505 research outputs found

    How biologically relevant are interaction-based modules in protein networks?

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    By applying a graph-based algorithm to yeast protein-interaction networks we have extracted modular structures and show that they can be validated using information from the phylogenetic conservation of the network components. We show that the module cores, the parts with the highest intramodular connectivity, are biologically relevant components of the networks. These constituents correlate only weakly with other levels of organization. We also discuss how such structures could be used for finding targets for antimicrobial drugs

    The determinants of gene order conservation in yeasts

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    Current intergene distance is shown to be consistently the strongest predictor of synteny conservation as expected under a simple null model, and other variables are of lesser importance

    Process reconstruction from incomplete and/or inconsistent data

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    We analyze how an action of a qubit channel (map) can be estimated from the measured data that are incomplete or even inconsistent. That is, we consider situations when measurement statistics is insufficient to determine consistent probability distributions. As a consequence either the estimation (reconstruction) of the channel completely fails or it results in an unphysical channel (i.e., the corresponding map is not completely positive). We present a regularization procedure that allows us to derive physically reasonable estimates (approximations) of quantum channels. We illustrate our procedure on specific examples and we show that the procedure can be also used for a derivation of optimal approximations of operations that are forbidden by the laws of quantum mechanics (e.g., the universal NOT gate).Comment: 9pages, 5 figure

    Distinguishing n Hamiltonians on C^n by a single measurement

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    If an experimentalist wants to decide which one of n possible Hamiltonians acting on an n dimensional Hilbert space is present, he can conjugate the time evolution by an appropriate sequence of known unitary transformations in such a way that the different Hamiltonians result in mutual orthogonal final states. We present a general scheme providing such a sequence.Comment: 4 pages, Revte

    A quantum phase gate implementation for trapped ions in thermal motion

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    We propose a novel scheme to implement a quantum controlled phase gate for trapped ions in thermal motion with one standing wave laser pulse. Instead of applying the rotating wave approximation this scheme makes use of the counter-rotating terms of operators. We also demonstrate that the same scheme can be used to generate maximally entangled states of NN trapped ions by a single laser pulse

    Nuevo equipo para medir la distribución de la densidad aparente de piezas cerámicas: DENSEXPLORER

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    Este trabajo ha participado en la 38 edición de los premios Alfa de Oro, otorgados por la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio, durante la Feria Internacional de Cerámica de Valencia CEVISAMA 2014 Densexplorer es el primer dispositivo capaz de determinar la distribución de la densidad aparente de baldosas cerámicas industriales de gran tamaño, de forma no destructiva, no perjudicial para la salud, respetuosa con el medio ambiente, incrementando la productividad respecto a los equipos actuales. El sistema está basado en la medida puntual de la absorción de rayos X y del espesor de la pieza.Densexplorer is the first device for industrial manufacturing plant capable of determining the distribution of bulk density of large ceramic tiles in a non-destructively way, which is not harmful to health, respectful with the environment and that increases the productivity of the process regarding to existing equipment. The system is based on the X-ray absorption technique, in which a material absorbs an amount of radiation depending on its thickness and density

    Trapped-Ion Quantum Logic Utilizing Position-Dependent ac Stark Shifts

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    We present a scheme utilizing position-dependent ac Stark shifts for doing quantum logic with trapped ions. By a proper choice of direction, position and size, as well as power and frequency of a far-off-resonant Gaussian laser beam, specific ac Stark shifts can be assigned to the individual ions, making them distinguishable in frequency-space. In contrast to previous all-optical based quantum gates with trapped ions, the present scheme enables individual addressing of single ions and selective addressing of any pair of ions for two-ion quantum gates, without using tightly focused laser beams. Furthermore, the decoherence rate due to off-resonant excitations can be made negligible as compared with other sources of decoherence.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. Submitted to Physical Review Letter

    La Orogenia Cadomiense y el rifting del Paleozoico Inferior en el Sudoeste de Iberia

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    La intensidad y la duración de la Orogenia Cadomiense en el sudoeste de Iberia han sido temas controvertidos. El magmatismo calcoalcalino del Vendiense superior, que se encuentra ampliamente representado en la Zona de Ossa Morena, es el efecto orogénico cadomiense más significativo. Además, en las rocas del Proterozoico superior que afloran en Peraleda del Zaucejo (sur de la Zona Centroibérica) se ha establecido firmemente la existencia de foliación y metamorfismos tardiprecámbricos. En la Zona de Ossa Morena, sin embargo, la deformación penetrativa de las rocas precámbricas parece corresponder casi exclusivamente a pliegues y cabalgamientos de edad varisca. En conjunto, la intensidad de la orogenia cadomiense en el sudoeste de Iberia es, como en el resto del Macizo Ibérico, moderada. Los datos geocronológicos existentes aparentan la existencia de un magmatismo initerrumpido desde el Proterozoico superior hasta el Ordovícico; sin embargo, se sugiere que tal continuidad no es real. Del análisis de los datos estratigráficos se deduce que la orogenia cadomiense se habría desarrollado exclusivamente en el Proterozoico terminal, siendo el Cámbrico inferior un período de transición entre el ciclo orogénico cadomiense y el ciclo varisco. Desde el Cámbrico Inferior alto, se desarrolló en la Zona de Ossa Morena el rifting pre-varisco, cuyo reflejo estratigráfico es la sustitución de carbonatos de plataforma (Cámbrico Inferior) por sedimentos terrígenos y rocas volcánicas. Localmente, el rifting pre-varisco originó una fábrica milonítica y un metamorfismo de grado medio-alto, como el que se observa en Valuengo y en Monesterio. Como consecuencia del rifting cambro-ordovícico, la Zona de Ossa-Moreno debió de ser en el Silúrico un fragmento aislado de corteza continental

    Dissipation-assisted quantum gates with cold trapped ions

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    It is shown that a two-qubit phase gate and SWAP operation between ground states of cold trapped ions can be realised in one step by simultaneously applying two laser fields. Cooling during gate operations is possible without perturbing the computation and the scheme does not require a second ion species for sympathetic cooling. On the contrary, the cooling lasers even stabilise the desired time evolution of the system. This affords gate operation times of nearly the same order of magnitude as the inverse coupling constant of the ions to a common vibrational mode.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, substantially revised versio

    Quantum System Identification by Bayesian Analysis of Noisy Data: Beyond Hamiltonian Tomography

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    We consider how to characterize the dynamics of a quantum system from a restricted set of initial states and measurements using Bayesian analysis. Previous work has shown that Hamiltonian systems can be well estimated from analysis of noisy data. Here we show how to generalize this approach to systems with moderate dephasing in the eigenbasis of the Hamiltonian. We illustrate the process for a range of three-level quantum systems. The results suggest that the Bayesian estimation of the frequencies and dephasing rates is generally highly accurate and the main source of errors are errors in the reconstructed Hamiltonian basis.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure