44 research outputs found

    Religious Culture in Peacebuilding Education

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    Religion has been examined in various academic disciplines, both mono and interdisciplinary with various accompanying issues, including issues regarding the relationship between religion and culture. This article seeks to show that in the context of peacebuilding education, religious culture plays an important role. This study employs a library research approach. In Indonesia, peacebuilding theories suggest the need for Islamic education as the majority religion in order to the support transformation process relating to changes in negative peace, positive peace, structural violence, root causes of conflict and sustainable peace. This article reveals the process and steps to improve peacebuilding in the implementation of Islamic education. This study is very important to shape a peacebuilding culture in Islamic education where the core values of peacebuilding in Islamic education include the meanings of salām (peace), humanity, harmony and peace, Dar-al-Salam (Home of Peace), peaceful justice through jihad, nonviolence in Islam, justice in Islam and human rights. These core values of peacebuilding education in Islam need to be disseminated and cultivated in all Islamic educational institutions


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    The awareness of awakening and efforts in reviving the customary law of indigenous communities in Indonesia has been going on for a long time, at least since the end of the reign of the New Order Regime. Customary law as one of the authentic capital of indigenous communities is a reflection of the existence of multicultural principles that have actually existed and been part of the Indonesian society. This work explores the case of cutomary law in West Kalimantan on Katab Kebahan’s practices in Melawi which is potential to be included to the National law. The role of customary law in the life of the multicultural society, like West Kalimantan society, in the modern era should be aligned with the history of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia which was founded by the best children of the nations that agreed to establish a state based on the supremacy of law. Customary law is part of the state law. Therefore, there is s need to think of a proper format for the position and the role of customary law in the Indonesian legal system for the prosperity of society based on equality before the law and justice in accordance with the ideals of the nation. This paper suggests that, as an alternative as to where we might put the position of customary law in a multicultural nation today, we can take the example from patterns made by several countries that have adopted Restorative Justice systems with the main principles that the law is a device to resolve the problems in a just and fair way and with the awareness to return all the problems to the perspective of the law for the common good. Key words: cutomary law, mulitcultural society, restorative, justic

    Religious and Cultural Existences Within the Communities of Upper Kapuas Riverside of West Kalimantan

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    The sudies on the issues related to communities in the interior of West Kalimantan begin to take place when Dutch and other European scholars in the colonial period came to the region. But they have been limitedly documented. The amount of research by local and foreign scholars in the region is still not significant when compared to that of research in Sarawak, Sabah and Brunei which are also situated on the island of Borneo. In fact, the natural wealth, cultural heritage and the rural communities of West Kalimantan need serious attention and studies for the purpose of the development of the region. In addition, local elements such as human and cutural resources may become potential supports of development to improve the welfare of the communities. This study highlights the significant contribution of religious and cultural aspects within the communities living around the upper Kapuas riverside. Acculturation of local and Islamic cultures have occurred since the advent of Islam into the interior areas of Kalimantan through the Kapuas River. The acculturation of local religions and cultures also promotes a very important local religious institution in the process of social change of the communities of the Kapuas riverside in the interior of West Kalimantan. The local religious institutions serve as an infrastructure that has been proven to ensure the survival of the living Muslim community system that existed among indigenous people who were still in the local beliefs of their time. This study also finds that the Muslim communities of the Kapuas Riverside in the interior of West Kalimantan already have extensive networks, not just the kinship network, Islamic trade and da'wah but also the network of scholarship. Of course, the growth of these growing networks is influenced by the media that also develops in its name. Thus this work also describes a comprehensive analysis of cultural and religious aspects in the development of communities of the Kapuas riverside in the interior of West Kalimantan which is currently included in the administrative areas of Sintang and Kapuas Hulu Districts

    Penguatan Identitas Dayak Muslim Katab Kebahan

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    The globalization has been influential to not only those living in urban area but also those living in hinterland such as the Katab Kebahan Dayak of Melawi District in West Kalimantan. The community members, in fact, have actively engaged with the modernization to support their needs in daily life. Moreover, the Pemekaran Wilayah (the making of a new territory for a District) of Kabupaten Melawi has prompted social changes in the region and promoted social interactions among ethnic groups in the society. Politics of identity has shown to grow. In addition, many aspects of social changes including politics, education, economics and local culture have become influential to the growing of ethic awareness. The Katab Kebahan Dayak identity is a confirmation of the growing of ethnic awareness in the region.Masyarakat etnis Dayak Katab Kebahan telah terbukti merespon masuknya Globalisasi dengan tidak hanya menjadi obyek yang pasif tetapi juga berperan aktif memanfaatkan pengaruh globalisasi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan-kebutuhan mereka dalam kehidupan modern yang semakin besar tantangannya. Pemekaran wilayah menjadi kunci dinamika baru munculnya fenomena ini. Tulisan ini menyajikan beberapa kesimpulan dari hasil analisis data yang cermat. Menguatnya identitas Dayak Katab Kebahan didorong oleh perubahan sosial yang meliputi aspek politik, ekonomi, pendidikan, dan budaya lokal. Munculnya fenomena otonomi daerah dan pemekaran wilayah sehingga terbentuknya Kabupaten Melawi pada tahun 1994 menjadi salah satu faktor yang paling penting dalam penguatan identitas lokal

    Penghulu sebagai Ujung Tombak Konstruksi Pemikiran Beragama Moderat di Sintang

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    The transnational religious thought of Salafi Wahabi has received a significant response from some Muslims in Sintang City. The response, among others, is marked by the establishment of a Salafi Study Center at Abu Bakr mosque that has influenced some congregations of the surrounding mosques such as al-Amin mosque, Nur Mosque, and al-Muttaqin Mosque in Kampung Ladang area. In addition, another religious thought of Jamaah Tabliqh also gets adherents from the surrounding community in Masuka. They have set up a mosque to accommodate their religious activities. The positive response to the transnational religious thought has also been found in the hinterland of Ketungau Hilir and Tempunak sub-districts in Sintang City area. This work discusses the roles of Penghulu (the official Islamic religious leaders) in Sintang District in responding to the growing of the transnational religious thought. Based on qualitative data and analysis gathered in the field, the work suggests that the marriage administers (the penghulu) have not shown their satisfying performance with well structured programs. In fact, the penghulu sets in a strategic position within the society. They have focused more on marriage counselling as their services to religious guidance to the community. Special programs for spiritual direction with a broader range of materials have not been attracting their attention due to their limited time allocated and facilities available. Therefore, this work recommends that it is urgent to initiate the construction of knowledge that is not easily to be exposed by transnational religious traditions that tend to act radically. The penghulu may better provide insight into Islamic moderation or moderate Islam to the community in the region


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    Katoba is one tradition of the Muna Community. It still preserved and practiced. Especially in Muna society, it has been adapted into Islam practice. This study Aimed to know how katoba are believed and practiced and then become one of a religious creed which, originally is not purely derived from Islamic teaching. This study used a case study. Islam has Universalism concept that is able to converge and fuse with various civilizations and culture, this makes Islam accepted in many nations and civilizations. Muna people believe that katoba is one of the rituals associated with religious belief. Because it is consist of several religious values which must be executed, such as 2 (two) aspects as follow: firstly; the Actor of katoba should have a good understanding of the religion. Secondly, the moment to do katoba is when the children become approaching puberty (6-12 age). Katoba is considered to be closely related to Islam, so it becomes a public belief


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    The awareness of awakening and efforts in reviving the customary law of indigenous communities in Indonesia has been going on for a long time, at least since the end of the reign of the New Order Regime. Customary law as one of the authentic capital of indigenous communities is a reflection of the existence of multicultural principles that have actually existed and been part of the Indonesian society. This work explores the case of cutomary law in West Kalimantan on Katab Kebahan’s practices in Melawi which is potential to be included to the National law. The role of customary law in the life of the multicultural society, like West Kalimantan society, in the modern era should be aligned with the history of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia which was founded by the best children of the nations that agreed to establish a state based on the supremacy of law. Customary law is part of the state law. Therefore, there is s need to think of a proper format for the position and the role of customary law in the Indonesian legal system for the prosperity of society based on equality before the law and justice in accordance with the ideals of the nation. This paper suggests that, as an alternative as to where we might put the position of customary law in a multicultural nation today, we can take the example from patterns made by several countries that have adopted Restorative Justice systems with the main principles that the law is a device to resolve the problems in a just and fair way and with the awareness to return all the problems to the perspective of the law for the common good. Key words: cutomary law, mulitcultural society, restorative, justic

    Jomlo sampai Halal: Refleksi Sosiologis Budaya Generasi Milenial pada Mahasiswa Jomlo di IAIN Pontianak

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    The article is based on the fact that “jomlo” or being single has become a new trend as a sociological pheno­menon and the product of the practice of hijrah within the life of Muslim youth, especially Indonesian Muslim students. The concept of dating for those who practice the "men-jomlo" is very important in this work today. They, in fact, have unintentionally started to create a new culture of being njomlo although they are not being involved in a community designed for those practicing njomlo. This work attempts to provide analytical discussions on the concept of dating according to the students who practice the njomlo, what they mean by jomlo to halal, and their motivation to practice the njomlo. With the support of qualitative data, the work provides important findings on the practice of njomlo by the students of IAIN Pontianak. First, generally, the students agree that dating tends to lead to negative than positive attitudes so that they decide to choose being single or njomlo until they get married for halal relationship. Second, they believe that Islam does not have a concept of dating as understood by the youth today in the modern world and there is no Islamic dating. Third, religious conciseness has become the main element to motivate them so that they tend to rather choose to practice njomlo until they find their halal wife as they say “jomlo sampai halal.

    Religion, Culture and Local Wisdom in the Death Ritual of Pontianak Malay Society

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    Death is inevitable and will occur to every living creature, including humans no mater what religion or belief they have; however, no one knows for sure when it happens. Humans can only predict death based on indicators that can be seen before it occurs. Still until now, there are many people who attempt to oppose death, even though in the end they have to admit that Allah is the Almighty. Therefore, no wonder if the death is still considered a tragedy rather than the culmination of happiness when humans finally harvest of deeds they have done all their life. In this light, death rituals are often accompanied by the tears of the family of the deceased, even some cry hard to express their pain as someone they love is gone, coupled with the arrival of relatives and acquaintances who mourn, and condolences as well as the phrase “inna lillâh wa inna ilaihi raji’ȗn”. A day of joy has turned into a day of sorrow, although it always ends with kendurian (gathering for remembering the dead), whose excitement is like that of selamatan (communal feast) and syukuran (celebration of thankfulness). This paper tries to present the infiltration of religion and culture in the death ritual in Pontianak Malay community as an object of discussion of local wisdom by using mafhȗm mukhâlafah approach, to provide a new understanding of the meaning of death


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    Every society has a culture that comes in various forms. One form of culture that can be found in our lives is the local culture. The Kuala Jelai community has local wisdom, which is an appreciation of the sea with the concept of sea thanksgiving. Local wisdom of a community is beneficial for other communities because the value of local wisdom is undoubtedly something that has been tested by time and space. This article is intended to elaborate on the tradition of sea Thanksgiving in Kuala Jelai, especially on the side of its preservation. Among the essential reasons for the tradition of sea thanksgiving is the role of the sea, which significantly helps the life of fishers, so that the people of Kuala Jelai held a thanksgiving sea as gratitude to God who has provided sustenance and safety for the fishermen and the surrounding community. In the process of implementing the sea thanksgiving tradition, there are several values contained therein, namely social values, religious values, and educational value