73 research outputs found

    Insertion Layer in a Mid-Ir Band-Pass Filter Structure to Improve Optical Transmittance

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    Insertion of a single Ge layer deposition (denoted as layer xGe) has been carried out to the band-pass filter structure to improve optical transmittance in a mid-IR region. The filter structure was of Air/[Ge/ZnS]N xGe/Quartz constructed from Ge/ZnS period layer deposition. From the modeling done, by introducing a layer period, N = 10, each layer thickness of Ge and ZnS prepared is 500 nm, the optical transmittance was found to improve significantly about 0.9 for xGe = 0.80 (layer thickness of 80% of Ge thickness) compare than that of the greater value. Keywords : band-pass filter, infrared, transmittance, Ge, ZnS

    Enhancing Brand Loyalty by Increasing Experiential Value Through Customer Satisfaction in Boka Buka Restaurant Pondok Indah Mall

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    This research was conducted at Boka Buka Restaurant. Boka Buka Restaurant is a casual French dining restaurant in Pondok Indah Mall. The objectives of the research are to examine if the experiential value contributes to customer satisfaction in Boka Buka Restaurant and t examine if the experiential value and customer satisfaction contributes partially and simultaneously to brand loyalty in Boka Buka Restaurant. The methods of the research are Pearson Correlation and Path Analysis. The data is obtained from the questionnaires which are distributed to the customers at Boka Buka Restaurant to measure the level of the Experiential Value, Customer Satisfaction, and Brand Loyalty, using a Likert scale. From the analysis of the data, it obtains structural equation Y = 0.812X + 0.5839ε1 where Experiential Value contributes significantly to Customer Satisfaction of 65.9% and Z = 0.255X + 0.582Y + 0.5958ε2 where Experiential Value and Customer Satisfaction simultaneously contribute significantly to the Brand Loyalty of 64.5%


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    In the data processing of examination/test system for new students' entrance in Muhammadiyah University of Bengkulu had been using computer facility for method of input the result of test when the test implementation still using paper sheets (conventional).In the process of writing thesis, the author discusses about how to create items that will be done by testee are not same as the others, its mean the number of that test items will be random so the testee are more coducive in implementation of test.Online examination/test system is designed by using the Unified Modeling Language (UML). It hoped can be used to overcome the problems in the selection test of new students' entrance and can be fully utilized and feasible to be used in order to achieve system that is accurate, fast, precise and more effective. Linear Congruent Method (LCM) is a method that generates random numbers are widely used in computer programs. In this method, repetition in spesific time period or after a few times of generation.This is one of main characteristic from this method. Determination of the constants in LCM very determine whether good or not the random numbers obtained. In the sense of obtaining random numbers as if there will be no repetition. Using of LCM method in this case is simply to randomization number of items in order to every students who did a test selection run with effective

    Small to Medium UAVs for Civilian Applications in Indonesia

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    Indonesian government needs a well-built, easy to operate unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) to perform various civilian missions as UAS are a well-known platform for dirty, dull, and dangerous missions. Hence, the Indonesian government has an organization that performs research and development of UAS, named as Aeronautic Technology Center. This organization is placed underneath Indonesian National Institute of Aeronautics and Space. The UAS developments in this institute are primarily driven by civilian uses; therefore, the UAS size, sensor types, and mission payload are optimized for civilian missions. In order to produce the decent to the best quality of the aerial image, which is the essential product for various civilian missions, the UAS regularly flies under the cloud. For this reason, the Aeronautic Technology Center is only developing the LASE (low altitude, short-endurance) and the LALE (low altitude, long endurance) UAS type as of now. The UAS development was begun with LSU-01, followed by LSU-02, LSU-03, and LSU-05. The LSU-01, LSU-02, and LSU-03 are in the operational phase, while the LSU-05 is in the experimental Phase. In this chapter, the specification of the platforms and the sensor capabilities that are relevant with the demands of users in the civilian sector are described


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    The flood hit Kampung Pulo region in almost every year. This disaster has caused the evacuation of some residents in weeks. Given the frequency of occurrence is quite high in the region it is necessary to do a study to support disaster risk reduction. This study aimed to evaluate the incidence of flooding that occurred in Kampung Pulo in terms of topography, river conditions, characteristics of the building, and socioeconomic conditions. Methods of study include geomorphology analysis, identification of areas of stagnant, the estimated number of people exposed, the estimation of socio-economic conditions of the population, as well as determining the location of an evacuation. The data used is high-resolution remote sensing imagery is QuickBird and SPOT-6. It also used the results of aerial photography using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). Aerial photography was conducted on January 18, 2013, which is when the serious flooding that inundated almost the entire region of Kampung Pulo. Information risk level of buildings and population resulting from this study were obtained by using GIS. The results obtained from this study can be used to develop recommendations and strategies for flood mitigation in Kampung Pulo, Jakarta. One of them is the determination of the location for vertical evacuation plan in the affected areas


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    Air Conditioner pada umumnya digunakan sebagai pengkondisian udara di dalam ruangan agar mendapatkan kenyamanan termal. Pada sistem Air Conditioner (AC) ada kalor yang dibuang ke lingkungan pada saat refrigerant berada di kondensor tanpa dimanfaatkan. Mempertimbangkan bahwa energi panas yang terbuang di kondenser ini cukup besar, kaji eksperimental dilakukan untuk mengukur efek penggunaan kalor terbuang ini untuk memanaskan air dengan cara menambahkan Heat Exchanger (HE) pada bagian kondensor AC tipe split berukuran ¾ pk dalam meningkatkan kinerja Air Conditioner. Pengujian sistem AC dilakukan selama 60 menit untuk mendinginkan ruangan berukuran 3 m x 5 m hingga temerature di dalamnya mencapai 25,2oC. Dari hasil pengukuran didapatkan rata-rata Coefficient of Performance (COP) untuk AC yang dilengkapi dengan Heat Exchanger adalah 5,99, sedangkan untuk AC standar diperoleh nilai COP rata-rata sebesar 4,98. Hal ini berarti penambahan Heat Exchanger pada AC split dapat menghasilkan peningkatan COP sebesar 20,32%. AC dengan Heat Exchanger juga dapat memghasilkan air hangat dengan temperatur 45,9° C dalam waktu 60 menit


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    Air Conditioner pada umumnya digunakan sebagai pengkondisian udara di dalam ruangan agar mendapatkan kenyamanan termal. Pada sistem Air Conditioner (AC) ada kalor yang dibuang ke lingkungan pada saat refrigerant berada di kondensor tanpa dimanfaatkan. Mempertimbangkan bahwa energi panas yang terbuang di kondenser ini cukup besar, kaji eksperimental dilakukan untuk mengukur efek penggunaan kalor terbuang ini untuk memanaskan air dengan cara menambahkan Heat Exchanger (HE) pada bagian kondensor AC tipe split berukuran ¾ pk dalam meningkatkan kinerja Air Conditioner. Pengujian sistem AC dilakukan selama 60 menit untuk mendinginkan ruangan berukuran 3 m x 5 m hingga temerature di dalamnya mencapai 25,2oC. Dari hasil pengukuran didapatkan rata-rata Coefficient of Performance (COP) untuk AC yang dilengkapi dengan Heat Exchanger adalah 5,99, sedangkan untuk AC standar diperoleh nilai COP rata-rata sebesar 4,98. Hal ini berarti penambahan Heat Exchanger pada AC split dapat menghasilkan peningkatan COP sebesar 20,32%. AC dengan Heat Exchanger juga dapat memghasilkan air hangat dengan temperatur 45,9° C dalam waktu 60 menit

    Analisis Biaya Terapi Pada Penderita Stroke Pasien Rawat Inap Di RSUD Dr. Moewardi Surakarta Bulan Januari – Juni 2015

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    ABSTRACT Stroke was the highest group of diseases in the community. Treatment of stroke requires considerable costs due to the physical effects caused by stroke. Their health insurance from the government (BPJS) on the one hand ease the burden on society, but on the other hand the use of generic drugs that have a quality below the common drugs have an impact on patient care processes that tended to last longer. The purpose of this study was to determine the cost of treatment of stroke in patients hospitalized in the Hospital "X" Surakarta January to June 2015 in terms of the type of financing and diagnosis of stroke. This study was a non-experimental study, with descriptive method. The study population was patients with stroke in hospital "X" Surakarta January-June 2015, while the study sample of 145 stroke patients with purposive sampling technique. Collecting data using documentation were analyzed using descriptive techniques. To review component covers the cost of Direct include: (1) covers the cost of the drug, (2) covers hospitalization costs, (3) covers the cost of Physicians, (4) covers laboratory expenses, (5) covers the cost of scanning, (6) covers administrative costs. Based on the results of research and discussion the conclusions of the study are (1) the total cost of non-hemorrhagic stroke patients with non BPJS financing obtained an average total cost of 5,395,915 whereas hemorrhagic stroke in patients with an average total cost of6,686,669, (2) the total cost of hemorrhagic stroke patients with BPJS financing on non hemorrhagic stroke patients the average total cost of. 2,317,194 while in hemorrhagic stroke 3269191, (3) the average total cost of treatment in patients with non BPJS (5,666,557) than patients BPJS (2,741,076) and average total cost of patient non-hemorrhagic stroke (3,911,488) lower than the average total cost of hemorrhagic stroke patients (4,140,313), and (4) the cost component of the most widely issued by the patients was the cost of hospitalization

    Inspeksi Sambungan Rangka Mobil Listrik Tipe Tubular Space Frame Menggunakan Las GMAW dengan Cairan Liquid Penetrant

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    Technological developments increasingly require humans to increase their competence and innovation. The process of making frames for electric cars is one of the innovations to produce a strong frame. The frame is the main and important part of a vehicle, because the components and passengers will support the frame. The connection between frame components uses GMAW welding, which is the process of joining metal materials by heating them until they reach their melting point. To obtain a frame that meets the criteria, it is necessary to carry out a testing process, this testing process is NDT testing (Non Destructive Test), namely testing the physical part of the material in a way that does not damage the test object. Meanwhile, the aim of this research is to inspect the electric car frame so as to find discontinuities in the GMAW welding results. The results of this research were that there were 22 samples that underwent the liquid penetrant test process, of the total samples according to ASME Section VIII Division 1 Mandatory Appendix 6 there were 14 specimens that were acceptable while 8 needed improvement in the connection process. After the repair or repair process has been carried out, the frame is declared fit for use


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    Ketersediaan obat sangat penting berhubungan erat dengan mutu pelayanan. Ketrersediaan obat merupakan pilar utama dalam menciptakan kepuasan pasien, dokter, tenaga kefarmasian. Ketersediaan obat yang baik membuat anggaran belanja semakin efisien dan efektif. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah peran dokter, tenaga kefarmasian dan pasien berpengaruh terhadap ketersediaan obat di RSUD dr.Soedono Madiun. Penelitian ini dilakukan di RSUD dr.Soedono Madiun. Metode pengambilan sampel dokter dan tenaga kefarmasian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah total sampling. Sedangkan, sampel pasien diambil menggunakan tabel rumus issac dan michael. Variabel bebas penelitian yaitu dokter, tenaga kefarmasian dan pasien. Variabel tergantungnya adalah ketersediaan obat.  Data diperoleh dengan menyebarkan secara langsung kuesioner, kemudian data dianalisis menggunakan regresi linear dengan program komputer spss versi 22. Hasil uji R2 dan F secara berurutan diperoleh faktor dokter sebesar 0,706 dan 69,562, faktor tenaga kefarmasian sebesar 0710 dan 114,962, faktor pasien sebesar 0,945 dan 5660,020. Hasil uji bersama-sama faktor dokter, tenaga kefarmasian dan pasien sebesar 0,971 dan 293,447. Penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa faktor dokter, faktor tenaga kefarmasian dan faktor pasien berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap ketersediaan obat. Faktor dokter, tenaga kefarmasian dan pasien berpengaruh secara bersama-sama terhadap ketersediaan obat di era JKN pada RSUD dr.Soedono Madiu
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