182 research outputs found

    The High Content of Quercetin and Catechin in Airen Grape Juice Supports Its Application in Functional Food Production.

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    Ensuring healthy lives and well-being constitutes one of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 agenda. Consequently, research into how natural products may promote health is essential for the new generation of nutraceuticals and functional foods that are in high demand today. Grape juice is a natural foodstuff composed of water, sugars, minerals, vitamins and a wide array of polyphenols. Polyphenols are bioactive compounds of great interest due to their antioxidant properties and benefits to health, supporting antimicrobial, anti-aging, and anticarcinogenic activity. The majority of grape juice produced in the world is used for the production of wine, although a small part is used in the food industry, mainly in baby food and sports drinks. The aim of this work is to determine the polyphenol content in the natural and concentrated juice of Airen grapes, the main white grape variety produced in Spain. For this, fresh juices from five grape varietals (Airen, Sauvignon Blanc, Gewürztraminer, Verdejo and Tempranillo) and concentrated Airen juice were analyzed and compared. Results showed similar contents of phenolic acids and stilbenes in all grape varietals studied, although the Airen variety demonstrated a higher concentration of two flavonoids: quercetin and catechin. It can be concluded that the grape juice concentration process negatively affects the stability of these compounds, causing a reduction in the polyphenol content that ranges between 54–71%, with the exception of quercetin and catechin.post-print1881 K

    Simulación de una planta desalinizadora de agua de mar, por medio del software ims desing como estrategia para fortalecer el desarrollo social del norte caribe colombiano- municipio de Uribía – La Guajira

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    El agua, por su valor e importancia para la humanidad es quizá el recurso más valioso con el que se cuenta. En la actualidad, Colombia ha presentado grandes transformaciones en cuanto a su tratamiento, manejo y distribución del recurso, teniendo que adaptarse forzosamente a cumplir con la demanda actual y futura frente a las situaciones críticas de escasez por la que a traviesan las poblaciones más vulnerables y pobres del país, un caso particular es el municipio de Uribía – La Guajira. Los problemas de sequias, bajos volúmenes de precipitaciones anuales y la sobreexplotación de recursos hídricos han provocado que en el municipio de Uribía, se originen estrategias y se planteen proyectos de investigación. Lo cual da paso al desarrollo del objetivo de nuestro trabajo que es simular una planta desalinizadora por medio del software Hydranautics IMS desing con condiciones fisicoquímicas optimas, utilizando como técnica Ósmosis Inversa (OI), para el tratamiento del agua de mar en el municipio de Uribía – La Guajira; con la cual se pretende atender a la demanda de agua, al abastecimiento y desarrollo sostenible del municipio. El avance de este proyecto es necesario para que el gobierno cumpla con el bienestar general y el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de cada población y solucione las necesidades de salud, educación, de saneamiento y de agua potable, cumpliendo con lo establecido en el artículo 366 de la constitución política colombiana del 1991. El trabajo de investigación se desarrolló por medio de una revisión bibliográfica general del municipio para encontrar las condiciones ambientales y físicas necesarias para así llevar a cabo la simulación del proceso de OI en el software Hydranautics IMS Desing; posteriormente se determinaron las variables físicas del punto de alimentación y punto de descarga para evitar los posibles impactos al medio, se realizó una comparación de parámetros fisicoquímicos del agua de permeado con la normatividad colombiana, se establecieron diferentes escenarios en cuanto al proceso de OI frente a condiciones críticas ambientales del municipio y parámetros referentes al proceso, se realizó una estudio de impacto ambiental, la determinación de las alternativas para manejo de la salmuera e identificación de posibles impactos generados de la descarga directa de esta al mar y finalmente se realizó una comparación de costos en cuanto al precio del m3/d de agua desalada por los diferentes países más influyentes en la aplicación de esta tecnología. Concluyendo, que las condiciones físicas y ambientales del municipio de Uribía – La Guajira son favorables para la posible simulación y construcción de una planta desalinizadora de OI, dando solución a la escasez del recurso hídrico y sustentabilidad de la población vulnerable ante la calidad del mismo

    Práticas sobre o cuidado de crianças com deficiência construídas pelos cuidadores do Instituto de Capacitación Los Álamos

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    Introduction: Many elements, including practices, mediate the work of caring for children with disabilities in early childhood. As a result of the disability and age of the children, their caregivers commonly become responsible for their well-being. Understanding the practices of caregivers allows optimizing and implementing functional routines that promote the well-being and quality of life of children and their caregivers. Objective: To understand the practices of caregivers of children aged 1-6 years with disabilities at the Instituto de Capacitación Los Álamos (Itagüí, Colombia). Method: Qualitative study focused on grounded theory. The participants were twelve surrogate mothers from the institute; a convenience sampling was carried out until theoretical saturation. Findings: The practices consisted of care routines, including activities specifically for children with disabilities such as massages, therapies, adaptations of the space for postural control and participation. Moreover, activities such as feeding and massages are equally important when caring for a child with a disability. Conclusion: Caring for children with disabilities involves multiple activities and practices specific to the child's condition. Despite their difficulty, they become immersed in a compilation of routines incorporated into the family's daily life. Discussion:  Principio del formulario Final del formulario CereCare of children with disabilities involves multiple activities and different practices specific to the child’s condition. Despite their difficulties, they end up being immersed in a compilation of routines that are incorporated into the daily life of the family.  Introducción: La labor de cuidado de niños con discapacidad en primera infancia está mediada por muchos elementos, entre ellos, las prácticas. Dada la discapacidad y la edad de los niños, es habitual que sean sus cuidadores los responsables de su bienestar. Comprender las prácticas de los cuidadores permite optimizar e implementar rutinas funcionales, que propendan al bienestar y la calidad de vida de los niños y sus cuidadores. Objetivo: Comprender las prácticas de personas encargadas del cuidado a niños con discapacidad, de 1 a 6 años de edad, en el Instituto de Capacitación Los Álamos (Itagüí, Colombia). Método: Estudio cualitativo enfocado en la teoría fundamentada. Se invitó a participar 12 madres sustitutas del instituto, se realizó un muestreo a conveniencia hasta la saturación teórica. Hallazgos: Las prácticas se constituyen en rutinas de cuidado que incluyen actividades que son específicas para los niños con discapacidad, tales como masajes, terapias, adaptaciones del espacio para el posicionamiento y la participación, entre otros. Actividades como la alimentación y el masaje son igual de importantes a la hora del cuidado de un niño con discapacidad. Conclusión: El cuidado de niños con discapacidad supone la realización de múltiples actividades y diferentes prácticas específicas para la condición del niño. A pesar de lo difíciles que son, terminan estando inmersas en un compilado de rutinas que se incorporan al día a día de la familia.Introdução: O trabalho de cuidar de crianças com deficiência na primeira infância é mediado por muitos elementos, incluindo práticas. Dada a deficiência e a idade das crianças, é comum que seus cuidadores sejam responsáveis por seu bem-estar. A compreensão das práticas dos cuidadores permite otimizar e implementar rotinas funcionais que promovam o bem-estar e a qualidade de vida da criança e de seus cuidadores. Objetivo: Compreender as práticas sobre o cuidado de crianças com deficiência física na primeira infância, construídas por cuidadores pertencentes ao Instituto de Capacitación Los Álamos. Método: Estudo qualitativo com foco na teoria fundamentada. Doze mães de aluguel foram convidadas a participar, sendo realizada uma amostragem por conveniência até a saturação teórica. Resultados: As práticas se constituem em rotinas de cuidado, que incluem atividades específicas para crianças com deficiência, como massagens, terapias, adaptações do espaço para posicionamento e participação, entre outras. Atividades como alimentação e massagem são tão importantes quanto ao cuidar de uma criança com deficiência Conclusão: Cuidar de crianças com deficiência envolve a realização de múltiplas atividades e diferentes práticas específicas à condição da criança. Por mais difíceis que sejam, acabam imersos em uma compilação de rotinas que se incorporam ao dia a dia da família

    Geosdiversity and landscape: an analysis of potential in Baja California, México

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    RESUMEN: La valoración de la geodiversidad es un instrumento importante para implementar estrategias de aprovechamiento turístico sustentable del entorno natural y cultural. Dado que la mayor parte del paisaje del Estado de Baja California en México debido a su baja densidad poblacional aún es prístino y poco impactado, posee un alto potencial para el aprovechamiento de su paisaje natural y cultural, ya que las actividades que tradicionalmente se han enfocado a la explotación de los recursos naturales, como la ganadería, agricultura, pesca y minería, han sido poco exitosas por la aridez del territorio y el impacto de los fenómenos climáticos. Por lo anterior, y considerando que el turismo de aventura y ecoturismo han comenzado a cobrar importancia como actividad económica gracias a la variedad de recursos naturales y escenarios paisajísticos y culturales del Estado, se realizó un inventario general de los principales georecursos, sus atributos, actuaciones humanas y su potencial de aprovechamiento. Para ello se dividió el territorio en tres regiones: 1) Sierras peninsulares, 2) Pendiente del Golfo de California y 3) Pendiente del Oceáno Pacífico. Se establece que Baja California tiene un gran potencial para implementar actividades productivas que giren alrededor de la conservación del paisaje. Del análisis se deduce que la figura de conservación de los geoparques es una opción para ser aplicada, ya que implica el involucramiento de la sociedad en las actividades económicas, particularmente de las comunidades rurales, donde históricamente las oportunidades de desarrollo han sido muy bajas.ABSTRACT: he assessment of geodiversity is an important to implement strategies for sustainable tourism development of natural and cultural environment instrument. Since most of the landscape of Baja California in México due to its low population density is still pristine and little shocked, has high potential for the exploitation of its natural and cultural landscape, and that the activities have traditionally focused exploitation of natural resources such as livestock, agriculture, fishing and mining, have been unsuccessful because the dry land and the impact of climatic phenomena. Therefore, and considering that adventure tourism and ecotourism have started to gain importance as an economic activity due to the variety of natural scenery and cultural resources and state scenarios, a general inventory of the main georesources, attributes, actions are performed human and their ability to benefit. For this, the territory was divided into three regions: 1) Peninsular Sierras, 2) Pending the Gulf of California and 3) Pending the Pacific Ocean. It was found that Baja California has great potential to implement productive activities that revolve around landscape conservation. From the analysis, it follows that the figure of conservation of Geoparks is an option to be applied, since it implies the involvement of society in economic activities, particularly in rural communities, where historically development opportunities have been very low

    Endocannabinoid system modulation in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from dimethyl fumarate-treated multiple sclerosis patients.

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    Background: The endocannabinoid system (ECS) consists of lipid metabolites, their receptors and the enzymes implicated in their synthesis and degradation. The ECS exerts anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties and its modulation has the potential of being a therapeutic target in Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Dimethyl fumarate (DMF) is an approved drug for MS, which has immunomodulatory effects although its mechanism of action is not yet fully understood. Objectives: To test if DMF could modulate the ECS in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMCs) from MS patients. Methods: PBMCs from 11 Healthy Donors (HC) and 20 MS patients (at baseline and after 1 year of DMF treatment) were obtained by Ficoll density gradient centrifugation. Patients were clinically followed for 2 years; disease activity was assessed annually. The levels of the endocannabinoids 2-Arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG), Anandamide (AEA), Oleoylethanolamine (OEA) and Palmitoylethanolamine (PEA) were determined by Liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC-MS), and normalized to the total amount of protein. Results: The median values (in pmol/g protein) of 2-AG and AEA were both similar between HC (361.42 for 2-AG; 63.62 for AEA) and patients at baseline (269.26 for 2-AG; 58.70 for AEA). After 1 year of treatment, no differences were found compared to baseline. However, there was a trend (p=0.07) towards an increase of 2-AG in patients that did not reach NEDA 3 on follow-up at 2 years. OEA and PEA levels were both lower at baseline (61.83 for OEA, p=0.01; 541.0 for PEA, p=0.001) compared to HC (190.35 for OEA; 1140.51 for PEA). After 1 year, PEA levels were unchanged (449.50, p=0.68), but OEA (115.39, p=0.04) increased to levels similar to those of HC. Conclusions: Our results confirm the dysregulation of the ECS in MS. Furthermore, they shed light on a new mechanism of action of DMF in MS, as it can modulate the ECS through OEApre-print110 K

    Effect of p-Synephrine on Fat Oxidation Rate during Exercise of Increasing Intensity in Healthy Active Women.

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    p-Synephrine is the principal alkaloid of bitter orange (Citrus aurantium). Several recent investigations have found that the intake of 2–3 mg/kg of p-synephrine raises fat oxidation rate during exercise of low-to-moderate intensity. However, these investigations have been carried out only with samples of male participants or mixed men/women samples. Therefore, the aim of this investigation was to study the effect of p-synephrine intake on fat oxidation during exercise of increasing intensity in healthy women. Using a double-blind, randomized experiment, 18 healthy recreationally active women performed two identical exercise trials after the ingestion of (a) 3 mg/kg of psynephrine and (b) 3 mg/kg of a placebo (cellulose). The exercise trials consisted of a ramp test (from 30 to 80% of maximal oxygen uptake; VO2max) on a cycle ergometer while substrate oxidation rates were measured at each workload by indirect calorimetry. In comparison to the placebo, the intake of p-synephrine increased resting tympanic temperature (36.1 ± 0.5 vs. 36.4 ± 0.4 °C p = 0.033, d = 0.87) with no effect on resting heart rate (p = 0.111) and systolic (p = 0.994) and diastolic blood pressure (p = 0.751). During exercise, there was no significant effect of p-synephrine on fat oxidation rate (F = 0.517; p = 0.484), carbohydrate oxidation rate (F = 0.730; p = 0.795), energy expenditure rate (F = 0.480; p = 0.833), heart rate (F = 4.269; p = 0.068) and participant’s perceived exertion (F = 0.337; p = 0.580). The maximal rate of fat oxidation with placebo was 0.26 ± 0.10 g/min and it was similar with p-synephrine (0.28 ± 0.08 g/min, p = 0.449, d = 0.21). An acute intake of 3 mg/kg of p-synephrine before exercise did not modify energy expenditure and substrate oxidation during submaximal aerobic exercise in healthy active women. It is likely that the increase in resting tympanic temperature induced by p-synephrine hindered the effect of this substance on fat utilization during exercise in healthy active women.pre-print519 K

    Cannabinoid receptor CB2 ablation protects against TAU induced neurodegeneration.

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    Tauopathies are a group of neurodegenerative diseases characterized by the alteration/aggregation of TAU protein, for which there is still no effective treatment. Therefore, new pharmacological targets are being sought, such as elements of the endocannabinoid system (ECS). We analysed the occurrence of changes in the ECS in tauopathies and their implication in the pathogenesis. By integrating gene expression analysis, immunofluorescence, genetic and adeno-associated virus expressing TAU mouse models, we found a TAU-dependent increase in CB2 receptor expression in hippocampal neurons, that occurs as an early event in the pathology and was maintained until late stages. These changes were accompanied by alterations in the endocannabinoid metabolism. Remarkably, CB2 ablation in mice protects from neurodegeneration induced by hTAU P301L overexpression, corroborated at the level of cognitive behaviour, synaptic plasticity, and aggregates of insoluble TAU. At the level of neuroinflammation, the absence of CB2 did not produce significant changes in concordance with a possible neuronal location rather than its classic glial expression in these models. These findings were corroborated in post-mortem samples of patients with Alzheimer’s disease, the most common tauopathy. Our results show that neurons with accumulated TAU induce the expression of the CB2 receptor, which enhances neurodegeneration. These results are important for our understanding of disease mechanisms, providing a novel therapeutic strategy to be investigated in tauopathiespost-print8580 K