536 research outputs found

    On pro-p Cappitt groups with finite exponent

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    A pro-p Cappitt group is a pro-p group G such that the subgroup topologically generated by all non-normal closed subgroups is a proper subgroup of G. In this paper we prove that non-abelian pro-p Cappitt groups whose torsion subgroup is closed has finite exponent. We also prove that in a pro-p Cappitt group its subgroup commutator is a procyclic central subgroup. Finally we show that pro-2 Cappitt groups of exponent 4 are pro-2 Dedekind groups. These results are pro-p versions of the generalized Dedekind groups studied by Cappitt

    Elimination of the spin supplementary condition in the effective field theory approach to the post-Newtonian approximation

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    The present paper addresses open questions regarding the handling of the spin supplementary condition within the effective field theory approach to the post-Newtonian approximation. In particular it is shown how the covariant spin supplementary condition can be eliminated at the level of the potential (which is subtle in various respects) and how the dynamics can be cast into a fully reduced Hamiltonian form. Two different methods are used and compared, one based on the well-known Dirac bracket and the other based on an action principle. It is discussed how the latter approach can be used to improve the Feynman rules by formulating them in terms of reduced canonical spin variables.Comment: 42 pages, document changed to match published version, in press; Ann. Phys. (N. Y.) (2012

    Transporte de passageiros no Brasil: análise e comentários de um estudo de caso à luz da responsabilidade social corporativa

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    Analyzing the Brazilian’s Railroad Cargo and Passengers Transportation since privatization in the 90´s years – excluding metropolitan service like subway- the sector has shown growth after decades of decline under Government Control. However, this increase up to now did not reach the railroad passengers transportation, the most important way to locomotion in the start of last century. In this time, cities have grown around passenger’s station. This article targets show an overview of the sector and analyze, by the social accountability view, how railroad’s companies can use the restart service for helping the neighbors cities in their development and get profits using good corporate image from this. Key words: Social Accountability, Railroad Transportation, Railroad Companies, Passenger Transportation.Analisando o modal de transporte ferroviário de cargas e passageiros no Brasil desde a privatização e/ou concessão de trechos da antiga RFFSA nos anos noventa – exclui-se neste estudo, o transporte ferroviário metropolitano de passageiros como os trens de superfície e metrôs-, o setor tem mostrado franco crescimento, após décadas de decadência sob domínio estatal. Entretanto, este crescimento revigorado não atingiu o transporte de passageiros, cujo modal ferroviário era, na primeira metade do século passado, o maior responsável pelo transporte intermunicipal e interestadual de pessoas no Brasil. Neste período, ao seu redor desenvolveram-se cidades e riquezas geradas e alimentadas por esta atividade específica. Este artigo busca analisar, à luz da responsabilidade social corporativa, através do histórico do declínio do transporte ferroviário de passageiros, os impactos na vida das comunidades vizinhas das ferrovias, as perspectivas e oportunidades de ações que possam refletir na boa percepção da imagem dos concessionários do setor. Palavras-chave: Responsabilidade Social Corporativa, Transporte Ferroviário, Concessionárias de Transporte Ferroviário, Transporte de Passageiros

    Transporte de passageiros no Brasil: análise e comentários de um estudo de caso à luz da responsabilidade social corporativa

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    Analyzing the Brazilian’s Railroad Cargo and Passengers Transportation since privatization in the 90´s years – excluding metropolitan service like subway- the sector has shown growth after decades of decline under Government Control. However, this increase up to now did not reach the railroad passengers transportation, the most important way to locomotion in the start of last century. In this time, cities have grown around passenger’s station. This article targets show an overview of the sector and analyze, by the social accountability view, how railroad’s companies can use the restart service for helping the neighbors cities in their development and get profits using good corporate image from this. Key words: Social Accountability, Railroad Transportation, Railroad Companies, Passenger Transportation.Analisando o modal de transporte ferroviário de cargas e passageiros no Brasil desde a privatização e/ou concessão de trechos da antiga RFFSA nos anos noventa – exclui-se neste estudo, o transporte ferroviário metropolitano de passageiros como os trens de superfície e metrôs-, o setor tem mostrado franco crescimento, após décadas de decadência sob domínio estatal. Entretanto, este crescimento revigorado não atingiu o transporte de passageiros, cujo modal ferroviário era, na primeira metade do século passado, o maior responsável pelo transporte intermunicipal e interestadual de pessoas no Brasil. Neste período, ao seu redor desenvolveram-se cidades e riquezas geradas e alimentadas por esta atividade específica. Este artigo busca analisar, à luz da responsabilidade social corporativa, através do histórico do declínio do transporte ferroviário de passageiros, os impactos na vida das comunidades vizinhas das ferrovias, as perspectivas e oportunidades de ações que possam refletir na boa percepção da imagem dos concessionários do setor. Palavras-chave: Responsabilidade Social Corporativa, Transporte Ferroviário, Concessionárias de Transporte Ferroviário, Transporte de Passageiros

    Canonical Formulation of Spin in General Relativity

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    The present thesis aims at an extension of the canonical formalism of Arnowitt, Deser, and Misner from self-gravitating point-masses to objects with spin. This would allow interesting applications, e.g., within the post-Newtonian (PN) approximation. The extension succeeded via an action approach to linear order in the single spins of the objects without restriction to any further approximation. An order-by-order construction within the PN approximation is possible and performed to the formal 3.5PN order as a verification. In principle both approaches are applicable to higher orders in spin. The PN next-to-leading order spin(1)-spin(1) level was tackled, modeling the spin-induced quadrupole deformation by a single parameter. All spin-dependent Hamiltonians for rapidly rotating bodies up to and including 3PN are calculated.Comment: 59 pages. Dissertation, Friedrich-Schiller-Universit\"at, Jena, 2010. This thesis was submitted in June 2010. Cite as Ann. Phys. (Berlin) 523:296 (2011

    Primeiras evidências sobre os determinantes da duração dos cursos de mestrado em economia no Brasil

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    The purpose ofthis paper is to determine, using duration models, which characteristics of Economics graduate students affec ttheir probability of concluding their courses. The Kaplan-Meyer estimator pointed out the graduate institution, the undergraduate institution, the entry year, and the relative grade as statistically significant. The Cox model and the parametric model showed that besides the entry year, the relative grade is important for the duration of the Master program. There is, therefore, some indication that it would be important to increase the demand for performance and decrease the length of the courses. It is necessary to observe that this paper constitutes a first at tempt to address the question. Many of the graduate institutions do not have organized data on their students, and this way could not be included in the sample. We hope, however, that the results obtained here stimulate these institutions to gather information on their students and that the estimations could be done again in the fixture using a more representative sample. A better understanding of the subject would allow the different graduate institutions to change their policies, reducing the duration of their courses without loosing quality. The ultimate result would be a better allocation of the resources that are mainly public

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