254 research outputs found

    The algorithm of the electric stimulator VEB-1 software operation

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    This thesis demonstrates results of the electric stimulator VEB-1 software operation algorithm development. To increase the device efficiency, the algorithm is composed using the frequency beat method. Our software solutions allowed us to provide the needed precision to maintain the operating frequency of the electric current pulses that penetrate through the human body on the level not less than 0,001Hz. The software allows the operator to control the electrostimulation process through the screen, where all active processes are displayed

    Correlation investigation of the brightness of GDE-grams using the methods of computer graphics and direct measurements

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    There are two methods of measuring the glow of a liquid under the conditions of gas-discharge imaging. This is a investigation of the brightness of GD-grams - a digital image of streamers created under these conditions, and a direct measurement of brightness using a luminometer, which is carried out during the formation of a streamer during a gas discharge. In the first case, the digital image is analyzed using computer graphics methods and certain software. In the second, the results of direct measurement are analyzed. We have analyzed these two methods using the example of the glow of water under the conditions of gas-discharge visualization. It is shown that with direct measurements the brightness values ​​are higher than when investigating the brightness of a digital image of the same streamer obtained in the same time period. Namely 1.5 cd/m2 and 1.7 cd/m2. The difference is 13% and significantly exceeds the measurement error of the brightness meter (± 7%). According to the results of our research, we suggest that, at the very least, when calibrating the devices that create the GDV-grams, use direct measurements of the glow of the liquid in photometric units. For example, in brightness units

    Modelling Game as Socio-Psychological Paradigm for Resolving Ethno-National Conflicts

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    The aim of this study was: (a) to evaluate the effectiveness of training to improve the intercultural behaviour of students; (b) to study and enrich their personal experience of resolving interethnic and international conflicts; and (c) to identify factors that contribute to the effective development of relevant skills that ensure social self-efficacy, reduce social avoidance, increase empathy and intercultural tolerance. The study used general scientific theoretical, empirical, experimental and statistical methods. To diagnose the dynamics of the studied variables – social self-efficacy, social avoidance, empathy, intercultural tolerance – “Scale of social self-efficacy of Fan and Mak”, “Situational scale of social avoidance”; checklists “Interpersonal skills”; “Basic scale for the diagnosis of empathy in adults”; diagnosis of the level of formation of intercultural tolerance were used. At the experimental stage of the study, a series of training based on modelling games (simulations) to resolve ethno-national conflicts was conducted. At the end of the training, a repeated diagnostic section of the dynamics of the above-mentioned variables and a semi-structured interview was conducted, which included 5 open-ended questions. The multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) of these variables in comparison with EG and CG groups revealed significant dynamics in the variables “social self-efficacy”, “empathy”, “intercultural tolerance” and minor changes in the variable “social avoidance”. The dynamics of the EG index was more significant. Respondents also praised the types of work such as working in groups, the model of providing feedback during game situations and presentations of student projects. The results of this study confirmed that the model based on simulation games (simulations) for resolving ethno-national conflicts was effective in improving social self-efficacy, empathy and intercultural tolerance and in lowering psychological barriers (social avoidance) of EG participants compared to CG individuals. Participants reported that this type of training allowed them to develop skills for future professional activities in a multicultural (poly-ethnic or poly-national) community

    Оцінка дії хвороботворних факторів у пацієнтів із генералізованим пародонтитом

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    Summary. The basis of generalized periodontitis is an inflammatory-dystrophic process that occurs in the body under the influence of pathogenic factors. The human body is under the constant influence of various factors of external and internal nature that interact with each other, and the body's response to their effects can be varied. It is determined by a number of points, including the nature of the pathogenic factor. The aim of the study – to assess the influence of pathogenic factors on the state of periodontal tissues in patients with generalized periodontitis. Materials and Methods. To achieve this goal, a survey was conducted of 230 people aged 25 to 65 years, 204 of whom had clinical symptoms of chronic generalized periodontitis (CGP) (three experimental groups in accordance with I, II, III severity levels), 26 – a healthy periodontium (control group). Results and Discussion. To assess the impact of a number of pathogenic factors on the development of generalized periodontitis, we analyzed the relationships of the influence of possible pathogenic factors on periodontal tissues. The results of local examination (maxillofacial area) of patients with CGP and patients with healthy periodontal tissues indicate the presence of local effects of pathogenic factors on the development of chronic generalized periodontitis. A comprehensive examination of patients with generalized periodontitis and healthy gums allowed to systematize the effects and influence of local and general pathogenic factors, which depending on the state of adaptive capacity of the body can lead to the development and burden of pathological processes in periodontal tissues. Conclusions. For effective treatment of patients with CGP and achieving remission and long-term stabilization of the inflammatory-dystrophic process in periodontal tissues, a personalized approach is important, taking into account both local and general pathogenic factors and individual characteristics of the body.Резюме. В основе генерализованного пародонтита лежит воспалительно-дистрофический процесс, который возникает в организме под воздействием патогенных факторов. Организм человека находится под постоянным воздействием различных факторов внешней и внутренней природы, которые взаимодействуют между собой, а реакция организма на их воздействие может быть разнообразна. Определяется она рядом моментов, в том числе и природой патогенного фактора. Цель исследования – оценить влияния патогенных факторов на состояние тканей пародонта у пациентов с генерализованным пародонтитом. Материалы и методы. Для достижения поставленной цели проведено обследование 230 человек в возрасте от 25 до 65 лет, 204 из которых имели клинические симптомы хронического генерализованного пародонтита (ХГП) (три опытных группы в соответствии I, II, III ступеней тяжести), 26 – здоровый пародонт (контрольная группа). Результаты исследований и их обсуждение. Для оценки влияния ряда патогенных факторов на развитие генерализованного пародонтита нами был проведен анализ связей влияния возможных болезнетворных факторов на ткани пародонта. Выполненное комплексное обследование пациентов с генерализованным пародонтитом и здоровыми деснами позволило систематизировать последствия действия и влияние местных и общих патогенных факторов, в зависимости от состояния адаптационных возможностей организма могут привести к развитию и обременению патологического процесса в тканях пародонта. Выводы. Результаты проведенного местного обследования (челюстно-лицевой области) пациентов с ХГП и пациентов со здоровыми тканями пародонта свидетельствуют о наличии связей действия местных болезнетворных факторов на развитие хронического генерализованного пародонтита. Для эффективного лечения пациентов с ХГП и достижения ремиссии и долговременной стабилизации воспалительно-дистрофического процесса в тканях пародонта важен персонализированный подход с учетом как местных, так и общих болезнетворных факторов и индивидуальных особенностей организма.Резюме. В основі генералізованого пародонтиту лежить запально-дистрофічний процес, який виникає в організмі під впливом патогенних факторів. Організм людини перебуває під постійним впливом різноманітних чинників зовнішньої та внутрішньої природи, які взаємодіють між собою, а реакція організму на їх вплив може бути різноманітна. Визначається вона рядом моментів, у тому числі й природою патогенного фактора. Мета дослідження – оцінити вплив патогенних факторів на стан тканин пародонта у пацієнтів із генералізованим пародонтитом. Матеріали і методи. Для досягнення поставленої мети проведено обстеження 230 осіб віком від 25 до 65 років, 204 з яких мали клінічні симптоми хронічного генералізованого пародонтиту (ХГП) (три дослідні групи із I, II, III ступенями тяжкості), 26 – здоровий пародонт (контрольна група). Результати досліджень та їх обговорення. Для оцінки впливу ряду патогенних факторів на розвиток генералізованого пародонтиту ми провели аналіз зв’язків впливу можливих хвороботворних чинників на тканини пародонта. Виконане всебічне обстеження пацієнтів із генералізованим пародонтитом та здоровими яснами дозволило систематизувати наслідки дії та вплив місцевих і загальних патогенних чинників, які  залежно від стану адаптаційних можливостей організму можуть призвести до розвитку та обтяження патологічного процесу в тканинах пародонта. Висновки. Результати проведеного місцевого обстеження (щелепно-лицевої ділянки) пацієнтів із ХГП та осіб із здоровими тканинами пародонта свідчать про наявність зв’язків дії місцевих хвороботворних факторів на розвиток хронічного генералізованого пародонтиту. Для ефективного лікування пацієнтів із ХГП та досягнення ремісії і довготривалої стабілізації запально-дистрофічного процесу в тканинах пародонта важливим є персоналізований підхід із урахуванням як місцевих, так і загальних хвороботворних факторів та індивідуальних особливостей організму

    The study of the lifetime of ZnS-based luminescent films by using the devices of LMS series

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    The development of the device to measure the lifetime of ZnS luminescent films with different dopants has been presented. The devices have been designed to operate under semiautomatic ( LMS 01) and program mode (LMS 02) of measuring the parameters of films with setting the input ones. The data are transmitted to a computer and processed by a specialized program that, in its turn, controls the operation of the device, on the whole

    Dynamic Allostery in the Methionine Repressor Revealed by Force Distribution Analysis

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    Many fundamental cellular processes such as gene expression are tightly regulated by protein allostery. Allosteric signal propagation from the regulatory to the active site requires long-range communication, the molecular mechanism of which remains a matter of debate. A classical example for long-range allostery is the activation of the methionine repressor MetJ, a transcription factor. Binding of its co-repressor SAM increases its affinity for DNA several-fold, but has no visible conformational effect on its DNA binding interface. Our molecular dynamics simulations indicate correlated domain motions within MetJ, and quenching of these dynamics upon SAM binding entropically favors DNA binding. From monitoring conformational fluctuations alone, it is not obvious how the presence of SAM is communicated through the largely rigid core of MetJ and how SAM thereby is able to regulate MetJ dynamics. We here directly monitored the propagation of internal forces through the MetJ structure, instead of relying on conformational changes as conventionally done. Our force distribution analysis successfully revealed the molecular network for strain propagation, which connects collective domain motions through the protein core. Parts of the network are directly affected by SAM binding, giving rise to the observed quenching of fluctuations. Our results are in good agreement with experimental data. The force distribution analysis suggests itself as a valuable tool to gain insight into the molecular function of a whole class of allosteric proteins

    Structure-Based Predictive Models for Allosteric Hot Spots

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    In allostery, a binding event at one site in a protein modulates the behavior of a distant site. Identifying residues that relay the signal between sites remains a challenge. We have developed predictive models using support-vector machines, a widely used machine-learning method. The training data set consisted of residues classified as either hotspots or non-hotspots based on experimental characterization of point mutations from a diverse set of allosteric proteins. Each residue had an associated set of calculated features. Two sets of features were used, one consisting of dynamical, structural, network, and informatic measures, and another of structural measures defined by Daily and Gray [1]. The resulting models performed well on an independent data set consisting of hotspots and non-hotspots from five allosteric proteins. For the independent data set, our top 10 models using Feature Set 1 recalled 68–81% of known hotspots, and among total hotspot predictions, 58–67% were actual hotspots. Hence, these models have precision P = 58–67% and recall R = 68–81%. The corresponding models for Feature Set 2 had P = 55–59% and R = 81–92%. We combined the features from each set that produced models with optimal predictive performance. The top 10 models using this hybrid feature set had R = 73–81% and P = 64–71%, the best overall performance of any of the sets of models. Our methods identified hotspots in structural regions of known allosteric significance. Moreover, our predicted hotspots form a network of contiguous residues in the interior of the structures, in agreement with previous work. In conclusion, we have developed models that discriminate between known allosteric hotspots and non-hotspots with high accuracy and sensitivity. Moreover, the pattern of predicted hotspots corresponds to known functional motifs implicated in allostery, and is consistent with previous work describing sparse networks of allosterically important residues