464 research outputs found

    La classification du rythme cardiaque foetal par catégories permet-elle de prédire le statut acido-basique artériel ombilical néonatal ?: travail de Bachelor

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    Contexte : Lors de son introduction dans les annĂ©es 1960, la cardiotocographie promettait de rĂ©duire de moitiĂ© la mortalitĂ© intrapartum et la parĂ©sie cĂ©rĂ©brale. Aujourd’hui, le constat est que si elle rĂ©duit le taux de convulsions nĂ©onatales, la surveillance du rythme cardiaque foetal n’amĂ©liore pas le taux de parĂ©sies cĂ©rĂ©brales, et est mĂȘme associĂ©e Ă  une augmentation des interventions obstĂ©tricales. NĂ©anmoins, la cardiotocographie garde sa place d’honneur en salle d’accouchement, notamment pour des raisons mĂ©dico-lĂ©gales. C’est alors sur la signification et l’interprĂ©tation des tracĂ©s que se focalise le dĂ©bat, afin que le cardiotocographe puisse effectivement contribuer Ă  promouvoir la sĂ©curitĂ© de la dyade mĂšre-enfant. Objectifs : Le but de cette revue est d’examiner les diffĂ©rents systĂšmes de classification du rythme cardiaque foetal, ainsi que les critĂšres utilisĂ©s, afin d’évaluer leur corrĂ©lation avec les issues pĂ©rinatales. De cette maniĂšre, nous souhaitons pouvoir dĂ©terminer dans quelle mesure la classification par catĂ©gories permet de prĂ©dire le statut acido-basique artĂ©riel ombilical nĂ©onatal. MĂ©thode : Sept Ă©tudes et une revue de la littĂ©rature ont Ă©tĂ© sĂ©lectionnĂ©es pour le corps de cette revue, suite Ă  des recherches sur les bases de donnĂ©es MedlineÂź, MidirsÂź, CinahlÂź, Google ScholarÂź et BDSPÂź. Les essais sont quantitatifs et rĂ©trospectifs. Une des Ă©tudes est de type cas-tĂ©moins. La revue de littĂ©rature est amĂ©ricaine et porte sur des Ă©tudes amĂ©ricaines. Quatre des Ă©tudes ont Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es aux Etats-Unis, deux ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es en Italie et une au Japon. RĂ©sultats : La corrĂ©lation des systĂšmes de classification du RCF avec les issues nĂ©onatales augmente avec le nombre de catĂ©gories, et c’est le systĂšme Ă  5 catĂ©gories qui est le plus apte Ă  prĂ©dire le statut acido-basique nĂ©onatal. Les systĂšmes de classification existants manquent d’accord entre eux. Parmi les critĂšres d’interprĂ©tation, c’est la tachycardie qui a la meilleure capacitĂ© discriminatrice. Pour ce qui est des dĂ©cĂ©lĂ©rations, si la hiĂ©rarchie traditionnelle (prĂ©coces, variables, tardives) est confirmĂ©e, c’est surtout leur sĂ©vĂ©ritĂ© (profondeur, durĂ©e, nombre, aire totale) qui est associĂ©e Ă  un statut acido-basique dĂ©favorable, particuliĂšrement pour les dĂ©cĂ©lĂ©rations tardives. Une variabilitĂ© normale, mĂȘme en prĂ©sence de dĂ©cĂ©lĂ©rations, est fortement associĂ©e Ă  un statut acido-basique favorable. Une variabilitĂ© diminuĂ©e en prĂ©sence de dĂ©cĂ©lĂ©rations n’est que faiblement associĂ©e Ă  une pĂ©joration du statut acido-basique nĂ©onatal. Conclusion : Si la classification du RCF par catĂ©gories n’est pas une garantie du statut acido-basique nĂ©onatal, elle en constitue nĂ©anmoins un bon indicateur. En dĂ©pit de sa complexitĂ© et par rapport Ă  la classification Ă  3 catĂ©gories, la classification Ă  5 catĂ©gories est plus prĂ©cise, nous renseigne davantage sur l’état foetal in utero, et nous permet de mettre en place les actions les plus appropriĂ©es, dans le but d’éviter un statut acido-basique nĂ©onatal dĂ©favorable. Une bonne classification doit reposer sur la capacitĂ© individuelle et collective des diffĂ©rents critĂšres d’interprĂ©tation Ă  reflĂ©ter l’état foetal. Il serait dĂ©sormais nĂ©cessaire d’avoir davantage de preuves scientifiques quant Ă  l’efficacitĂ© du systĂšme Ă  5 catĂ©gories, ainsi que des moyens pour faciliter son application clinique.Context : When Electronic Fetal heart rate Monitoring [EFM] was introduced in the 1960’s, it was hoped that it would halve the incidence of intrapartum mortality and cerebral palsy. Although it has reduced the number of neonatal convulsions, it has been demonstrated that EFM has not impacted the incidence of cerebral palsy and that it is even associated with an increase in operative deliveries. Nonetheless, EFM plays a key role in delivery rooms, in particular insofar as tracings constitute legally admissible evidence. Consequently, attention must now be focused on the meaning and interpretation of EFM patterns in order for EFM to effectively promote mother and child safety. Objectives : The objective of this review is to examine the various EFM classification systems and criteria in order to evaluate to what extent they correlate with perinatal outcomes. We hope that this will help us to to determine to what extent classifying EFM patterns into categories can help to predict neonatal acid-base status. Method : further to searches on MedlineÂź, MidirsÂź, CinahlÂź, Google ScholarÂź and BDSPÂź, seven studies and one study review were selected. All are quantitative and retrospective. One is a case-control study. The study review is American and relates to American studies. Four were performed in the United States ; two in Italy, one in Japan. Resultats : The correlation between the EFM classification systems and neonatal outcomes increases with the number of categories, and the 5-tier system is best able to predict newborn acid-base status. Existing classification systems lack concordance. Tachycardia has the best discriminatory capacity. The generally accepted hierarchy amongst the various types of decelerations (early, variable, late) is confirmed, although their association with a poor acid-base status generally results from their severity (depth, duration, number, total deceleration area), in particular regarding late decelerations. Even associated with decelerations, normal variability is strongly associated with a satisfactory acid-base status. Reduced variability associated with decelerations is only poorly associated with a decline of neonatal acid-base status. Conclusion : Although FHR classification does not guarantee neonatal acid-base status, it constitutes a good indicator. By comparison with the 3-tier classification system, the 5-tier classification system, in spite of its complexity, is more accurate, provides more information on fetal condition, and allows those measures best suited to avoid adverse neonatal acid-base status to be taken. Optimal classification must be based on the individual and collective ability of the various interpretation criteria to correctly reflect fetal condition. Henceforth, more scientific evidence of the efficiency of the 5-tier system, and the means to facilitate its clinical application, are required

    A qualitative study analysing the journey towards an embedded approach to service user involvement

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    Service user involvement in the design and delivery of education programmes for professionals is a key tenet of current policy. This study used a qualitative approach to explore the experiences of young mothers, students and academics who participated in an initiative aimed to coproduce and deliver a teaching resource focusing on becoming a mother and receiving services. The findings from the focus group interviews suggested that involving service users in student learning can provide an opportunity for open and honest dialogue, where assumptions and stereotypes can be challenged and better understood. It can also encourage users who are often seen as ‘hard to reach’ to be more actively involved in shaping the development of professionals

    1971 Ruby Yearbook

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    A digitized copy of the 1971 Ruby, the Ursinus College yearbook.https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/ruby/1074/thumbnail.jp

    Application of Ji Koutei Kanketsu in highways design process improvement

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    This paper provides an introduction to ‘Ji Koutei Kanketsu’ (JKK) as a recently developed Lean method and illustrates its potential to support the improvement of BIM-based highways design work processes. JKK is developed based on the concept of jidoka to enhance the autonomation in non-physical work processes. This method provides the employees the confidence to complete their own processes without defects, while requiring a strong collaboration between the managers and their teams. The paper is based on an action research study for trialing the use of JKK in a large engineering company. It is concluded that JKK, when its prescription is compared to the current state, focuses attention to the following issues: defining individual work activities, their support factors, their pre-conditions, the judgment criteria of their outputs, and continuous improvement. JKK is also evaluated by comparing it to other, overlapping methods

    The Prevalence and Influence of the Combination of Humor and Violence in Super Bowl Commercials

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    The growing concern over violence in the media has led to vast amounts of research examining the effects of violent media on viewers. An important subset of this research looks at how humor affects this relationship. While research has considered this subset in television programming, almost no research has explored this in the context of advertising. This paper builds on the little research that exists by examining the effects of combining humor and violence, as well as the theoretical approaches that underlie these effects. A content analysis is conducted to identify the prevalence of violence, humor, and the combination of these elements in a longitudinal sample of Super Bowl commercials (2005, 2007, and 2009). Further, we investigate the relationship between the joint occurrence of humor and violence in ads and ad popularity. We conclude that violent acts are rampant in these commercials and that many acts are camouflaged by the simultaneous presence of humor, especially in the most popular ads

    The feasibility of using a parenting programme for the prevention of unintentional home injuries in the under-fives: A cluster randomised controlled trial

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    Background: Unintentional injury is the leading cause of preventable death of children over the age of 1 year in the UK and a major cause of attendance at emergency departments. Children having one injury are at increased risk of further injuries. Parenting programmes can reduce injuries in preschool children if delivered in the home and on a one-to-one basis. It is not known if group-based programmes delivered outside the home are effective. Objectives: To develop (1) a parenting programme to prevent recurrent unintentional home injuries in preschool children and (2) a tool for parents to report unintentional home injuries occurring to their preschool children. To assess the feasibility of delivering and evaluating the parenting programme through a cluster randomised controlled trial, specifically to (1) assess methods for the recruitment and retention of parents; (2) determine the training, equipment and facilities needed for the delivery of the programme; (3) establish appropriate primary and secondary outcome measures and methods for their collection; (4) determine how 'normal care' in a comparison arm should be defined; and (5) determine the resource utilisation and costing data that would need to be collected for the cost-effectiveness component of a future trial; and (6) produce estimates of effect sizes to inform sample size estimation for a main trial. Design: Feasibility multicentre, cluster, randomised, unblinded trial. Setting: Eight children's centres in Bristol and Nottingham, UK. Participants: Ninety-six parents of preschool children who had sustained an unintentional injury requiring medical attention in the previous 12 months. Interventions: The First-aid Advice and Safety Training (FAST) parent programme, comprising parenting support and skills combined with first aid and home safety advice. Main outcome measures: Parent-reported medically attended injuries in the index child and any preschool siblings sustained during a 6-month period of observation. Results: An 8-week parenting programme was produced, designed with participant-friendly, incrementally progressive content. A slimline, month-to-a-view injury calendar, spiral bound and suitable for hanging on a wall, was designed for parents to record injuries occurring to their preschool children during the 6-month period of observed time. Fifty-one parents were recruited (40 meeting eligibility criteria plus 11 following 'open invite' to participate); 15 parents completed the FAST parent programme and 49 provided data at baseline and during follow-up. Completion of the programme was significantly greater for participants using the 'open invite' approach (85%) than for those recruited using the original eligibility criteria (31%). Prototype resource use checklists, unit costs and total costs were developed for phases 0, 1 and 2 of the study for use in a future trial. Conclusions: This feasibility study has developed an innovative injury prevention intervention and a tool to record parent-reported injuries in preschool children. It was not feasible to recruit parents of children who had sustained a recent injury, or to ask health visitor teams to identify potential participants and to deliver the programme. A trial should target all families attending children's centres in disadvantaged areas. The intervention could be delivered by a health professional supported by a member of the children's centre team in a community setting. Trial registration: Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN03605270. Source of funding: This project was funded by the NIHR Health Technology Assessment programme and will be published in full in Health Technology Assessment; Vol. 18, No. 3. See the NIHR Journals Library website for further project information. © Queen's Printer and Controller of HMSO 2014
