1,486 research outputs found

    Can the UNAIDS 90-90-90 target be achieved? A systematic analysis of national HIV treatment cascades

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    Background In 2014, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS) and partners set the ‘90-90-90 targets’; aiming to diagnose 90% of all HIV positive people, provide antiretroviral therapy (ART) for 90% of those diagnosed and achieve viral suppression for 90% of those treated, by 2020. This results in 81% of all HIV positive people on treatment and 73% of all HIV positive people achieving viral suppression. We aimed to analyse how effective national HIV treatment programmes are at meeting these targets, using HIV care continuums or cascades. Methods We searched for HIV treatment cascades for 196 countries in published papers, conference presentations, UNAIDS databases and national reports. Cascades were constructed using reliable, generalisable, recent data from national, cross-sectional and longitudinal study cohorts. Data were collected for four stages; total HIV positive people, diagnosed, on treatment and virally suppressed. The cascades were categorised as complete (four stages) or partial (3 stages), and analysed for ‘break points’ defined as a drop >10% in coverage between consecutive 90-90-90 targets. Results 69 country cascades were analysed (32 complete, 37 partial). Diagnosis (target one—90%) ranged from 87% (the Netherlands) to 11% (Yemen). Treatment coverage (target two—81% on ART) ranged from 71% (Switzerland) to 3% (Afghanistan). Viral suppression (target three—73% virally suppressed) was between 68% (Switzerland) and 7% (China). Conclusions No country analysed met the 90-90-90 targets. Diagnosis was the greatest break point globally, but the most frequent key break point for individual countries was providing ART to those diagnosed. Large disparities were identified between countries. Without commitment to standardised reporting methodologies, international comparisons are complex

    Immune compromise in HIV-1/HTLV-1 coinfection with paradoxical resolution of CD4 lymphocytosis during antiretroviral therapy: a case report

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    Human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) and human T lymphotropic virus type-1 (HTLV-1) infections have complex effects on adaptive immunity, with specific tropism for, but contrasting effects on, CD4 T lymphocytes: depletion with HIV-1, proliferation with HTLV-1. Impaired T lymphocyte function occurs early in HIV-1 infection but opportunistic infections (OIs) rarely occur in the absence of CD4 lymphopenia. In the unusual case where a HIV-1 infected individual with a high CD4 count presents with recurrent OIs, a clinician is faced with the possibility of a second underlying comorbidity. We present a case of pseudo-adult T cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATLL) in HIV-1/HTLV-1 coinfection where the individual fulfilled Shimoyama criteria for chronic ATLL and had pulmonary Mycobacterium kansasii, despite a high CD4 lymphocyte count. However, there was no evidence of clonal T-cell proliferation by T-cell receptor gene rearrangement studies nor of monoclonal HTLV-1 integration by high-throughput sequencing. Mutually beneficial interplay between HIV-1 and HTLV-1, maintaining high level HIV-1 and HTLV-1 viremia and proliferation of poorly functional CD4 cells despite chronicity of infection is a postulated mechanism. Despite good microbiological response to antimycobacterial therapy, the patient remained systemically unwell with refractory anemia. Subsequent initiation of combined antiretroviral therapy led to paradoxical resolution of CD4 T lymphocytosis as well as HIV-1 viral suppression and decreased HTLV-1 proviral load. This is proposed to be the result of attenuation of immune activation post-HIV virological control. This case illustrates the importance of screening for HTLV-1 in HIV-1 patients with appropriate clinical presentation and epidemiological risk factors and explores mechanisms for the complex interactions on HIV-1/HTLV-1 adaptive immunity


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    Towards the Data Processing Boards for CBM experiment

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    Estimated generic prices for novel treatments for drug resistant tuberculosis

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    Background: Estimated annual incidence of MDR-TB is 480,000, representing 5% of TB incidence, but 20% of mortality. Multiple drugs have recently been developed or re-purposed for the treatment of MDR-TB. Currently, treatment for MDR-TB costs thousands of dollars per course. Objectives: To estimate generic prices for novel TB drugs that would be possible given large-scale competitive manufacture. Methods: Prices for linezolid, moxifloxacin, and clofazimine were estimated based on per-kilogram prices of active pharmaceutical ingredient (API). Other costs were added, including formulation, packaging and a profit margin. The costs of projection for sutezolid were estimated to be equivalent to those for linezolid, based on chemical similarit y. Generic prices for bedaquiline, delamanid, and pretomanid were estimated by assessing routes of synthesis, costs/kg of chemical reagents, routes of synthesis, and per-step yields. Costing algorithms reflected variable regulatory requirements, efficiency of scale based on demand, and were validated by testing predictive ability against widely-available TB medicines. Results: Estimated generic prices were USD 88-17/month for bedaquiline, 55-16/month for delamanid, 1111-3 /month for pretomanid, 44-9/month for linezolid, 44-9/month for sutezolid, 44-11/month for clofazimine, and 44-8/month for moxifloxacin. Estimated generic prices were 87%-94% lower than current lowest available prices for bedaquiline, 95%-98% for delamanid, 94%-97% for linezolid. Estimated generic prices were 168168-395 per course for the STREAM trial modified Bangladesh regimens (current cost s 734734-1,799), 5353-276 for pretomanid-based three-drug regimens, and 238238-507 for a delamanid-based four-drug regimen. Conclusions: Competitive large-scale generic manufacture could allow supplies of treatment for 5-10 times more MDR-TB cases within current procurement budgets

    The statistics of the entanglement changes generated by the Hadamard-CNOT quantum circuit

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    We consider the change of entanglement of formation ΔE\Delta E produced by the Hadamard-CNOT circuit on a general (pure or mixed) state ρ\rho describing a system of two qubits. We study numerically the probabilities of obtaining different values of ΔE\Delta E, assuming that the initial state is randomly distributed in the space of all states according to the product measure recently introduced by Zyczkowski {\it et al.} [Phys. Rev. A {\bf 58} (1998) 883].Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    Mycobacterial immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome in HIV-1 infection after antiretroviral therapy is associated with deregulated specific T-cell responses: Beneficial effect of IL-2 and GM-CSF immunotherapy

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    BACKGROUND: With the advent of antiretroviral therapy (ART) cases of immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS) have increasingly been reported. IRIS usually occurs in individuals with a rapidly rising CD4 T-cell count or percentage upon initiation of ART, who develop a deregulated immune response to infection with or without reactivation of opportunistic organisms. Here, we evaluated rises in absolute CD4 T-cells, and specific CD4 T-cell responses in 4 HIV-1(+ )individuals presenting with mycobacterial associated IRIS who received in conjunction with ART, IL-2 plus GM-CSF immunotherapy. METHODS: We assessed CD4 T-cell counts, HIV-1 RNA loads, phenotype for naïve and activation markers, and in vitro proliferative responses. Results were compared with those observed in 11 matched, successfully treated asymptomatic clinical progressors (CP) with no evidence of opportunistic infections, and uninfected controls. RESULTS: Median CD4 T-cell counts in IRIS patients rose from 22 cells/μl before initiation of ART, to 70 cells/μl after 8 months of therapy (median 6.5 fold increase). This coincided with IRIS diagnosis, lower levels of naïve CD4 T-cells, increased expression of immune activation markers, and weak CD4 T-cell responses. In contrast, CP had a median CD4 T-cell counts of 76 cells/μl at baseline, which rose to 249 cells/μl 6 months post ART, when strong T-cell responses were seen in > 80% of patients. Higher levels of expression of immune activation markers were seen in IRIS patients compared to CP and UC (IRIS > CP > UC). Immunotherapy with IL-2 and GM-CSF paralleled clinical recovery. CONCLUSION: These data suggest that mycobacterial IRIS is associated with inadequate immune reconstitution rather than vigorous specific T-cell responses, and concomitant administration of IL-2 and GM-CSF immunotherapy with effective ART may correct/augment T-cell immunity in such setting resulting in clinical benefit