535 research outputs found

    Il Periodo sassarese di Paolo Sylos Labini (1956-1958)

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    Paolo Sylos Labini (1920-2005) trascorse un biennio come professore incaricato di Economia politica presso l’Università di Sassari (1956-1958). A tale periodo risale, tra l’altro, la pubblicazione dell’edizione provvisoria di Oligopolio e progresso tecnico (luglio 1956). Generalmente, l’incarico sassarese di Sylos Labini è inserito in un contesto di diffuso pendolarismo dei docenti che ha storicamente caratterizzato l’Università isolana. Sarebbe, tuttavia, ingiusto dimenticare i profondi legami di Sylos Labini con la Sardegna e, in particolare, con alcune persone (colleghi, allievi e non solamente) incontrate a Sassari. Questa nota, anche alla luce dell’analisi di una documentazione storiografica inedita, si propone di fornire un contributo alla ricostruzione di alcune delle prime fasi della carriera accademica del noto economista

    New thoughts about red winemaking using the Portuguese emblematic red grape variety Touriga Nacional growing in Lisbon

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    Mestrado em Engenharia de Viticultura e Enologia (Double degree) / Instituto Superior de Agronomia. Universidade de Lisboa / Faculdade de Ciências. Universidade do PortoTouriga Nacional is one of the most important grapes variety in Portugal. It is used to create varied type of wine due to the high polyphenols content, the characteristic aroma and the good sugar accumulation. By one hand, consumer ask for sustainable wine, with a low content of alcohol; by the other hand, a slice of consumer ask for deeply coloured and astringent wines. The work lead to better understand chemical phenomena in wines obtained by Vitis Vinifera Sativa “Touriga Nacional”. The work differentiates a “standard protocol” by an “AEB Protocol” and study difference between two vinification methods with the support of laboratory analysis that are focused in the study of phenols compounds, colour and aroma. A study of two different wine obtained by Touriga Nacional grapes was carried out. The work lead to better understand efficiency of some oenological products used as pectic enzymes, yeast and their supplies, exogenous tannins (both hydrolysable and condensed). The wines were subjected to a maceration post fermentation of fifteen days. In order to evaluate differences, in a part of must oenological product named above wasn’t added (Control), while another part was processed with oenological products addition (Treatment). Both wines were subjected to maceration of 15 days. The finished wines were bottled and analysed in laboratory, with a particular focus on chromatic and phenolic characteristics (CIE-Lab analysis, phenolic concentration, pigments and their polymerization). The data obtained suggested that the use of pectolytic enzymes, exogenous tannins, yeast and their supplies can effectively modify important oenological parameters as colour intensity, tonality, anthocyanins concentration (and their polymerization), pigments and phenols. CIELab data suggested that differences can’t be found with naked eyes, by the way several study must be done, especially regarding aging. The results show that the use of specific oenological products, applied in different vinification phases, can effectively modify wines chemical composition, by increasing phenolic composition, colour intensity and polymerized pigments but with a reduction in anthocyanins and tonality. Each analysis was performed in triplicate and a comparison T-test (independent trial), after a variance study was carried out. More study should be done in the next years, especially using independent replicates of vinification and the same vinification procedureN/

    Kants Freiheitsargument. Diskussion von Heiko Puls: Sittliches Bewusstsein und Kategorischer Imperativ in Kants Grundlegung: Ein Kommentar zum dritten Abschnitt. Berlin und Boston: De Gruyter, 2016. 318 S

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    Heiko Puls’ work Sittliches Bewusstsein und Kategorischer Imperativ in Kants Grundlegung: Ein Kommentar zum dritten Abschnitt, presents an attempt to show that, in the Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals, Kant’s argumentation for the objective value of the categorical imperative is almost based upon the same principle as the one presented in the second Critique. More precisely, Puls claims that, like in the Critique of Practical Reason, the Groundwork operates with some kind of fact of reason-theory, which means that our consciousness of the moral law is the ratio cognoscendi of our freedom of will. Accordingly, there is no conclusion from a kind of non-moral consciousness of freedom to the freedom of will and from here to the objective value of the categorical imperative, as many interpreters assume. Due to the ambitiousness of his main thesis and his detailed and subtle way of arguing, Puls’ work represents an important and innovative contribution to recent research on Kant’s Groundwork. Nevertheless, his interpretations sometimes seem to favour analysis of loose philological relationships over closer looks on the contexts of passages. Or he focuses excessively on isolated textual evidences for his readings without appropriately recognising the various other evidences against it. In what follows, I give examples for this criticism

    Ascanio Celestini, voces amargas de los márgenes del mundo

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    Espectáculos como Radio clandestina (2000), sobre el magnicidio nazi en las Fosas Ardeatinas durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, Cecafumo (2002), un curioso montaje a partir de fábulas populares italianas, Fabbrica (2002), una reflexión sobre las condiciones de los trabajadores en el último siglo, Scemo di guerra. 4 giugno 1944 o La pecora nera. Elogio funebre del manicomio elettrico (2005), sobre las instituciones psiquiátricas en los tiempos actuales, bastan para situar la dramaturgia de Ascanio Celestini (Roma, 1972) como una de las referencias imprescindibles en el último teatro italiano. En el presente texto, el profesor y crítico Andrea Porcheddu, gran conocedor de la obra de Celestini, a quien ha convertido incluso en personaje en su último título publicado, Infedele alla linea (Maschietto, Florencia, 2015) nos aporta algunas claves de la obra del actor y dramaturgo romano

    L'<i>Horologium</i> offerto al <i>pagus civium romanorum</i> ed alla <i>civitas</i> di Numluli

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    Studio di un'iscrizione incisa su una lastra molto danneggiata di calcare biancastro, rinvenuta nell'ottobre 1998 ad El Maatrîa, l'antica Numluli

    Impiego di microonde nella sintesi di beta-lattami

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    Negli ultimi anni è stato osservato che i cis ed i trans α-idrossi-β-lattami sono alla base di un’ampia varietà di prodotti naturali, quali antibiotici β-lattamici, amino zuccheri, aminoacidi, alcaloidi, etc. Attualmente la scoperta delle proprietà antitumorali dei trans β- lattami ha rinnovato l’interesse presso la comunità scientifica per questi composti. In questo contesto è stata messa a punto una procedura per la sintesi diasterospecifica di β-lattami

    From amines to (form)amides: a simple and successful mechanochemical approach

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    Two easily accessible routes for preparing an array of formylated and acetylated amines under mechanochemical conditions are presented. The two methodologies exhibit complementary features as they enable the derivatization of aliphatic and aromatic amines

    Economia e storia dell'allevamento in Sardegna attraverso un manoscritto inedito dell'economista Gavino Alivia (1886-1959)

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    L’articolo esamina un contributo inedito del più importante economista sardo della prima metà del XX secolo, Gavino Alivia (1886-1959), relativo alle dinamiche dell’allevamento ovino in Sardegna. Dopo aver inquadrato il lavoro inedito nell’ambito della produzione scientifica di Alivia è stata posta in evidenza l’attualità del suo pensiero rispetto alle dinamiche e ai problemi che affliggono la filiera lattiero-casearia ovina della Sardegna ancora ai giorni nostr

    Cooperative e altre forme d'impresa: un'analisi istituzionale introduttiva

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    Si offre un panorama di quattro modelli istituzionali d’impresa : 1) impresa neoclassica tradizionale, 2) impresa capitalistica, 3) l’impresa cooperativa, 4) l’impresa non profit, prendendo in considerazione ogniqualvolta il ruolo del titolare dell’impresa. The article examines the problems of cooperatives in the context of the traditional questions, updated by economic science, egarding the nature of the various types of business and their varying degrees of success. It offers an overview of the 4 institutional business models: 1) the traditional neoclassic business, 2) the capitalist business, 3) the cooperative and 4) the non-profit business, each time taking the owner's role into consideratio
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