13,000 research outputs found

    Out-of-equilibrium density dynamics of a spinful Luttinger liquid

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    Using a Luttinger liquid theory we investigate the time evolution of the particle density of a one-dimensional spinful fermionic system with open boundaries and subject to a finite-duration quench of the inter-particle interaction. Taking into account also the turning on of an umklapp perturbation to the system Hamiltonian as a result of the quench, we study the possible formation of a Wigner molecule inside the system, focusing in particular on the sudden and adiabatic regimes. We show that the creation of this correlated state is essentially due to the propagation of "light-cone" perturbations through system which arise after both switching on and switching off the quenching protocol and that its behavior strongly depends on the quench duration.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures. Proceedings submitted to Nuovo Cimento C - Colloquia and Communications in Physic

    Energy-Efficient selective activation in Femtocell Networks

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    Provisioning the capacity of wireless networks is difficult when peak load is significantly higher than average load, for example, in public spaces like airports or train stations. Service providers can use femtocells and small cells to increase local capacity, but deploying enough femtocells to serve peak loads requires a large number of femtocells that will remain idle most of the time, which wastes a significant amount of power. To reduce the energy consumption of over-provisioned femtocell networks, we formulate a femtocell selective activation problem, which we formalize as an integer nonlinear optimization problem. Then we introduce GREENFEMTO, a distributed femtocell selective activation algorithm that deactivates idle femtocells to save power and activates them on-the-fly as the number of users increases. We prove that GREENFEMTO converges to a locally Pareto optimal solution and demonstrate its performance using extensive simulations of an LTE wireless system. Overall, we find that GREENFEMTO requires up to 55% fewer femtocells to serve a given user load, relative to an existing femtocell power-saving procedure, and comes within 15% of a globally optimal solution

    Protein accumulation in the endoplasmic reticulum as a non-equilibrium phase transition

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    Several neurological disorders are associated with the aggregation of aberrant proteins, often localized in intracellular organelles such as the endoplasmic reticulum. Here we study protein aggregation kinetics by mean-field reactions and three dimensional Monte carlo simulations of diffusion-limited aggregation of linear polymers in a confined space, representing the endoplasmic reticulum. By tuning the rates of protein production and degradation, we show that the system undergoes a non-equilibrium phase transition from a physiological phase with little or no polymer accumulation to a pathological phase characterized by persistent polymerization. A combination of external factors accumulating during the lifetime of a patient can thus slightly modify the phase transition control parameters, tipping the balance from a long symptomless lag phase to an accelerated pathological development. The model can be successfully used to interpret experimental data on amyloid-\b{eta} clearance from the central nervous system

    Fast network configuration in Software Defined Networking

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    Software Defined Networking (SDN) provides a framework to dynamically adjust and re-program the data plane with the use of flow rules. The realization of highly adaptive SDNs with the ability to respond to changing demands or recover after a network failure in a short period of time, hinges on efficient updates of flow rules. We model the time to deploy a set of flow rules by the update time at the bottleneck switch, and formulate the problem of selecting paths to minimize the deployment time under feasibility constraints as a mixed integer linear program (MILP). To reduce the computation time of determining flow rules, we propose efficient heuristics designed to approximate the minimum-deployment-time solution by relaxing the MILP or selecting the paths sequentially. Through extensive simulations we show that our algorithms outperform current, shortest path based solutions by reducing the total network configuration time up to 55% while having similar packet loss, in the considered scenarios. We also demonstrate that in a networked environment with a certain fraction of failed links, our algorithms are able to reduce the average time to reestablish disrupted flows by 40%

    Network recovery from massive failures under uncertain knowledge of damages

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    This paper addresses progressive network recovery under uncertain knowledge of damages. We formulate the problem as a mixed integer linear programming (MILP), and show that it is NP-Hard. We propose an iterative stochastic recovery algorithm (ISR) to recover the network in a progressive manner to satisfy the critical services. At each optimization step, we make a decision to repair a part of the network and gather more information iteratively, until critical services are completely restored. Three different algorithms are used to find a feasible set and determine which node to repair, namely, 1) an iterative shortest path algorithm (ISR-SRT), 2) an approximate branch and bound (ISR-BB) and 3) an iterative multi-commodity LP relaxation (ISR-MULT). Further, we have modified the state-of-the-Art iterative split and prune (ISP) algorithm to incorporate the uncertain failures. Our results show that ISR-BB and ISR- MULT outperform the state-of-the-Art 'progressive ISP' algorithm while we can configure our choice of trade-off between the execution time, number of repairs (cost) and the demand loss. We show that our recovery algorithm, on average, can reduce the total number of repairs by a factor of about 3 with respect to ISP, while satisfying all critical deman

    Legal determinants of external finance revisited : the inverse relationship between investor protection and societal well-being

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    This paper investigates relationships between corporate governance traditions and quality of life as measured by a number of widely reported indicators. It provides an empirical analysis of indicators of societal health in developed economies using a classification based on legal traditions. Arguably the most widely cited work in the corporate governance literature has been the collection of papers by La Porta et al. which has shown, inter alia, statistically significant relationships between legal traditions and various proxies for investor protection. We show statistically significant relationships between legal traditions and various proxies for societal health. Our comparative evidence suggests that the interests of investors may not be congruent with the interests of wider society, and that the criteria for judging the effectiveness of approaches to corporate governance should not be restricted to financial metrics

    Correlating densities of centrality and activities in cities : the cases of Bologna (IT) and Barcelona (ES)

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    This paper examines the relationship between street centrality and densities of commercial and service activities in cities. The aim is to verify whether a correlation exists and whether some 'secondary' activities, i.e. those scarcely specialized oriented to the general public and ordinary daily life, are more linked to street centrality than others. The metropolitan area of Barcelona (Spain) is investigated, and results are compared with those found in a previous work on the city of Bologna (Italy). Street centrality is calibrated in a multiple centrality assessment (MCA) model composed of multiple measures such as closeness, betweenness and straightness. Kernel density estimation (KDE) is used to transform data sets of centrality and activities to one scale unit for correlation analysis between them. Results indicate that retail and service activities in both Bologna and Barcelona tend to concentrate in areas with better centralities, and that secondary activities exhibit a higher correlation

    Characterization of serine proteinase expression in agaricus bisporus and coprinopsis cinerea by using green fluorescent protein and the A. bisporus SPR1 Promoter

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    The Agaricus bisporus serine proteinase 1 (SPR1) appears to be significant in both mycelial nutrition and senescence of the fruiting body. We report on the construction of an SPR promoter::green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion cassette, pGreen_hph1_SPR_GFP, for the investigation of temporal and developmental expression of SPR1 in homobasidiomycetes and to determine how expression is linked to physiological and environmental stimuli. Monitoring of A. bisporus pGreen_hph1_SPR_GFP transformants on media rich in ammonia or containing different nitrogen sources demonstrated that SPR1 is produced in response to available nitrogen. In A. bisporus fruiting bodies, GFP activity was localized to the stipe of postharvest senescing sporophores. pGreen_hph1_SPR_GFP was also transformed into the model basidiomycete Coprinopsis cinerea. Endogenous C. cinerea proteinase activity was profiled during liquid culture and fruiting body development. Maximum activity was observed in the mature cap, while activity dropped during autolysis. Analysis of the C. cinerea genome revealed seven genes showing significant homology to the A. bisporus SPR1 and SPR2 genes. These genes contain the aspartic acid, histidine, and serine residues common to serine proteinases. Analysis of the promoter regions revealed at least one CreA and several AreA regulatory motifs in all sequences. Fruiting was induced in C. cinerea dikaryons, and fluorescence was determined in different developmental stages. GFP expression was observed throughout the life cycle, demonstrating that serine proteinase can be active in all stages of C. cinerea fruiting body development. Serine proteinase expression (GFP fluorescence) was most concentrated during development of young tissue, which may be indicative of high protein turnover during cell differentiatio

    Explaining the dynamics of tumor aggressiveness : at the crossroads between biology, artificial intelligence and complex systems

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    Facing metastasis is the most pressing challenge of cancer research. In this review, we discuss recent advances in understanding phenotypic plasticity of cancer cells, highlighting the kinetics of cancer stem cell and the role of the epithelial mesenchymal transition for metastasis. It appears that the tumor micro-environment plays a crucial role in triggering phenotypic transitions, as we illustrate discussing the challenges posed by macrophages and cancer associated fibroblasts. To disentangle the complexity of environmentally induced phenotypic transitions, there is a growing need for novel advanced algorithms as those proposed in our recent work combining single cell data analysis and numerical simulations of gene regulatory networks. We conclude discussing recent developments in artificial intelligence and its applications to personalized cancer treatment

    Translation and the Internet : evaluating the Quality of Free Online Machine Translators

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    The late 1990s saw the advent of free online machine translators such as Babelfish, Google Translate and Transtext. Professional opinion regarding the quality of the translations provided by them, oscillates wildly from the «laughably bad» (Ali, 2007) to «a tremendous success» (Yang and Lange, 1998). While the literature on commercial machine translators is vast, there are only a handful of studies, mostly in blog format, that evaluate and rank free online machine translators. This paper offers a review of the most significant contributions in that field with an emphasis on two key issues: (i) the need for a ranking system; (ii) the results of a ranking system devised by the authors of this paper. Our small-scale evaluation of the performance of ten free machine translators (FMTs) in «league table» format shows what a user can expect from an individual FMT in terms of translation quality. Our rankings are a first tentative step towards allowing the user to make an informed choice as to the most appropriate FMT for his/her source text and thus produce higher FMT target text quality.Durant la darrera dècada del segle xx s'introdueixen els traductors online gratuïts (TOG), com poden ser Babelfish, Google Translate o Transtext. L'opinió per part de la crítica professional sobre aquestes traduccions es mou des d'una ingrata ridiculització (Ali, 2007) a l'acceptació més incondicional (Yang y Lange, 1998). Actualment, els estudis valoratius sobre els TOG són realment escassos, la majoria en format blog, mentre que la literatura sobre els traductors comercials és enorme. L'article que plantegem aporta una revisió de les principals contribucions i posa l'èmfasi bàsicament en dues qüestions: (i) necessitat d'un sistema de classificació (un rànquing) i (ii) descripció dels resultats obtinguts pel sistema de classificació ideat pels autors d'aquest article. L'avaluació que realitzem a petita escala es basa en l'anàlisi de l'actuació de deu TOG en un rànquing que posa de manifest les expectatives que en termes de qualitat de traducció pot esperar l'usuari. El resultat del rànquing ofereix a l'usuari els criteris que millor s'ajusten a cada cas, per tal d'utilitzar un traductor o un altre en funció del text original, i obtenir com a resultat una traducció de qualitat considerable
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