3,904 research outputs found

     BRICS influence on global capitalist economy

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    The paper surveys the BRICS’ performance in the world during the last fifteen years. It analyses the economic environment as well as the possibility of rising of a possible new “global power”. The paper presents the statistical data on economic growth, international trade, population and currency reserves of the BRICS countrie

    Mathematical modeling of three-layer beam hydroelastic oscillations

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    The problem of hydroelastic oscillations of three-layer beam interacting with viscous liquid layer is set up and analytically solved. The problem presents the equation system of a three-layer beam and Navier-Stokes equations. The following boundary conditions are chosen: the no-slip conditions, the conditions for pressure at the edges, the simply supported edges conditions. The problem is solved for the steady-state harmonic regime. The frequency dependent distribution functions of the beam deflection are constructed. The given function allows investigating the resonance hydroelastic oscillations of a three-layer beam, as well as its deflected mode

    Priority areas of development of resources of hydrocarbons of Hlynskyi and Solokhivskyi oil and gas region of Dnipro and Donetsk basin

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    The resource potential of the Hlynsko-Solokhivskyi oil and gas region, selected area of oil and gas accumulation (OGA) was described. By means of graphical analysis the extent of the area resource potential development and selected areas of OGA was defined. The analysis of non-discovered resources (including localized) in areas, promising and producing complexes and deeps was made. The most promising areas were determined. The appropriate recommendations on further geology exploration for the purpose of improving the efficiency on oil and gas were given

    La vida en la realidad híbrida: problemas de psicología y derecho

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    In this article, authors suggest considering features of hybrid reality, both in psychology and in law. Authors investigate the opportunities and dangers of the virtual world. Reveal the main psychological aspects provoking the person to plunge into Internet space. Also in article the main tendencies and the directions of transformation of the modern legislation connected with need to provide a condition of information security for the individual, societies, and the states, in general, are shown, difficulties of implementation of legal regulation and administrative control in digital space are analyzed, and the appeal of the virtual world to inhabitants, including, and in connection with his weak accountability from is at the same time proved out of.En este artículo, los autores sugieren considerar las características de la realidad híbrida, tanto en psicología como en derecho. Los autores investigan las oportunidades y los peligros del mundo virtual. Revele los principales aspectos psicológicos que provocan que la persona se sumerja en el espacio de Internet. También en el artículo se muestran las principales tendencias y las direcciones de transformación de la legislación moderna relacionada con la necesidad de proporcionar una condición de seguridad de la información para el individuo, las sociedades y los estados, en general, las dificultades de implementación de la regulación legal y el control administrativo en el espacio digital se analizan, y el atractivo del mundo virtual para los habitantes, incluidos, y en relación con su débil rendición de cuentas, se demuestra al mismo tiempo

    Contradicción entre la ley y las subreglas con consideración psicológica

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    In this article authors suggest to consider features of hybrid reality, both in psychology, and in law. Authors investigate opportunities and dangers of the virtual world. Reveal the main psychological aspects provoking the person to plunge into Internet space. Also in article the main tendencies and the directions of transformation of the modern legislation connected with need to provide a condition of information security for the individual, societies, and the states in general are shown, difficulties of implementation of legal regulation and administrative control in digital space are analyzed, and the appeal of the virtual world to inhabitants, including, and in connection with his weak accountability from is at the same time proved out of.En este artículo, los autores sugieren considerar las características de la realidad híbrida, tanto en psicología como en derecho. Los autores investigan las oportunidades y los peligros del mundo virtual. Revele los principales aspectos psicológicos que provocan que la persona se sumerja en elespacio de Internet. También en el artículo se muestran las principales tendencias y las direcciones de transformación de la legislación moderna relacionada con la necesidad de proporcionar una condición de seguridad de la información para el individuo, las sociedades y los estados en general, las dificultades de implementación de la regulación legal y el control administrativo en digital se analizan los espacios, y se demuestra al mismo tiempo el atractivo del mundo virtual para los habitantes, incluidos y en relación con su débil rendición de cuentas


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    Variability of economic and political conditions in Ukraine put forward new requirements for assessing the development of the insurance market, the state of which has a significant impact on the activities of economic relations and the state as a whole. Building an adequate model for assessing the insurance market and its practical use may affect the timely adoption of managerial decisions and the development of measures to improve the insurance market functioning. This is confirmed by a large number of scientific studies in the economic literature on the analytical component of the insurance market management, as well as the fact that a timely and objective comprehensive analysis is an integral part of the adoption of effective managerial decisions.In view of this, trends of the insurance market in Ukraine in difficult geopolitical and economic conditions, which are characterized by the influence of variables of the unstable economic environment, are outlined. Linear multifactorial models, which give an opportunity to assess the influence of factors on the dynamics of changes in the volume of insurance premiums and insurance payments in the market, are constructed. An estimation of the influence of each of the selected factors is carried out and based on the conducted factor analysis, a significant impact on their volume of indicators of the number of insurance companies, GDP per capita and exchange rate, is performed. Alongside with this, trend lines are constructed and forecast values of gross insurance premiums and payments are determined. Based on the conducted analysis, ways of activating the development of the market as an important subject of the country's financial and credit system are proposed.Another significant result of the research is the formation of an indicative model-scheme of the comprehensive assessment of the determinants of the insurance market development. The developed model contains a clear list and sequence of stages of the insurance market analysis and a specific methodology for assessing the impact of key factors, characteristic for changing conditions of management, on the efficiency of its functioning. Practical application allows to take into consideration the influence of individual determinants of the insurance market development on its condition, to increase the efficiency of managerial decisions in this area.Проанализированы тенденции развития страхового рынка в Украине в сложных геополитических и экономических условиях. Построено эконометрические модели, позволяющие оценить влияние факторов на динамику изменения объемов страховых премий и страховых выплат на рынке. Проведена оценка влияния каждого из выбранных факторов и на основе проведенного факторного анализа определено значительное влияние на их объем показателей количества страховых компаний, ВВП на душу населения и валютного курса. Наряду с этим построены линии тренда и определены прогнозные значения валовых страховых премий и выплат, сформирована ориентировочная модель-схема комплексной оценки детерминант развития страхового рынка. На основе проведенного анализа предложены пути активизации развития рынка как важного субъекта финансово-кредитной системы страны.Мінливість економічних та політичних умов господарювання в Україні висувають нові вимоги до оцінки розвитку страхового ринку, стан якого справляє значний вплив на діяльність суб’єктів економічних відносин та держави в цілому. Побудова адекватної моделі оцінки страхового ринку та практичне її використання може вплинути на своєчасне прийняття управлінських рішень та розробку заходів підвищення ефективності функціонування страхового ринку. Це підтверджує значна кількість наукових досліджень в економічній літературі щодо аналітичної складової управління страховим ринком, а також те, що своєчасний та об’єктивний комплексний аналіз – невід’ємна складова прийняття ефективних управлінських рішень.З огляду на це, в статті проаналізовано тенденції розвитку страхового ринку в Україні у складних геополітичних та економічних умовах, що характеризуються впливом змінних чинників нестабільного економічного середовища. Побудовано лінійні багатофакторні моделі, які дають можливість оцінити вплив факторів на динаміку зміни обсягів страхових премій та страхових виплат на ринку. Проведено  оцінку впливу кожного з обраних факторів та на основі проведеного факторного аналізу визначено значний вплив на їх обсяг показників кількості страхових компаній, ВВП на душу населення та валютного курсу. Поряд з цим побудовано лінії тренду та визначено прогнозні значення валових страхових премій та виплат. На основі проведеного аналізу запропоновано шляхи активізації розвитку ринку як важливого суб’єкта фінансово – кредитної системи країни.Ще одним значним результатом наукового дослідження стало формування орієнтовної моделі-схеми комплексної оцінки детермінантів розвитку страхового ринку. Розроблена модель містить чіткий перелік та послідовність етапів проведення аналізу ринку страхування та конкретну методику оцінки впливу ключових факторів, характерних для мінливих умов господарювання, на ефективність його функціонування. Практичне застосування дозволяє врахувати вплив окремих детермінантів розвитку страхового ринку на його стан, підвищити ефективність управлінських рішень в даній сфері

    Contradiction Between Law and Sub-Rules With Psychological Consideration

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    In this article authors suggest to consider features of hybrid reality, both in psychology, and in law. Authors investigate opportunities and dangers of the virtual world. Reveal the main psychological aspects provoking the person to plunge into Internet space. Also in article the main tendencies and the directions of transformation of the modern legislation connected with need to provide a condition of information security for the individual, societies, and the states in general are shown, difficulties of implementation of legal regulation and administrative control in digital space are analyzed, and the appeal of the virtual world to inhabitants, including, and in connection with his weak accountability from is at the same time proved out of

    Leadership potential of professional teacher associations in Russia: Formation of middle leaders

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    This research study is aimed at investigating distributed leadership practices in the Russian school system, of which professional teacher associations (PTA) constitute a distinct feature. In particular, we set out to investigate the PTA leadership potential, as well as the role and specific personal characteristics of middle leaders in the Russian school education system. These associations are formed by the school administration on the basis of subject areas, bringing together teachers of maths, history, etc. Teachers join PTAs on a voluntarily basis. The key function of such organisations consists in the implementation of innovative educational approaches and techniques. In order to analyse their leadership potential, we carried out a sociological survey among the employees of high-profile secondary schools (gymnasiums and lyceums) situated in the major Russian city of Ekaterinburg. The research methodology comprised structured interviews with 110 respondents, along with in-depth interviews with 2 school directors, 4 school deputy directors and 6 heads of professional teacher associations. Our results show that the fundamentals and principles of distributed leadership are actively implemented in Ekaterinburg schools. The school administrations encourage the creation of professional teacher associations grouped around subject areas, delegating to these structural units the functions of improving the quality of teaching the respective subjects and disseminating educational innovations, at the same time as fulfilling the requirements of the state and regional education authorities. Such associations are headed by middle leaders, who are nominated by their colleagues and whose candidacy is approved by school seniors, taking into account their professional achievements, experience of leading pedagogical innovations and the presence of the right personal qualities necessary for productive collaborative work. These people perform the role of mediators, operating at the interface between various levels within the school. Although viewed as a school’s personnel reserve for the positions of principals and head teachers, our respondents consider themselves to be ‘more teachers’ or ‘innovators in education’ than administrators. The development of the leadership qualities of such professionals in the Russian school system is shown to be hindered by a ‘glass ceiling’ – a certain limit in their career growth. This discouraging factor results in some middle school leaders searching for professional self-realization opportunities outside the school system, in the spheres of business, science or culture that are believed to provide more opportunities for self-advancement. © 2019 National Research University Higher School of Economics. All rights reserved