72 research outputs found

    Fast Redundancy Elimination Using High-Level Structural Information from Esterel

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    Esterel programs and SyncCharts hierarchical automata are compiled into flat sequential circuits. The current compiling process often generates too many latches and gates. We propose a compositional technique based on structural information that efficiently removes redundant latches and gates, without adding extra logic. The transformation works in linear time and gives good practical results. The simplified circuit can be used for simulation, verification, and optimisation

    Compilation de systèmes temps réel

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    I introduce and advocate for the concept of Real-Time Systems Compilation. By analogy with classical compilation, real-time systems compilation consists in the fully automatic construction of running, correct-by-construction implementations from functional and non-functional specifications of embedded control systems. Like in a classical compiler, the whole process must be fast (thus enabling a trial-and-error design style) and produce reasonably efficient code. This requires the use of fast heuristics, and the use of fine-grain platform and application models. Unlike a classical compiler, a real-time systems compiler must take into account non-functional properties of a system and ensure the respect of non-functional requirements (in addition to functional correctness). I also present Lopht, a real-time systems compiler for statically-scheduled real-time systems we built by combining techniques and concepts from real-time scheduling, compilation, and synchronous languages

    Integrated Worst-Case Execution Time Estimation of Multicore Applications

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    Worst-case execution time (WCET) analysis has reached a high level of precision in the analysis of sequential programs executing on single-cores. In this paper we extend a state-of-the-art WCET analysis technique to compute tight WCETs estimates of parallel applications running on multicores. The proposed technique is termed integrated because it considers jointly the sequential code regions running on the cores and the communications between them. This allows to capture the hardware effects across code regions assigned to the same core, which significantly improves analysis precision. We demonstrate that our analysis produces tighter execution time bounds than classical techniques which first determine the WCET of sequential code regions and then compute the global response time by integrating communication costs. Comparison is done on two embedded control applications, where the gain is of 21% on average

    Throughput Optimization by Software Pipelining of Conditional Reservation tables

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    Reservation tables are used at various levels in embedded systems design to represent the allocation of resources in cyclic computations. They model system-level static realtime task schedules in fields like automotive or avionics, but also model the cycle-accurate ordering of instructions at microarchitectural level, as used in software pipelining. To optimize system throughput, successive execution cycles can be pipelined, subject to resource constraints and intercycle data dependencies. In this paper we take inspiration from software pipelining and predicate-aware scheduling to define system-level pipelining techniques for task schedules given under the form of reservation tables. Our algorithms start from predicated reservation tables output by state-of-the-art latency-optimizing embedded design tools. They significantly optimize system throughput while maintaining the required strictly periodic execution model and the end-to-end latency guarantees of the input reservation table. We demonstrate the approach on real-life scheduling problems

    Predicate-aware, makespan-preserving software pipelining of scheduling tables

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    International audienceWe propose a software pipelining technique adapted to specific hard real-time scheduling problems. Our technique optimizes both computation throughput and execution cycle makespan, with makespan being prioritary. It also takes advantage of the predicated execution mechanisms of our embedded execution plat-form. To do so, it uses a reservation table formalism allowing the manipulation of the execution conditions of operations. Our reservation tables allow the double reservation of a resource at the same dates by two different operations, if the operations have exclusive execution conditions. Our analyses can determine when double reservation is possible even for operations belonging to different iterations

    Optimized static real-time scheduling of communications on a broadcast bus

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    We consider the problem of minimizing bus usage for static real-time scheduling of hierarchical dataflow specifications involving conditional execution. Statically scheduling conditional communications over an asynchronous broadcast bus involves the sending of the activation conditions themselves, which allow all processors to know which messages they must throw away or use. As the communication of an activation condition may be hierarchically conditioned itself, this results in a complex calculus of activation conditions (also called logical clocks in some settings). We provide a technique that uses this calculus to ensure that no piece of information is sent twice over the bus. Our technique can be used to reduce a given static schedule to a normal form with no redundant communication. It can also be incorporated into existing scheduling algorithms to ensure by construction the absence of redundancy. The technique can also be used to reduce communication when some form of time synchronization is used (e.g. on time-triggered buses), but some optimality properties may be lost

    Ensuring consistency between cycle-accurate and instruction set simulators

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    International audienceThe xMAS micro-architecture modeling language has been introduced by Intel to facilitate the formal representation and analysis of on-chip interconnect fabrics. In this paper, we introduce xMAStime, a new domain-specific language inspired by xMAS. xMAStime allows the modeling of full micro-architectures comprising certain classes of CPU pipelines, caches, and RAM. Given an in-order pipeline model in xMAStime, we automatically generate both a Cycle-Accurate, Bit-Accurate (CABA) hardware simulator and a timed instruction set simulator where time is accounted with safe upper bounds, as in the pipeline analysis step of Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET) analysis. The approach relies on the theory of endochronous systems, which allows us to ensure functional equivalence and timing consistency between the two generated simulators, using a delay-insensitivity argument. xMAStime is implemented over Lucid Synchrone-a dataflow synchronous language featuring a higher order type system and type inference, which facilitate the definition of our DSL. We use the new DSL to model and synthesize simulation code for a full-fledged MIPS32-based architecture

    Bidirectional Reactive Programming for Machine Learning

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    Reactive languages are dedicated to the programming of systems which interact continuously and concurrently with their environment. Values take the form of unbounded streams modeling the (discrete) passing of time or the sequence of concurrent interactions. While conventional reactivity models recurrences forward in time, we introduce a symmetric reactive construct enabling backward recurrences. Constraints on the latter allow to make the implementation practical. Machine Learning (ML) systems provide numerous motivations for all of this: we demonstrate that reverse-mode automatic differentiation, backpropagation, batch normalization, bidirectional recurrent neural networks, training and reinforcement learning algorithms, are all naturally captured as bidirectional reactive programs

    From Dataflow Specification to Multiprocessor Partitioned Time-triggered Real-time Implementation *

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    International audienceOur objective is to facilitate the development of complex time-triggered systems by automating the allocation and scheduling steps. We show that full automation is possible while taking into account the elements of complexity needed by a complex embedded control system. More precisely, we consider deterministic functional specifications provided (as often in an industrial setting) by means of synchronous data-flow models with multiple modes and multiple relative periods. We first extend this functional model with an original real-time characterization that takes advantage of our time-triggered framework to provide a simpler representation of complex end-to-end flow requirements. We also extend our specifications with additional non-functional properties specifying partitioning, allocation , and preemptability constraints. Then, weprovide novel algorithms for the off-line scheduling of these extended specifications onto partitioned time-triggered architectures Ă  la ARINC 653. The main originality of our work is that it takes into account at the same time multiple complexity elements: various types of non-functional properties (real-time, partitioning, allocation, preemptability) and functional specifications with conditional execution and multiple modes. Allocation of time slots/windows to partitions can be fullyor partially provided, or synthesized by our tool. Our algorithms allow the automatic allocation and scheduling onto multi-processor (distributed) sys-tems with a global time base, taking into account communication costs. We demonstrate our technique on a model of space flight software systemwith strong real-time determinism requirements

    Semantics-Preserving Implementation of Synchronous Specifications Over Dynamic TDMA Distributed Architectures

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    International audienceWe propose a technique to automatically synthesize programs and schedules for hard real-time distributed (embedded) systems from synchronous data-flow models. Our technique connects the SynDEx scheduling tool and the Network Code toolchain in a seamless flow of automatic model transformations that go all the way from specification to implementation. Our contribution is the non-trivial connection between the models manipulated by SynDEx and by the Network Code toolchain, at both formal and tool level. We provide an algorithm for converting the data-dependent schedule tables output by SynDEx into Network Code programs which can be seen as an ``assembly code'' level for time-driven distributed real-time systems. The main difficulty is to ensure the preservation of both functionality and the real-time guarantees computed by SynDEx in the presence of clock drifts (which are abstracted away in the scheduling model of SynDEx). Existing tools can convert the resulting Network Code programs into software and hardware-accelerated execution units.Nous proposons une technique pour la synthèse automatique de programmes et ordonnancements pour des systèmes temps-réel (embarqués) distribués, à partir de spécifications synchrones flot de données
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