14 research outputs found

    Using 67Cu to Study the Biogeochemical Cycling of Copper in the Northeast Subarctic Pacific Ocean

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    Microbial copper (Cu) nutrition and dissolved Cu speciation were surveyed along Line P, a coastal to open ocean transect that extends from the coast of British Columbia, Canada, to the high-nutrient-low-chlorophyll (HNLC) zone of the northeast subarctic Pacific Ocean. Steady-state size fractionated Cu uptake rates and Cu:C assimilation ratios were determined at in situ Cu concentrations and speciation using a 67Cu tracer method. The cellular Cu:C ratios that we measured (~30 µmol Cu mol C-1) are similar to recent estimates using synchrotron x-ray fluorescence (SXRF), suggesting that the 67Cu method can determine in situ metabolic Cu demands. We examined how environmental changes along the Line P transect influenced Cu metabolism in the sub-microplankton community. Cellular Cu:C assimilation ratios and uptake rates were compared with net primary productivity, bacterial abundance and productivity, total dissolved Cu, Cu speciation, and a suite of other chemical and biological parameters. Total dissolved Cu concentrations ([Cu]d) were within a narrow range (1.46 to 2.79 nM), and Cu was bound to a ~5-fold excess of strong ligands with conditional stability constants ( ) of ~1014. Free Cu2+ concentrations were low (pCu 14.4 to 15.1), and total and size fractionated net primary productivity (NPPV; µg C L-1 d-1) were negatively correlated with inorganic Cu concentrations ([Cu′]). We suggest this is due to greater Cu′ drawdown by faster growing phytoplankton populations. Using the relationship between [Cu′] drawdown and NPPV, we calculated a regional photosynthetic Cu:C drawdown export ratio between 1.5 and 15 µmol Cu mol C-1, and a mixed layer residence time (2.5 to 8 years) that is similar to other independent estimates (2-12 years). Total particulate Cu uptake rates were between 22 and 125 times faster than estimates of Cu export; this is possibly mediated by rapid cellular Cu uptake and efflux by phytoplankton and bacteria or the effects of grazers and bacterial remineralization on dissolved Cu. These results provide a more detailed understanding of the interactions between Cu speciation and microorganisms in seawater, and present evidence that marine phytoplankton modify Cu speciation in the open ocean

    Effects of Copper Availability on the Physiology of Marine Heterotrophic Bacteria

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    Marine heterotrophic bacteria play a crucial role in the cycling of energy and nutrients in the ocean. Copper (Cu) belongs to the repertoire of essential trace nutrients for bacterial growth, yet physiological responses of marine heterotrophic bacteria to Cu deficiency remain unexplored. Here, we examined these responses in oceanic and coastal isolates of heterotrophic bacteria from ecologically significant microbial clades (Flavobacteriia class from Bacteroidetes phylum, and marine Roseobacter clade within Alphaproteobacteria class and Alteromonadales within Gammaproteobacteria class, both from Proteobacteria phylum). Bacterial growth, Cu quotas (Cu:P), macronutrient content and stoichiometry (cellular C, N, P, S, and C:N, S:P), as well as carbon metabolism (respiration, productivity, carbon demand, growth efficiency) were monitored across a gradient of Cu conditions, characteristic of coastal and open-ocean surface waters. Cu deficiency had most severe effects on a Flavobacteriia member Dokdonia sp. strain Dokd-P16 for which we observed significant reductions in growth, C metabolism and Cu quotas. Other strains did not significantly reduce their growth rate, but adjusted their Cu content and some C metabolic rates (Ruegeria pomeroyi DSS-3, Roseobacter clade) or were unaffected (Pseudoalteromonas sp. strains PAlt-P26 and PAlt-P2, Alteromonadales clade). These diverse bacterial responses were accompanied by constant cellular composition of major elements and stoichiometric ratios. Changes in bacterial Cu quotas occurred within a modest range (∼5-fold range) relative to the 50-fold variation in total Cu in the media. We hypothesize that this may reflect a well-controlled Cu homeostasis in marine heterotrophic bacteria. In a preliminary assessment, we found that Cu quotas of bacteria and those of eukaryotic phytoplankton are not statistically different. However, compared to eukaryotic phytoplankton, the variability of Cu quotas in marine heterotrophic bacteria is smaller, which could reflect differences in their Cu homeostasis. Using Cu quotas obtained in our study, we assessed the contribution of bacterial Cu to the biogenic Cu pool in an oceanic euphotic zone in the NE Pacific. These preliminary estimates suggest that up to 50% of the biogenic Cu could be contained in the biomass of marine heterotrophic bacteria. Our study sheds light on the interactions between Cu and marine heterotrophic bacteria, demonstrating the potential for Cu to influence microbial ecology and for microbes to play role in Cu biolgeochemical cycle

    Vertical flux of microplastic, a case study in the Southern Ocean, South Georgia

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    Estimated plastic debris floating at the ocean surface varies depending on modelling approaches, with some suggesting unaccounted sinks for marine plastic debris due to mismatches between plastic predicted to enter the ocean and that accounted for at the surface. A major knowledge gap relates to the vertical sinking of oceanic plastic. We used an array of floating sediment traps combined with optical microscopy and Raman spectroscopy to measure the microplastic flux between 50 and 150 m water depth over 24 h within a natural harbour of the sub-Antarctic island of South Georgia. This region is influenced by fishing, tourism, and research activity. We found a 69 % decrease in microplastic flux from 50 m (306 pieces/m2/day) to 150 m (94pieces/m2/day). Our study confirms the occurrence of a vertical flux of microplastic in the upper water column of the Southern Ocean, which may influence zooplankton microplastic consumption and the carbon cycle

    Paired dissolved and particulate phase Cu isotope distributions in the South Atlantic

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    © 2018 The Authors Copper (Cu) is both an essential micronutrient and toxic to photosynthesizing microorganisms at low concentrations. Its dissolved vertical distribution in the oceans is unusual, being neither a nutrient-type nor scavenged-type element. This distribution is attributed to biological uptake in the surface ocean with remineralisation at depth, combined with strong organic complexation by dissolved ligands, scavenging onto particles, and benthic sedimentary input. We present coupled dissolved and particulate phase Cu isotope data along the UK-GEOTRACES South Atlantic section, alongside higher resolution dissolved and particulate phase Cu concentration measurements. Our dissolved phase isotope data contribute to an emerging picture of homogeneous deep ocean δ65Cu, at about +0.65‰ (relative to NIST SRM 976). We identify two pools of Cu in the particulate phase: a refractory, lithogenic pool, at about 0‰, and a labile pool accessed via a weak acidic leach, at about +0.4‰. These two pools are comparable to those previously observed in sediments. We observe deviations towards lighter δ65Cu values in the dissolved phase associated with local enrichments in particulate Cu concentrations along the continental slopes, and in the surface ocean. Copper isotopes are thus a sensitive indicator of localised particle-associated benthic or estuarine Cu inputs. The measurement of Cu isotopes in seawater is analytically challenging, and we call for an intercalibration exercise to better evaluate the potential impacts of UV-irradiation, storage time, and different analytical procedures

    The influence of economic and geographic conditions on the development of container terminals at the Szczecin and Świnoujście Seaports Authority

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    This publication describes the factors governing the development of containerization in Szczecin and Świnoujście Seaports Authority, together with their organizational infrastructure and economy. These factors include port access to transportation facilities, which has a major influence on economic development and strengthens the position in the Polish market. Geographic location of both the port and the status and functioning of the Szczecin-Świnoujście fairway were taken into account. The amount of container handling in the ports described in the years from 2004 to 2015 was examined. The Szczecin and Świnoujście Seaports Authority is discussed in terms of size and progress of its changes, and handling capacity compared to other marine container terminals in Poland

    Biogeochemical cycling of copper in the Northeast Pacific Ocean : role of marine heterotrophic bacteria

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    Copper (Cu) is important in regulating microbial activity in the ocean, as it can act both as a limiting nutrient and a toxic inhibitor depending on its concentration. Yet, our knowledge of its biogeochemical cycle is limited in many oceanic regions including the subarctic Northeast (NE) Pacific, as is our knowledge of Cu nutrition in marine heterotrophic bacteria. To address this, I investigated Cu biogeochemical cycling along a coastal‒oceanic transect, Line P, in the subarctic NE Pacific (Chapter 2). I also explored physiological responses to varying Cu availability (limiting to sufficient) of taxonomically diverse heterotrophic bacteria, which include isolates from surface waters of the Line P transect (Flavobacteriia member: Dokdonia sp. Dokd-P16, and Gammaproteobacteria members Pseudoalteromonas sp. strain PAlt-P2 [coastal] and PAlt-P26 [oceanic]), and a member of the marine Roseobacter clade within class Alphaproteobacteria (Ruegeria pomeroyi DSS-3). Several important processes were identified to moderate dissolved Cu along Line P. These include fluvial and sedimentary inputs (near the coast), upwelling of deep, Cu-rich waters in the Alaskan gyre (offshore), atmospheric inputs (offshore), as well as scavenging within the intermediate waters of the Oxygen Minimum Zone (OMZ) across the transect. Bacterial responses to changing Cu availability were diverse. Flavobacteriia member Dokd-P16 reduced its growth rate, carbon metabolism, and Cu quota (Cu:P) under Cu limitation, but enhanced its Mn quota. In contrast, both Pseudoalteromonas spp. were mostly unaffected by different Cu levels. Ruegeria pomeroyi maintained constant growth rates but moderated quotas of several metals (under low Cu: decreased Cu and Co, but increased Mn and Fe quotas), and some aspects of its C metabolism. These findings illuminate on the role of Cu in shaping bacterial species composition in the ocean, and the bacterially-mediated cycles of carbon and bioactive metals (i.e. Fe, Zn, Mn, Co). Copper quotas of heterotrophic bacteria are similar to those of cultured marine phytoplankton. Estimates of Cu partitioning between these planktonic groups in the euphotic zone of the NE Pacific revealed that up to 50% of biogenic Cu could be associated with bacterial biomass. Therefore, marine heterotrophic bacteria should not be overlooked in studies of Cu biogeochemical cycling.Science, Faculty ofEarth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, Department ofGraduat


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    Detection of pharmaceutical compounds in various environmental matrices worldwide (e.g. lakes, rivers, estuaries, sediments, and wastewater) has lead to a growing concern with regard to their occurrence, fate and potential effects on unintentionally exposed organisms. Following their introduction into the environment via the sewage treatment plant (STP-s) effluents pharmaceuticals are subject to various natural processes which can lead to their environmental removal. Photolysis is considered a major and in some instances the only route of natural degradation of many drugs from the environmental surface waters. The process is often associated with formation of photodegradation products which can have different environmental properties than their parent compounds. This suggests that in order to obtain a complete perspective of the risks of pharmaceutical discharge into the environment it is necessary to evaluate the stability and effects of their photodecomposition products. The photochemical behaviour of two photoproducts of environmentally relevant anti-anxiety drug diazepam (Valium®), 2-amino-5-chlorobenzophenone and 4-chloro-acrdine-9-one was determined in MilliQ water under the simulated solar irradiation (Suntest CPS+) equipped with 1.8 kW xenon arc lamp at average intensity of 545 W m-2. Detection and quantification of diazepam photoproducts was performed using high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with ultraviolet/visible detection (HPLC-UV/Vis) and gas chromatography flame ionisation detection (GC-FID) and the results of both analyses were compared. Solid phase extraction method was developed using two sorbent materials: Discovery DSC-C8 and DSC-C18 to enable analysis of photodegradated aqueous samples via GC-FID. Higher recoveries were observed with the application of DSC-C18 during the method development, however extraction of photolyzed analytes resulted in their poor recovery likely due to the effects of pH. Therefore, kinetic analyses of the photoproducts were conducted using the data obtained with the application of HPLC-UV/Vis. According to the experimental results, both compounds can be effectively degraded by direct photolysis, with half-life times (t1/2) of 25 and 19.8 hours for 2-amino-5-chlorobenzophenone and 4-chloro-acridone-9-one, respectively. Irradiation led to formation of various degradation intermediates which could not be confirmed with mass spectrometry due to the time constraints. Finally, the application of an acute toxicity test using bioluminescent marine bacteria Vibrio fisheri (Microtox®) indicated that short term exposure to environmentally relevant concentrations of 2-amino-5-chlorobenozophenone and 4-chloro-acridine-9-one does not constitute an immediate threat to marine microrganisms.Faculty of Scienc

    How to survive the day without the Internet? Alternative ways of spending free time

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    Serwis "Jak żyć bez Internetu? Alternatywne sposoby spędzania wolnego czasu" porusza trudną w dzisiejszych czasach tematykę uzależnienia od sieci. Zasięg, jaki obejmuje cyberświat, jest coraz większy. Warto zastanowić się nad jego zaletami i wadami. Ważnym jest, by używać sieci z rozwagą i umiarem oraz by chętnie szukać alternatywy dla poświęcania swojego wolnego czasu na życie w cyberprzestrzeni. Chciałabym udowodnić, że życie bez Internetu wcale nie jest takie trudne, jak niektórym mogłoby się wydawać. Postaram się przekonać czytelników, że Internet ma być tylko dodatkiem do naszego życia, a nie jego substytutem. Treść serwisu dzieli się na dwie różne części: • krótki wstęp oraz teorię na temat uzależnienia od Internetu, • porady, jak przeżyć dzień bez Internetu oraz pomysły, jak spędzić taki dzień. Rozdział zatytułowany Porady zawiera krótkie humorystyczne porady połączone z fotografią. Pomysły natomiast stanowią zbiór pomysłów na wykorzystanie wolnego czasu poza siecią Internet.Website "How to survive the day without the Internet? Alternative ways of spending free time" concerns difficult subject of internet addiction. The range of Cyberspace is constantly growing. It's worth to consider its advantages and disadvantages. It's important to use the network with caution and restraint and to seek alternative ways to spend free time outside the cyberspace.I would like to prove that life without the Internet is not as difficult as some people may think it is. I will try to convince readers that the Internet should be an addition to our life, not its substitute.The content of website is divided into two different parts:• brief introduction and theory about Internet addiction,• advices on how to survive a day without the Internet and ideas how to spend all the free time.The chapter Tips includes brief humorous advices with photographies.Also, chapter Ideas provides the set of ideas how to use free time outside the Internet

    Structure and functions of websites of the Academies of Physical Education in Poland

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    Przedmiotem pracy jest struktura i funkcje internetowych serwisów Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego w Polsce. Celem pracy było wykazanie cech wspólnych dla badanych serwisów, aby sprawdzić, czy spełniają one podstawowe kryteria użyteczności i funkcjonalności. Zastosowaną metodą badawczą była ocena heurystyczna. Na potrzeby analizy porównawczej serwisów skonstruowano narzędzie badawcze w postaci schematu porównawczego zawierającego autorskie kryteria oceny. Badania własne przeprowadzono na sześciu serwisach informacyjnych publicznych Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego.Wyniki analizy stron www wykazały, że witryny uczelni sportowych pełnią określone funkcje. Najważniejszą funkcją tych serwisów jest funkcja informacyjna i promocja sportu. Obok nich pojawiają się funkcje: promocyjna, społecznościowa, wizerunkowa oraz komunikacyjna. Nie wszystkie strony spełniają jednak kryteria użyteczności. Ocena akademickich serwisów internetowych może stanowić cenne źródło informacji dla uczelni, które chciałyby zwiększyć użyteczność i funkcjonalność własnych witryn.The subject of the master thesis is the structure and functions of the websites of the Academies of Physical Education in Poland. The purpose of the dissertation was to demonstrate the common features of the web pages examined under investigation to verify that they meet the basic criteria of usability and functionality. The applied research method was a heuristic evaluation. For the purpose of comparative analysis of the web pages, a research tool was constructed in the form of a comparison chart containing the own evaluation criteria. Own research was conducted on six websites of the public Academies of Physical Education.The results of analysis of websites have shown that Academies of Physical Education websites perform certain functions. The most important function of these websites are the information function and the sports promotion. Next to them appear functions: promotional, social, image and communication. Not all sites, however, meet the criteria of usability. The evaluation of academic websites can provide a valuable source of information for universities that would like to influence the usefulness and functionality of their websites

    Analysis of ship accidents based on European statistical surveys

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    The International Maritime Organization (IMO) introduces, adopts, and implements new instruments, such as conventions, resolutions, and guidelines, to prevent and minimize the number and severity of accidents involving ships at sea. The results of international maritime safety requirements introduced in recent years are presented in this paper. The impact of these regulations on ship safety improvement in European marine waters was determined via an analysis of accidents over a seven-year period of 2014–2020. The analysis was based on the classification of accidents by their severity, by the type of ship involved, and by the identified causes or contributing factors. Evident, still existing “weak points” of maritime safety monitoring are emphasized, such as low reporting of incidents and superficial identification of contributing factors. It is worth noting that the technological development of marine electronic systems introduced both positive effects and novel threats to the safety of navigation. An example is an uncritical overreliance on technology and information provided via electronic means and sensors. In this context the usage of integrated, digitized bridge systems in contemporary maritime vessels and future remote control systems was stressed