2,168 research outputs found

    Leveraging Citation Networks to Visualize Scholarly Influence Over Time

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    Assessing the influence of a scholar's work is an important task for funding organizations, academic departments, and researchers. Common methods, such as measures of citation counts, can ignore much of the nuance and multidimensionality of scholarly influence. We present an approach for generating dynamic visualizations of scholars' careers. This approach uses an animated node-link diagram showing the citation network accumulated around the researcher over the course of the career in concert with key indicators, highlighting influence both within and across fields. We developed our design in collaboration with one funding organization---the Pew Biomedical Scholars program---but the methods are generalizable to visualizations of scholarly influence. We applied the design method to the Microsoft Academic Graph, which includes more than 120 million publications. We validate our abstractions throughout the process through collaboration with the Pew Biomedical Scholars program officers and summative evaluations with their scholars

    Leveraging citation networks to generate narrative visualizations of scholars’ careers

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    We present an approach for generating dynamic narrative visualizations of scholars' careers. This approach includes an animated node-link diagram which shows the citation network accumulated around the researcher over the course of the career, with nodes and links appearing as the representation of the career progresses. Additional data provide more richness to the narrative, including timelines of key indicators, career milestones, and excerpts from qualitative interviews with the scholars. The intended audiences for this work include the scholars, who can enjoy and gain insight from a new way of looking back on their careers, and funding agencies, who have an interest in finding ways to evaluate the impact that their scholars have had

    Fentanyl buccal soluble film (FBSF) for breakthrough pain in patients with cancer: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study

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    Background: Fentanyl buccal soluble film (FBSF) has been developed as a treatment of breakthrough pain in opioid-tolerant patients with cancer. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of FBSF at doses of 200–1200 μg in the management of breakthrough pain in patients with cancer receiving ongoing opioid therapy

    Culpa e sátira no divã: duas crônicas jornalisticas de Sayed Kashua

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    In this paper, I analyze two journalistic chronicles written by the Israeli Arab author Sayed Kashua published in Israeli newspaper Haaretz. In these texts, a clash between a radical and racist society and the ethics and moral heritage of the creators of Zionism, according to which the Arabs would receive equal rights as the Jewish population, are the background of these stories which are as satirical as tragic. The prejudice against the Arab population permeates the situations in which “I of the chronicler” live, but it is up to the reader to decide if it is just a possibility that could be experienced, if they actually permeate the Arab relations in Israeli Jewish society or if these are alternatives that are complementary.Neste artigo, são analisadas duas crônicas jornalísticas do escritor árabe israelense Sayed Kashua publicadas no jornal Haaretz. Nelas, um embate entre uma sociedade radical e racista e a herança ética e moral dos idealizadores do Sionismo, segundo a qual os árabes receberiam direitos iguais aos da popula-ção judaica, encontram-se como pano de fundo de histórias tão satíricas quanto trágicas. O preconceito contra o árabe permeia as situações pelas quais passa o eu do cronista, mas cabe ao leitor decidir se ele é apenas uma possibilidade que poderia ser vivenciada, se ele de fato está presente nas relações do árabe na sociedade judaico israelense à sua volta ou se estas são alternativas que se complementam

    Tão dúbio, tão coerente: forma e conteúdo nas crônicas jornalísticas de Sayed Kashua

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    Este artigo consiste na análise de duas crônicas jornalísticas do escritor árabe-israelense Sayed Kashua publicadas no jornal israelense Haaretz. Estes textos são selecionados devido à sua riqueza de conteúdo e pelo uso de estratégias retóricas, tais como a autoironia e o sarcasmo, para expor os conflitos pelos quais passa o “eu do cronista” retratado pelo autor. Este estudo tem como base os Estudos Culturais e os Novos Paradigmas Literários, ferramentas que permitem o estudo das crônicas jornalísticas como textos literários. Nestas crônicas, de uma maneira despretensiosa, partindo de experiências subjetivas e de temas familiares, com autoironia e tom satírico, Kashua reporta as experiências de um árabe israelense que vive num embate em torno de suas duplas lealdades e ideologias conflitantes, refletindo uma negociação entre sua etnicidade e sua nacionalidade. A crônica, neste contexto, é considerada o local apropriado para a escrita de Kashua: a ambiguidade do gênero é similar à necessidade de quebras de dualidades na sociedade israelense para entendermos e convivermos com o “eu do cronista” de Sayed Kashua. So dubious, so coherent: form and content in Sayed Kashua´s journalistic chronicles - Abstract: This paper consists of the literary analysis oftwo journalistic chronicles written in Hebrew by the Muslim Arab Israeli author Sayed Kashua published in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz. These texts are selected due to their richness of content and use of rhetorical strategies such as self-irony and sarcasm to expose the conflicts through which the “I of the chronicler” portrayed by the author goesthrough. This analysis will rely on theoretical assumptions of Cultural Studies and the “New literary paradigms”, tools that will enable us to study the journalistic chronicle as a literary text. In these chronicles, in a non-pretentious way, coming from the subjective experiences and family topics, with self-irony and in a satirical way, Kashua reports the experiences of an Israeli Arab who lives in a clash over his dual loyalty and conflicting ideologies, reflecting a negotiation between his ethnicity and his nationality. The chronicle, in this context, is considered the appropriate location for Kashua’s writings: the ambiguity of the literary genre is similar to the necessity of breaking dualities in Israeli society to understand and to be acquainted with the “I of the chronicler” of Sayed Kashua

    Árabe, fale hebraico: a língua como último reduto da batalha identitária do árabe israelense

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    A língua é um componente importante quando abordamos a questão da identidade. No caso das crônicas do escritor árabe israelense Sayed Kashua, a temática da língua de escrita aparece quase que de maneira obsessiva. A maneira como Kashua trata o tema da língua não é convencional e nem poderia ser. Sayed Kashua é um árabe israelense que escreve toda a sua obra ficcional e jornalística em hebraico. Baseando-se na análise de diversas crônicas do autor publicadas no jornal israelense Haaretz, este artigo analisa como Kashua lida com a língua como uma ferramenta de identidade. Por meio do humor e da autoironia, este árabe israelense transita entre culturas, fidelidades e infidelidades e coloca a língua, tanto o hebraico quanto o árabe, no centro da batalha identitária e último reduto do árabe em contato com o ethos judaico israelense

    Лечение острых респираторных вирусных инфекций человека поляризованным полихроматическим некогерентным светом

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    В статье приведены данные литературы и собственных исследований по улучшению лечения и предупреждения возникновения опасных тяжёлых осложнений гриппа и ОРВИ у человека путём использования поляризованного света, направленного на воспалённые участки больного гриппом (ОРВИ).В статті наведено дані літератури та власних досліджень стосовно поліпшення лікування грипу та ГРВІ у людини шляхом використання поляризованого світла, який спрямований на запальні ділянки хворого на грип (ГРВІ) та попередження виникнення небезпечВпервые поступила в редакцию 21.01.2017 г. Рекомендована к печати на заседании редакционной коллегии после рецензирования них важких ускладнень.In the article the literature data and own studies on improving the method of treatment of influenza and SARS in humans by using polarized light, which is aimed at inflammatory sites with influenza virus (SARS) and prevention of hazardous heavy complications