude al servicio de urgencias de un Hospital General de Zona del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, I.M.S.S. con un cuadro de dolor abdominoinguinal izquierdo y fiebre de un mes de evolución. El estudio del caso logra evidencia tomográfica de un absceso de psoas izquierdo de grandes dimensiones, laboratorios compatibles con respuesta inflamatoria sistémica. Se realiza drenaje percutáneo en el área de urgencias para posteriormente continuar su estancia hospitalaria cursando con mejoría paulatina hasta su egreso. Pocos son los casos reportados de esta patología que se resuelven de esta forma tan poco invasiva.Description of the case of a patient who goes to the emergency service of one General Hospital Zone of the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, I.M.S.S. with a left abdominal-inguinal pain and fever of one month of evolution. The study of the case, gets tomographic evidence of a left psoas abscess of large dimensions is obtained with laboratory tests compatible with systemic inflammatory response. Percutaneous drainage was performed in the emergency service to continue his hospital stay later, with gradual improvement until his discharge. Few cases are reported of this pathology and much less of those that can be resolved in this way so little invasive

    Factores psicosociales del trabajo e inteligencia emocional en la formación del profesional de enfermería de una universidad pública de México

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    Emotional intelligence is a social intelligence identifying the ability to adjust one self’s emotions with others. Emotional intelligence is considered as an important characteristic for nurses. The aim of this research was to assess the emotional intelligence of nursing students and its relation with work psychosocial factors. This study investigated the relation among the emotional intelligence of nursing students and its relation with work psychosocial factors. Methodology: This was a descriptive correlation study. It was questioned 232 students of first educational years of the basic career and nurse professionals of a public university. To assess the emotional intelligence, we used Trait Meta- Mood Scale (TMMS-24) of Fernandez-Berrocal et al 2004, which includes 24 questions in 5 categories and Work Psychosocial Scale (WPS) of Tous- Pallarès. Results: significant relation among the adjustment to the content of the task and to the personal relations as factors was found work psychosocial factors with the dimension clarity of the Emotional Intelligence. There was no significant relation between attention y reparation. The majority of the participating reported to have good emotional development of intelligence and to perceive few you mismatch for the psychosocial factors of the job. Conclusions: the emotional intelligence develops with the social interaction and the modulation of personal variables, for which the relation of the work psychosocial factors they will be risk in the measurement that the personnel of the health be prepared or not to confront them.La teoría interaccionista del trabajo propone que las variables personales son mediadoras entre las exigencias del entorno y la respuesta de estrés. La inteligencia emocional es una variable favorable de afrontamiento, que pudiera ser atendida desde los primeros años de formación en profesionales vulnerables al estrés laboral, como lo es la enfermería. El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar la relación entre factores psicosociales del trabajo e inteligencia emocional en estudiantes de enfermería. Metodología: El diseño del estudio es de tipo transversal. Se encuestó a 232 estudiantes de la carrera básica y de licenciatura de enfermería de una universidad pública, con Trait Meta-Mood Scale (TMMS-24) de Fernández-Berrocal et al. 2004 y Work Psychosocial Scale (WPL) de Tous-Pallarès. Resultados: Se encontró relación significativa entre el ajuste al contenido de la tarea y a las relaciones personales como factores psicosociales laborales con la dimensión claridad de la Inteligencia Emocional. No se tuvo relación con atención y reparación. La mayoría de los participantes reportaron tener buen desarrollo de inteligencia emocional y percibir pocos desajustes por los factores psicosociales del trabajo. Conclusiónes: la inteligencia emocional se desarrolla con la interacción social y la modulación de variables personales, por lo que la relación de los factores psicosociales laborales serán riesgo en la medida que el personal de la salud esté preparado o no para afrontarles

    Response of a temperate demersal fish community to global warming

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    Cambio ClimaticoChanges in the distribution of the demersal fish species have been identified in north-European Atlantic waters. The consequence of these changes has been a northward shift of the distribution limits and changes in richness. In this study a notable increase in demersal fish species richness per sampling station was detected in the southern Bay of Biscay. This rise was due to an increase in frequency of occurrence and abundance of the majority of fish species in the area (53% from the total species). A fisheries relate explanation was discarded because the mismatch between the changes in the fishing effort and the augment in frequency of occurrence and abundance. On the contrary, these changes are in agreement with expected response under the increasing temperature of the sea observed over the last three decades, associated to global warming. These changes were positively correlated with an increase in temperature of intermediate waters in the study area. In addition, some of these species showed a notable western displacements of the Centre of Gravity in the study area, which would be expected if temperate water species would be favoured by an increase in water temperature. Our results are consistent with studies in the North Sea, where many of these species showing widened distribution limits toward north. The analysis of the results show that the studied ecosystem, the Bay of Biscay is under a meridionalization process. On the other hand, only one tropicalization event (L. dieuzedei), was recorded, maybe due to the conservative restrictions applied in species selection.En prensa2,655

    Association between Psychosocial Risk Factors and Quality of Work Life in Air Traffic Controllers at an Ecuador Airport

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    The aim of this research was to determine the association between psychosocial factors and Quality of Work Life (QWL) in air traffic controllers at an Ecuador airport. A transversal study was developed. The sample included 47 air traffic controllers of one airport in Quito, Ecuador. The participants answered an adapted version of the surveys “Factores Psicosociales en el Trabajo” (Psychosocial factors at work) and the “Calidad de vida en el trabajo” (Quality of work life) CVT-GOHISALO. The data analysis included descriptive statistics, Z scores and, association tests with chi-square and Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient. The mean age was 40 years old, and most of the participants were males. For the psychosocial work factors, the higher mean score was for the dimension Work demands (22.94), followed by Workplace conditions (13.47). For the QWL the dimension Wellbeing accomplished through work (36.43) scored higher, followed by Institutional support for work (34.11). The findings indicated several positive associations between the study variables through the Spearman’s Coefficient, observing that the psychosocial factor content and characteristic of the task presented the higher number of associations with QWL dimensions, such as Institutional support for work (p \u3c 0.05), Work safety (p \u3c 0.05), Integration to the work position (p \u3c 0.05) and to Wellbeing accomplished through work (p \u3c 0.05). The air traffic controllers develop a professional activity under work conditions that involve psychosocial factors that could represent an important risk for the health, satisfaction and QWL