49 research outputs found

    Psychosocial consequences of war conflicts

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    Tato práce se zaměřuje na analýzu a popis psychosociálních důsledků válečných konfliktů se zvláštním zřetelem na konflikty interního charakteru, které v současnosti ve světě převládají. Důraz je kladen na nejrizikovější skupiny, jakými jsou děti, ženy, uprchlíci, vysídlenci a vojáci. Hlavními prameny byly cizojazyčné publikace tištěné i prameny v elektronické podobě, část informací pochází z rozhovorů provedených v modelové zemi. Velká část práce je věnována problematice ozbrojeného konfliktu v Kolumbii, který způsobuje druhé největší vysídlení = displacement na světě. Autorka se pokusila určit a schématicky vyjádřit příčiny a korelace důsledků u všech studovaných skupin obyvatel. Společným charakteristickým prvkem všech postižených v konfliktu je jejich expozice nehumánnímu zacházení. Je zde nastíněna i podpora ze stran mezinárodních organizací, které se významně podílejí na prevenci i zmírnění nejzávažnějších psychosociálních důsledků.The thesis is focused on an analysis and description of psychosocial consequences in war conflicts with main emphasis on conflicts of an internal character which are prevalent at the present. The most risk groups are children, women, refugees, displaced people and soldiers. Foreign print bibliographies with the electronic version documents were used as main information and reference sources. A part of information has been acquired from interviews conducted in a model country. A significant part is also dedicated to the armed conflict problems in Colombia which cause the second largest displacement in the world. The author has made an attempt to identify and expressed schematically causes and correlated consequences in each target group. The common characteristic element of all individuals suffering from armed conflicts is their exposure to a human maltreatment. There is also mentioned a support of international organizations which significantly participate in a prevention and mitigation of the most serious psychosocial consequences.HTF - Katedra psychosociálních věd a etikyHussite Theological FacultyHusitská teologická fakult

    A simple proof of gillnet saturation

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    Biomass and abundance biases in European standard gillnet sampling

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    The European Standard EN 14757 recommends gillnet mesh sizes that range from 5 to 55mm (knot-to-knot) for the standard monitoring of fish assemblages and suggests adding gillnets with larger mesh sizes if necessary. Our research showed that the recommended range of mesh sizes did not provide a representative picture of fish sizes for larger species that commonly occur in continental Europe.We developed a novel, large mesh gillnet which consists of mesh sizes 70, 90, 110 and 135mm (knot to knot, 10m panels) and assessed its added value for monitoring purposes. From selectivity curves obtained by sampling with single mesh size gillnets (11 mesh sizes 6 – 55mm) and large mesh gillnets, we identified the threshold length of bream (Abramis brama) above which this widespread large species was underestimated by European standard gillnet catches. We tested the European Standard gillnet by comparing its size composition with that obtained during concurrent pelagic trawling and purse seining in a cyprinid-dominated reservoir and found that the European Standard underestimated fish larger than 292mm by 26 times. The inclusion of large mesh gillnets in the sampling design removed this underestimation. We analysed the length-age relationship of bream in the Římov Reservoir, and concluded that catches of bream larger than 292mm and older than five years were seriously underrepresented in European Standard gillnet catches. The Římov Reservoir is a typical cyprinid-dominated water body where the biomass of bream > 292mm formed 70% of the pelagic trawl and purse seine catch. The species-specific relationships between the large mesh gillnet catch and European Standard catch suggested that the presence of carp (Cyprinus carpio), European catfish (Silurus glanis), tench (Tinca tinca) or bream warrants the use of both gillnet types.We suggest extending the gillnet series in the European Standard to avoid misinterpretation of fish community biomass estimate

    Seasonal habitat use of three predatory fishes in a freshwater ecosystem

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    To understand the spatiotemporal overlap in the habitat use of sympatric predators, we studied longitudinal activity and reservoir section and depth use of pike (Esox lucius), pikeperch (Sander lucioerca) and catfsh (Silurus glanis) in the Římov Reservoir, using an autonomous telemetry system for 11 months. We found signifcant diferences among these species in studied parameters that varied considerably over tracked period. Pike consistently used the same sections of the reservoir, while pikeperch and catfsh frequently visited a tributary during the warm season (late spring and early autumn), and moved closer to the dam during the cold season (late autumn to early spring). Pike longitudinal activity was highest in the cold season, pikeperch in the warm season, and catfsh activity peaked in both seasons. Overlap in the depth use among species was higher in the warm season, when all species used the upper layer of the water column, and lower in the cold season, when pikeperch and catfsh used deeper areas. These results demonstrated overlay and temporal variation of habitat use among these predators, as well as potential spatiotemporal space for their direct ecological interactions. Acoustic telemetry · Predators · Habitat use · Movement ecology · Winter ecologypublishedVersio

    Tracking aquatic animals for fisheries management in European waters

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    Acoustic telemetry (AT) has emerged as a valuable tool for monitoring aquatic animals in both European inland and marine waters over the past two decades. The European Tracking Network (ETN) initiative has played a pivotal role in promoting collaboration among AT researchers in Europe and has led to a significant increase in the number of tagged and observed aquatic animals in transboundary European waters. While AT benefits decision-making and delivers essential data to management bodies, its potential for management decision-making mechanisms has yet to be fully harnessed. We reviewed existing research, studies, and organisational initiatives related to aquatic animal tracking and their utility in fisheries management in European waters. We found that AT has already contributed to many aspects of fisheries management, such as improved understanding of stock dynamics, identification of critical habitats, assessment of migration routes, and evaluation of the effectiveness of conservation measures. However, broader utilisation of tracking technologies is needed. By leveraging the full potential of AT, managers can make more informed decisions to protect, restore, and sustainably manage European waters and creatures that live therein

    Long-term monitoring of fish in a freshwater reservoir: Different ways of weighting complex spatial samples

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    Anthropogenic activities continue to pose the greatest challenges to freshwater ecosystems. Therefore, long-term monitoring is essential for the management and conservation of these resources. Monitoring programs for freshwater bodies often use a range of indicators, including biological elements such as fish. Existing European standard provides a depth-stratified gillnet sampling approach mainly in benthic habitats and at the deepest part of lakes to account for the uneven distribution of fish. However, the commonly used CEN (European Committee for Standardization) protocol does not weight sufficiently habitat volumes and underrepresent pelagic habitats to calculate whole-lake catch and biomass per unit effort (CPUE and BPUE, respectively). Extended European standard gillnet (4 larger mesh-sizes added in the geometric series) catch data collected over 18 years (2004–2021) in Římov Reservoir (Czech Republic) were used for a method comparison on indices for relative abundance and biomass of fish: CEN protocol without volume-weighting and two volume-weighted approaches. We also evaluated changes in species composition and trends in these fish population over time. Results indicated interannual changes in species composition, relative abundance, and biomass of fish community. The CEN protocol tended to put greater emphasis on benthic habitats which generally have larger CPUE and BPUE. Consequently, the two volume-weighting approaches produced lower estimates of the two parameters, with the exception of the most dominant pelagic bleak Alburnus alburnus (L.). All approaches consistently showed an increasing trend in whole-reservoir fish abundance and a decreasing trend in biomass over the study period. Following our assessment, we put forward the volume-weighting approach that considers the Volume of the depth Stratum (VOST) for weighting as the most realistic approximation of fish populations and therefore recommend its use

    Complex assessment of the fish assemblage of the Želivka reservoir, the biggest water supply reservoir in the ČR, in years 2004 and 2005

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    In the summer 2004 and 2005, the complex assessment of the fish assemblage of the Želivka reservoir (1432 ha) was carried out by gillnetting, adult and fry seining, adult and fry pelagic trawls and hydroacoustic sampling. Detailed picture of the fish assemblage was composed from every fishing gear from every depth strata of the open water as well as from the littoral zone. During two-years survey, 40.168 fish of 19 species and one hybrid were captured. The fish assemblage was dominated by cyprinid species in both years – bleak prevailed in the open water together with roach and bream; perch was abundant in the littoral zone. The assemblage of the Želivka reservoir was found to be in the stable cyprinid phase. The average abundance was 1.700 ind/ha and average biomass was 110 kg/ha. In the fish spatial distribution, the general gradients could be found – higher abundance and number of species in the tributary area and in the epilimnion and littoral

    Fish community survey of the Žutice reservoir in 2011

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    The report summarizes results of complex ichthyological survey of Žlutice water body done in 2011. The aim of the survey were to estimate fish species composition, and abundance and biomass of fish on the longitudinal profile of the water body and within all of its habitats according to valid certified national methodology of fish sampling in standing waters (Kubečka a Prchalová 2006 and Kubečka a kol. 2010)

    The evaluation of activation programs for parents on parental leave in Pilsen

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    Bakalářská práce má za cíl zhodnocení možností vzdělávání rodičů na rodičovské dovolené v Plzni. V teoretické části je popsán historický vývoj zaměstnanosti žen, sociální politika Evropské unie, sociální politika v České republice a opatření, která se v České republice snaží zlepšit situaci rodičů pečující o dítě. Na závěr teoretické části jsou uvedeny problémy žen s návratem na trh práce rozdělené podle dosaženého vzdělání. Praktická část se skládá z vyhodnocení dotazníkového šetření, přepisu rozhovoru a kazuistik, které odpovídají na stanovené výzkumné otázky. Také jsou zde popsána dvě občanská sdružení, která se zabývají vzděláváním rodičů a snadnějším návratem na trh práce.Katedra pedagogikyObhájenoBachelor thesis aims to evaluate the possibilities of parental education on parental leave in Pilsen. The theoretical part describes the historical development of women's employment, social policy of the European Union, social policy in the Czech Republic and measures in Czech Republic, which seeks to improve the situation of parents caring for a child. At the conclusion of the theoretical part are listed problems of women with their return to the labor market, broken down by educational attainment. The practical part consists of evaluating questionnaires, interview transcripts and case studies that match the specified research questions. Also there are described two civil associations involved in the education of parents and their easier return to the labor market