704 research outputs found

    Moral reasoning and judgment in childhood. Relations to mind understanding and peer acceptance

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    Abstract de póster presentado a First meeting of the SEJyD (Society for the Advancement of Judgment and Decision Making Studies)Children’s moral reasoning on compliance and rules violation, and their moral judgments, are linked to the development of their “theory of mind”. Greater ability to attribute mental states (intentions, knowledge and emotions) enable to base the attribution of responsibility, and judgment on the degree of punishment deserved, not only on the outcome of the action (harmful or not), but also on the intent to cause damage. This effect could vary depending on whether: a) the rule transgressed is a social conventional rule or a moral rule, b) the damage is physical-material or psychological-emotional. Moreover, understanding of other minds and moral reasoning that children make about the actions of others appears to be a key element in their degree of popularity and social impact. The aim of this study is to evaluate the developmental relationship between child moral reasoning, understanding of other minds and degree of acceptance by their peers. Participants were 89 children from 4 to 13 years; they were administered: a battery of stories that assessed moral reasoning abilities, a battery of “theory of mind” tasks, peer-nomination inventory. Results show that by 6 years of age begin differences in mind understanding and moral reasoning and judgment among children of the same age: popular and average distinguish between accidental and deliberate transgression (although up to 8 years all children believe that both deserve to be punished); only rejected children consider that the transgression of conventional norms does not deserve punishment; their moral judgments are not different for physical damage than for psychological-emotional damage. By age 8 differences between popular and rejected children in their mind understanding ability and moral reasoning are increased, especially in situations of accidental damage. Children’s moral reasoning ability may have important implications for their social relationships and positive peer interactions.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    In illness and health: who rules?

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    Teoría de la mente, aceptación entre iguales y auto-percepción social

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    Las habilidades de teoría de la mente (ToM) de los niños han sido relacionadas con la aceptación y con el rechazo que reciben por parte de sus iguales. Este estudio pretende explorar si la habilidad de atribución de estados mentales repercute, adicionalmente, en la precisión con que perciben si son o no socialmente aceptados. Los objetivos de este trabajo se centran en la relación entre las habilidades de teoría de la mente de los niños, el nivel de aceptación que reciben por parte de sus iguales y la precisión diádica con la que perciben ese nivel de aceptación. Los participantes fueron 87 niños (45 niñas) de entre 5 y 11 años. Se les administraron una selección de tareas de ToM cognitiva y de ToM afectiva así como una cuestionario sociométrico. Los resultados confirman una relación positiva entre ToM y aceptación por los iguales y una relación negativa entre aceptación y auto-percepción social. Además, se aportan datos sobre rendimiento en tareas específicas de ToM asociado a la percepción de la aceptación. La atribución de estados mentales es una variable útil para percibir las señales del entorno social y hacer un uso correcto de ella permite la adaptación al grupo.Children’s Theory of Mind (ToM) skills have previously been related to the degree of acceptance and rejection they receive from their peers. This study aims to explore whether children’s ability to attribute mental states also affects the precision with which they perceive whether or not they themselves are socially accepted. The objective of this paper is to explore the relationship between children’s ToM skills, the level of peer acceptance and the dyadic precision with which they perceive this level of social acceptance. Eighty-seven children (45 girls) aged between 5 and 11 years old participated in the study. Participants were given a selection of cognitive ToM tasks, affective ToM tasks and a sociometric questionnaire. The results demonstrate a positive relationship between ToM and peer acceptance and a negative relationship between peer acceptance and social self-perception. In addition the study provides performance data on specific ToM tasks associated with individual perception of peer acceptance. Attribution of mental states is an effective variable to perceive social signals and, used correctly, enables social adaptation

    Mutirões Autogestionarios: lucha emancipadora de los movimientos sociales

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    3º congresso – As múltiplas Faces da Arquitetura Contemporânea de 2016 – As múltiplas Faces da Arquitetura Contemporânea – foram apresentados pelos/as estudantes da disciplina de Crítica e História da Arquitetura e da Cidade IV sob orientação da professora Andreia Moassab, do curso de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-americana – UNILA. O congresso é parte da avaliação final da disciplina, no qual os/as estudantes apresentam a sua versão e dialogam com autores/as e textos de referência sobre a arquitetura nas últimas décadasLos mutirões autogestionarios representan espacios de experiencias emancipadoras y fortalecimiento de las organizaciones sociales, en la búsqueda de soluciones y acciones colectivas, intercambiando ideas y experiencias. Pedro Arantes habla en el capítulo ‘’O fim da meada’’ sobre el grupo Arquitectura nueva: Sergio Ferro, Flavio Imperio y Rodrigo Lefèvre, estos arquitectos proponían a través de sus ensayos soluciones para la vivienda popular pretendiendo combatir el déficit habitacional, tales experiencias fueron desarrolladas en los mutirões autogeridos a partir de 198

    Macròlids: mecanismes d'acció i de resistència

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    Els macròlids són agents descrits per primera vegada als anys cinquanta, molt emprats en el tractament de microorganismes grampositius. Actuen al ribosoma, unint-se de manera reversible a la subunitat 50S. Actualment se'n coneixen diferents mecanismes de resistència, que van des de la modificació de la diana fins a la desactivació de l'antibiòtic, passant per bombes d'expulsió o problemes de permeabilitat.Macrolides are agents described by first time in the 50s. These agents are extensively used in the infections by gram-positive microorganisms. They act in the ribosome, by means of a reversible union with the 50S subunit. Currently we know different resistance mechanisms, and those include target modification, antibiotic inactivation, efflux pumps or impermeability


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    Odont. Carmen Portill

    10caminhos: design participativo e inovação tecnológica para constituição de núcleos produtivos em economia solidária

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    Anais do VI Encontro de Iniciação Científica e II Encontro Anual de Iniciação ao Desenvolvimento Tecnológico e Inovação – EICTI 2017 - 04 a 06 de outubro de 2017 - temática Ciências HumanasEl proyecto de Iniciación Científica “10CAMINHOS : Design Participativo e Inovação Tecnológica para constituição de Núcleos Produtivos em Economia Solidária” pretende crear núcleos de desing participativo vinculado con la economía solidaria, priorizando y potencializando a través de la creatividad el empoderamiento femenino, además de colaborar con orientaciones tanto de la producción como en la estructuración formal del colectivo de mujeres costureras. Así también tiene como foco principal a partir de la creatividad y la creación de productos la posibilidad de transformarlos tanto en fuentes de trabajos como de ingresos económicosUniversidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (Unila); Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq); Fundação Araucária; Parque Tecnológico Itaipu (PTI) e Companhia de Saneamento do Paraná (SANEPAR

    Physical activity and mental health experiences of people living with long term conditions during COVID-19 pandemic:A qualitative study

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    Introduction: regular physical activity is a strategy that is effective in the physical management of long term conditions. The COVID-19 pandemic, led to disruption of physical activity routines for many people with long term conditions. It is important, to understand the experiences of people with long term conditions regarding physical activity during COVID-19 to enable future identification of strategies to mitigate the impact of restrictions on health.Objective: to explore perceptions and experiences of people with long term conditions of the impact of the UK Government physical distancing restrictions on their physical activity participation during the COVID-19 pandemic.Methods: a qualitative study, with in depth videoconference semi-structured interviews were conducted between January and April 2022, with 26 adults living with at least one long term condition in the UK. Data were managed in analytical matrices within Excel and data analysis was conducted using thematic analysis.Results. Two main themes were developed, explaining how participants managed their physical activity during COVID19 lockdowns, and based on those experiences, what they considered should be in place should another lockdown occur:1) COVID-19 and physical activity: Losses, opportunities and adapting to new formats; and 2) Micro, meso, and macro contexts: creating the right conditions for physical activity support in future pandemics.Conclusions: this study provides information on how people with long term conditions managed their condition during the COVID-19 pandemic and generates new understanding of how physical activity routines changed. These findings will be used to inform stakeholder engagement meetings with individuals with long term conditions and local, regional, and national policy makers, to co-produce recommendations that will help people living with long term conditions remain active during and after COVID-19 and other pandemics.<br/

    Adición de ceniza de aserrín para estabilizar la subrasante de un suelo cohesivo en una vía urbana Huancané – Puno, 2022

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    Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo general estabilizar la subrasante de un suelo cohesivo en una vía urbana mediante la adición de ceniza de aserrín; estableciéndose realizar los ensayos de granulometría, límites de Atterberg, Proctor modificado y CBR. La metodología utilizada fue de método hipotético deductivo, tipo aplicativo, enfoque cuantitativo, con diseño experimental y de nivel explicativo. Los resultados según los objetivos específicos al incorporar ceniza de aserrín en 8%, 13% y 18% demostraron que con la adición del 16% de ceniza de aserrín se obtuvieron valores sobre el índice de plasticidad 18.87%, optimo contenido de humedad 9.49%, MDS 1.978 g/cm3 y CBR al 95% de la MDS de 15.37%. Concluyendo que dentro de las propiedades físicas como son: el índice de plasticidad se evidencio un descenso considerable, así mismo dentro de las propiedades mecánicas el contenido de humedad tendió a disminuir, generando así una mayor máxima densidad seca, en tanto sobre la capacidad portante del terreno se elevó considerablemente, cumpliendo en su totalidad con las especificaciones técnicas generales para la construcción de vías en la condición de subrasantes