23 research outputs found

    Control of key maritime straits - China’s global strategic objective

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    On the 28th of March 2015 the Chinese government published "Vision and Actions on Jointly Building the New Silk Road, The Economic and 21st - Century Maritime Silk Road"2. This document signifies China's decision to become a global hegemon. With its issue this Chinese African - Eurasian "silk bridge" strategy redirected geopolitical analysts’ attention away from another Beijing's strategic objective: control of key maritime straits, especially those featuring "maritime chokepoints", where concentrations of commercial and military naval routes flow. Which are the main maritime straits covered by the Chinese "offensive"? What are the geostrategic implications of this approach?peer-reviewe

    The theory of the global domination - Russian geo-strategy conceptual framework on the Black Sea Region

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    Russian geo-political maneuverings over the past decade can be explained in the context of the global domination theory, also known as the pivot theory. Once the pivot theory is understood then strategies, tactics, and other actions being as wide as possible can be predicted. What are the fundamental concepts of the pivot zone theory that marked out the strategic thinking of the last 100 years? What are the origins of Eurasian-ism and of neo-Eurasian-ism? Which are the current geostrategic directions of the Russian Federation? Which are the tactics applied by the Kremlin? Those are some of the questions analyzed in this article.peer-reviewe

    Russia’s strategy in sub-Saharan security in the wake of the Ukraine crisis

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    Stung by the West’s economic sanctions because of its role played in triggering and maintaining the present crisis in Ukraine, the Russian Federation is looking for solutions to help maintain its energy dominance of Europe and extend its economic, military, political and diplomatic strength. In this context, Africa’s resources, upon which the international economic system depends, are in play. How will the West counteract Russia’s increasingly aggressive penetration in Sub-Saharan countries which were traditionally in the West’s sphere of influence? How will China react? Are we going to witness an understanding between the BRICS and the West relating to a new division of Africa? Will there be new conflicts?peer-reviewe

    Considerații privind educația și formarea analiștilor de intelligence într-o lume în continuă schimbare

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    În prezent, în România, ca și în toate celelalte state euro-atlantice și în cadrul organizațiilor internaționale din care facem parte (NATO de exemplu), există o cerere puternică de analiști de informații „bine pregătiți”. Pentru a funcționa într-un mod eficient, structurile de informații au nevoie de analiști de informații eficienți, sau cu alte cuvinte, de analiști de informații bine pregătiți. Acesta este cazul comunității noastre naționale de informații, precum și al componentelor și structurilor sale. Necesitatea și importanța proiectului este în consecință înrădăcinată în nevoia de analiști bine pregătiți și în misiunea lor centrală în domeniul informațiilor, și anume crearea de produse (informații de securitate) care să poată prezenta o înțelegere corectă și exactă a diferitelor procese, evenimente. și fenomene pentru factorii de decizie. Selecția celor vizați pentru a fi pregătiți necesită alcătuirea inițială a profilului unui analist de informații, selecția însăși necesitând orientarea către un profil psihologic compatibil cu misiunea pe care acesta va trebui să o îndeplinească și care posedă un nivel minim de analitică. abilitățile necesare, celelalte aspecte referitoare la instruirea analistului vor fi implementate într-un program numit pentru educația și formarea analiștilor de informații

    Considerații privind educația și formarea analiștilor de intelligence într-o lume în continuă schimbare

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    Currently, in Romania, as in all other Euro-Atlantic states and within the international organizations we are part of (NATO for example), there is a strong demand for "well-trained" intelligence analysts. To function effectively, intelligence structures need effective intelligence analysts, or in other words, well-trained intelligence analysts. This is the case with our national intelligence community and its components and structures. The need and importance of the project is consequently rooted in the need for well-trained analysts and their central mission in the field of information, namely the creation of products (security information) that can present a correct and accurate understanding of various processes, events. and phenomena for decision makers. The selection of those targeted to be trained requires the initial composition of the profile of an intelligence analyst, the selection itself requiring the orientation towards a psychological profile compatible with the mission that he will have to fulfill and which possesses a minimum level of analytics. required skills, the other aspects of analyst training will be implemented in a program called for the education and training of information analysts

    Orbital complications of acute rhinosinusitis

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    Introduction. Rhinosinusitis is the infection and inflammation of at least one of the 4 paranasal sinuses (frontal, maxillary, ethmoid and sphenoid). Their correct diagnosis is generally determined by examining the patient clinically and by rhinosinusal endoscopic examination. There are also cases that show complications or continued evolution despite the correct treatment, and then we will use some imaging investigations to find out more about affection(radiography of anterior sinuses of the face, sinus computerized tomography, sinus magnetic resonance imaging). In particular, acute rhinosinusitis should be carefully managed to avoid complications such as the local ones: orbital cellulitis, orbital abscess, osteomyelitis, cavernous sinus thrombosis; and intracranial complications: meningitis, epidural abscess, subdural abscess, cerebral abscess.Materials and methods. There will be presented all orbital complications according to the cases treated in the ENT Clinic of the Coltea Clinical Hospital.Conclusions. Diagnosis of rhinosinusitis is largely clinical and endoscopic.When complications of the condition arise, these should be investigated imagistically to determine their exact extent and to institute the correct treatment as soon as possible. The complications of rhinosinusitis are medical and surgical life-threatening emergencies, which is why in order to diagnose and correct and quickly institute therapy requires a multidisciplinary approach

    Pharyngocutaneous Fistulas Following Total Laryngectomy

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    Total laryngectomy is still the final therapeutic solution in cases of locally advanced laryngeal cancer, as well as in cases of therapeutic failure of organ-sparing surgery or radiation therapy. Following excision of the larynx, the remaining pharynx is reconstructed to obtain continuity of the upper digestive tract. One of the most common complications in these patients, despite constant refinement of the procedure, is the development of a pharyngo-cutaneous fistula. These fistulas prolong hospital stay and often require a second surgical procedure, increasing morbidity and cost for the patient, while diminishing his quality of life. Some risk-factors have been identified, but only some may be corrected before surgery to lower this risk. Managing the fistula once present depends on multiple factors, essential being the size of the fistula as well as the position and concomitant factors, with options ranging from conservative measures to aggressive reconstructive surgery with local miocutaneous flaps. Modern vocal rehabilitation with T.E.P. (tracheo-esophageal puncture) and vocal prosthesis placement presents a new challenge – because of the risk of developing a tracheo-esophageal fistula, with an even higher risk for the patient because of tracheal aspiration. Understanding healing mechanisms of these structures is key to proper management of this complication

    Pharynx Reconstruction and Quality of Life

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    Patients who are diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma of the pharynx have a first delayed presentation, with advanced stages of the disease. Therefore, they frequently require a multimodal approach—by surgery, radio, and chemotherapy. Due to anatomic spatial limits and particularities, therapy can imply large organ resection with difficulties in reconstruction. Nowadays, there is a paradigm shift in the management of this pathology, with significant first referral to oncology departments and initiation as the first line of treatment of radio/radio-chemotherapy. As a consequence, salvage surgery may be mandatory in some selected cases. The proposed chapter will address the oncological particularities of the pharynx, with a focus on the oro- and hypopharynx, ways of reconstruction after oncological ablative surgery of these segments, and impact on quality of life (QoL) index. Speech, respiratory, and deglutition rehabilitation of these patients is essential and will be a distinct topic. This paper will have the structure of a literature review with clinical examples of reconstruction from ENT and Head and Neck Surgery Department of Coltea Clinical Hospital, Bucharest. Reconstruction methods used in our clinic are regional flaps and biocompatible prostheses in advanced stages. QoL index in our clinic is assessed with questionnaires developed by the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer – EORTC QLQ C30

    International Academic Conference Central and Eastern Europe in the International Politics of the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries 7–8 November 2022, Kraków

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    Słowo wstępne: "Oddajemy w Państwa ręce księgę abstraktów międzynarodowej konferencji naukowej „Europa Środkowo-Wschodnia w polityce międzynarodowej XX i XXI wieku”, która w dniach 7–8 listopada 2022 r. gromadzi w murach Krakowskiej Akademii im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego doświadczonych badawczy, doktorantów i studentów z Polski i zagranicy. Konferencja została zorganizowana przez Katedrę Stosunków Międzynarodowych Krakowskiej Akademii im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego we współpracy z Instytutem Historii i Archiwistyki Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego im. KEN w Krakowie (współorganizator). Partnerami naukowymi są Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego (organizator pierwszej części konferencji, przeprowadzonej w dniu 26 maja 2022 r.), Katedra Badań nad Obszarem Eurazjatyckim Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego w Krakowie oraz Instytut Zachodni im. Zygmunta Wojciechowskiego. Celem konferencji jest wniesienie wkładu w dyskusję naukową o historycznych doświadczeniach państw Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej oraz współczesnych wyzwaniach i zagrożeniach, z którymi są konfrontowane rządy i społeczeństwa państw tego regionu."(...)Patronat honorowy Prof. KAAFM dr Klemens Budzowski – Rektor Krakowskiej Akademii im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego Oddział Krakowski Polskiego Towarzystwa Studiów Europejskic