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    Perbandingan Tebal Perkerasan Menggunakan Nilai CBR Laboratorium dan CBR Lapangan (DCP) (JLS Jarit-Puger)

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    CBR (California Bearing Ratio) data is used to find out the level of subgrade density, so that a safe pavement thickness can be planned. The calculation of the CBR (California Bearing Ratio) can be done by testing CBR laboratory and DCP. CBR results have a high effect on the surface layer, so that the layer becomes thinner. This condition, if converted to the working price, will be more affordable and efficient. Therefore, this study aims to compare the results of laboratory CBR and Field Cbr (Dcp) to the thickness of flexible pavements in the Development of Trans South-South Java Road Project (TRSS) Lot 8 Jarit - Puger. The method used is Bina Marga Pd T-01-2002-B. Secondary data obtained by weigh bridges and service providers, namely PT. Brantas Abipraya (Persero). Field CBR value using DCP tool is 25.19% while Laboratory CBR value is 21.616%. The results of pavement thickness using Field CBR values ​​for UR 10 years are D1 7.5 cm, D2 10cm, for UR 20 years D1 10 cm, D2 11 cm, for UR 30 years D1 11 cm, D2 12 cm, and for UR 40 years obtained D1 13 cm, D2 14 cm. The greater the CBR value, the thinner the pavement thickness.CBR (California Bearing Ratio) data is used to find out the level of subgrade density, so that a safe pavement thickness can be planned. The calculation of the CBR (California Bearing Ratio) can be done by testing CBR laboratory and DCP. CBR results have a high effect on the surface layer, so that the layer becomes thinner. This condition, if converted to the working price, will be more affordable and efficient. Therefore, this study aims to compare the results of laboratory CBR and Field Cbr (Dcp) to the thickness of flexible pavements in the Development of Trans South-South Java Road Project (TRSS) Lot 8 Jarit - Puger. The method used is Bina Marga Pd T-01-2002-B. Secondary data obtained by weigh bridges and service providers, namely PT. Brantas Abipraya (Persero). Field CBR value using DCP tool is 25.19% while Laboratory CBR value is 21.616%. The results of pavement thickness using Field CBR values ​​for UR 10 years are D1 7.5 cm, D2 10cm, for UR 20 years D1 10 cm, D2 11 cm, for UR 30 years D1 11 cm, D2 12 cm, and for UR 40 years obtained D1 13 cm, D2 14 cm. The greater the CBR value, the thinner the pavement thickness

    Hubungan Antara Prestasi Remaja SMA Yang Dikonsulkan Ke Bimbingan Dan Konseling Dengan Tingkat Depresi

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    Background : Inability teenagers survive in the face of excessive problems can be a stressor. Thus, decrease and failure of academic achievement in teenagers high school grade 10, 11, and 12 which are in a transitional period of life can make them fall in a state of depression.Goal : To prove that there is a relation between Senior High School teenagers' achievement that is consulted at Guide and Counseling with the level of depression.Method : Method of this research is analytical observational with cross sectional design. There are 69 teenager respondents from Tritunggal Senior High School students' grade 10, 11, and 12 that is consulted in Guide and Counseling. The achievement is measured by using the academic result of student. While, the depression level is measured by Beck Depression Inventory-II questionnaire.Result : The result of depression level are 69,6 % do not experiencing depression; 21,7 % experiencing mild depression; 5,8 % experiencing moderate depression; dan 2,9 % experiencing severe depression. In Kolmogorov-Smirnov test finds that there is no significant relation between Senior High School teenagers' achievement that is consulted at Guide and Counseling with the level of depression.Conclusion : There is no significant relation between Senior High School teenagers' achievement that is consulted at Guide and Counseling with the level of depression because on the attitude itself becomes the reason teenagers have to be consulted, and they are still active doing hobbies affected lowering depression. Moreover, Guide and Counseling has an important roles in handling students

    Analisis Penerapan Akuntansi Pada Usaha Ekonomi Kelurahan Simpan Pinjam (UEK-SP) Bersama Sejahtera Kelurahan Tangkerang Tengah Kecamatan Marpoyan Damai Kota Pekanbaru

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan di Usaha Ekonomi Kelurahan Simpan Pinjam (UEK-SP) Bersama Sejahtera Kelurahan Tangkerang Tengah Kecamatan Marpoyan Damai yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah akuntansi yang diterapkan Usaha Ekonomi Kelurahan Simpan Pinjam (UEK-SP) Bersama Sejahtera Kelurahan Tangkerang Tengah Kecamatan Marpoyan Damai telah sesuai dengan prinsip akuntansi berlaku umum. Data yang dipergunakan peneliti pada Usaha Ekonomi Kelurahan Simpan Pinjam (UEK-SP) Bersama Sejahtera Kelurahan Tangkerang Tengah Kecamatan Marpoyan Damai adalah data primer dan data skunder. Sedangkan pengumpulan data yang dilakukan dengan melakukan wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah yang pertama, belum menyajikan penyisihan piutang tak tertagih pada laporan neraca. Kedua, seharusnya mengelompokan hutang menjadi hutang lancar dan hutang jangka panjang. Ketiga, (UEK-SP) Bersama Sejahtera sebaiknya membuat laporan keuangan sesuai dengan SAK ETAP. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan akuntansi pada Usaha Ekonomi Kelurahan Simpan Pinjam (UEK-SP) Bersama Sejahtera Kelurahan Tangkerang Tengah Kecamatan Marpoyan Damai belum secara keseluruhan sesuai dengan prinsip akuntansi berlaku umum


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    Kemudahan dalam mengakses dan berbagi informasi di dunia maya membuat berita palsu menyebar begitu cepat dan sulit untuk diatasi. Untuk mendeteksi berita palsu dengan cepat dan akurat dibutuhkan metode yang tepat, salah satunya dengan menggunakan teknik deep learning. Berdasarkan beberapa penelitian relevan, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) dan Long Short Term-Memory (LSTM) menjadi arsitektur deep learning yang mampu memberikan kinerja yang baik dalam menangani tugas klasifikasi berita palsu termasuk berita palsu berbahasa Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan kinerja model CNN dan LSTM dalam menangani kasus klasifikasi berita palsu bahasa Indonesia. Data yang digunakan berupa teks berita nyata berjumlah 643 yang bersumber dari CNNIndonesia, Liputan6, dan Detik, serta teks berita palsu berjumlah 697 yang bersumber dari TurnBackHoax dengan total keseluruhan keduanya mencapai 1340 data teks berita. Selain itu, dalam penelitian ini juga dilakukan pengujian untuk membuktikan pengaruh teknik transfer learning yang dapat menangani permasalahan keterbatasan jumlah data yang sedikit dan mampu meningkatkan kinerja model. Penerapan teknik transfer learning dilakukan dengan mengkombinasikan pretrained language model IndoBERT terhadap model CNN dan LSTM. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model CNN mampu memberikan akurasi terbaik mencapai 99,6269% dan justru mengalami penurunan kinerja ketika dikombinasikan dengan IndoBERT dengan akurasi hanya 96,6418%. Sedangkan model LSTM meskipun tidak mampu mengungguli kinerja model CNN dengan akurasi hanya mencapai 92,9104%, tapi ketika dikombinasikan dengan IndoBERT mampu mengalami peningkatan kinerja dengan akurasi mencapai 97,7612%. Sehingga, dapat dianggap bahwa model CNN tidak mampu untuk menangkap representasi yang dihasilkan oleh IndoBERT sebaik model LSTM. ***** The ease of accessing and sharing information in cyberspace makes fake news spread so fast and difficult to overcome. To detect fake news quickly and accurately, the right methods are needed, one of which is using deep learning techniques. Based on several relevant studies, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and Long Short Term-Memory (LSTM) are deep learning architectures that can provide good performance in handling the task of classifying fake news, including fake news in Indonesian. This study aims to compare the performance of the CNN and LSTM models in handling cases of Indonesian fake news classification. The data used is in the form of 643 real news texts sourced from CNNIndonesia, Liputan6, and Detik, as well as 697 fake news texts sourced from TurnBackHoax with a total of 1340 news text data. In addition, this research also conducted tests to prove the effect of the transfer learning technique which can overcome the problem of limited number of small data and able to improve model performance. The transfer learning technique is applied by combining the IndoBERT pretrained language model with the CNN and LSTM models. Based on the results of the study, it shows that the CNN model can provide the best accuracy, reaching 99.6269% and experiences a decrease in performance when combined with IndoBERT with an accuracy of only 96.6418%. While the LSTM model, although not able to outperform the CNN model with an accuracy of only reaching 92.9104%, when combined with IndoBERT is able to experience increased performance with an accuracy of up to 97.7612%. So, it can be assumed that the CNN model is not able to capture the representation produced by IndoBERT as well as the LSTM model


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    This study was approved to find out the calculation of goods inventory at PT Istana Tiara. This research method is descriptive qualitative, with data collection techniques in the form of documentation, interviews and observation to obtain data. The results of this study the authors state that there is no minimum stock and maximum inventory available at PT Istana Tiara and late production part to produce goods requested by the branch so that certain items have not been sent to the branch Keywords = calculation, inventory, expenses, PT Istana Tiar


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    Batubara merupakan bahan bakar alternative yang kualitasnya dapat dilihat dari kandungannya, atau seperti nilai kalor. Pada penelitian ini nilai kalor akan dikarakterisasi menggunakan nilai kapasitansi dan resistansinya. Pengukuran nilai kapasitansi menggunakan sensor kapasitif berbentuk silinder sedangkan nilai resistansi menggunakan sensor penghubung email tembaga yang dihubungkan dengan LCR meter. Dari beberapa frekuensi, didapatkan frekuensi sebesar 1 KHz yang menunjukan nilai kapasitansi dan resistansi yang stabil. Dari nilai resistansi, secara matematis akan diperoleh juga nilai resistivitas. Nilai terdapat pada sampel A dengan kalor 3,441 Kkal/kg, terukur kapasitansi sebesar 18,26 pF dan didapatkan permitivitas sebesar 63,9 pF/m . Nilai terendah pada sampel K dengan nilai kalor 5,626 Kkal/Kg, terukur kapasitansi sebesar 14,48 pF dan didapakan permitivitas sebesar 50,6 pF/m. Sedangkan nilai resistansi dan penentuan resistivitas tertinggi pada sampel A dengan kalor 3,441 Kkal/Kg, sebesar 160,1 M? dan didapatkan 15.200 ?.m. Nilai terendah pada sampel H dengan nilai kalor 5,349 Kkal/Kg, terukur resistansi 7,72 M? dan didapatkan resistivitas sebesar 700 ?.m. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan, hasil pengukuran nilai kapasitansi dan penentuan permivitas batubara berpengaruh sangat kecil perhadap nilai kalor batubara sedangkan pengaruh nilai resistansi dan penentuan resistivitas tidak signifikan karna pengaruh kandungan lain yang ada pada batubara. Kata Kunci: Batubara, Nilai Kalor, Kapasitansi, Resistansi, Resistivitas, Non Destrictive Testin


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    Background Inability teenagers survive in the face of excessive problems can be a stressor. Thus, decrease and failure of academic achievement in teenagers high school grade 10, 11, and 12 which are in a transitional period of life can make them fall in a state of depression. Goal To prove that there is a relation between Senior High School teenagers’ achievement that is consulted at Guide and Counseling with the level of depression. Method Method of this research is analytical observational with cross sectional design. There are 69 teenager respondents from Tritunggal Senior High School students’ grade 10, 11, and 12 that is consulted in Guide and Counseling. The achievement is measured by using the academic result of student. While, the depression level is measured by Beck Depression Inventory-II questionnaire. Result The result of depression level are 69,6 % do not experiencing depression; 21,7 % experiencing mild depression; 5,8 % experiencing moderate depression; dan 2,9 % experiencing severe depression. In Kolmogorov-Smirnov test finds that there is no significant relation between Senior High School teenagers’ achievement that is consulted at Guide and Counseling with the level of depression. Conclusion There is no significant relation between Senior High School teenagers’ achievement that is consulted at Guide and Counseling with the level of depression because on the attitude itself becomes the reason teenagers have to be consulted, and they are still active doing hobbies affected lowering depression. Moreover, Guide and Counseling has an important roles in handling students. Keywords Achievement, Senior High School teenagers’ that is consulted at Guide and Counseling, depression level


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    Misconception in learning biology is still a major problem and has become one of the focus points of research in the field of education in recent years. Misconceptions can occur at various levels of education. In the study of misconceptions the target of the study was mostly high school students and yet misconception research was rarely carried out on college students. This study aims to determine the level of misconceptions of biology education students at one of the universities in Surakarta and to know the difference in the level of misconceptions in upper and lower academic ability students. The population of this study was all semester 2 Biology Bachelor education students at one of the universities in Surakarta totaling 63 students. The sampling technique uses saturated sampling by using the entire population as a research sample. The level of misconceptions is measured using a misunderstanding test that is equipped with a CRI index. Data analysis to determine the level of misconceptions of students as well as differences in levels of misunderstanding of students above and below was done by quantitative descriptive analysis. The results showed students know the concept as much as 33.45%, do not know the concept as much as 41.9% and student misconceptions as much as 24.63%. The percentage of students' misconceptions is spread across each indicator of the problem being tested. The biggest misconception occurred in the structure and function indicators of various plant tissues 46.51%, indicators of the types and structure of plant tissue cells 40.93%, basic principle indicators of tissue culture 5.12% and indicators of tissue structure in Plants 0.93%. Based on the student category, the percentage of students from the top category had a misunderstanding of 28.37%, the medium category was 52.55% and the lower category was 19.07%Kata kunci: CRI (Certainty of Response indeks), Miskonsepsi, Jaringan Tumbuha
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