337 research outputs found

    Scalable and Accurate ECG Simulation for Reaction-Diffusion Models of the Human Heart

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    International audienceRealistic electrocardiogram (ECG) simulation with numerical models is important for research linking cellular and molecular physiology to clinically observable signals, and crucial for patient tailoring of numerical heart models. However, ECG simulation with a realistic torso model is computationally much harder than simulation of cardiac activity itself, so that many studies with sophisticated heart models have resorted to crude approximations of the ECG. This paper shows how the classical concept of electrocardiographic lead fields can be used for an ECG simulation method that matches the realism of modern heart models. The accuracy and resource requirements were compared to those of a full-torso solution for the potential and scaling was tested up to 14,336 cores with a heart model consisting of 11 million nodes. Reference ECGs were computed on a 3.3 billion-node heart-torso mesh at 0.2 mm resolution. The results show that the lead-field method is more efficient than a full-torso solution when the number of simulated samples is larger than the number of computed ECG leads. While the initial computation of the lead fields remains a hard and poorly scalable problem, the ECG computation itself scales almost perfectly and, even for several hundreds of ECG leads, takes much less time than the underlying simulation of cardiac activity

    Estimation of Serum Potassium and Calcium Concentrations from Electrocardiographic Depolarization and Repolarization Waveforms

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    Chronic kidney disease (CKD), a condition defined by a gradual decline in kidney function over time, has become a global health concern affecting between 11 and 13% of the world population [1]. As renal function declines, CKD patients gradually lose their ability to maintain normal values of potassium concentration ([K+]) in their blood. Elevated serum [K+], known as hyperkalemia, increases the risk for life-threatening arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death [2].An increase in serum [K+] outside the physiological range is commonly silent and is only detected when hyperkalemia is already very severe or when a blood test is performed. Maintenance and monitoring of [K+] in the blood is an important component in the treatment of CKD patients because therapies for hyperkalemia management in CKD patients are designed to prevent arrhythmias and to immediately lower serum [K+] to safe ranges. However, this is currently only possible by taking a blood sample and is associated with a long analysis time. Therefore it is useful to have a simple, noninvasive method to estimate serum [K+], particularly using the electrocardiogram (ECG). Indeed, variations in serum electrolyte levels have been shown to alter the electrical behavior of the heart and to induce changes in the ECG [3¿6]. However, large inter-individual variability existsin the relationship between ion concentrations and ECG features. Previous attempts to estimate serum [K+] from the ECG have therefore shown limitations [7¿9], such as not being applicable to some common types of ECG waveforms or relying on specific ECG characteristics that may present large variations not necessarily associated with hyperkalemia.The aim of this thesis is to develop novel estimates of serum [K+] that are robust enough to detect hypokalemia (reduced [K+]) or hyperkalemia in a timely manner to provide life-saving treatment. Additionally, the effect of changes in other electrolyte levels, like calcium concentration ([Ca2+]), and in heart rate are investigated. These aims are achieved by combining novel ECG signal processing techniques with in silico modeling and simulation of cardiac electrophysiology.The specific objectives are:1. Characterization of hypokalemia or hyperkalemia and hypocalcemia (reduced [Ca2+]) or hypercalcemia (elevated [Ca2+])-induced changes in ventricular repolarization from ECGs (T wave) of CKD patients. This is addressed in chapter 3 and chapter 4. In these chapters, we describe how T waves are extracted from ECGs and how we characterize changes in T waves at varying potassium, calcium and heart rate using analyses based on time warping and Lyapunov exponents. Next, univariable and multivariable regression models including markers of T wave nonlinear dynamics in combination with warping-based markers of T wave morphology are built and their performance for [K+] estimation is assessed.2. Characterization of hypo- or hyperkalemia and hypo- or hypercalcemia-induced changes in ventricular depolarization from the QRS complex of CKD patients. This is reported in chapter 5. In this chapter, we present how QRS complexes from ECGs of CKD patients are processed and how we measure changes at varying [K+], [Ca2+] and heart rate. Univariate and multivariate regression analyses including novel QRS morphological markers in combination with T wave morphological markers are performed to assess the contribution of depolarization and repolarization features for electrolyte monitoring in CKD patients.3. Identification of potential sources underlying inter-individual variability in ECG markers in response to changes in [K+] and [Ca2+]. In silico investigations of cardiac electrophysiology are conducted and ECG features are computed. Simulation results are compared with patient data. This is explained in chapter 3 using one-dimensional (1D) fibers and in chapter 6 using three-dimensional (3D) human heart-torso models. Chapter 6 includes the development of a population of realistic computational models of human ventricular electrophysiology, based on human anatomy and electrophysiology, to better understand how changes in individual characteristics influence the ECG (QRS and T wave) markers that we introduced in previous chapters. ECG waveforms are characterized by their amplitude, duration and morphology. Simulations are performed with the most realistic available techniques to model the electrophysiology of the heart and the resulting ECG. We establish mechanisms that contribute to inter-individual differences in the characterized ECG features.In conclusion, we identify several markers of ECG morphology, including depolarization and repolarization features, that are highly correlated with serum electrolyte (potassium and calcium) concentrations. ECG morphological variability markers vary significantly with [K+] and [Ca2+] in both simulated and measured ECGs, with a wide range of patterns observed for such relationships. The proportions of endocardial, midmyocardial and epicardial cells have a large impact on ECG markers, particularly for serum electrolyte concentrations out of their physiological levels. This suggests that transmural heterogeneities can modulate ECG responses to changes in electrolyte concentrations in CKD patients. Agreement between actual potassium and calcium levels and their estimates derived from the ECG is promising, with lower average errors than previously proposed markers in the literature. These findings can have major relevance for noninvasive monitoring of serum electrolyte levels and prediction of arrhythmic events in these patients.<br /

    Numerical simulation of electrocardiograms for full cardiac cycles in healthy and pathological conditions

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    This work is dedicated to the simulation of full cycles of the electrical activity of the heart and the corresponding body surface potential. The model is based on a realistic torso and heart anatomy, including ventricles and atria. One of the specificities of our approach is to model the atria as a surface, which is the kind of data typically provided by medical imaging for thin volumes. The bidomain equations are considered in their usual formulation in the ventricles, and in a surface formulation on the atria. Two ionic models are used: the Courtemanche-Ramirez-Nattel model on the atria, and the "Minimal model for human Ventricular action potentials" (MV) by Bueno-Orovio, Cherry and Fenton in the ventricles. The heart is weakly coupled to the torso by a Robin boundary condition based on a resistor- capacitor transmission condition. Various ECGs are simulated in healthy and pathological conditions (left and right bundle branch blocks, Bachmann's bundle block, Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome). To assess the numerical ECGs, we use several qualitative and quantitative criteria found in the medical literature. Our simulator can also be used to generate the signals measured by a vest of electrodes. This capability is illustrated at the end of the article

    Impact of the Endocardium in a Parameter Optimization to Solve the Inverse Problem of Electrocardiography

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    Electrocardiographic imaging aims at reconstructing cardiac electrical events from electrical signals measured on the body surface. The most common approach relies on the inverse solution of the Laplace equation in the torso to reconstruct epicardial potential maps from body surface potential maps. Here we apply a method based on a parameter identification problem to reconstruct both activation and repolarization times. From an ansatz of action potential, based on the Mitchell-Schaeffer ionic model, we compute body surface potential signals. The inverse problem is reduced to the identification of the parameters of the Mitchell-Schaeffer model. We investigate whether solving the inverse problem with the endocardium improves the results or not. We solved the parameter identification problem on two different meshes: one with only the epicardium, and one with both the epicardium and the endocardium. We compared the results on both the heart (activation and repolarization times) and the torso. The comparison was done on validation data of sinus rhythm and ventricular pacing. We found similar results with both meshes in 6 cases out of 7: the presence of the endocardium slightly improved the activation times. This was the most visible on a sinus beat, leading to the conclusion that inclusion of the endocardium would be useful in situations where endo-epicardial gradients in activation or repolarization times play an important role

    Space rescaling in the MFS method improves the ECGI reconstruction

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    International audienceThe method of fundamental solutions (MFS) has been extensively used for the electrocardiographic imaging (ECGI) inverse problem. One of its advantages is that it is a meshless method. We remarked that the using cm instead of mm as a space unit has a high impact on the reconstructed inverse solution. Our purpose is to refine this observation, by introducing a rescaling coefficient in space and study its effect on the MFS inverse solution. Results are provided using simulated test data prepared using a reaction-diffusion model. We then computed the ECGI inverse solution for rescaling coefficient values varying from 1 to 100, and computed the relative error (RE) and correlation coefficient (CC). This approach improved the RE and CC by at least 10% but can go up to 40% independently of the pacing site. We concluded that the optimal coefficient depends on the heterogeneity and anisotropy of the torso and does not depend on the stimulation site. This suggests that it is related to an optimal equivalent conductivity estimation in the torso domain

    Monitoring of serum potassium and calcium levels in end-stage renal disease patients by ecg depolarization morphology analysis

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    Objective: Non-invasive estimation of serum potassium, [K+], and calcium, [Ca2+], can help to prevent life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias in patients with advanced renal disease, but current methods for estimation of electrolyte levels have limitations. We aimed to develop new markers based on the morphology of the QRS complex of the electrocardiogram (ECG). Methods: ECG recordings from 29 patients undergoing hemodialysis (HD) were processed. Mean warped QRS complexes were computed in two-minute windows at the start of an HD session, at the end of each HD hour and 48 h after it. We quantified QRS width, amplitude and the proposed QRS morphology-based markers that were computed by warping techniques. Reference [K+] and [Ca2+] were determined from blood samples acquired at the time points where the markers were estimated. Linear regression models were used to estimate electrolyte levels from the QRS markers individually and in combination with T wave morphology markers. Leave-one-out cross-validation was used to assess the performance of the estimators. Results: All markers, except for QRS width, strongly correlated with [K+] (median Pearson correlation coefficients, r, ranging from 0.81 to 0.87) and with [Ca2+] (r ranging from 0.61 to 0.76). QRS morphology markers showed very low sensitivity to heart rate (HR). Actual and estimated serum electrolyte levels differed, on average, by less than 0.035 mM (relative error of 0.018) for [K+] and 0.010 mM (relative error of 0.004) for [Ca2+] when patient-specific multivariable estimators combining QRS and T wave markers were used. Conclusion: QRS morphological markers allow non-invasive estimation of [K+] and [Ca2+] with low sensitivity to HR. The estimation performance is improved when multivariable models, including T wave markers, are considered. Significance: Markers based on the QRS complex of the ECG could contribute to non-invasive monitoring of serum electrolyte levels and arrhythmia risk prediction in patients with renal diseas

    Estimation of potassium levels in hemodialysis patients by T wave nonlinear dynamics and morphology markers

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    Noninvasive screening of hypo- and hyperkalemia can prevent fatal arrhythmia in end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients, but current methods for monitoring of serum potassium (K+) have important limitations. We investigated changes in nonlinear dynamics and morphology of the T wave in the electrocardiogram (ECG) of ESRD patients during hemodialysis (HD), assessing their relationship with K+ and designing a K+ estimator. Methods: ECG recordings from twenty-nine ESRD patients undergoing HD were processed. T waves in 2-min windows were extracted at each hour during an HD session as well as at 48 h after HD start. T wave nonlinear dynamics were characterized by two indices related to the maximum Lyapunov exponent (¿t, ¿wt) and a divergence-related index (¿). Morphological variability in the T wave was evaluated by three time warping-based indices (dw, reflecting morphological variability in the time domain, and da and daNL, in the amplitude domain). K+was measured from blood samples extracted during and after HD. Stage-specific and patient-specific K+ estimators were built based on the quantified indices and leave-one-out cross-validation was performed separately for each of the estimators. Results: The analyzed indices showed high inter-individual variability in their relationship with K+. Nevertheless, all of them had higher values at the HD start and 48 h after it, corresponding to the highest K+. The indices ¿ and dw were the most strongly correlated with K+ (median Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.78 and 0.83, respectively) and were used in univariable and multivariable linear K+ estimators. Agreement between actual and estimated K+ was confirmed, with averaged errors over patients and time points being 0.000 ± 0.875 mM and 0.046 ± 0.690 mM for stage-specific and patient-specific multivariable K+ estimators, respectively.ariability allow noninvasive monitoring of [K+] in ESRD patients. Significance: ECG markers have the potential to be used for hypo- and hyperkalemia screening in ESRD patient

    A practical algorithm to build geometric models of cardiac muscle structure

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    International audienceCardiac muscle tissue has a unique, network-like structure. Three-dimensional models of this structure are needed for simulations of cardiac electrophysiology and mechanics. We developed an algorithm to produce such models artificially, using an implicit surface expressed on a tailored unstructured multi-domain mesh to define the cell membranes. The algorithm first creates a random network of cell centers, observing angle and distance criteria inferred from real tissue. The space around the network edges is assigned to the cellular domains based on the nearest half-edge. The network is then immersed in a regular tetrahedral mesh which is refined to fit the domain boundaries and to offer sufficient density around the cell membrane. The refinements are alternated with basic mesh improvement operations to maintain an acceptable mesh quality. On the refined mesh a level-set function is expressed that defines the cell membrane. The remeshing code Mmg3d is then used to discretize the level set while retaining the domains, and to improve the quality of the final mesh. A serial implementation of the algorithm was able to produce meshes of a few hundreds of cardiac cells in 15 minutes, but we are still facing difficulties in the remesher, likely resulting from the unusual complexity of these meshes. It was still possible, however, to correctly mesh a small network of cells that was designed to be replicated by successive mirroring. This allowed us to build models of upto 1 cm 3 of tissue (11 million cells and 370 billion tetrahedra) that now serve in performance tests of a large-scale simulation code
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