44 research outputs found


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    Budaya kuliner Indonesia memiliki ciri khas dan karakteristik yang bermacam-macam pada setiap daerahnya. Makanan siap saji dan makanan cepat saji menjadi pilihan favorit anak muda zaman sekarang karena lebih praktis dan menghemat waktu, sementara makanan tradisional mengalami penurunan minat yang dapat mengancam pelestarian warisan kuliner nusantara. Salah satu tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk membantu melestarikan dan mempromosikan kekayaan kuliner Indonesia terhadap kalangan anak muda dengan teknik klasifikasi berdasarkan daerah provinsi. Data diambil dari google images menggunakan bot yang mensimulasikan perilaku manusia ketika ingin mengambil link pada google images. Ada banyak metode deep learning dan machine learning yang dapat digunakan untuk mengklasifikasi citra makanan, contoh nya adalah Convolutional Neural Network. Hasil dari menggunakan metode Convolutional Neural Network menunjukkan nilai akurasi sebesar 64% dalam memprediksi citra makanan berdasarkan asal daerah. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa adanya beberapa kendala yang perlu diperhatikan. Salah satu penyebab rendah nya akurasi ini adalah variasi data yang kompleks dalam citra makanan dari kedua pulau dan memiliki kemiripan visual tertentu yang sulit di identifikasi oleh model sehingga menyebabkan adanya false positive dan false negative. Namun, metode Convolutional Neural Network relatif cukup baik untuk diterapkan pada klasifikasi citra makanan khas Pulau Jawa dan Pulau Sumatra

    Analisis Kinerja Biaya Dan Waktu Dengan Konsep Earned Value Analysis Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 (Studi Kasus Proyek Pabrik Manufacture Automotive di Kawasan Industri Mitra Karawang Timur)

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    Proyek konstruksi dimasa pandemi memiliki banyak sekali keterlambatan seperti contohnya pada proyek studi kasus berikut. Proyek terlambat dikarenakan keterlambatan pengiriman material pancang, dan terjadi pemberhentian sementara pekerjaan di karenakan penyebaran Covid – 19 yang semakin meningkat di area proyek. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui kinerja proyek disaat terjadi pandemi, menganalisis faktor apa saja yang menjadi penyebab keterlambatan dan percepatan proyek, berapa perkiraan waktu dan biaya dalam pelaksanaan proyek di masa pandemi dan solusi untuk mengatasi permasalahan proyek di saat terjadi pandemi.Manajemen proyek melakukan percepatan dengan cara penambahan waktu pekerjaan dan pekerja untuk memitigasi keterlambatan tersebut. Biaya aktual pertambahan tersebut sekitar 3 % dari total rencana anggaran biaya. Solusi yang terbaik apabila ada pekerjaan di saat pandemi adalah memasukan biaya terkait pandemi dan juga jadwal pekerjaan yang ditambahkan agar tidak membebani kepada manajemen proyek

    Efektifitas Penambahan Tanah Diatom sebagai Koagulan Tambahan untuk Menyisihkan Kekeruhan pada Air Terkontaminasi Alga

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    The presence of algae in raw water could be potentially affected the water treatment processes by increasing the dosage of chemical coagulant. It will give severe effect for the public health and the environment. Therefore, the aim of this study is to develop the alternative technique for the removal of turbidity in the water that contaminated by algae. Diatomaceous earth as a coagulant aid has been used to remove the turbidity from algae contaminated water. The result shown that the best scenario for diatomaceous earth as a coagulant aid is as a post treatment after the addition of aluminum sulphate as a main coagulant, with the highest removal efficiency of turbidity is around 94%. In addition, the presence of diatomaceous earth could reduce the aluminum sulphate dosage around 25%. It indicates that the diatomaceous earth has a potential application to increase the efficiency for the removal of turbidity in coagulation-flocculation processes by the presence of particle bridging mechanisms, which could increase the rate of floc formation. This study illustrate the potential application of diatomaceous earth as a natural coagulant aid for coagulation-flocculation processes in water. Keywords: Algae, Coagulation, Coagulant Aid, Diatomaceous Earth, Aluminum Sulphate Abstrak Hadirnya alga pada air baku air minum berpotensi menimbulkan permasalahan pada instalasi pengolahan air minum (IPAM) berpotensi mengakibtkan penggunaan dosis koagulan kimia yang semakin meningkat. Hal ini berdampak negatif bagi kesehatan manusia serta lingkungan. Oleh karena itu, pada studi ini dilakukan pendekatan alternatif untuk mengolah kekeruhan pada air baku yang terkontaminasi alga. Teknik koagulasi menggunakan koagulan tambahan tanah diatom digunakan untuk menjaga efektifitas penyisihan kekeruhan pada air baku yang terkontaminasi alga. Hasil eksperimen menunjukkan performa pembubuhan tanah diatom paling baik adalah setelah pemberian aluminium sulfat sebagai koagulan utama, dengan efisiensi penyisihan kekeruhan paling tinggi sekitar 94%. Lebih lanjut, tanah diatom berpotensi mereduksi penggunaan aluminium sulfat sebesar 25%. Tanah diatom berpotensi membantu meningkatkan efisiensi penyisihan kekeruhan pada proses koagulasi-flokulasi melalui mekanisme particle bridging untuk mempercepat pembentukan flok-flok yang lebih besar agar dapat lebih mudah diendapkan. Studi ini menunjukkan bahwa tanah diatom memiliki potensi yang dapat dikembangkan sebagai alternatif koagulan tambahan yang alami dalam proses koagulasi-flokulasi air. Kata Kunci: Alga, Koagulasi, Koagulan Tambahan, Tanah Diatom, Aluminium Sulfa

    Optimization of the Mechanical Properties of Bio-degradable Plastics from Chitosan with Acetic Acid Solvent

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    Shrimp shell waste contains chitin which can be processed into chitosan. Chitosan can be utilized as an edible plastic. The film is expected to maintain food quality by resisting water vapour transfer as a preservative and maintaining odour. Edible plastics as food protectors are expected to have optimal mechanical properties. Chitosan films are brittle, so plasticizers are used to increase their flexibility. The mechanical properties of the film may change during storage time. The decline in film quality is expected to be fast enough to allow edible plastics for food wrapping. This study aims to determine the effect of glycerol addition and film storage time on the mechanical properties of edible chitosan film. From the results obtained, adding glycerol plasticizer produces films with thickness and elongation that tend to increase. In contrast, the tensile strength value increases and then decreases with the addition of glycerol. The optimal mechanical strength value was obtained in the film solution with glycerol at 0.3 mL/g chitosan with a maximum tensile strength of 200 kgf/cm2 and a per cent elongation of 135%. The thickness of the film produced was 0.17 mm. The film produced in this study has met the standards of film mechanical strength (tensile strength and per cent elongation) based on the Japanese Industrial Standard (JIS). Meanwhile, based on the Indonesian National Standard (SNI), the tensile strength value produced in this study has yet to meet the SNI standard

    Redesain Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (IPAL) dengan Penambahan Unit Biodigester Skala Komunal Kapasitas 5 m3

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    IPAL as a wastewater treatment facility from MCK activities in Sindangsari Village has been managed by KSM Amanah since 2013 and is still operating today. This WWTP accepts domestic waste input of 14,656 m3/day from 50 house connections and communal toilets with a total of 200-230 users per day. The management unit in the WWTP uses the DEWATS system which is equipped with a settler, biodigester, and ABR as a multilevel sedimentation and filtration tank. Communal MCK consists of 5 bathrooms and 1 operational room which is still functioning today. The condition of ABR is already filled with mud and there is a lot of garbage in it, so this condition can reduce the effectiveness of the existing WWTPs. For this reason, the domestic liquid waste produced must go through several processing stages so that the content of domestic liquid waste that will be disposed of to the environment is safe or can even be reused and as much as possible provides additional benefits in the form of biogas. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the domestic WWTP used and compare it with the domestic wastewater quality standards listed in the Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation No. 68 of 2016. In addition, to maintain the MCK facilities that have been built, it is necessary to provide SOP guidance for both users and managers. Keywords: WWTP; DEWATS; domestic waste Abstrak IPAL sebagai fasilitas pengolahan air limbah dari aktivitas MCK di Kelurahan Sindangsari dikelola oleh KSM Amanah sejak tahun 2013 dan masih beroperasi sampai saat ini. IPAL ini menerima masukan limbah domestik sebesar 14,656  m3/hari dari 50 sambungan rumah dan MCK Komunal dengan total pengguna sebanyak 200-230 orang per hari. Unit pengelolaan yang terdapat pada IPAL menggunakan sistem DEWATS yang dilengkapi bak settler (pengendap), biodigester, dan ABR sebagai bak pengendapan bertingkat dan penyaringan. MCK Komunal terdiri dari 5 kamar mandi dan 1 ruang operasional yang masih berfungsi sampai saat ini. Kondisi ABR sudah dipenuhi lumpur dan terdapat banyak sampah di dalamnya sehingga kondisi ini dapat mengurangi efektivitas IPAL yang sudah ada. Untuk itu, limbah cair domestik yang dihasilkan harus melalui beberapa tahapan pengolahan agar kandungan limbah cair domestik yang akan dibuang ke lingkungan aman atau bahkan dapat dimanfaatkan kembali serta sebisa mungkin memberikan manfaat tambahan berupa biogas. Tujuan dari penelitian ini sehingga untuk mengevaluasi IPAL domestik yang digunakan dan dibandingkan dengan baku mutu air limbah domestik yang tercantum pada Permen LHK No. 68 tahun 2016. Selain itu, untuk menjaga fasilitas MCK yang sudah dibangun, perlu diberikan pengarahan SOP baik bagi pengguna dan juga pengelola. Kata Kunci: IPAL, DEWATS, limbah domestik, biogas


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    Aim: The modified Small-scale Domestic Sewage Treatment Plant (SDSTP) reactor with anaerobic fixed bed- aerobic Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) is implemented to find the optimum condition for organic degradation related to recirculation and intermittent aeration practices with the purpose to comply with the governmental regulation standard.  Methodology and Results: This research have been done with the artificial wastewater with characteristic similar to the sewage treatment plant (STP) of Telkom company with ratio C:N:P of characterized domestic wastewater is 252.40:85.42:3.01 that consists of glucose, NH4Cl, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, potassium nitrate, and sodium nitrite (NaNO2). Reactor design related with attached biomass in media until 2478.56 mg MLVSS.L-1 with the growth kinetics rate (μ) of 0.4691 day—1. The artificial wastewater is applied the determine the optimum variation of flow recirculation and periodic aeration in specific Hydraulics Retention Time (HRT) and Organic Loading Rate (OLR). In this research, the optimum recirculation ratio for organic degradation is 26.40 L.h-1 and the optimum aeration frequency variation is  12 hours in intermittent frequency with the maximum efficiency of organic degradation of 76.10% with the degradation efficiency real domestic wastewater application from STP Telkom company is 83.09%. Conclusion, significance and impact study:  Stover-Kincannon model is the best model with highest accuracy rate to model the degradation performance of organic compounds by the anaerobic fixed bed- aerobic MBBR SDSTP with determination coefficient 0.8623 and also degradation coefficient 38.121 day-1 compared with other models studied in this research

    Covid-19 Prevention Protocol Implementation in Construction Projects

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    Abstract Construction work projects that are currently underway during the pandemic must implement a protocol to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The purpose of this study was to analyze the implementation of the prevention protocol in several construction work projects in North Sumatera. The data research was collected from the Indrapura–Kisaran highway, the Kuala Tanjung–Tebing Tinggi–Parapat highway, and the RIS Maduma–Dairi University Flats using questionnaire and interviews method. This study result is the contractor provides health measures in an effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19 as follows hand washing area (100%), body temperature check (100%), COVID-19 handling post (66.7%), supplementation (33.3%), provision of hand sanitizer (100%), and medical personnel (66.7%). The nutritional content needs of the workers are met to maintain their immunity (66.7%). The contractors, consultants, and project owners of the three construction projects have implemented the prevention protocol in accordance with the minister’s instructions. Keywords: construction, consumption, COVID-19 pandemic, projects, workers.Â

    Effect of Storage Time and Temperature on Drinking Water Characteristics

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    Filter membrane technology is known to remove turbidity, colour and microorganisms in water. However, the stability of these parameters during storage is still being determined. This research was conducted to determine changes in pH, turbidity, and total coliform of water treated using membrane filter technology and stored at room temperature and in the refrigerator. Water stored at room temperature increases the pH more easily during storage time. On the other hand, there was no significant difference between changes in the turbidity value of water stored at room temperature and in the refrigerator. Closed storage at room temperature and refrigerators can also protect water from the growth of total coliform. Water treated using membrane filter technology is proven to be stored at room temperature or in the refrigerator without experiencing significant changes in pH, turbidity, and total coliform

    Effect of Storage Time and Temperature on Drinking Water Characteristics

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    Filter membrane technology is known to remove turbidity, colour and microorganisms in water. However, the stability of these parameters during storage is still being determined. This research was conducted to determine changes in pH, turbidity, and total coliform of water treated using membrane filter technology and stored at room temperature and in the refrigerator. Water stored at room temperature increases the pH more easily during storage time. On the other hand, there was no significant difference between changes in the turbidity value of water stored at room temperature and in the refrigerator. Closed storage at room temperature and refrigerators can also protect water from the growth of total coliform. Water treated using membrane filter technology is proven to be stored at room temperature or in the refrigerator without experiencing significant changes in pH, turbidity, and total coliform