66 research outputs found

    Evaluation the best condition of Fibrinolytic protease production using factorial design by Streptomyces sp DPUA 1573

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    XI Reunião Regional Nordeste da SBBq | 4th International Symposium in Biochemistry of Macromolecules and BiotechnologyFibrinolytic enzymes have the ability to degrade fibrin clots formed for avoiding intravascular thrombosis. In the pharmaceutical industry there is a search for new fibrinolytic agent that reduces the production cost and increasing productivity. The use of microorganism for enzyme production, such as the genus Streptomyces has been reported. Streptomyces is a Gram-positive bacteria, responsible for producing many bioactive compounds and extracellular enzymes of pharmaceutical interest. This study aimed to evaluated the production of fibrinolytic protease by Streptomyces sp DPUA 1573. Microbial cells were cultivated in the ISP2 for 48 hours, after this period the strains were inoculated in MS2 (soybean medium) that according with factorial design 24 (concentrations of soybean 0.5; 1.0 and 1.5%, glucose 0; 0.5 and 1.0% and different speeds 150 rpm; 200 rpm and 250 rpm and temperature 28C; 30C and 32C). The factorial design was analyzed by variance analysis (anova) and the glucose concentration showed a positive and significative effect. The results showed that the variable interaction had significant effect. that the best condition was composed 1.5% soybean, 1% glucose, 28 ºC and 150 speed in 48 hours, with production fibrinolytic 1391.66 U/mL. These values were higher than those reported in the literature. However these results show the biggest potencial in production fibrinolytic enzyme by Streptomyces.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Vida e morte nos jogos da Antiguidade: entre poder, competição e religião

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    Apresentação do dossiê Vida e morte nos jogos da Antiguidade: entre poder, competição e religiãoIntroduction of dossier Life and death in Ancient games: between power, competition and religio

    Production and characterization of new fibrinolytic protease from Mucor subtillissimus UCP 1262 in solid-state fermentation

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    Fibrinolytic enzymes have received attention regarding their medicinal potential for thrombolytic diseases, a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Various natural enzymes purified from animal, plant and microbial sources have been extensively studied. The aim of this work was to produce fibrinolytic protease by solid state fermentation using agro industrial substrates. Rhizopus arrhizus var. arrhizus UCP 1295 and Mucor subtillissimus UCP 1262 filamentous fungi species isolated from soil of Caatinga-PE, Brasil, were used as producer microorganisms. Wheat bran was shown to be the best substrate for the production of the enzyme and by using a 23 full factorial design the main effects and interactions of the quantity of the substrate wheat bran, moisture and temperature on the fibrinolytic enzyme production and protease were evaluated. The best results for fibrinolytic and protease activities, 144.58 U/mL and 48.33 U/mL, respectively, were obtained with Mucor subtillissimus UCP 1262 using as culture medium 3 g wheat bran, 50% moisture at a temperature of 25˚C for 72 hours. The optimum temperature for the produced enzyme was 45˚C and most of its original activity was retained after being subjected to 80˚C for 120 min. The protease activity was enhanced by K+, Ca+ and Mn+; but with Cu+ there was an inhibition. The specificity to chromogenic substrate and the inhibition by PMSF indicates that it is a chymotrypsin-like serine protease. Presented results suggest that this enzyme produced by solid-state fermentation is an interesting alternative as a candidate for thrombolytic therapy

    Visibility of the Ribeirão Preto College of Nursing in the Newspaper (1951-1952) / Visibilidade da Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto na Imprensa Escrita (1951-1952)

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    Objetivo: analisar a visibilidade Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo, anexa à Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto, no momento de sua criação legal, em quatro jornais da cidade. Método: trata-se de pesquisa de perspectiva histórica, tendo como eixo norteador a Micro História e as noções de campo jornalístico de Pierre Bourdieu. Resultados: localizaram-se 14 matérias jornalísticas sobre a Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto e/ou enfermagem/enfermeiro(a). Conclusão: Houve visibilidade da instituição no texto jornalístico, no momento de sua criação legal, embora não tenha constituído o centro de nenhuma das notícias. A importância da instituição se apresenta de forma ambivalente; aquela que agrega capital científico ou aquela que está sob a tutela da medicina. Isso pode estar relacionado ao fato de que sua primeira diretora e criadora ainda não estava presente na cidade no momento do estudo

    Performance of Hevea brasiliensis under drought conditions on osmoregulation and antioxidant activity through evaluation of vacuolar invertase and reducing sugars

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    Rubber tree cultivation is limited in many regions by abiotic factors such as drought. We investigated the biochemical mechanisms responsible for responses to, and recovery from, drought conditions during the establishment phase of four high latex producing rubber tree clones (RRIM600, IAC40, PR255 and GT1). Five-month-old plants were exposed to 32 days of water restriction, followed by 15 days of soil rehydration. Leaf area, as well as their osmolyte accumulations, saccharolytic enzyme activity, and oxidative stress markers, were accompanied. Although clones IAC40 and PR255 responded more precociously to drought conditions, halting leaf expansion before clones GT1 and RRIM600, they demonstrated slow recuperation after reestablishing irrigation. The greater tolerances of clones RRIM600 and GT1 to drought conditions were related to greater vacuolar invertase (VINV) activity in their leaves, which guaranteed more significant accumulations of vacuolar reducing sugars (RS). Similar to RS, glycine betaine accumulations were related to osmoprotection and to reducing oxidative damage (lipidic peroxidation) caused by water deficit conditions. The observed decreases in cytosol neutral invertase (AINV) and cell wall insoluble invertase (CWINV) activities, which resulted in cytosol hexose decreases, may be related to increases in antioxidant enzyme (superoxide dismutase and ascorbate peroxidase) activities in the leaves in response to water deficit conditions. As such, the introduction of specific sugars (RS) and the modulation of key carbon metabolism enzymes, such as VINV, are promising strategies for promoting drought tolerance in rubber tree clones

    Compilação de dados referentes à Síndrome de Fabry – uma exposição de evidências / Fabry Syndrome data Compilation - an exposition of evidence

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    INTRODUÇÃO: O presente trabalho tem como objetivo resumir a etiopatogenia, a epidemiologia, a apresentação clínica, o diagnóstico, o tratamento e o prognóstico da Síndrome de Fabry (SF). Não existe conflito de interesses neste trabalho.METODOLOGIA: Foi feita uma revisão de literatura com busca no PubMed, LILACS e SciELO. Utilizou-se os descritores (“Fabry's disease”) pesquisados no MeSH e DeCS. Foram pesquisados artigos que configuraram metanálises e revisões sistemáticas, nos idiomas inglês, espanhol e português, publicados entre 2014 e 2020. Na busca encontrou-se 171 artigos que foram restringidos para um total de 8 artigos.DISCUSSÃO: A SF é conhecida como uma desordem do armazenamento lipídico. É um distúrbio raro recessivo ligado ao cromossomo X, que causa uma deficiência na atividade da enzima alfa-galactosidase e promove mais sintomas em homens do que em mulheres. Esse defeito provoca um acúmulo lisossômico progressivo da globotriaosilceramida nas células. O acúmulo de Gb3 e o de glicosfingolipídeos ocasiona lesões teciduais que afetam os sistemas cardiovascular, renal, gastrointestinal, cerebrovascular, neurológico, auditivo, ocular e cutâneo. Os homens são mais afetados comparados com mulheres heterozigóticas. Adiporfose e angioqueratoma, opacidade corneana, perda auditiva e dor abdominal. Além disso, apresentam anormalidades dismórficas leves típicas:  plenitude periorbitária, lóbulos proeminentes das orelhas, testa encravada, ângulo nasal pronunciado, cristas supraorbitais proeminentes, face mediana rasa, orelhas rotacionadas posteriormente e prognatismo. O diagnóstico inicia-se com o suspeito clínico com avaliação multidisciplinar, a maioria dos casos de SF é diagnosticada no contexto de investigação genética, sobretudo no gene GLA, na imagem por ressonância magnética ou na ecocardiografia transtorácica. O tratamento é baseado na administração da terapia de reposição enzimática e requer acompanhamento com equipe multidisciplinar.CONCLUSÃO: Apesar da SF ser uma síndrome rara algumas informações possibilitam melhora na qualidade de vida do paciente. Podendo assim, proporcionar medidas de prevenção adequadas a cada caso. Sendo que ainda, muitas das suas facetas não estão completamente compreendidas e o conhecimento para orientar políticas de saúde específicas ainda é limitado

    Factors associated with pulmonary infection in kidney and kidney-pancreas transplant recipients: a case-control study

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    ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the etiology of and factors associated with pulmonary infection in kidney and kidney-pancreas transplant recipients. Methods: This was a single-center case-control study conducted between December of 2017 and March of 2020 at a referral center for kidney transplantation in the city of Belo Horizonte, Brazil. The case:control ratio was 1:1.8. Cases included kidney or kidney-pancreas transplant recipients hospitalized with pulmonary infection. Controls included kidney or kidney-pancreas transplant recipients without pulmonary infection and matched to cases for sex, age group, and donor type (living or deceased). Results: A total of 197 patients were included in the study. Of those, 70 were cases and 127 were controls. The mean age was 55 years (for cases) and 53 years (for controls), with a predominance of males. Corticosteroid use, bronchiectasis, and being overweight were associated with pulmonary infection risk in the multivariate logistic regression model. The most common etiologic agent of infection was cytomegalovirus (in 14.3% of the cases), followed by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (in 10%), Histoplasma capsulatum (in 7.1%), and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (in 7.1%). Conclusions: Corticosteroid use, bronchiectasis, and being overweight appear to be risk factors for pulmonary infection in kidney/kidney-pancreas transplant recipients, endemic mycoses being prevalent in this population. Appropriate planning and follow-up play an important role in identifying kidney and kidney-pancreas transplant recipients at risk of pulmonary infection


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    O presente artigo, oriundo das discussões e reflexões dos Projetos de Pesquisa denominados Práticas Socioculturais e as Novas Tecnologias e Compliance e Práticas Socioculturais se destinam a analisar a aplicabilidade da IA (inteligência artificial) nos diversos âmbitos do Direito, ressaltando a sua importância e a sua contribuição para a celeridade, rapidez processual e distribuição da justiça, embora possam advir reflexos e efeitos colaterais prejudiciais à adequada interpretação jurídica quase sempre caudatária de graves violações a direitos fundamentais

    Estudo do Uso do Aquecimento Solar Aplicado ao Setor Industrial Têxtil Brasileiro

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    Os setores produtivos têxteis com maior peso no consumo de energia são os de acabamentos e o tingimento, quando comparados com os setores da fiação, tecelagem e confecção. As etapas de acabamento e tingimento têm uma forte componente térmica, o que demanda implementar outros tipos de energias. O estudo de caso prevê avaliar o uso da energia solar, por meio de tecnologias termosolares inovadoras no setor industrial têxtil brasileiro