209 research outputs found

    Correlated response to selection for litter size environmental variability in rabbits' resilience

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    [EN] Resilience is the ability of an animal to return soon to its initial productivity after facing diverse environmental challenges. This trait is directly related to animal welfare and it plays a key role in fluctuations of livestock productivity. A divergent selection experiment for environmental variance of litter size has been performed successfully in rabbits over ten generations. The objective of this study was to analyse resilience indicators of stress and disease in the divergent lines of this experiment. The high line showed a lower survival rate at birth than the low line (-4.1%). After correcting by litter size, the difference was -3.2%. Involuntary culling rate was higher in the high than in the low line (+12.4%). Before vaccination against viral haemorrhagic disease or myxomatosis, concentration of lymphocytes, C-reactive protein (CRP), complement C3, serum bilirubin, triglycerides and cholesterol were higher in the high line than in the low line (difference between lines +4.5%, +5.6 mu g/ml, +4.6 mg/ml, +7.9 mmol/l, +0.3 mmol/l and +0.4 mmol/l). Immunological and biochemical responses to the two vaccines were similar. After vaccination, the percentage of lymphocytes and CRP concentration were higher in the low line than in the high one (difference between lines +4.0% and +13.1 mu g/ml). The low line also showed a higher increment in bilirubin and triglycerides than the high line (+14.2 v. +8.7 mmol/l for bilirubin and +0.11 v. +0.01 mmol/l for triglycerides); these results would agree with the protective role of bilirubin and triglycerides against the larger inflammatory response found in this line. In relation to stress, the high line had higher basal concentration of cortisol than the low line (+0.2ng/ml); the difference between lines increased more than threefold after the injection of ACTH 1 to 24, the increase being greater in the high line (+0.9 ng/ml) than in the low line (+0.4 ng/ml). Selection for divergent environmental variability of litter size leads to dams with different culling rate for reproductive causes and different kits' neonatal survival. These associations suggest that the observed fitness differences are related to differences in the inflammatory response and the corticotrope response to stress, which are two important components of physiological adaptation to environmental aggressions.This study is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) with the Projects AGL2014-55921, C2-1-P and C2-2-P, and AGL2017-86083, C2-1-P and C2-2-P.Argente, M.; Garcia, M.; Zbynovska, K.; Petruska, P.; Capcarova, M.; Blasco Mateu, A. (2019). 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    Transmission of NS5A-Inhibitor Resistance-Associated Substitutions among Men Who Have Sex with Men Recently Infected with Hepatitis C Virus Genotype 1a

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    The transmission of direct-acting antiviral resistance-associated substitutions (RAS) could hamper hepatitis C virus (HCV) cure rates and elimination efforts. A phylogenetic analysis of 87 men who have sex with men recently infected with HCV genotype 1a placed one-third (28/87) in a large cluster, in which 96% harbored NS5A M28V RAS.</p

    Mpox vaccination willingness, determinants, and communication needs in gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men, in the context of limited vaccine availability in the Netherlands (Dutch Mpox-survey)

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    IntroductionIn the 2022 multicountry mpox (formerly named monkeypox) outbreak, several countries offered primary preventive vaccination (PPV) to people at higher risk for infection. We study vaccine acceptance and its determinants, to target and tailor public health (communication-) strategies in the context of limited vaccine supply in the Netherlands. MethodsOnline survey in a convenience sample of gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men, including transgender persons (22/07-05/09/2022, the Netherlands). We assessed determinants for being (un)willing to accept vaccination. We used multivariable multinominal regression and logistic regression analyses, calculating adjusted odds ratios (aOR) and 95 percent confidence-intervals. An open question asked for campaigning and procedural recommendations. ResultsOf respondents, 81.5% (n = 1,512/1,856) were willing to accept vaccination; this was 85.2% (799/938) in vaccination-eligible people and 77.7% (713/918) in those non-eligible. Determinants for non-acceptance included: urbanization (rural: aOR:2.2;1.2-3.7; low-urban: aOR:2.4;1.4-3.9; vs. high-urban), not knowing mpox-vaccinated persons (aOR:2.4;1.6-3.4), and lack of connection to gay/queer-community (aOR:2.0;1.5-2.7). Beliefs associated with acceptance were: perception of higher risk/severity of mpox, higher protection motivation, positive outcome expectations post vaccination, and perceived positive social norms regarding vaccination. Respondents recommended better accessible communication, delivered regularly and stigma-free, with facts on mpox, vaccination and procedures, and other preventive options. Also, they recommended, "vaccine provision also at non-clinic settings, discrete/anonymous options, self-registration" to be vaccinated and other inclusive vaccine-offers (e.g., also accessible to people not in existing patient-registries). ConclusionIn the public health response to the mpox outbreak, key is a broad and equitable access to information, and to low-threshold vaccination options for those at highest risk. Communication should be uniform and transparent and tailored to beliefs, and include other preventive options. Mpox vaccine willingness was high. Public health efforts may be strengthened in less urbanized areas and reach out to those who lack relevant (community) social network influences