43 research outputs found

    Role of Sex and Early Interferon Production in the Susceptibility of Mice to Encephalomyocarditis Virus

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    Adult female Swiss mice showed a greater resistance to intraperitoneal (i.p.) infection with encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) than male mice. This difference was not observed in weanling mice, in castrated adult mice or in adult mice injected intracerebrally. Administration of antibody to mouse interferon alpha/beta enhanced the virulence of EMCV for both sexes and no difference was then observed in susceptibility between male and female mice. Six h after EMCV infection, serum interferon titres were higher in adult female mice than in male mice. There was a close correlation between the early serum interferon titre (at 6 h) and survival of EMCV-infected mice. No differences in serum interferon titres were observed between male or female weanling mice or castrated adult mice. Potent preparations of exogenous interferon provided the same degree of protection against EMCV infection in male and female mice. We conclude that the more marked early interferon response of female mice to i.p. EMCV infection is one of the important factors underlying the differential susceptibility to EMCV. It is possible that the interferon system is also involved in the reported greater prevalence of picornavirus infections of men compared with women

    Risk of Kaposi's sarcoma and of other cancers in Italian renal transplant patients

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    A follow-up study of 1844 renal transplant patients in Italy showed a 113-fold increased risk for Kaposi's sarcoma. Kaposi's sarcoma risk was higher in persons born in southern than in northern Italy. Significant increases were also observed for cancers of the lip, liver, kidney and for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma

    Revisiting the B-cell compartment in mouse and humans: more than one B-cell subset exists in the marginal zone and beyond.

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    International audienceABSTRACT: The immunological roles of B-cells are being revealed as increasingly complex by functions that are largely beyond their commitment to differentiate into plasma cells and produce antibodies, the key molecular protagonists of innate immunity, and also by their compartmentalisation, a more recently acknowledged property of this immune cell category. For decades, B-cells have been recognised by their expression of an immunoglobulin that serves the function of an antigen receptor, which mediates intracellular signalling assisted by companion molecules. As such, B-cells were considered simple in their functioning compared to the other major type of immune cell, the T-lymphocytes, which comprise conventional T-lymphocyte subsets with seminal roles in homeostasis and pathology, and non-conventional T-lymphocyte subsets for which increasing knowledge is accumulating. Since the discovery that the B-cell family included two distinct categories - the non-conventional, or extrafollicular, B1 cells, that have mainly been characterised in the mouse; and the conventional, or lymph node type, B2 cells - plus the detailed description of the main B-cell regulator, FcÎłRIIb, and the function of CD40+ antigen presenting cells as committed/memory B-cells, progress in B-cell physiology has been slower than in other areas of immunology. Cellular and molecular tools have enabled the revival of innate immunity by allowing almost all aspects of cellular immunology to be re-visited. As such, B-cells were found to express "Pathogen Recognition Receptors" such as TLRs, and use them in concert with B-cell signalling during innate and adaptive immunity. An era of B-cell phenotypic and functional analysis thus began that encompassed the study of B-cell microanatomy principally in the lymph nodes, spleen and mucosae. The novel discovery of the differential localisation of B-cells with distinct phenotypes and functions revealed the compartmentalisation of B-cells. This review thus aims to describe novel findings regarding the B-cell compartments found in the mouse as a model organism, and in human physiology and pathology. It must be emphasised that some differences are noticeable between the mouse and human systems, thus increasing the complexity of B-cell compartmentalisation. Special attention will be given to the (lymph node and spleen) marginal zones, which represent major crossroads for B-cell types and functions and a challenge for understanding better the role of B-cell specificities in innate and adaptive immunology

    Switching to dual/monotherapy determines an increase in CD8+ in HIV-infected individuals: An observational cohort study

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    Background: The CD4/CD8 ratio has been associated with the risk of AIDS and non-AIDS events. We describe trends in immunological parameters in people who underwent a switch to monotherapy or dual therapy, compared to a control group remaining on triple antiretroviral therapy (ART). Methods: We included patients in Icona who started a three-drug combination ART regimen from an ART-naïve status and achieved a viral load ≤ 50 copies/mL; they were subsequently switched to another triple or to a mono or double regimen. Standard linear regression at fixed points in time (12-24 months after the switch) and linear mixed model analysis with random intercepts and slopes were used to compare CD4 and CD8 counts and their ratio over time according to regimen types (triple vs. dual and vs. mono). Results: A total of 1241 patients were included; 1073 switched to triple regimens, 104 to dual (72 with 1 nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NRTI), 32 NRTI-sparing), and 64 to monotherapy. At 12 months after the switch, for the multivariable linear regression the mean change in the log10 CD4/CD8 ratio for patients on dual therapy was -0.03 (95% confidence interval (CI) -0.05, -0.0002), and the mean change in CD8 count was +99 (95% CI +12.1, +186.3), taking those on triple therapy as reference. In contrast, there was no evidence for a difference in CD4 count change. When using all counts, there was evidence for a significant difference in the slope of the ratio and CD8 count between people who were switched to triple (points/year change ratio = +0.056, CD8 = -25.7) and those to dual regimen (ratio = -0.029, CD8 = +110.4). Conclusions: We found an increase in CD8 lymphocytes in people who were switched to dual regimens compared to those who were switched to triple. Patients on monotherapy did not show significant differences. The long-term implications of this difference should be ascertained

    Applicazione di due tecniche di attuazione della qualit\ue0 totale in un\u2019industria manifatturiera

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    La memoria riferisce in merito all\u2019applicazione, presso una significativa industria meccanica di precisione, di due specifiche tecniche della Qualit\ue0 Totale: la FMEA (Potential Failure Mode and Effects Analysis) e il DoE (Design of Experiments) con particolare riguardo al metodo delle superfici di risposta nella programmazione della campagna sperimentale. Tali tecniche sono propedeutiche all\u2019attuazione della Qualit\ue0 Totale e sono state sviluppate dagli autori per avere maggiore controllo sulle attivit\ue0 produttive ed i relativi processi, con finalit\ue0 migliorative sul piano tecnico-economico

    Technical and economical characteristics of a plant producing biodiesel fuel from vegetal oils

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    Viene localizzato, mediante una metodologia di ottimizzazione, l\u2019insediamento di un impianto di trasformazione dei semi oleaginosi a servizio del bacino di utenza della regione Friuli-Venezia Giulia. Vengono valutate le caratteristiche tecniche delle diverse sezioni che lo caratterizzano, ed effettuato un dimensionamento di massima dei diversi componenti impiantistici. Si riportano poi le considerazioni economiche che consentono di valutare la fattibilit\ue0 dell\u2019intervento applicando i metodi di valutazione degli investimenti basati sul concetto dell\u2019attualizzazione (valore attuale netto, tasso interno di redditivit\ue0 e periodo di recupero attualizzato), utilizzando per completezza l\u2019analisi di sensibilit\ue0 delle grandezze che intervengono negli stessi