389 research outputs found

    Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) effects on subchorionic hematoma. Preliminary clinical results

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    OBJECTIVE: The clinic use of alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) is linked to its capability to exert antioxidant effects and, more interestingly, to counteract the pathologic changes of complex networks of cytokines, chemokines and growth factors, restoring their physiological state. The aim of this randomized controlled clinical trial was to test the contribution of oral supplementation of ALA to the standard treatment with Progesterone vaginal suppositories, in healing subchorionic hematomas in patients with threatened miscarriage. Controls were administered only Progesterone suppositories. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Nineteen pregnant women in the first trimester of gestation, with threatened miscarriage and ultrasound evidence of subchorionic hematoma, were included in the trial and randomly divided in two groups: controls, treated with 400 mg Progesterone (200 mg 2 times per day), given by vaginal suppositories, and case study treated with the same Progesterone dosage, plus ALA, given orally at the dose of 600 mg (300 mg 2 times per day, DAV®, Lo.Li. Pharma srl, Italy). Sixteen patients completed the trial. Treatment was performed until complete resolution of the clinical picture. RESULTS: In both groups, the subjects improved significantly but, in general, a better and faster evolution in the major signs of threatened miscarriage was observed in the subjects treated with ALA and Progesterone. In these patients, the speed of resorption of subchorionic hematoma was significantly (p ≤ 0.05) superior compared to controls. The ALA and Progesterone group showed a faster decrease or disappearance of all symptoms than that observed in the control group, however the difference was not significant. CONCLUSIONS: These preliminary results suggest that ALA supplementation significantly contributes to speed up the process of restoration of physiological conditions in threatened miscarriage and ameliorates the medical conditions of both the mothers and the foetus, probably modulating the networks of cytokines, growth factors and other molecules

    Laser cutting of basalt fibre reinforced polymers by QCW fiber laser: interaction mechanisms and effect of laser parameters

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    In the paper, laser cutting of basalt fibre reinforced polymer laminate using a 450 W QCW fiber laser, working in a pulsed regime is presented. Preliminary tests were performed on a basalt laminate, 1.3 mm in thickness, changing the pulse power (Pp) and pulse duration (D) to find the maximum cutting speed. Then a 33 experimental plan was carried out changing the pulse power, the pulse duration, and the cutting speed. The kerf width and the heat-affected zone were measured in the section and on the external surfaces. ANOVA analysis was adopted to assess the process parameters’ influence. The interaction mechanisms were found and discussed. From the results, the BFRP laminate appears easy to cut at maximum cutting speeds up to 3500 mm/min. However, thermal damages occur. Kerf geometry and HAZ are mainly affected by the cutting speed, while the Pp and D seem to have a minor role

    A neurally-interfaced hand prosthesis tuned inter-hemispheric communication

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    Purpose: This work investigates how a direct bidirectional connection between brain and hand prosthesis modifies the bi-hemispheric sensorimotor system devoted to the movement control of the lost limb. Hand prostheses are often unable to satisfy users' expectations, mostly due to the poor performance of their interfacing system. Neural Interfaces implanted inside nerves of the stump offer the advantage of using the bidirectional neural pathways 'naturally' dispatching signals to control proper hand actions and feed-back sensations. Learning to control a neurally-interfaced hand prosthesis and decode sensory information was previously observed to reduce the inter-hemispheric asymmetry of cortical motor maps and the clinical symptoms of phantom limb syndrome. Methods: Electroencephalographic (EEG) data was analysed using Functional Source Separation (FSS), a semi-blind method that incorporates prior knowledge about the signal of interest into data decomposition to give access to cortical patch activities. Results: Bi-hemispheric cortices showed normalization of their activity (topographical and spectral patterns) and of functional connectivity between homologous hand controlling areas, during the delivery of the motor command to the cybernetic prosthesis. Conclusions: The re-establishment of central-peripheral communication with the lost limb induced by a neurally-interfaced hand prosthesis produces beneficial plastic reorganization, not only restructuring contralateral directly-connected control areas, but also their functional balance within the bi-hemispheric system necessary for motor control

    The management of atrophies classified as V class according to Cawood & Howell by piezo-electric surgery

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    Introducción: Los casos analizados presentaban atrofias severas (V clase según Cawood y Howell) (1), que se caracterizan por presentar una densidad de la cresta transversal inferior a 4 mm y vertical inferior a 6 mm; ello hace pensar en la posibilidad de una rehabilitación implanto-soportada. Objetivo: Evaluación de la rehabilitación de pacientes afectados por severa atrofia del maxilar superior clase V según Cawood y Howell) (1) rehabilitados con elevación del seno maxilar e injerto de hueso autólogo. Materiales y métodos: Estudio longitudinal a partir de una muestra de 32 pacientes, con atrofia maxilar severa y edentulismo parcial o total. En todos los pacientes se ha colocado un injerto con técnica de reconstrucción onlay mono o bicortical y se ha adoptado la cirugía piezoeléctrica para realizar el elevación del seno, el cual podía ser mono o bilateral, de hueso autólogo procedente de la cresta ilíaca anterior. Seguimiento realizado durante 2 años. Resultados: A los dos años del control final, el 94,05% de todos los implantes colocados tras la intervención de elevación se presentan osteointegrados y cargados protésicamente. La cresta ilíaca anterior resulta ser la zona idónea para la extracción medular, necesaria para la elevación del seno. Las posibilidades de supervivencia del implante son realmente elevadas si se espera el tiempo clínico necesario para la recuperación y la integración del injerto. El éxito de todas las intervenciones de elevación del seno maxilar se debe a la adopción de la cirugía piezoeléctrica, que permite efectuar la incisión de entrada y realizar el desprendimiento de los tejidos con un traumatismo mínimo para la membrana de Schneider. La integridad de la membrana y la utilización de bone-chips de origen autólogo no ha hecho necesario recurrir a la utilización de membranas reabsorbibles, simplificando así el procedimiento quirúrgico. La utilización de la cresta ilíaca anterior como zona donante, permite disponer de abundante tejido óseo cortical, necesario para colocar los onlay y para reconstruir el defecto óseo. Introduction: Valutation of rehabilitated patients by sinus lift in upper jaw and by autologous bone graft from iliac crest. Materials and methods: Rehabilitation of 32 patients with severe atrophies of upper jaw and partial or total edentulism by positioning of mono- or bicortical onlay with piezosurgery to obtain a sinus lift mono- or bilateral by autologous bone grafts from anterior iliac crest. Results: 94.05% of successes after a two years follow-up. Conclusions: Respecting of timing surgery, a correct use of the piezosurgery technique and of the autologous bone graft from anterior iliac crest let a successful implantological rehabilitation. Moreover the iliac crest is a very good donor site of bone tissue for the management of severe atrophies in the upper jaw. An accidental laceration of Schneider's membrane was observed in filling phase in the 5.26% of cases

    A multi analytical characterization of a small bronze figurine from Gran Carro site (Bolsena Lake, Italy)

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    This paper presents the results of an archaeometric analysis carried out on an early Iron Age anthropomorphic figurine discovered in the area of the Gran Carro on Bolsena Lake (Latium, Italy) site, currently interpreted as a place of worship. This statuette is considered a unicum, both because of the context in which it was found and because of its stylistic characteristics similar to those of bronzes from the Nuragic civilization (Sardinia, Italy). Its discovery and the data obtained from this work provide further evidence in support of numerous previous studies suggesting the presence of trade and direct exchanges between Sardinia and southern Etruria. The research was performed through some non-destructive investigations such as Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) combined with Monte Carlo Simulation (MC) and micro-invasive investigations such as Scanning Electron Microscopy coupled by Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (SEM–EDS) and by Electron Probe Micro-Analysis (EPMA), metallography and lead isotope analyses (LIA), performed on a selected micro-fragment. The combination of non-destructive techniques (EDXRF-MCS) for the characterization of the artefact allowed us to obtain data similar to those obtained with micro-invasive surveys, further demonstrating the effectiveness of the method. The results indicate that the statuette is made of a bronze alloy and that the copper metal was extracted from Sardinian deposits

    Evans Syndrome: A case report

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    Evans syndrome, a combined clinical condition of autoimmune haemolytic anaemia (AHA) and idiopathic thrombocytopaenic purpura (ITP) and has non-specific pathogenesis. The clinical cases are extremely rare, since only 4% of AHA or ITP are incorporated with Evans. It is distinguished from differentials, such as lupus, IgA deficiency, and acquired immunodeficiency, by peripheral blood film, bone marrow, Coombs test, and coagulation profile. A case of adult female from Pabna, Bangladesh is documented in this report. She complained of high grade intermittent fever, exertional dyspnea, icteric skin and sclera. Other features included mild splenomegaly, dark urine, and profuse sweating after fever. Investigation reports were consistent with AHA and ITP, with normal coagulation and viral profile. However, the patient was treated with corticosteroids, platelet and blood transfusion. And in follow-up visits, there was a pattern of gradual decline in erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and reticulocyte count, with normalization of haemoglobin, red cell, and white cell count. No association with other diseases was found in this case. Bangladesh Med J. 2018 Jan; 47 (3): 37-4

    Experimental and theoretical evidence for the promotional effect of acid sites on the diffusion of alkenes through small‐pore zeolites

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    The diffusion of saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons is of fundamental importance for many zeolite-catalyzed processes. Transport of small alkenes in the confined zeolite pores can become hindered, resulting in a significant impact on the ultimate product selectivity and separation. Herein, intracrystalline light olefin/paraffin diffusion through the 8-ring windows of zeolite SAPO-34 is characterized by a complementary set of first-principle molecular dynamics simulations, PFG-NMR experiments, and pulse-response temporal analysis of products measurements, yielding information at different length and time scales. Our results clearly show a promotional effect of the presence of Bronsted acid sites on the diffusion rate of ethene and propene, whereas transport of alkanes is found to be insensitive to the presence of acid sites. The enhanced diffusivity of unsaturated hydrocarbons is ascribed to the formation of favorable pi-H interactions with acid protons, as confirmed by IR spectroscopy measurements. The acid site distribution is proven to be an important design parameter for optimizing product distributions and separations