37 research outputs found


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    Kedaulatan pangan merupakanupaya pemenuhan kebutuhan pangansecara swasembada. Pemenuhankebutuhan pangan yang dimulai daritingkat rumah tangga dinilai mampumeningkatkan ketahanan pangannasional. Pemanfaatan lahan hingga ketingkat pekarangan dibutuhkan agardapat mencapai kedaulatan pangandalam suatu wilayah. Kuliah KerjaNyata (KKN) Tematik dilakukan didesa Jada Bahrin sebagai upaya untukmembantu mencapai kedaulatanpangan di desa tersebut. Target luaranyang diharapkan yaitu; 1. Mendorongoptimalisasi pemanfaatan lahanpekarangan untuk budidayapertanian.; 2. Memfasilitasi transferteknologi sistem budidaya tanamanpangan dan hortikultura sertapengendalian hama terpadu daritingkat perguruan tinggi kepadamasyarakat; 3. Pengembangankemandirian masyarakat khususnyakelompok tani dalam kegiatan usahatani tanaman pangan; 5. Peningkatanpengetahuan dan keterampilan petanidalam pemanfaatan lahan pekarangan.Kegiatan utama yang dilakukan untukmencapai target luaran tersebut adalah: 1. Pelatihan sistem budidayahidroponik; 2. Pelatihan pembuatankompos berbahan dasar limbah rumahtangga; 3. Aplikasi teknologipengendalian hama terpadu; 4.Pelatihan pembuatan produk panganberbahan tanaman lokal; 5.Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Rembuk TaniDesa. Hasil yang diperoleh selamaKKN Tematik adalah : 1. Pemanfaatansistem hidroponik di balai desa danpekarangan warga; 2. Pemanfaatanlimbah rumah tangga sebagai bahanbaku kompos. 3. Pengendalian hamamemanfaatkan daun pepaya; 4.Pembuatan dodol berbahan kemiliksebagai pangan khas desa Jada Bahrin;5. Terlaksananya rembuk tani 3 desa,yaitu desa Jada Bahrin, Balunijuk, danKimak. Selain itu diharapkan akantercapai keberlanjutan program sepertipemanfaatan lokasi pertanian DesaJada Bahrin sebagai sebagai desacontoh penerapan teknologihidroponik sederhana, dan berdirinyaklinik tani yang dapat membantupetani dalam mengatasi gangguanhama dan penyakit tanaman

    Rintisan Desa Wisata Budaya melalui Pemberdayaan Kearifan Lokal dan Pemanfaatan Digital Marketing

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    Dusun Air Abik, located in the Gunung Muda Village of the Belinyu District in Bangka Regency, has a potential natural landscape and local wisdom that is still being practiced, making it a primary value to be preserved. The indigenous tribe of Suku Lom or Urang Lom is led by a traditional leader who is a descendant of the original Urang Lom who does not have a belief system. The Mapur Customary Institution (LAM) has the task of preserving the traditions and beliefs of ancestors as well as preserving the customary forest. The PkM Dosen program aims to increase the creativity of the community in managing ecotourism potential by promoting local wisdom. The program includes workshops on the development of local wisdom-based tourism, branding and assistance in the use of social media and digital marketing for the development of medicinal plant education centers. The community faces both internal and external problems. Internal problems include stagnant social systems, belief systems regarding marriage (lineage), and threatened identity. External problems are focused on tenurial conflicts that have been going on for the past decade, namely the conflict over land disputes between palm oil plantation companies and Urang Lom, which threatens the preservation of local wisdom in the area. The community hopes that the community service program can provide a solution and have a positive impact on the process of Dusun Air Abik becoming a tourist village

    Keragaman Plasma Nutfah Pisang (Musa sp) di Pulau Bangka Berdasarkan Karakter Morfologi

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    Banana (Musa sp) is a plant that has good nutrion, mineral, vitamin A, B complex, vitamin C, and vitamin B6. Germplasm diversity of local banana in Bangka has never been identified. Research about germplasm diversity of banana in Bangka Island need to maintain germplasm of Bangka local banana. This research was conducted in Bangka Island. Characterization of banana fruit germplasm includes on qualitative and quantitative traits. Analysis of morphological relationship of banana fruit germplasm used UPGMA. Exploration result obtained 22 germplasms of Bangka local banana. The result of relationship analysis showed four clusters at 0,40 (40%) coefficient. Cluster one consists of Udang germplasm. Cluster two consists of Jernang and Rotan germplasm. Cluster three consists of Wei, Kapal and Abu germplasm. Cluster four consists of Madu Manis, Madu Keling, Gambur, Jambi, 40 Hari, Bawang, Geda, Tematu, Serindit, Masak Ijau, Rejang, Madu Pulau, Kecit Lantai, Susu, Gede and Lilin germplasm. Bangka local banana have wide variability in almost morphological character observed.Pisang (Musa sp) merupakan tanaman yang mempunyai kandungan gizi sangat baik, kaya akan mineral dan mengandung vitamin A, B kompleks, C dan B6. Plasma nutfah pisang di Bangka saat ini belum diketahui. Penelitian tentang keragaman plasma nutfah pisang di Pulau Bangka perlu dilakukan untuk mempertahankan plasma nutfah lokal Bangka. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Pulau Bangka. Karakterisasi plasma nutfah pisang meliputi karakter kualitatif dan karakter kuantitatif. Analisis kekerabatan antar genotipe plasma nutfah pisang di Pulau Bangka berdasarkan metode UPGMA. Hasil eksplorasi dan karakterisasi plasma nutfah pisang di Pulau Bangka terdapat 22 plasma nutfah. Hasil analisis hubungan kekerabatan terdapat empat klaster pada koefeisien 0,40 (40%). Klaster satu terdiri dari plasma nutfah Udang. Klaster dua terdiri dari plasma nutfah Jernang dan Rotan. Klaster tiga terdiri dari plasma nutfah Wei, Kapal, dan Abu. Klaster empat terdiri dari plasma nutfah Madu Manis, Madu Keling, Gembur, Jambi, 40 Hari, Bawang, Geda, Tematu, Serindit, Masak Ijau, Rejang, Madu Pulau, Kecit Lantai, Susu, Gede dan Lilin. Variabilitas karakter kuantitatif relatif luas


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    Kemandirian pangan dapat tercapai jika masyarakat mampu memenuhi kebutuhan pangan secara mandiri. Salah satu kegiatan pertanian yang mendukung kemandirian pangan masyarakat adalah program Kawasan Rumah Pangan Lestari (KRPL). Salah satu program KRPL paling populer saat ini adalah hidroponik. Hidroponik merupakan salah satu alternatif sistem budidaya pertanian yang cocok untuk lahan pekarangan karena dapat diterapkan pada lahan dan waktu yang terbatas. Upaya lain yang harus dilakukan untuk mendukung kemandirian pangan sekaligus kesejahteraan masyarakat adalah pemasaran produk pertanian. Hal ini karena seringkali produk panen hasil hidroponik berlebih namun sulit dipasarkan. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan pelatihan atau penyuluhan terkait promosi dan pemasaran produk berbasis e-commerce dengan tujuan peningkatan daya saing dan daya jual produk pertanian masyarakat. Salah satu kelompok masyarakat yang memiliki potensi untuk pengembangan sekaligus percontohan KRPL serta pemasaran berbasis e-commerce  adalah Panti Asuhan Yatim dan Dhuafa Putra Muhammadiyah. yang berlokasi di Desa Gantung, Kabupaten Belitung Timur. Terdapat 3 kegiatan utama yang telah dilaksanakan, yaitu sosialisasi kawasan rumah pangan lestari (KRPL), pelatihan hidroponik, dan pelatihan digital marketing. Selain itu telah dilaksanakan juga monitoring dan evaluasi kegiatan melalui media komunikasi WhatsApp dan kunjungan langsung ke panti asuhan. Tim pengabdi juga secara berkala memantau permasalahan yang ditemui setelah pelatihan dan memberikan solusi untuk keberlanjutan program ini ke depannya


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    Groundnut are protein-producing plants that humans need. ground nut production in Bangka Belitung is still low. Efforts to increase groundnut production can be done by utilizing post-tin mining land. The research was conducted at the research experiment gardens University of Bangka Belitung. The purpose of this research is to find the groundnut genotype that is able to adapt to the tailings media. The research design used was Factorial Randomized Block Design (FRBD) consisting of 2 factors. Factor 1 are the genotypes of Jongkong, Belimbing, Air Ketimbai 1, Air Ketimbai 2, Hypoma 1 and Talam 2. Factor 2, which is the composition of 100% ultisol planting media, 100% tailings, 70% tailings + 30% ultisol and 50% + tailings ultisol 50%. The results of this study indicate that groundnut genotypes that have a high level of adaptation are Jongkong on the character of plant height, number of leaves, root volume, number of pods per plant, and number of filled pods per plant. National varieties that have a high level of adaptation are Talam 2 and Hypoma 1 on the character of plant height, canopy wet weight, weighted weight, root volume and number of filled pods per plant. Jongkong accession, Hypoma 1 and Talam 2 varieties can be recommended as groundnut plants for cultivation on tailings land

    Qualitative Characteristics and Genetic Parameters of F3 Purple Corn Lines from Open Pollination Hybridization

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    Purple corn is a cereal plant that has health benefits. Purple corn contains anthocyanins, which are useful as anticancer and antioxidants, and has high nutritional value. Improving the quality of corn production can be done through plant breeding. This study aimed to determine the value of variability, heritability and expected genetic advance of F3 purple corn from open-pollinated hybridization. The research was conducted from December 2020 to April 2021 at Universitas Bangka Belitung. The study used a single plant design experimental method. The selection used was ear to row. The results showed that the color of the seeds of the F3 line was dominated by orange. The lines have different quantitative characters. The lines that have the most purple color were F3-PXU-11-25, F3-PXU-6-16, and F3-PXU-11-20. The value of phenotypic variability and genotypic variability of the broad criteria was found in the weight of corn cob with husk and without husk. The broad heritability was high on the weight corn cob with and without husk. The value of the expected genetic advance progress of the high criteria was on the characters of cob length, the weight of 100 seeds, the weight of corn cob with husk, and the weight of corn cob without husk

    Seleksi Aksesi Padi Lokal Bangka Melalui Pengujian Variabilitas dan Heritabilitas

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    Selection of parent plant is the first step in hybridization activities. The parent plant usually come from germplasms because it has a high diversity and good potential. Testing the potential of germplasm can be done by variability and heritability test. The purpose of this research was to selection of parent plant for plant breeding activity based on the value of variability and heritability. The research was conducted at the Experimental Garden of Faculty of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Biology, Bangka Belitung University. The research used experimental methods by was Randomized Block Design (RBD) with 3 blocks. The treatment are 7 accessions is Grintil, Balok Runti, Mukud Besak, Mayang Curui, Payang Tebing, Balok Lutong and Balok Lukan Jintan. The results showed that there were character differences between 7 local rice accessions of Bangka. The 7 local rice accessions of  Bangka have high heritabilities value on The results showed that there were character differences between 7 local rice accessions of Bangka. The 7 local rice accessions of  Bangka have high heritabilities values for plant height, flowering time, long panicle, total empty grain, harvest time, long seed, seed width, weight of 1000 seeds, total seeds, and weight seed/plant. Wide variability was found in long seed character. Balok Runti and Payak Tebing were recommended as the parent plants for further breeding activities.Seleksi tanaman tetua merupakan tahapan awal kegiatan persilangan. Tanaman tetua biasanya berasal dari plasma nutfah karena memiliki diversitas yang tinggi dan potensi yang bagus. Pengujian plasma nutfah yang potensial bisa dilakukan memlalui uji variabilitas dan heritabilitas. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu menyeleksi tanaman tetua padi untuk kegiatan pemuliaan tanaman berdasarkan nilai variabilitas dan heritabilitas. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan Fakultas Pertanian, Perikanan, dan Biologi, Universitas Bangka Belitung. Penelitian menggunkan metode ekperimental Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan tiga ulangan. Perlakuan yang digunakan berupa tujuh aksesi padi lokal, yaitu Grintil, Balok Runti, Mukud Besak, Mayang Curui, Payang Tebing, Balok Lutong and Balok Lukan Jintan. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan karakter antara tujuh aksesi padi lokal Bangka yang diuji. Heritabilitas tinggi untuk tujuh padi lokal Bangka diperoleh pada karakter karakter tinggi tanaman, waktu berbunga, panjang malai, jumlah biji hampa, waktu panen, panjang biji, lebar biji, berat 1000 biji, jumlah biji total, dan hasil biji/rumpun. Variabilitas luas diperoleh pada karakter panjang biji. Aksesi Balok Runti dan Payak Tebing direkomendasikan sebagai tanaman tetua untuk kegiatan pemuliaan selanjutnya.&nbsp

    Seleksi Generasi F2 untuk Mendapatkan Jagung dengan Kandungan Antosianin

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    Purple corn is one type of corn plant with high anthocyanin content, which is good for health. Hybridization activities can obtain purple corn with anthocyanin content and yield power of 9.85 tons/ha with selection. This study aims to select F2 generation corn strains that have a purple color. The genetic materials were planted without replicated design. The lines used are derived from the F2 seed results of a cross between purple corn of Marassempulu and white corn of Magetan. There were 120 plant samples. The results showed about 24 lines that had purple seeds in the F2 generation. The selection results with a selection intensity of 50% obtained 12 lines of corn which could be continued for the next generation, namely F2-PxU11-14, F2-PxU11-20, F2-PxU11-21, F2-PxU6-15, F2-PxU11-2, F2-PxU6-16, F2-PxU11-13, F2-PxU11-11, F2-PxU6-5, F2-PxU6-8, F2-PxU11-6, and F2-PxU11-16. Kata kunci: corn, free-based, hybridization, purple, selectio

    Parameter Genetik Hasil Persilangan Jagung Bersari Bebas untuk Mendapatkan Galur Berbiji Ungu

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    Corn (Zea mays) is a cereal crop and has become a staple food. Purple corn has more excess compared to corn in general. In addition, purple corn has high nutrient content and anthocyanin levels. This study aims to determine genetic parameters such as variability, heritability, and genetic advance of the F2 generation resulting from an open-pollinated hybridization. The research was conducted from January 2020 to June 2020 on the Research and Experimental Field of the Department of Agrotechnology, Universitas Bangka Belitung. The work used a single plant design. The lines used were derived from the results of the previous selection stage. The results showed that the phenotype variability was relatively wide on the weight character of ear cobs with cornhusk, and the cob weight without cornhusk. High heritability values are found in the characters of harvest age, age of male flowering, and age of female flowering. The value of expected genetic advance for high expectations is found in the characters of plant height, the row number of seeds, the weight of 100-seeds, and the weight of cob with cornhusk. The selection results suggest nine corn lines that can be used for the next generation selection.   Keywords: corn, expected genetic advance, heritability, purple, variabilit